Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1412: King Attack

? The first step, even if only a little step forward, there will be very clear changes, it feels like shooting this kind of film, it seems that there is no difficulty that should be, and the action that needs to be put out is no longer in rigidity. A little bit uncomfortable and embarrassed. Instead, I had a little unknown urge. It was like a child secretly eating candy. At first, I only wanted to secretly eat a bite, but I could n’t help but taste it. Already.

When a certain emotion becomes the main idea in your mind, a lot of the reason that should exist disappears without consideration.

The habit of becoming a natural thing is very scary. When two men and one woman have a familiar network that can share a cup and eat a bowl of rice, don't say we are buddies. When you have a chance, you will have some close-ups. After contact, you will find that it seems that each other is slowly becoming defenseless. There must be some special opportunities. We will never think that we should not do it before it is done. When it is done, we will look at each other and think about it. We What should I do?

Filming is a special and difficult opportunity to become accustomed to, or even head up in front of everyone and say that I am working, how much is fake public welfare or only the parties themselves know.

When it is no longer sweat and cold vigilance, the skin gradually generates heat when touched, and it also makes the feeling that should not be felt at first touch become familiar. This familiarity is a habit.

I'll apologize if I accidentally touch it, worrying that the other person might have misunderstood that I am a disciple, and that I have become accustomed to getting close to the skin. The habit of getting closer is sometimes the source of the error.

Fortunately, this is just a filming. When the filming is finished, after a sound card, tell the pass, the assistant will come together immediately, each holding a thick cotton pajamas, wrapped their respective artists, and went to the lounge on the side Change clothes.

After the filming, there will not be a few people paying attention to it, maybe everyone will not notice the residual temperature above, let alone know that just a few minutes ago, there were some big stars between the two big stars here. Small actions.

That 'card' was a signal to return them to reality. They did not continue to develop their instincts. The momentary soberness made them realize that they would make mistakes when they continued. The relationship between them was not allowed. That kind of mistake happens, and once it happens, you should face each other in this way, and you should face everyone in common.

It can't be said that it is a cliff, but it can only be regarded as timely awareness of some things, or don't cross the last line before you think about it. After affirming this idea in my heart, I turned my head to think of the scene just now. Once I tasted some taste, I really couldn't control it. At least I told myself, I just thought about it, it ’s nothing great, no Doing other things is just a scene together, with a little touch and contact between non-friends. If you have cramps while swimming at the beach and the other party comes to the rescue, then the touch just now is not considered at all. what.

But it was n’t just by the sea. The sneaky stimulus brought by the eyes could not be easily forgotten, even because both sides knew not to cross the border, but it seemed that the previous stimulus was even more precious. When the two went to film the next day, they felt a little change. This change makes it easy for people who are close to them to find out that fortunately, the two have not had much drama. In the second episode, the baby drama There are still many group plays, not the two of them alone. In a short time, the things that should not breed have been left without the soil to continue breeding, and the people around them have not noticed anything.

Chen Hao doesn't want to be proud, but he doesn't want to give himself a feeling of floating, but the fact is the fact, this is not the first time. As long as he is filming, unless he does not set any intimate drama for his role, he will be bound to be 'Accumulate the advantage', some standards almost came directly to the scene, just like yesterday's drama, replaced by a wild Hollywood actress, may have directly entered under the sheet, and when the look came over, it showed directly Meaning, don't even mention that I'll knock on the door of your room at night. Right now, at this moment, we can find a room on the spot. It doesn't matter if everyone knows to close the door. As long as you want it, everything will be fine.

Chen Hao didn't pretend at all. Chen Hao really felt that it was okay to deal with these. As long as you do not respond, the other party will understand what you mean most of the time.

The more subtle Chinese female artists are the most lethal, especially those who are single. When the small eyes sighed, Chen Hao felt as if he had done so many things that are sorry to others.

Wu Zhonghai once said: "Why is a woman chasing a man called a veil? If a TMD man does not agree, it is as if he has done something sorry for a woman. You, being a bird-beast-is really not shameful, it is shame that you don't even have the courage to be a bird-beast. "

Fallacies and heresies, this is the answer given by everyone around the time to cover the coffin. You can turn your head and think about it. This is certainly a self-consolation reason for men to look at themselves, but it is not the current reality.


In the end, the episode can only be an episode. It can only prove that when the charm of all aspects of a person has reached a certain level, it has an incalculable lethality, not only Chen Hao, but also in this play, he shows his middle-aged handsome charm to The ultimate little plums have also been very popular recently. Not only are they the darlings of fashion magazines, it seems that their girlfriends have changed two more. This is still light. During this time, the number of nights where little plums do not return has increased significantly.

Perhaps, in addition to the more honest actors from Huaxia, most of the artists' dormitory at Galaxy Headquarters is just a place for actors to take a short break during the daytime shooting. There are very few real people living here at night.

Chen Hao's rules are great. Private life is everyone ’s freedom. Actors signing crews will not be restricted in this regard. However, in the dormitory area of ​​the Galaxy headquarters, no one is allowed to come. Every floor has more than special services. Personnel, all-weather surveillance equipment in the hallway does not guarantee the so-called privacy to every actor.

Fortunately, the drama's children are only a minority in the play after all. There will not be two scenes where the actors can't stand the plot. With the success of the first episode, the second script was polished early. , Shooting is not difficult, it can even be said to be handy.

The biggest surprise of the whole second episode is the combination of Xiao Di and Na Zha. The two orc warriors played have attracted the attention of countless people from the first day of the official shooting, and even the reverse role played by Liang Chaowei played in them. The faces are overshadowed.

The effort will definitely be rewarded. In the past six months, the two have also thrown more than half of their time here, and they have become a successful action actress. It is no worse than the efforts of the main characters in the "Generation Grand Master" to practice boxing. Many difficult movements, both of them can now be done without the aid of a pair of exotic beauties, and then wildly dressed up, forming another kind of beauty that ordinary people can not present in movies.

The film has not been finished and has not yet been released. The two's make-up photos and several photos taken by the media during the shooting process have already made them popular in the European and American markets in advance. Naza wants to be a few centimeters higher, Xiaodi. However, several years of exercise have advantages, and the makeup has a bit of orc wildness. The makeup set poster issued by the crew has formed a new popular makeup makeup. It happens that Halloween is coming, and there is an incomplete seat around the world. The statistics are only photos and media made by everyone on social software. The styling and makeup of the two in the movie turned out to be the most popular varieties this year, and even surpassed many old-fashioned Halloween dresses.

It ’s the first fire before it ’s released. This situation is not a difficult thing for the movie. It ’s just a matter of cutting out a little bit of their late drama. After all, it ’s fire, even if the plot is interspersed with more than three For four minutes, there will be no movie viewing effect.

In addition, "Galactic 2" was never heard again, also because the two of them were filmed, so that the media did not bother to want to come in every day to shoot, director Chen Da's temper came again, and the crew was completely closed All interviews and filming are prohibited.

For almost a year, everyone thinks that if there is not a tour in the middle of the year, everyone will watch it once. It seems that there are not many opportunities to see Hao Zi this year. I have made three or four consecutive movies, even this year. "Lost" failed to shoot ~ ~ Only one mini-series's biography was taken out, and some autobiographies for some major actors were shot, which can be regarded as coping with the situation of not being able to produce a season in a year.

"Lost" was not filmed, there is no reason, everyone knows the reason, Mr. Chen has no deadline, then this film can only be temporarily suspended, unless it is the new season in which the leading actor is no longer him. Obviously, this is The impossible.

Until December 8th, "Three Body" was released globally. In everyone's expectation, the film finally came to meet you, but even if it was widely watched, it was the hottest on the eve of its release. The news is not it.

People all over the world are saying that Chen Hao is a lunatic. He actually let his three films be released on the same schedule. Once the schedule is determined, everything is no longer a secret.

"Three Body", "Martial Arts", "Biography of Heroes of the Galaxy 2-Double Heroes", three dramas, before and after a Christmas season, each one hit the stage with his own, Chen Hao's attitude of self-confidence, the king's attitude, a clear view.

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