Godly Student

Chapter 5964 They are not good people!

"If possible, I still hope that Cheng Yu can kill Situ Zhongyun and then take Lu Zhihong away with him.

Although our purpose is only to block Lu Zhihong, once the war starts, many things will happen that we cannot predict.

Originally it was just a support, but maybe we have to go all out.

And I don’t really believe in Situ Zhongyun. You have seen his current behavior. Will this guy really help us kill Lu Zhihong? "Someone said still a little uneasy.

"Lu Zhihong is not only our enemy, but also his enemy, Situ Zhongyun, so how could he not go all out to kill Lu Zhihong?" someone said.

"I don't think there's anything wrong with Situ Zhongyun's determination to kill Lu Zhihong. What I'm worried about is that Situ Zhongyun is too vicious.

He was afraid that if we helped him kill Lu Zhihong, he would want to kill us too, and would also take away my resources.

You know, at that time, he had already obtained Cheng Yu's token and could leave at any time.

And at that time, no one else was his opponent. If Lu Zhihong was killed again, who else in this world do you think could threaten him?

Is there a possibility?

He would even kill everyone present and take all the resources for himself before leaving? "The man couldn't help but said with more and more worry.

"This..." Hearing this analysis, everyone else became worried.

Even the person who proposed to stop Lu Zhihong felt that there was indeed a certain risk involved.

Because although Situ Zhongyun's strength is terrifying, his reputation and reputation have never been very good.

As monks of Xuxian Dzogchen, this was not the first time they saw Situ Zhongyun kill someone on sight.

So why not worry?

"If it were anyone else, I probably wouldn't be so worried. If it were Situ Zhongyun, I would be really worried.

This guy has never been a good person. When he was here before, he killed most of the people.

And this is how Lu Zhihong became enmity with Situ Zhongyun.

If Situ Zhongyun hadn't snatched Lu Zhihong's treasure and almost killed Lu Zhihong, why would Lu Zhihong have bothered to prevent Situ Zhongyun from getting the ownership of the token?

So if we help Situ Zhongyun kill Lu Zhihong first, then Situ Zhongyun may really kill us all.

Anyway, he has no opponents, so how can he leave in a hurry?

This exit won't disappear for a while. He has plenty of time to kill people and seize treasures! "More people also said with great conviction.

"If this is the case, can we in turn help Lu Zhihong kill Situ Zhongyun?" someone suggested.

"Help Lu Zhihong kill Situ Zhongyun? I'm afraid this is impossible, right? Situ Zhongyun can kill even Cheng Yu, do you think there is a chance to kill Situ Zhongyun even if we take action?

And Lu Zhihong is not a good person. Even if we really help Lu Zhihong kill Situ Zhongyun, and Lu Zhihong's family becomes the dominant one in the end, will he stab us in turn?

After all, Lu Zhihong is much stronger than us! "Someone retorted.

"It's really hard to say. These guys are not good people. Moreover, this guy previously lost so much resources in order to prevent Situ Zhongyun from getting the ownership of the token.

Isn't he just killing people there to get back the resources he lost before?

So if he kills Situ Zhongyun, the result will be the same. This guy will definitely not miss this opportunity, and he will definitely kill wantonly here. "

"But Lu Zhihong may not be able to kill so many of us. If we all stand up to resist, we might even kill Lu Zhihong. Then don't we still have a chance to grab the token?" someone said later. He was even more excited, as if he really had a chance to grab the token.

"You really dare to think about it, but what if we are not his opponent? Then wouldn't we risk our lives?

I don't think this is a good idea. Anyway, these guys are much stronger than us, and this is the biggest threat to us.

If they really don't kill innocent people indiscriminately, then of course there will be no problem.

But once they have other thoughts and there is no other person of equal strength to stop them, then they can do whatever they want and do whatever they want.

Lu Zhihong will definitely not miss this opportunity. Even if he cannot kill everyone, with his strength, it will be difficult for us to kill him.

He can grab resources however he wants.

So this method obviously doesn't work. "Someone shook his head again and said.

"That's right, otherwise why do you think Lu Zhihong has so many resources to stop Situ Zhongyun?

You know, this guy has more resources than Situ Zhongyun. Think about it, will this guy kill fewer people?

It's possible that he killed many more people than Situ Zhongyun, but we just don't know. "Someone said.

"In fact, if he could join forces with Cheng Yu to deal with Situ Zhongyun, maybe Cheng Yu would not be in the current predicament at all and would have killed Situ Zhongyun long ago.

But now Lu Zhihong clearly knows that Cheng Yu is trapped in Situ Zhongyun's thunder, but he is still killing people to obtain resources, but does not help Cheng Yu out of trouble.

If he had taken action earlier, Cheng Yu might have come out long ago. How could he have made the situation so complicated? "Some people also sneered at Lu Zhihong's character.

After all, on the surface, he and Cheng Yu were allies.

Moreover, Cheng Yu's life and death is actually related to his own destiny.

Logically speaking, he should have taken action against Situ Zhongyun earlier. In that case, Cheng Yu might have been freed from the predicament long ago, instead of being trapped in it without knowing whether to live or die.

But this guy doesn't seem to care at all. Instead, he seizes the time to kill people and seize resources. This is really hard to watch.

"Indeed, he and Cheng Yu are in the same group, but this guy is unmoved. If we really help him kill Situ Zhongyun, then he will definitely attack us in turn, so we really can't go Help him kill Situ Zhongyun.

Of course, even if we want to help, we may not be able to kill Situ Zhongyun. "Someone agreed.

"Is it possible that Lu Zhihong actually has enough confidence in himself to kill Situ Zhongyun?" Someone suddenly asked in confusion. Remember the website address of this website, www. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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