Golden Fishery

Three hundred and three. Hehemeimei

Under Qin Shiou's instruction, Li Delong held the ar-15 and opened the safety. This gun had been converted into an automatic rifle, so Qin Shiou adjusted it to a single shot and asked the big man to shoot two shots at the open space.

The clear gunshots sounded, and the male tourists surrounded them curiously. Qin Shiou asked them to take turns to fire a few shots and fired two magazines, which satisfied their curiosity.

The town had already selected a campsite on the mountain, and it was impossible to camp wherever Qin Shiou did last time. They chose an open area halfway up the mountain, which used to be the house of the forest rangers. There were two houses built of tree trunks, and they expanded it with tents to accommodate more than 20 people.

Not far away, the group of people dragged their feet until the evening before arriving at the camp. Qin Shiou lent the gun to Li Delong and said, "Call out, my buddies and I are going to hunt wild boars. Some tourists like it. Let them go with them."

"Will it be dangerous?" Winnie asked worriedly. She is the tour guide leading the team, and the responsibility rests on her.

Qin Shiou kissed her and said, "It's okay, it's not dangerous at all if you find a wild boar and strike first."

Li Delong said that although most of the male tourists were a little moved, their worries were the same as Winnie's. More people's impression of the wild boar is the kind of mountain overlord called one pig, two bears and three tigers in the domestic propaganda. Only four people came up.

In fact, wild boars in North America are not that scary. Shaq told Qin Shiou that two well-trained Labradors and hunters can easily kill a wild boar here.

With these five people, Qin Shiou and Nelson went on the road together, Bird and Iverson stayed behind to prevent any trouble in the camp.

Nelson has a knack for finding wild boars. He first looked for the river, and went to the river to find fresh wild boar dung for the tiger and leopard to smell, and then the tiger and leopard could lead the way to find the wild boar.

Huzi and Leopard ran with the group for a few minutes, then suddenly ran into the jungle, and came back after a while. With bright eyes, he pawed Qin Shiou's trousers with his claws.

Qin Shiou drew out a sharp arrow and said in a low voice: "The wild boar is around, everyone calm down, don't be afraid later. Brother Long, shoot first, try to aim at its head, and leave the rest to me."

Under the leadership of Huzi and Leopard. A group of people crawled quietly in the woods for a while, and saw a big wild boar more than one and a half meters long lying under a tree and dozing off.

Li Delong swallowed his saliva, raised his gun nervously, and said in a low voice, "When will we fight?"

"Hurry up and hit.

"Qin Shiou didn't know whether to laugh or cry. When will he fight? Let's fight now. They are here to hunt, not to visit.

Li Delong got the order and took aim with his gun, but he didn't shoot for a while. Someone here was anxious, and whispered: "I rely on Lao Li, can you do it, you can't leave it to me. I can shoot accurately."

"Get off your second hammer." Li Delong cursed, puffed out his chest and held his breath, took aim and pulled the trigger, and it was a shot.

There was a crisp sound. Startled a few flocks of birds in the jungle.

The wild boar didn't move just now, so it just exploded its head with a shot. However, its vitality is very tenacious, its skin is rough and its flesh is thick. This shot only injured it severely, but didn't kill it.

The guy got up. Awow screaming, looking for a direction and wanting to run.

Qin Shiou seized the opportunity. An arrow shot out, just hit the wild boar's ear. The sharp arrow along the ear hole almost penetrated its head.

This time, the wild boar couldn't bear it anymore. It staggered and ran out for a few steps, its cerebellum was damaged, and it couldn't maintain its balance. It circled around a few times and finally fell to the ground. Although it could still moan a few times, it was actually almost dead.

"Is this the end?" Someone asked in surprise.

Qin Shiou smiled and said, "It's over, it's just hunting a wild boar, what else can there be?"

The man smacked his lips and said, "Damn, I once heard from a friend of mine that hunting wild boars is very troublesome. You have to fight wild boars with wits and courage. I think we are fighting wits and courage here. Find an old hand and you can kill them with one shot." solve."

Nelson tied the four legs of the wild boar with a rope, cut down a small tree at random, inserted it through the noose, and lifted it up.

After the wild boar was carried back, a male guide took people to the river to clean it up. Another project was deer hunting, which was hosted by another male guide.

The popularity of this project is much higher. On the way, tourists encountered several herds of deer. These deer are harmless, so there is no danger, and more people follow to join in the fun.

As a result, a group of people went happily and came back disheveled. Qin Shiou asked what was going on, and Li Delong said dejectedly: "The herd of deer is too difficult to find, and there are too many people. I finally met a herd of small deer. Be careful not to make any noise, but it scares the deer away again."

Qin Shiou laughed. Fortunately, he only took five people to hunt wild boars. If he had brought more than a dozen people with him before, he probably wouldn't be able to touch the wild boar's buttocks now.

Li Delong wanted Qin Shiou to take them to hunt deer, so Qin Shiou didn't bother to move. He already hunted a wild boar for Wei Ni's sake.

Fortunately, this wild boar is not small. After the internal organs are emptied, there are still more than 300 catties. Twenty people can't eat it no matter what, not to mention that they brought pizza and hamburgers from the mountain.

After eating barbecue and drinking pork rib soup around the bonfire, today's activities are over. Tourists gathered in twos and threes to chat, and Qin Shiou took Wei Ni to the river.

On a summer night, the mountain breeze is cool, the leaves are blowing and the leaves are rustling, and the insects and birds are constantly ringing in the grass, which is very suitable for a date.

Qin Shiou was sitting in a clean place by the river with Winnie in his arms. Tigers and leopards were rolling and playing not far away. Xiong Da jumped into the water when he got hot. Appropriate, I cried out comfortably.

The full moon hangs high in the night sky, the moonlight is clear, shining on the clear water, the water waves are rippling, as if there are circles of moons floating.

"I've been busy all day, and now I feel it's worth it." Qin Shiou smiled contentedly with his arms around Wei Ni's slender waist.

Winnie leaned in his arms and said, "Well, I feel good now."

"Is being a tour guide harder than being a flight attendant? Are you used to your current life and work?" Qin Shiou asked.

Winnie smiled sweetly, reached out to stroke his face and said, "This job is much easier than a flight attendant, and the pressure is less. I am really glad for my decision at that time. Now I will take tourists during the day and accompany you at night." Blowing the wind, teasing the dog, I think this kind of life is too perfect."

Huzi and Leopard got bored after fighting for a while, so they rushed to Qin Shiou's side to show off their cuteness.

Qin Shiou kept his composure, he held Weini in his arms, then kicked them into the river: I'm so old, I'm not sensible, didn't you see that your old man is making love to your mother? (to be continued)

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