Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 230: Perfect Variety Premiere

For the meat delivered to the mouth, Chen Haozhen did not eat, and because of the tangled side for a while, he was in a photo studio, the surrounding terrain was empty, and there were many entrances and exits. Many people ran here to watch and restrain each other. Both Li Chen and Deng Chao are eager to try. The two teams of Huang Hong obviously have an stance to form an alliance.

They just came to Chen Hao's side and saw that the foreign aid was still very easy to be torn off the brand name. It was very easy for Chen Hao. Then the foreign aid was doing its best. What is the difference between absolute strength and explosive power? Let him be incapable of returning to the sky, and be restrained by the force a few times. What is more frightening is that Haozi either did n’t take the shot, he shot it quickly and ruthlessly, he did n’t give you a chance to attack and attack, and he did n’t entangle with you on the ground. .

So the whole picture looks like a second tear. Everyone hasn't calmed down yet, the brand name has been torn off.

The existence of Chen Hao broke the balance. The members in the studio dispersed, and the alliance between the red and yellow became a must. Da Niu Niu wanted to lift Chen Hao and invite Deng Chao to reproduce the first season of the year. The classic, the two played against Admiralty, and today, the two played against Hao Zi.


It ’s more and more hi to tear the name brand. With the point of Chen Hao, foreign aid has become a lamb to be slaughtered tonight. After being slaughtered continuously, everyone is working hard and using their brains to fight with him, let alone say, There were really two sneak attacks from Na Ying and Zheng Kai, and he almost tore off Chen Hao. He also became more and more cautious. Without knowing it, he took more than three hours to shoot. With Wang Zulan being killed, he ran. The members of the regiment also became fiercely killed. At this time, everyone did not keep their hands. According to experience, more than three hours of continuous replay and recording, the materials are similar, and entered the final decisive stage.

Chen Hao ran, and when he ran, it became his pursuit of foreign aid. With a bell tied to his ankle, he couldn't run at all. He could only regret it. As a result, there were constant OUTs. All foreign aid at the scene was killed, and various props were almost used.

Luhan was ripped off by Reba, Chen He was ripped off by Na Ying, Li Chen ripped off Na Ying again, Chen Hao ripped Zheng Kai, and in the end Li Chen, Deng Chao, Chen Hao and Rerba were left. The four people made a direct appointment to a place, and they were all tired. It was over, and the materials were enough.

"I will be your referee."

Seeing Chen Hao coming towards himself, Deng Chao also watched out for Li Chen, Reba raised his hand first, and Ming Zhe defended himself.

Chen Hao spread his hand and gave it to Deng Chao: "Super brother, I can't get my hands on, should you come?"

Deng Chao blinked his eyes and smiled slightly at the corners of his mouth: "Okay, I'll come."

People have missed horses and hoofs.

The original design of the bridge section, everyone is looking forward to the last classic reappearance, the result is a sudden change in style, and Tupai Chao did not want to be a Tupai today, but in reality he told him that you are a Tuppie, and you do not need to change the style in the future You can't change it.

He, unexpectedly, was torn by Reba.

When his nameplate was held by Reba, the whole world was black and white. Although he also tore off the nameplate of Reba at almost the same time, people with good eyes could see that he was the one who was torn off first. .

This time, the audience laughed. All the people in ‘Prison’, as well as those who were drinking water, talked directly, and they could n’t laugh anymore.

Li Chen and Chen Hao are also holding the wall, they can't breathe with a smile, Chao Brother, do we have to play so hard? How do you see people in the future, how to be the leader of this men ’s team, and how to lead everyone to run abroad, being a little girl, when you most need you to give all your strength to kill her and Li Chen to experience the classic again At a time when everyone doesn't think there is any suspense between the two of you.

Suddenly a suspense came, Reba tore Deng Chao, one-on-one, tearing his hands.

The cameraman and the staff at the scene also laughed. Reba laughed with Deng Chao's brand name. Deng Chao was completely petrochemical. He really didn't know what to say now, and he was very entangled, but not disappointed. This is also an effect. It doesn't matter if you don't reproduce the classics. This is also possible. The effect is also great. At least everyone has already laughed and don't know what to do and can't control themselves.

The man in black appeared and took Deng Chao to 'Prison'. The whole man was in a stupid state. He couldn't believe it. He would be torn off by Reba. He was very confident and wanted to shine in the final link. The result was to die here, but I had no choice but to accept the fact that I became the laughingstock of everyone in the 'prison'. This stalk is enough for everyone to laugh for several years. It is almost the same as the concept of Viagra fell tired. Just fire, say It doesn't matter what you do, everyone agrees that the audience likes it is the most important. This completely unexpected way of ending, no one expected it to be like this. Looking back, it's quite interesting and pretty good.

There are only Li Chen and Reba left. The two of them are still in the same group. They did n’t say anything. Just open and tear. Everyone is waiting to go back for a rest. We took a bath in the evening and had a drink together. Enough is enough, there should be no pressure to play in two periods.

"Okay, come on, tear it up."


Li Chen has the pride of Li Chen. He motioned for Reba to go aside. He and Chen Hao performed a one-on-one tear-off of the famous brand. The **** cow played the role. He also watched Chen Hao several times today to teach himself and taught himself some time ago. When he was, he was totally in two states. His hands were itchy and his technique was itchy, and it was time to tear it well, otherwise I was sorry for myself.

The two started to tear apart, and Chen Hao relented a little bit of his strength. He knew that he did enough today, and the post-editing would not cause much damage to himself. Okay, as his first variety show, he was running On the men's stage, he will also have enough pictures and establish an image of a capable person. He also has his own intentions. South Korea ’s running man has Admiralty. Both sides will have more or less cooperation every season. The next time, is it possible that he can be a talented person on the Huaxia side and appear in the recording scene of the running man. It is estimated that this period will be broadcast. If the response is good, there will definitely be a lot of people who want to take a look I broke up with Jin Zhongguo, and in the future, I still have the opportunity to log in to this stage.

The two really entangled for a while, and finally began to attack each other, twisted their bodies together, and fell to the ground. Various methods of tearing brand names came up. While defending, they also attacked. The two were not small in size and they were still It ’s hard to get the other party right away. At this time, while watching the lively Reba, his eyes turned, and he quietly gathered up. While Chen Hao and Li Chen were tangled together, the detective directly tore his name brand. Came down.

The scene suddenly stalled. According to the standard of normal editing, when the TV broadcasted, the picture was switched to prison. Everyone would stand at the end and greet the return of the final display together, and then show it to everyone, whose name brand has not been torn. Out, who is the last winner.

After tearing, there are no more shots to be recorded. Chen Hao thanked Li Chen and Reba bowing slightly, thanking the two for taking care of him. He is not in the game state, and maintains a humble junior posture, whether it is Li Chen ’s support is still tolerant of Reba. As a newcomer, everyone should be grateful. People who cooperate with you in the show and are willing to interact with you are a kind of kindness.

The final session was recorded as usual. Chen Hao turned to show everyone his empty back. Li Chen and Reba high-five declared victory. The two were very excited. Li Chen also felt that Chen Hao had been controlling the force. A fair victory is still quite satisfactory. If you really let the victory come, it would be boring. It is not very pursuit of winning the show itself. Today, it is very happy to tear the brand name. Unconsciously, four hours have passed and it is very enjoyable. , Found the former feeling, comfortable.

Along with everyone shouting the final slogan, today's work ended. Although it was already over eleven o'clock, but everyone was still full of energy. Chen Hao immediately proposed the drinking that everyone said before. He had already arranged and was living. The Chinese restaurant of the hotel has already arranged a few tables. During this time, we can reserve a table, and everyone can eat more easily, and we don't need to worry about the image. Then we can take the elevator to go upstairs to sleep.

Na Ying is a man of heart. In fact, the other members of the men's team have a good relationship with each other. They are not as bad as the outside world. Everyone does not have too many collisions in their career planning, so the overall situation is very Harmonious, some people have always said that Chen He and Zheng Kai have a bad relationship with their classmates ~ ~ It ’s not bad. I really have to run into trouble. The relationship will be on the side for many years, just some jokes between the students. Continuing between artists, it will easily cause misunderstandings, and it is easy to feel that you do n’t give me face to ruin my image, it feels like there is a secret fight between the two, but it is actually a brother who has been up and down for four years. The real relationship is not Will show up on weekdays.

There is one more person, and everyone gathers together. After a long night of drinking a little wine, the taste is particularly comfortable. For Chen Hao, this is undoubtedly the best time to expand contacts. For Reba, Wang Zulan, Lu After drinking for a while, he went back in advance. He didn't feel anything. His personal temperament was different. If you look at Ying Ying, Deng Chao, and Li Chen, they are all bold. Chen He and Zheng Kai can also play with everyone. Coupled with a Chen Hao, these few drink out feeling, drink directly to dawn.

Chen Hao slept into the afternoon and learned from Chen Gang after getting up that everyone was scattered. Every time, this is the case. If you are fine, you can sleep for another day. If you want to go, you can leave anytime, anywhere. I need to say hello to everyone. The running man has always been like this. Someone got up in the morning to catch a plane to participate in an event or enter the crew. Is there anything to sleep for an extra day? It won't take long to get together again. There is no need to be regular every time.

"Is the flight booked?"

"No, Huang Zhonghai sent a car to pick you up and invite you to Modu."

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