God Card

Chapter 7 007: Guess

"Master: Tang Jian.

Possess card ability: 【5/32】+

Possess spirit: [2/4]+

Physique: [6.2]+

Special effect function: 1.? ? ? (???)

2. Dreamland. (???)

Current energy: [0]+”

Seeing the attribute panel that appeared in front of him, Tang Jian could accept it calmly now, and during the day, he occasionally experimented in front of people more than once.

In the end, when the attribute panel appeared in his eyes, no one could see it except himself.

And now, because of practicing the "Three Points and One Line Jue", Tang Jian's card power has also increased a little, and now it has reached 32 points.

The increase in card energy also caused a slight change in his physique, and he felt more energetic, so his physique also increased by 0.1, reaching 6.2.

"I'm consuming a lot of card energy now. If I use the energy in this energy card at this time, then my card energy will instantly recover to 32 points. It is very likely that the card energy will increase again. Do you want it?" try?"

Tang Jian hesitated.

The white quality one-star energy card he made is definitely 100-point energy that meets the best standard.

Theoretically speaking, after 100 points of energy were absorbed by the red card in his brain yesterday, about 16 points of energy should be replenished to restore the energy of the cards he consumed at that time, and the remaining 84 points of energy should increase his card by 1 point. Can, making his total card power reach 31 points at that time.

Then reasoning normally, if the energy in the energy card does not produce dissipated consumption during the absorption process, that is to say, every 84 points of energy can increase his card energy by a little.

But now, he only has 5 points of card power left, and he needs 27 points of card power to fully recover.

"If at this time, I charge 100 points of energy in this energy card into my body, 27 points of which are used to restore the consumed energy of the card, and the remaining 73 points are not enough to satisfy 84 points of energy, is it just Can't increase the upper limit of my card?"

Tang Jian secretly speculated.

This kind of thing is not absolute, it needs to go through many experiments.

Tang Jian was very decisive, and immediately concentrated his thoughts on the last line of the attribute panel "current energy: [0]+".

He focused on pressing the "+" sign.

Immediately, I saw the "+" sign sinking slightly.

Immediately, the energy card touched by his fingers reacted instantly, and the energy in it fluctuated violently, and was emptied in an instant.

at the same time.

Tang Jian felt a wave of energy rushing from his fingers into his body, and then rushed to his brain in an instant, and disappeared in an instant.

The next moment, Tang Jian saw that the attribute data in front of him had changed.

"Current energy: [100]+"

"666" A smile appeared in the corner of Tang Jian's eyes.

The next step is to plan for the next step.

Consume current energy to see if you can reproduce yesterday's scene.

Tang Jian has already made a plan.

Even if the current energy can't increase his card energy by another 1 point, it will restore the card energy he just consumed.

In this way, after his card can be restored, he can continue to make white board one-star energy cards.

However, there is one point that cannot be ignored.

That is, his current mental strength is very weak.

Making a one-star energy card not only consumes the energy of the card, but also consumes his spiritual power.

It's like doing one thing for a long time, and there will always be mental fatigue.

With his only 2 points of mental power left now.

At most one star energy card can be made.

Therefore, even if the next energy card can still be used to continue to restore his card energy, but after mental fatigue, he cannot continue to make it.

However, Tang Jian has also noticed that there is also a "+" sign behind the spiritual power.

Perhaps, by expending energy, he could also increase his mental strength.

I haven't tried this yet, so it's hard to say.

Judging by common sense, spiritual power can only be cultivated after reaching the level of a card master.

Moreover, this kind of power is extremely difficult to cultivate, even more difficult than Ka Neng, without the assistance of special methods and medicines.

Therefore, even if 100 points of energy are consumed, it may not be possible to enhance his spiritual power.

Conditions are limited.

Tang Jian first tried to continue to enhance the card power.

He concentrated his consciousness on the "+" sign after the attribute of Kaneng.

Chi -

Tang Jian felt his heart beating violently, the blood flow in his body accelerated, and a burst of energy burst out from his brain, and then quickly filled his body, fused with the energy in his body, and even faintly strengthened.

But soon.

The brain no longer transmits a trace of energy.

However, Tang Jian already felt that his physical energy was abundant, a wave of Qi was flowing in his body, and Ka Neng had returned to his peak state, and even his limbs were still slightly sore, as if he hadn't exercised for a long time, and suddenly after exercising, some muscles on his body would be affected sore.

Tang Jian's eyes showed a trace of disappointment.

Because on the attribute panel in front of him, the attribute of card energy has not been improved except that it has been restored to its original state.

"Card Energy: [32/32]+"

"I faintly feel that it is a little stronger? This should not be an illusion, otherwise my body would not feel some soreness. This means that the card can increase, but my body has not yet adapted."

The energy comes from the human body, the stronger the physical fitness of a person, the more energy can be condensed in the body.

Ka energy can be regarded as the unity of essence, qi and blood, a kind of mysterious human energy.

Generally, people with extremely weak physical fitness cannot have extremely strong card energy, which is simply unreasonable.

But now that Tang Jian has this kind of cheating device, it is possible to reach this unreasonable state.

But since it is unreasonable, once the card in the body can exceed the limit that the body can bear, the end will be that the whole person will explode and die.

"Although the upper limit of my current card energy has not been increased, I can faintly detect the extremely weak enhancement, so it proves that after 100 points of energy replenish my own card energy, the remaining 73 points are not enough for me to continue. Increase the card power a little."

"Either you need 84 points of energy to upgrade, or you need 100 points of energy to upgrade."

Normally, it should be 100 points of energy to increase the upper limit of card energy.

The reason why he only needed 84 points of energy to increase his card energy limit by 1 point after supplementing his card energy consumption yesterday is most likely because of his own aptitude potential, which made the card energy show a very weak increase. Make up for the vacancy of the 16 points of energy.

But it's useless to rely on guesswork in this kind of thing.

He tried to practice for a while later at night, and if he quickly increased his card power by 1 point, it would prove that his guess was correct. His card power had indeed increased, but he still lacked the strength to improve.

Tang Jian drew out another white card, his expression lost in memory.

Because the appearance of Xie Dong aroused Tang Jian's vigilance, he did not plan to make a whiteboard one-star energy card next, but wanted to make a lowest-level mechanical card.

Whiteboard One-Star Mechanical Card—Sleeve Arrow!

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