Godly Student

Chapter 6050 I don’t know whether it’s true or not!

"What interests does he have? Today is the first day they met, so there shouldn't be any interests, right?" Brother Guo thought for a while and said.

"Originally, there was really no interest relationship, but he asked Cheng Yu to kill Situ Zhongyun. Doesn't there exist an interest relationship?" Brother Lin said.

"But didn't he already give Senior Cheng a storage bag?"

"Is there a possibility that it is only part of it?"

"You mean, Senior Cheng has not received part of the reward? So he is worried that Senior Lu will run away secretly after getting the token?" Brother Guo seemed to understand what Brother Lin meant.

"It is indeed very possible!" Brother Lin nodded.

"This is just your conjecture. Cheng Yu and I have already discussed it. If he really can't kill Situ Zhongyun, or even gets into a situation where he can't escape, he will give me the token before he dies. .

So you don't have to worry at all. The reason why I want to help you leave is just to get your token. Lu Zhihong said with a smile.

However, these people obviously did not believe what Lu Zhihong said, at least they did not think that Lu Zhihong would be so great.

If Cheng Yu had really discussed it with him a long time ago, when he failed to kill Situ Zhongyun and even risked his own life, he would still give the token to Lu Zhihong. They really didn't believe it.

After all, Cheng Yu was taking the risk to fight Situ Zhongyun for Lu Zhihong.

In the end, Cheng Yu himself was risking his life, but he still wanted to let Lu Zhihong leave with the token?

Therefore, these words of Lu Zhihong will only make everyone feel ridiculous.

"Maybe you think I'm lying, but that's the truth!" Lu Zhihong knew what they were thinking, so he explained.

"If this is really what you have discussed, Senior Cheng will give you the token in a while anyway. You can just wait and leave with peace of mind. Then why do you still help us enter the exit?" Wang the monk questioned.

"To be honest, even if you don't leave, I will leave when the time comes.

But because Cheng Yu has told me before, if he fails, then I will take you away.

And I also promised him, so I will leave with you. "Lu Zhihong said.

"Senior Cheng asked you to take us away?" Several people were immediately shocked.

"Of course, otherwise do you think I would be so free? Anyway, Cheng Yu will give me the token even if he loses, so whether you leave or not actually has nothing to do with me.

I will have the token in hand by then, so it won’t be a problem if I want to leave.

And even if I give the extra token to Situ Zhongyun, I can avoid Situ Zhongyun from embarrassing you.

But you have also seen that there are so many people outside, but they don’t have tokens.

If I leave, they will definitely not let you go.

So if you don't follow me now, you will only die. "Lu Zhihong explained.

Because he discovered that these people trusted Cheng Yu far more than he did.

He felt that this was information that could be used. They didn't believe him, but they would believe Cheng Yu.

So as long as Cheng Yu is moved out, this matter will be much easier to handle.

"It was actually Senior Cheng who asked you to take us away. Senior Cheng is indeed a gentleman who keeps his word and is extremely righteous!" When Brother Guo heard that it was Cheng Yu who told Lu Zhihong to do this, he was moved beyond measure. .

Before, they were still wondering whether Cheng Yu didn't want to take them away, but they didn't expect that when he didn't even care about his own life, he still wanted to ask Lu Zhihong to take them away.

This is really touching and great!

"But since this is what Senior Cheng told you, why don't we leave together when the time comes? Why take such a big risk now?" Brother He was not persuaded by Lu Zhihong's words, but expressed doubts.

"Yes, although we believe that this may indeed be what Senior Cheng told you to do. But if you also have information in hand, we will naturally no longer doubt you.

Wouldn't it be better if we all leave together when Senior Cheng gives you the token? "Brother Wang also felt that something was wrong here and expressed doubts.

"You think simply, if I had Cheng Yu's strength, I could naturally wait until then and leave with you.

Besides, if I had that strength, why would we be in such a hurry to escape?

I can definitely join forces with Cheng Yu to kill Situ Zhongyun easily, then don’t we have the final say in everything here?

But the reality is not like that. I don't have that kind of strength, and I can't help Cheng Yu kill Situ Zhongyun together.

If Cheng Yu loses, then not only will you have to face the terrible enemy Situ Zhongyun, but even I will have to face him.

You also know that Situ Zhongyun and I have a big feud. Even if I could give him a token, he might not let me go.

Even if he won't cause trouble for you because he has the token, it's impossible not to cause trouble for me.

So when that time comes, I will definitely have no choice but to save myself, let alone take you away with me.

Therefore, I thought of a way, which is to escort you away before that.

At that time, Cheng Yu only needs to give me the token, and I can leave as I want. Even if Situ Zhongyun is here, he can't stop me. "Lu Zhihong explained to several people.

"Is everything you said true?" Brother Guo's eyes were a little excited. If all this was arranged by Cheng Yu, then it is still worthy of belief and expectation.

"Of course, I've said it here anyway, if you still don't believe it, then there's nothing I can do about it.

I won't force you, after all, the matter itself has nothing to do with me.

If it hadn't been for my promise to Cheng Yu, I wouldn't have been able to tell you so much.

If you believe it, then we will follow the previous plan, you will come out one by one, and I will escort you out one by one.

If you don't believe it, then so be it.

Anyway, even if Cheng Yu wants to blame me, the responsibility will not be mine.

I just think of what Cheng Yu said to me before. If something happens to him in the end, and I break my promise and fail to take you away as promised, I'm afraid he will really die in peace! "Lu Zhihong didn't show much concern at first, but when he talked about it later, his expression gradually became extremely regretful, which made people feel a little touched.

Several people couldn't help but look at each other, because they really didn't know whether what Lu Zhihong said was true or false.

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