Godly Student

Chapter 6032 Something is wrong!

Everyone is stationed at this exit to get the token. But now those guys are indeed as treacherous as they suspected, and they are not willing to help even if they come over.

He even wanted them to guard the token with their own lives, but these people just wanted to wait until they were all dead to pick up the ready-made one.

These people have made their calculations perfectly.

If this is the case, then what reason do they have to continue to insist on sacrificing their lives for the benefit of others?

As a result, these people couldn't bear it anymore. The positions they had held for so long suddenly gave up.

"Lu Zhihong, you are so cruel! Let's go!" The leader snorted at Lu Zhihong and withdrew from the battle.

A few of the twenty-odd people were killed, but the remaining dozen or so people all fled in another way.

But Lu Zhihong did not chase them.

Because Lu Zhihong's target was these twenty people, but they had been guarding the exit and hindered his plan, so he had to take action against these people.

Now that these people had escaped on their own initiative, he was not interested in chasing them down. Even if he killed them, it would be meaningless.

But for others, it was obviously a surprise that all these people escaped at once.

But for those who rushed over from the outside, although it was a bit unexpected, fortunately they had already considered this situation, so everything was expected and everything was still under their control.

Everything is going according to plan. At this time, they still haven't rushed to fill the position, so the exit should be left empty.

So at this time, the six people on the platform suddenly became excited.

"What should we do? Those people have escaped and the exit has been exposed. Are we going to go out now?" The weakest monk named Guo said excitedly when he saw this situation.

He originally thought that those people would hold on and they would have a fierce and brutal battle.

Moreover, those people were also rushing over, and he was even worried whether Lu Zhihong would be scared away.

But what he never expected was that Lu Zhihong was not scared away, but those who had been guarding the exit for so long ran away.

Although he didn't know why they left suddenly, for him, this was good news.

Now there is no one else in the entire exit, only Lu Zhihong is left.

"Wait a minute, don't be impatient!" But the most powerful monk named Lin reminded him.

"But didn't you say before that there is only one chance, and we must be quick? Now the opportunity is right in front of us, and those people have already run away.

Moreover, the exit has been vacated. If we don’t seize the opportunity at this time, we will have no chance. "Brother Guo said in confusion.

"There is indeed only one chance, no matter what time it is. If we rush out now, we will probably never come back." Brother Lin said.

"I want to leave this world. Of course, there is no return. I don't want to come back. Do you want me to hide here like a turtle with my head shrinking?"

"But something is wrong with the current situation. What I mean by "no return" is not that you can enter the exit, but that if we rush out, we will die here."

"What's wrong? Lu Zhihong is the only one guarding there now. This is our best chance."

"It's just because Lu Zhihong is alone, that's why it's not safe!" Brother Lin reminded again.

"What you said made me confused. What do you mean, only Lu Zhihong is in danger? Are you afraid that if we rush out and those people come to grab the token, Lu Zhihong won't be able to protect us?" Brother Guo pointed to the place not far away. said those people.

"If everything goes well, those people may not be able to stop us in time, but what I'm most worried about now is Lu Zhihong!"

"Worried about Lu Zhihong? You don't suspect that he wants to attack us, right?" Brother Guo was surprised.

"Does he have a token in his hand now?" Brother Lin asked.

"If he had, wouldn't he have left long ago?"

"That's alright. Since he doesn't have a token, why does he help us drive those people away? Is he really just helping us to rescue us?" Brother Guo said.

"I also think this Lu Zhihong's behavior is a bit abnormal. He was not such a kind person before. But why did he suddenly become so good at this time and take the initiative to help us remove obstacles and help us leave? This is too unreasonable! "The monk named Wang who spent the most resources also echoed.

"He's not really planning to steal our tokens, is he?" Brother Guo finally couldn't be happy anymore, and his heart began to beat. .c0m

"I think it's very possible that he doesn't have the token in his hand now, and Cheng Yu doesn't know what the situation is.

He may be afraid that after Cheng Yu fails, Situ Zhongyun will attack him again.

That's why he suddenly changed his direction, helped us get rid of those people, then tricked us out, and took the opportunity to steal our tokens.

In this way, he can successfully enter the exit and leave with our token. "Sister Lin said.

"Can he really be so evil?" Brother Guo said in disbelief.

He really didn't think so much. He just felt that Lu Zhihong was from the same camp, so he shouldn't be so bad, right?

"That's because you don't know him well. Besides, if he is really so kind, why didn't he help us clear out the people at the exit in the first place?

You know, if he was willing to help us at that time, we would have left long ago.

Moreover, the people guarding the exit at that time were not as strong as those who escaped, so if he really wanted to help us, he would have taken action long ago. Why wait until now?

At this critical moment, Lu Zhihong suddenly changed his gender and helped us clear the obstacles. This is indeed too strange! "Brother Wang said.

"And let me tell you, if he is really planning on us, then the token he is most likely to grab is your token, because you are the weakest." Brother Lin looked at Brother Guo and said.

"Ah? No way?" Brother Guo suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

"If it were you, who among us would be the easiest to rob?" Brother Lin asked.

"It... seems that it is easier to succeed if you rob me!" Brother Guo looked at the others and said helplessly.

"So do you still dare to rush out now?"

"But Lu Zhihong is already here!" Brother Guo said looking outside. Remember the website address of this website, www. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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