God is Coming

Chapter 151 Boiling

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In the communication channel, suddenly there was an increasingly obvious sound of breathing, which was particularly abrupt in the silence before the battle.

Chu Jungui immediately recognized the voice owner, connected Lin Xi, and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Only then did Lin Xi realize that she was still on the public channel in order to order. She quickly turned off the public channel and replied, "It's nothing, I'm a little nervous."

"You've been beaten so many times, are you still nervous?" The test subject's voice was relaxed, trying to comfort him.

"No, I'm afraid they won't come suddenly."

"..." The three major components didn't know how to answer.

The herd was like a tide, advancing slowly, and soon reached the first cordon. Warning flares were launched one after another. However, the beast tide has advanced to this extent, and there is no need to be vigilant.

The appearance of the signal flare stimulated the herd of beasts, and after the commotion, the herd of beasts significantly accelerated their advance.

Chu Jungui stood on the top floor of the base, watching the beast tide from afar. At this time, the beast horde has shown its full picture, more than 10,000 war beasts of various types merged into a tide line, rolling in. The magnitude of this offensive has surpassed twice that of the largest beast horde in the past!

Above the beast tide, several messengers flew back and forth, screaming to control the rhythm of the beast tide and maintain the integrity of the formation. Otherwise, the violent beasts would have swarmed up and rushed to the base.

A disciplined herd of beasts is far more terrifying than a chaotic herd of beasts. Several messengers stared at the No. 2 base not far away, and their calls became more and more sharp.

Finally, with a sharp scream, the whole herd began to boil, and they all rushed to the No. 2 base!

At this time, countless weapon stations on base No. 2 opened fire at the same time, and the powerful bullets from the mechanical keyboard smashed into the middle of the beast horde, accurately falling into the thornback herd, and exploded into pieces, forming a death zone.

Before the smoke of the explosion dissipated, a swarm of living missiles appeared in the sky, quickly approaching, and in a blink of an eye, they crossed the beast horde and reached the sky above the base.

At this time, there are already more than one hundred anti-aircraft towers in base 2 pointing their guns at the sky. When the distance from the base was 3,000 meters, all the anti-aircraft towers fired at the same time, almost without missing a shot, destroying nearly half of the missiles in an instant. Many of the missiles that were hit exploded directly, and the violent airflow lifted the intact missiles flying around.

While the surviving living missiles were busy rewriting their flight trajectories, the anti-aircraft towers continued to roar, knocking them all down.

At this time, most anti-aircraft towers are dual-mounted systems, but instead of firing at the same time, they fire in turn to solve the problem of slow fire rate.

After destroying all the missiles, the vanguard of the beast tide had rushed to the outermost edge of the defense line, the deep ditch dug by Lin Xi while digging.

A sharp alloy wire mesh stood on the outer edge of the deep ditch, which was fixed with steel pillars every few meters. This is a simple and effective trap for delaying the alien beasts. Originally, Lin Xi expected the alien beasts to stop. However, the alien beasts at the front jumped up one after another, and even jumped directly over the alloy wire mesh!

They jumped far higher than the previous beasts, so the three-meter-high alloy wire mesh was completely unstoppable.

Fortunately, the sight of the strange beasts behind was blocked, some jumped up, and some hit the net headfirst. Although the first batch of strange beasts jumped over the outer net, they suddenly discovered that there was also a layer of alloy wire mesh on the other side of the ditch, so they bumped into the net and were bounced back into the ditch.

The ditch was three meters deep, and this height was nothing to a strange beast that could borrow its strength. However, they landed on the bottom of the ditch, and just as they were about to exert their strength, they exploded under their feet, and a puff of extremely sharp metal fragments spewed out from the ground, instantly cutting the beast into blood.

The landmines were rather sparse, and the fan-shaped blow surface was very wide. Most of the beasts were injured and survived, but their mobility was greatly affected, and many of them could not climb out of the deep ditch.

In the blink of an eye, another batch of strange beasts fell into the deep ditch, triggering a batch of landmines again. Lin Xi's landmines were laid out very cleverly, and a batch of them would be triggered every once in a while, ensuring the continuity of the attack.

Batches of alien beasts fell into the deep ditch, and the inner and outer layers of alloy wire mesh were finally pushed down by the alien beasts. The alien beasts in the rear jumped over the deep ditch and charged towards the base.

Between the deep ditch and the base, there is a wide field of vision, with alloy wire mesh dotted on the ground. When the speed of the alien beast group was slowed down again, the weapon towers at the base were finally fully fired!

In an instant, the entire base seemed to be on fire!

This time the group of beasts finally realized the power of the complete fifth-generation mechanical keyboard, and there are more than 600 large and small weapon stations in the No. 2 base!

The number of beast hordes has doubled, and the firepower of base 2 has tripled!

Chu Jungui alone controls more than 200 weapon stations, and each soldier controls 2-5 weapon stations, all of a sudden, the terrifying firepower is constantly sweeping away the slowing beast tide, and the beasts Put it down in pieces.

The spinyback crossed the deep ditch and began to attack a thousand meters away. However, the No. 2 base is close to being fully equipped with weapon stations. All soldiers are hiding in the bunkers and killing the enemy by manipulating the weapon stations, so the spinyback attack has no effect. Perhaps the only function is to prevent people from walking on the surface of the base.

A large group of giant rhinoceros began to charge, but their speed was still slow. Rose leaned on the top of the base, and started to kill the giant rhinoceros one shot at a time with her sniper rifle. She is also using the fifth-generation mechanical keyboard now, but it is one size smaller than the one used by Chu Jungui. After getting used to it, you can basically kill the giant rhinoceros with one shot. It is very strong, and one more shot is enough.

In the scope, the giant rhinoceros fell one by one, and Rose took advantage of the opportunity to lock on a guy who seemed to be one size smaller than the other giant rhinoceros.

She instantly locked the eyes of this giant rhinoceros, and fired a single shot. This part is a very thick place in the skull, but as long as it is penetrated, it can be shot through the brain. The sniper rifle in Rose's hand was powerful enough to penetrate the skull of an adult giant rhinoceros.

One shot passed, and the gigantic rhinoceros, which was one size smaller, wobbled, and there was a small dent on its forehead, which turned out to be only a flesh wound!

Rose was very calm, and shot again, hitting the giant rhinoceros' wound squarely. However, she saw clearly this time, the bullet hit the skull of the giant rhinoceros, unexpectedly only made a shallow crater, and then was bounced away!

Rose fired three shots in a row, and the bullets flew off one by one, and the shallow pit was only more than ten centimeters by visual inspection, and it was unknown how long it would be before it was pierced.

The small giant rhinoceros was hit repeatedly, and finally furious, lowered its head and rushed to the base. As soon as it ran vigorously, its speed was much faster than other giant rhinoceros, and it rushed to a place less than 100 meters away from the base in a blink of an eye.

Rose finally got a little panicked, and hurriedly called out: "Mr. Chu is back!"

Several anti-aircraft weapon stations had already aimed at this strange giant rhinoceros, and fired more than a dozen guns on its head. However, the giant rhinoceros was still alive, shook its head, and continued to charge.

Chu Jungui grabbed the gun at hand, held his breath, took aim, and shot it in the eye.

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