Shahara, Yan, monster? You know, he is the first handsome man in the Shangyi family. How many women have madly wanted to marry him. Such a person, in the eyes of the girl of Chu, is actually a monster?

He waved his hand in a heroic manner: "It doesn't matter, they don't care how they look at me, as long as they don't take me as a monster."

"Miss White will not take you as a monster. She has lived in Uber for a few years. I have been used to people like you. You are better than usual. How can she hate you?"

In this case, Sha Yuan’s mood is getting better.

Not much will, of course, there is a maid who sent a hot and voicing soup.

The maid saw them and saw the ghost, put down the soup, and refused to say a word and fled.

Charlie said: "Don't ignore her, you can take medicine."

Sha Yuan looked at the black soup, and smelled a strange smell in his nose.

This stuff looks like the black bean soup he had eaten in Uber, but it tastes so fragrant and not so sweet.

He took a sip from the bowl and the taste didn't make him spray.

"How is it so bitter?" The two eyebrows almost twisted into a sly shape, biting out the tongue bitterly.

Charlie is happy: "The medicine here is so bitter, don't say you, if my family Lina is sick, she must drink this medicine."

Sha Yuan’s face is incredible: “Is this thing really cure? Are you sure you will not be poisoned?”

"Crap, of course, can cure the disease. The Chu people have a saying like this. The good medicine is good for the disease, and the good words are good for the ears."

Sha Yuan didn't understand, and looked awkward.

"The meaning of this sentence is that the medicine that can cure the disease is bitter."

"What is the word behind that? What does it mean?" asked Sha Yuan.

Charlie scratched his head: "I don't understand too much, just listen to people and remember."

At this time, a clear female voice came from the door: "The loyalty of the words is that the faithful advice is often that people don't like to listen, but it is good for action."

The white figure appeared in the eyes of the two, and she was followed by two maids, one of whom was still holding the box she used.

Today, she wore a light apricot collar with a pair of nephews, a skirt with the same color, a white platform, and a swaying skirt, which made her body more exquisite.

The face was thinner than when it was in Uber, adding a bit of femininity. Only those eyes were still the same as before. When looking at him, the light was clear.

"White, I finally saw you." Shahara excitedly rushed forward and wanted to hug with Bai Hao.

Bai Hao cleverly misled to avoid, in order not to let him kneel, stretched his wrist and pulled him to the chair: "Come on medicine, although bitter, but it is very good for you, I brought candied fruit and Snacks come, you can eat a little medicine."

The white cockroach let him drink, he naturally will not be too bitter, pick up the bowl and take a sip.

The maid took the tray and one took the medicine bowl in his hand, and one person sent the preserves and snacks to him.

He saw that the things on the plate were very delicate and beautiful, and he took one and threw it into his mouth. It was surprisingly delicious: "What is this?"

The white smirked, waved his hand and motioned for him to sit down and talk, and she also found a chair to sit down.

"I didn't expect it, we are so fast again." Bai Yan looked at him with a smile.

This smile looks the same as it used to be, but it feels different.

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