God Rank Hero

Chapter 2005: Let's build together

Lilith's red mist wrapped the Time Traveler spacecraft, and then a faintly blurred female image appeared in the cabin, and the voice was also vague: "I'm Lilith. You successfully attracted my attention. Say, you What do you want to do? "

amount! Is this Lilith? In her state of residual power like Tifeng sneaking out, Da Fei suddenly felt that this was another pit. So Da Fei talked about the mission of God to rescue the city of punishment, and then invited her to join.

Lilith laughed in surprise: "Do you think this is possible?"

Da Fei also laughed: "Many angels also think I can't even see you."

Lilith chuckled: "You have also seen me, what can I help you with?"

Sure enough! Dafei lamented: "I can help you first. As for you, it's best to cooperate with it. Serve the sentence in the place of exile. Don't waste your energy doing things there, and don't let your daughter Hildalim be embarrassed. "

Lilith laughed: "I can face you like I am now, how do you make me strong?"

Dafei also laughed: "What do you say, we will help you do it."

Lilith taunted, "So what do you understand? What use do you have?"

Da Fei was helpless: "I have a lot of things that I don't understand as young, don't you have a lot of things? Why is he still looking for you?"

Lilith laughed: "It seems that this is the basis of our mutual use? OK, my current state is a ray of remnant soul, I need a body now, I see there is a void master on your ship, its The fertility is very suitable for me, I will occupy it first, and then you will take me to collect energy in this void mining and killing, how? "

This routine is simple! Dafei laughed: "No problem, it's just difficult to occupy a Void Lord?"

After all, the old captain just tossed to death and lived before occupying the Anemone King. Although Lilith was powerful, she was a lingering soul after all.

Lilith smirked in surprise: "Really? Women do not need to use power to conquer the most powerful men, even the most powerful gods. It is difficult because you are really young ..."

After speaking, the pink smoke drifted into a full cabin in the laughter, the system reminded that Lilith began to merge with the Lord of the Void. The current fusion progress is 1.63% ...

Well, this is the strongest and oldest banshee declaration in history? Really domineering! In other words, is she simply willing to cooperate with brother because she is a friend of the banshee? Also, why is Void Lord's strong fertility suitable for her? This one……

Well, Da Fei explained to Ethel and Alesta: "In the future, where Lilith is going to mine, you will do as she wants, and you don't need to report to me."

Alysta: "Received."

Yi Zuer sighed: "His Majesty, the growth of a **** is a long process, and I did not expect her current state to be so weak."

Dafei laughed: "Is it long? It doesn't matter, take it slowly."

Indeed, in the past, the heroic vice heroes took the rhythm and flew up. Now everything is settled or calmed down, and the situation in China has stabilized. It's time to take your time! So many guild bosses have to make money and get rich, and Chinese investors are also waiting to recover their investment. If you really collapse the game within a year of advancement, what is the past? Don't say that the US imperialists have to deal with themselves, and domestic businesses can't wait for their own shit.

So, now is the stage of "protecting the plate" to make money and run the city.

After explaining the things on the Void side, this is the sweeping phase of Troy City. Now Troy City is very embarrassed because of the abnormal data and many functions of the city are incomplete. The data is repaired here, and the full-screen mosaic of the flower screen is really shocking to see Da Fei. Da Fei never expected that such a high-tech game would also show such a primitive and downcast side.

As for the other fleets, of course, after collecting Qi energy, they opened a portal and returned to the city of light. I have to say, this is the second embarrassment of Troy City, and the traffic is not convenient. Fortunately, Leviathan has the ability to further open the vortex door after he grows up, so let's talk about it later.

After returning to the city of light, Serbia couldn't wait to find Dafei: "Your Majesty, are you free now? If you are free, I will first apply for a boat to see the Sea of ​​Light."

Apply for a boat!

This requires more casual and more natural! Even if the wife is not looking for something from her husband, it is as casual as the daughter looking for something from her father!

"no problem!"

However, his deity has become a first-class newcomer, and it is no longer possible to protect the family. Only the most comprehensive flying aircraft can be sent.

Alicia did report: "Her Majesty, this, I and Ursin can't wait to test the Emerald Dream, so I want to apply for the Flying!"

Let me go! There are many things about you who are not wives.

The old captain laughed: "Although my combat power is not as high as the emperor's flagship, it is indeed an old driver. I have been to the Sea of ​​Brightness, where the angel's place is safer. Let me go."

Angel's territory? Say it early! Da Fei laughed: "Okay, Serbia will start with the old captain and Pandora, and resupply will be completed immediately."

Then it was Katerina ’s Sky Overlord and Deirdre ’s Noah ’s Ark. Because they reached an agreement with the **** of business Hermes, their main energy during this time was to take on Hermes ’business mission Then run a business, in fact running a business is the brother's favorite.

However, in order not to stimulate the US emperor, Noah's Ark will not go to the New World. Her task is to take the domestic routes in China. And for Noah's Ark, a cabin of nearly 20,000 units, let me go. One of them will be a common large ship of 20. Can Nima's trip be full?

Depending on the capacity of the hundreds of units of the Hermes mission, it is simply that the gap between the teeth is not enough to waste the space! No, you can't let him take charge of his own tasks. You have to create business for him.

So Da Fei opened the Hermes store to contact the trade sacrifice: "I have a super project that builds a super city in a large area. To be precise, it should be the Jianguo Project. You know that developing infrastructure is the most profitable. I do n’t know He Does Hermes have any constructive ideas? For example, invest in infrastructure or something? I can help you transport materials. "

Hermes immediately opened the sacrifice and appeared: "Our country is a great infrastructure! It is an emperor. I can help you to contact 37 building materials factories in Asia to provide you with supplies. I charge 10% for the introduction fee. I can also contact……"

Let me go. I do n’t want you to pump oil and water. What I want is your investment!

"Investment !?" Hermes shook his head: "I don't like the big frontier, neither the number of people, the quality of the population, nor the distribution of resources has the potential ..."

Hey, brother Yi Jie players don't want to play so much. Dafei reluctantly said, "Will I ask Rose Spider to talk to you later?"

Hermes was surprised: "Jiu Yang's name, very interested!"

Then, under the call of Da Fei, the Queen of Spiders appeared happily: "I have long admired the name of Hermes, the commercial **** of Olympus, and there is only one thing I feel sorry for Lord Hermes. . "

Hermes quirked, "What's your pity?"

The spider sighed: "Among the gods of Olympus, Athena has her own city, Athens, and Artemis has her own city luna, even Caron, a boatman of the underworld, is also our emperor warrior. With the help of the city, he owns a Styx city dedicated to himself. Only Lord Hermes has the most wealth. Why not build a city of his own? "

Dafei frowned, this is to flicker Shangshen to build the city? Dafei immediately fanned the wind and said, "Yeah, there are Trojans!"

Hermes frowned. "Can't mention Troy? Well, I'm still used to the circulation of property and don't like being stuck in one place."

The queen laughed: "The idea of ​​an adult does have its own truth, but a **** without a main city is still shortcomings after all, such as majesty! My falcon sacred mountain in the wild welcomes adults at any time to be my neighbor . "

Hermes was shocked! Obviously, the word majestic touched him. In the Twelve Lords, this is the lingering pain in Hermes' heart. This pain can only be made up by desperately making money to show off! Are you better than me? I'm richer than you! Are you more than my followers? I'm richer than you!

Da Fei continued to fan the wind: "Come on, adults build a paradise-like new city and set immigration thresholds. At that time, excellent people from all countries will flock to it. At that time, driven by the investment of adults, the big wasteland is the big paradise. It's up! "

Hermes finally put out a finger: "Then I will invest 100 million gold coins, and the location is next to the city of the queen spider. Warriors, please help me transport the building materials over!"

The system prompts: You have started the construction task of "The City of Shangshen", you get the first task "Transport 10 units of building materials" ...

Dafei laughed a lot, didn't he flee to Shangshen Investment, and by the way, got himself a running business task that could fill the cabin? This is how the game is played!

So Dafei immediately informed Ma Yinglong: "Boss Ma, brother brought you a big boss ..."

When I heard that Shangshen was going to settle in, Ma Yinglong overjoyed: "Fei, Shangshen is the background boss of the goblin? We have always wanted to build a goblin high-speed rail on the big side, I wonder if Shangshen can get this technology ? "

What the hell! Goblin High Speed ​​Rail? You guys really play! Dafei laughed: "Brother contact! Even if not now, can still be developed in the future ..."

Needless to say, when Dafei proposed the concept of a goblin high-speed rail to Hermes, Shang Shen was also pleasantly surprised: "Yes, the big side is too vast, and the waterway transportation from the inland river is very restricted. A new brand is needed. Traffic technology, I like the vast number of wise warriors to help me develop ... "

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