Gourmet Beast Tamer

Chapter 185 Dolphin Noodles

Chapter 186 Dolphin Noodles

"Dad, Ji He actually brought out Qingjiang River Dolphin Noodles."

Sitting on one side of the playing field, Zhao Wenchang's face quickly became tense.

He looked at Liu Neng on the other side, who was crossing his arms and looking at him with a half-smiling look, and gritted his teeth, "Can we win?"

"At this time, you must maintain confidence in Qin Lang." Zhao Junzhang patted Zhao Wenchang's shoulder quietly, "Qin Lang's crab roe soup dumplings will not be inferior to Qingjiang River Porpoise Noodles. This is a close competition."

"Since you have chosen to believe in Qin Lang, you must believe it to the end."

Zhao Wenchang took a deep breath, with a look of shame on his face.

It was obviously him who invited Qin Lang to help, but now he doubted his companion's strength because of the strength of his opponent.

This is not okay.

Zhao Wenchang muttered secretly in his heart, quickly adjusted his mentality, and glared back at Liu Neng who was opposite him.

In the field, after taking out the brocade-patterned pufferfish, Ji He began to process it very quickly, and then put the processed pufferfish into the hot pot.

The other food spirit next to him let out a low cry, and a faint light flashed around its body, letting invisible power envelope the ingredients. The pufferfish meat in the soup pot melted into the soup at a speed visible to the naked eye, leaving only the skeleton.

Ji He showed off his second cooking skill - ingredient decomposition.

This is a cooking technique that allows the ingredients being stewed to be quickly integrated into the soup, taking on a state that would take several hours of stewing.

It does not apply to all cooking processes like cooking acceleration, but in some special situations it has a better effect than cooking acceleration.

Just like now.

The puffer fish meat is quickly transformed into a surimi-like state and separated from the fish bones under the influence of cooking techniques, and the umami flavor is released into the soup to the maximum extent.

Qin Lang's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he quickly cut the pig skin from his hand into dices, boiled water in a pot, added the diced pig skin and then added the onion, ginger and cooking wine.

"Lice, speed up!"


Leave it to me!

LaLa nodded heavily and instantly flew to the center of the big pot where the chicken soup was stewed and the big pot where the pig skin was stewed. An invisible force enveloped the two different pots at the same time.

Cooking speed?

After recognizing Qin Lang's second eating skill, Ji He's eyes flashed with a hint of solemnity.

We really met our match.

However, even though he has one more food spirit than his opponent, the advantage in food skills is still on his side.

After taking a look at the last food spirit that had not yet used its food skills, Ji He's eyes shone with confidence.

But the next moment, his expression froze slightly.

He saw the hairy crabs that had been steamed on the other side, and Dan Bao who opened the steamer and was working on opening twenty hairy crabs at the same time.

Looking at the hairy crab legs flying in the air and the crab meat, crab roe and crab shells that were completely dismantled in just a few minutes, Ji He's face twitched.

He suddenly felt that the advantage in food skills did not seem to exist.

What the hell is the use of the wave of thought as a food skill? !

Under the influence of cooking acceleration, the diced pork rind and chicken broth that originally needed to be simmered for an hour quickly completed the stewing process.

Strain the chicken and pork rinds, skim off the floating oil and keep only the soup. Mix the pork rind soup and chicken soup in a ratio of two to one and put it in the freezer for rapid refrigeration.

The processing of the pig skin jelly came to an end, and Qin Lang took the freshly split crab meat, crab roe and crab shell from Dan Bao without stopping.

Because it is crab roe soup dumplings, Qin Lang uses all female crabs when cooking, only crab roe and no crab paste. However, the next method is not much different from fried crab meat.

Stir-fry the crab shells to get crab oil, add crab roe and crab meat and stir-fry. Add lard and seasonings for seasoning.

After being stir-fried and served, the crab roe filling solidifies slightly due to the addition of lard. In the professional refrigerator on the other side, the condensation process of pig skin jelly has also ended.

The pork skin jelly that comes out is milky white and sways slightly during movement, showing excellent elasticity.


I come!

The playful Lala took a spoon and flew to the top of the pig skin jelly, then let go of the spoon and let it fall naturally.


With a soft sound, the falling spoon bounced up.

This astonishing scene caused a burst of exclamations from the audience who noticed it, and also made Ji He, who had completed the dough rising process on the other side and was about to process the dough for the second time, shrink in an instant.

This amazing elasticity…

He watched Qin Lang's cooking process.

Therefore, he knew the source of the elasticity, which was solidified pig skin glue.

With his knowledge of cooking, he had even vaguely guessed something.

For example, if these solidified colloids are heated again, they will turn into rich and delicious soup again.

This may be Qin Lang's purpose.

Through this method, the liquid chicken soup can be temporarily turned into a solid state to facilitate subsequent processing?

Ji He felt his opponent's imaginative cooking style.

However, his opponent did not hide such valuable cooking experience at all, and did not even care that he learned it.

He was quite impressed by this magnanimity alone.

In this case…

Ji He picked up the risen dough and placed it in front of him.

You have to show some real skills yourself!

His eyes turned to the third food spirit next to him who had never shown his eating skills before.

The food spirit called softly, and the next moment a slightly flashing light appeared on Ji He's hands.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Wenchang sat upright instantly.

In previous cooking competitions, Ji He's cooking process was completed in a competitive standard kitchen that was invisible to the outside world, so Zhao Wenchang only found out today that the opponent's third cooking skill was actually blessed with the same skill as his.

"Insights on ingredients and blessings of skill." Zhao Junzhang on the side couldn't help but sigh, "No wonder Ji He is so good at making noodles. These two cooking skills are very suitable for the process of making noodles, and there is also a cooking acceleration that can speed up the awakening. , simply a golden combination.”

Cooking speeds up…

Hearing his father's words, Zhao Wenchang couldn't help but glance at Qin Lang.

Okay, I have all three eating skills.

On the other side, Ji He, who used his cooking skills to strengthen his hands, brought a bowl of stewed and filtered puffer fish soup.

He dipped his hands in the soup like a dragonfly touching water, then hammered the dough with strange force, and finally kneaded it deftly.

Repeatedly, his hands seemed to have no bones, showing magical skills that made people gasp in surprise.

As time went by, the dough in front of Ji He visibly grew larger, while the liquid level in the soup bowl gradually dropped.

He is using special techniques to mix the puffer fish soup into the already moist dough!

Qin Lang, who chopped the frozen pork skin into pieces and mixed it with the fried crab roe at a ratio of one to one, prepared the filling for the crab roe soup dumplings, was stunned for a moment when he saw Ji He's actions.

If this doesn't agree, why do you start showing off your skills?

You should have told me earlier!

I competed with Dragon Beard Noodles.


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Contents of the easter egg chapter at the end of this chapter:

【Crab roe soup dumplings】

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