Gourmet Beast Tamer

Chapter 279 Snail Soup

Chapter 280 Snail Soup

Shen Qian tasted sour bamboo shoots and sour beans, which was just an interlude.

The two quickly started cooking on their own.

Two characteristics of snail noodles are quite distinctive. One is the large number of ingredients. It is very common to have half a bowl of snail noodles with half a bowl of ingredients. The other characteristic is the fresh soup.

Although it is often said that "there are no snails in snail noodles", snails will definitely be added to the authentic snail noodles when making soup.

Moreover, snails are only one of the ingredients for making soup. If you want the soup to be delicious enough, you also need to add whole chicken and pork bones.

Therefore, Qin Lang's first step was to make soup.

Cut the whole chicken and pork bones into several large pieces, blanch them, remove them and set aside.

Wash the sandy field snails, remove the snail meat, add lard, ginger slices, green onions and dried chili peppers and stir-fry, then add the blanched chicken and pork bones, cover them with water, add the spice bag, and simmer for six Hour.

The spice bag is made from a mixture of more than a dozen spices such as perilla, star anise and cinnamon.

"Leave it to you." After closing the pot lid, Qin Lang patted Spicy's head, "Come on!"

With LaLa's current cooking accelerating capabilities, it can be accelerated for two hours at a time. It is not an easy task to speed up the completion of this pot of soup.


give it to me!

LaLa nodded heavily, very confident about this.

With the previous experience of the Yuyu Feast, it became more and more skillful in using cooking acceleration. It could find a balance between consumption and recovery of spiritual power, thus greatly improving battery life.

A strange smell came at this moment, making Qin Lang couldn't help but look sideways at Shen Qian.

While he was preparing the soup, Shen Qian's work was also going on in an orderly manner.

At this moment, she was stir-frying a special spice that looked a bit like mushrooms in hot oil. A strange, smelly and fragrant smell quickly erupted from the pot under the stimulation of heat.

That is…

Qin Lang quickly recognized that it was a relatively unpopular ingredient called stinky rice mushroom. Although it looked like a mushroom, it was not a fungus but a herbaceous plant.

Qin Lang used to know that the smell of many delicacies that smelled delicious came from certain by-products produced during the fermentation process. However, the fermentation process also degrades to produce a variety of amino acids and other nutrients, which are the source of its unique umami taste. source.

Whether it is the brine of stinky tofu or sour bamboo shoots, the principle is mostly the same.

Stinky rice mushrooms are different. They naturally have a unique umami taste and a strange odor. The odor is not as pungent as the smell of sour bamboo shoots, but it is enough to make many people intolerable.

Seeing Shen Qian using this ingredient, Qin Lang showed a hint of curiosity.

He really wanted to know what such ingredients would taste like when cooked.


Finished in two hours!

The spicy voice brought Qin Lang back to his senses.

At this moment, the familiar smell of snail soup was faintly wafting out of the pot lid that he closed tightly.

Although only two hours have passed, the soup has been initially cooked.

When you open the lid of the pot, the aroma that vaguely wafts out through the gap between the pot body and the lid becomes rich in an instant. Along with the rising heat and mist, it overflows in the kitchen.

Shen Qian's movements stopped abruptly.

She took out the fried stinky rice mushrooms to control the oil, quickly turned her head to look at Qin Lang, and at the same time twitched her nose, smelling the rich fragrance wafting in the air.

smell good!

This is…

She aimed at Qin Lang's pot.

Are you making soup again...

In the previous food hopper, Qin Lang once took out pork belly and chicken.

So Shen Qian knew that Qin Lang was quite good at making soup stock.

She also benefited a lot from being able to see the cooking process.

But now, Qin Lang once again showed his ability to make soup, which made Shen Qian feel the pressure.

Snail noodles, shouldn't it be snails and rice noodles?

Why are there big bones and chicken in the soup?

You are so far away!

Silently complaining in her heart, she lowered her head and continued her cooking, crushing the crispy stinky rice mushrooms and mixing them with other ingredients to make exquisite little balls.

Qin Lang, on the other hand, opened the lid of the pot and looked at it for a few moments, took out the spice packets rolling in the pot, and then put the lid back on the pot.

"Keep accelerating."



LaLa started to get busy again.

Qin Lang also started the preparation process of other ingredients.

In addition to the main rice noodles, the snail noodles have an astonishing variety of side dishes.

The most common side dishes are sour bamboo shoots, sour beans, pickled radish, green vegetables, fungus, fried bean skin, fried peanuts, and a soulful fried egg is essential.


The dishes are washed!

Dan Bao's voice came at the right time.

Seven large bowls flew out of thin air under the control of the waves of thought and landed on the side of the table.

Five portions of snail noodles are given to the boys and girls waiting outside, one portion is given to Shen Qian, and the last portion...

Qin Lang glanced at Dan Bao with a smile, "Is one portion enough?"

Dan Bao recalled the last time he had snail noodles and quickly showed a troubled expression.

The snail noodles are delicious, and their favorite is eggs.

But it smells really bad! Even the eggs stink!

So this time I...

Still want to eat!

Danbao washed two more bowls without hesitation.

Seeing Dan Bao's expression of wanting to eat but a little disgusted, Qin Lang happily started cooking rice noodles.

Boil water in a pot, cook the rice noodles until they can be pinched off with chopsticks, take them out and place them on the bottom of nine large bowls.

There is no need to pour the water, just boil the selected and washed vegetables in water and spread them on the rice noodles.

Then heat a thin layer of oil in a pan, stir-fry the shredded fungus, sour beans, diced radish and finally the sour bamboo shoots. After frying each kind, put it on the rice noodles.

The different side dishes are divided into categories. When viewed from above the big bowl, it looks like a palette, which is quite appetizing.

However, the strong smell of stir-fried sour bamboo shoots wafted through the kitchen, making everything a bit weird.

In the kitchen, there was another stench intertwined with the smell of sour bamboo shoots, which was the strange dumplings cooked by Shen Qian on the other side.

Shen Qian turned around and glanced at Qin Lang, who was still preparing, with a smile on his face, "My strange dumplings are almost ready!"

As she spoke, she took the dumplings, which had a rather peculiar taste and were fried to a golden crispy surface, out of the hot oil, controlled the oil a little, and then removed them from the pan and put them on a plate.

"I'll take the first step, come on!" Shen Qian held the dinner plate with a smile and trotted out of the kitchen.

The lethality of snail noodles is too great!

Shen Qian had long been accustomed to the smell of the strange dumplings she made, but this was the first time she smelled the smell of snail noodles.

If you don’t run now, when will you wait?

"Why are you so anxious?" Looking at Shen Qian's back walking out of the kitchen, Qin Lang smiled hoarsely, "You will lose if you strike first, girl."

As he spoke, he methodically completed the steps of frying peanuts and tofu skin, and then took out a plate of eggs.

Danbao's eyes lit up.

Fried eggs!


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Contents of the easter egg chapter at the end of this chapter:

[How to make snail noodles]

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