Golden Greenery

Chapter 314 Santa Cruz hurts his knee again

( ) Santa Cruz’s knee was knocked on the side of the knee joint when he was grabbed by Peng Peng. At that time, he felt a little awkward inside, but it didn’t hurt much. But then Pengpeng was pushed down by Ma Kai, and his butt hit his knee joint again. This time, heartbreaking pain suddenly came.

Santa Cruz, like Ram, also suffered an injury to his right knee in his early years, and he has always been careful to protect his injured leg. The severe pain at this time made Santa Cruz feel tight inside, but he did not dare to say anything.

Six years after coming to Bayern, Santa Cruz can't occupy the absolute starting position no matter how hard he tries. He got rid of Yankel and Elber, but Santa Cruz is still just a dead substitute. In addition to his own strength, Santa Cruz knew that he was being suppressed.

But the situation has improved significantly since the beginning of this year. The atmosphere in the Bayern team has changed and it is no longer so nepotistic. Santa Cruz's characteristics have more use. Iran forward Hashemian has transferred to Hannover forward, and Xiao Pig Schweinsteiger's good relationship also allowed the young master to help him a lot. Santa Cruz has already made two starts in various competitions in the new season and played the entire game.

The competition is fierce and Santa Cruz needs to seize every minute and maximize their time on the court. If he is substituted due to knee discomfort at this time, it is very likely that all previous efforts will be in vain. Not to mention Pizarro, even the Peruvian Guerrero is not a good friend. This kid is still Xiaozhu's best friend at Bayern.

Santa Cruz endured the pain without saying anything. He stood up and tried to move his right leg. The joints were very stiff, and every step he took hurt so much that he wanted to cry. Santa Cruz prayed that the worst-case scenario would never come to pass, that this was just a minor injury that would pass soon.

It has entered stoppage time. I hope the joint pain will no longer be after halftime and everything is a false alarm.

After the referee showed Roy Mackay a yellow card, Ballack's free kick hit the collarbone of Zhuoyang who was jumping high in the wall, causing him to grin and suck in cold air. Amid the gloating of the pigs and trolls, the half-time whistle sounded.

Everyone quarreled and walked to the locker room. No one noticed that Santa Cruz, who had his head lowered, was walking very slowly...

Magath was worried about how to adjust during the halftime break. Although the score remained at 0:0 in the first half, Bayern Munich was completely passive on the scene. The three defenders left too much space for Zhuoyang, and the five midfielders did not take any advantage of Madibao.

Deisler disappeared under the threat of Mad Dog Rand. The question now is who to replace him? According to the original idea, Salihamidzic will strengthen some crosses from the right; or use Sauer, whose speed is even better; or use the Iranian Karimi, who has better breakthroughs than the Brazilian. All great; Hargreaves? The midfield defense was adequate, but this time they were all defensive midfielders, and they had to be scolded by the media after the game.

It would be more reasonable to replace him with a defender.

The back four is restored, but who among the two Frenchmen will play? Experienced full-back Lizarazu or centre-back Ismail? Who can keep up with that Chinese guy? Either draw lots...

In the end, Magath decided to let the 30-year-old Ismail go up and try. Demichelis was slightly behind, and Ismail and Sagnol were guarding the two sides, pushing Lucio forward a little and letting He went to stick to Zhuo Yang. After Deisler came down, he asked Schwein to go to the wing. Anyway, he is an all-around midfielder.

I have to say that this is the most reasonable and most effective adjustment, which not only limits Zhuoyang but also revitalizes the midfield.

"Sebas, come down..." As soon as Magath finished speaking, he saw Santa Cruz in the corner raising his hands, with a look of pain on his face that was shocking.

"Sir...," As he spoke, Santa Cruz shed tears.

The pain in the joints did not disappear as Santa Cruz expected, but became more severe. When he found that his right leg could no longer do the minimum bending movement, even slight movement would cause pain that made him almost turn his back. Once the anger was gone, Santa Cruz knew that it was over, and what he was most worried about and the worst thing had happened.

When everyone looked over, Santa Cruz's right knee joint was already swollen.

What else is there to adjust in the midfield and backfield? Santa Cruz can only be replaced with Pizarro. Deisler? Just stay on the court. All three substitutions were used up at the beginning of the second half. It was not Magath's style and it was too risky. Anyway, it’s still 0:0 now, so let’s play again and see.

However, Magath, who was calculating, ignored one point: Deisler was frightened by the continuous injuries of Ram and Santa Cruz.

Deisler is the most talented player in the Bundesliga. He is only 25 years old and has suffered more injuries than Lahm and Santa Cruz combined. Deisler is not afraid of ghosts in the middle of the night, he is just afraid of getting hurt. Not to mention where he was injured, if you just said "cruciate ligament" in his ear at night, Deisler would definitely not be able to sleep all night. Both teammates injured their knees in a short period of time, which left a great psychological shadow on Deisler.

As a result, Deisler, who had made one or two good passes in the first half, completely avoided playing. He didn't even dare to take the ball, and he quickly caught the ball and released it, as if the football had burned his feet.

In the second half, the situation on the court completely fell into Madibao's rhythm. Ballack and Jerry Mays were almost like defenders and couldn't stand up at all. Xiaozhu couldn't get the ball even if he went up, running back and forth over and over again in a hurry.

From this game, we can see Bayern Munich's biggest weakness, and it is also his substitute player who is not as good as Madiburg.

The decline of the Bundesliga has also affected Bayern. They can no longer hoard a bunch of top players with different styles as before, and even substitute players can have starting capabilities among other Bundesliga powers. The loss of many outstanding players, mainly foreign stars, has not only made the Bundesliga teams less competitive in the European arena, but even the boss Bayern has also felt that it is stretched when making tactical adjustments.

The biggest advantage that Bayern Munich can still dominate the Bundesliga is its starting lineup. With this twelve or three players, in most cases, it can crush other teams. However, once it encounters obstacles on the court, Bayern actually does not change when it adjusts. Big, little choice.

The most impactful substitute lineup in the Bundesliga currently is Madiburg. In fact, Madiburg only has five regular starters. Each of the other 19 players is capable of playing, and their technical characteristics are distinctive, and they can be used immediately. The team brings tactical changes.

Take this game as an example. In the first half, in order to limit the right back of Lahm, Madiburg sent Ritter. After Lahm was injured, Bayern switched to three defenders. In the second half, Uncle Zha directly let Zepek play. Bayern's empty wings can be said to do whatever they want, and the Brazilian Ze Roberto, who has powerful assists, can only struggle defensively.

Bayern Munich was able to persist for more than 70 minutes without conceding a goal, in fact, it was because of their strong will and perseverance, as well as their iron-like tactical discipline.

However, it is impossible to win forever by relying only on will, style and discipline. Otherwise, the North Korean team should be the hegemon in world football.

This game is between Zhuoyang and Madibao. How can they return empty-handed?

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