Great Tang Broom Star

Chapter 1140 Those 50 years will never happen again

Lu Dongzan's laughter still echoed outside the big tent, and someone shouted in front: "Tang army raid!"

Lu Dongzan said: "It's just a small group of people, there is no need to worry."

"It's a small group of people!"

Feedback from the front again.

Lu Dongzan turned around and went in.

Someone heard him say in a low voice: "You think the same as me..."


"There's nothing fancy about this battle."

Jia Ping'an is also convening a discussion.

Li Hong sat at the top, but he knew his ability, so he just watched as a student.

The map was hung on the wall, and Jia Pingan poked the surrounding area of ​​Shule City with a branch, "It is surrounded by mountains on three sides, but there is no way to hide soldiers, so this battle is head-to-head."

"How to fight head-to-head?"

Gao Kan is looking at Jia Pingan.

Back then, he returned to Chang'an after defeating the enemy in the hearty battle, which attracted the attention of many people, and then he invited various invitations.

People can be lofty, but not arrogant.

He refused all kinds of banquets and participated in the horses.

In the process of playing horses, he met Jia Ping'an.

At that time, he was still a teenager, hanging out with a group of Chang'an prodigal children, including royal youths, rascals...

That time Jia Ping'an's words made Gao Kan a little appreciative, but that's all. He felt that if nothing happened to this young man, he would be struggling in the officialdom, and when he saw him again many years later, he might not be able to recognize him.

But the follow-up of Jia Pingan made him look at him with admiration...

Until now, Jia Pingan stood on the top to guide the battle situation, while he sat down and listened.

What a chance!

Gao Kan smiled.

"The enemy's army is close to 300,000. They are Tibetans, so I ask you to put aside the idea of ​​underestimating the enemy. It is very dangerous."

"Our army has 50,000 government soldiers as the core, and the servant army can only beat the side drums.

For example, defending the flanks is unreliable from the front. "

Everyone's heart trembled.

"The Tubo people are brave and brave. I think you should have a preliminary understanding of this."

Jia Pingan looked at the generals and thought of Chang'an.

The monarchs and ministers in Chang'an are probably also anxiously waiting for the news here.

This battle can be said to be a battle that determines the future strategic situation of Datang and Tubo.

If Datang wins, it will never move forward.

If Tubo wins, it will sweep Anxi, then attack Tuyuhun, and spy on Longyou Dao.

With one victory and one defeat, the strategic situation of the two sides will undergo unprecedented changes.

"Have confidence in your subordinates."

Jia Pingan said: "This is a national war. What is my request? Listen to the order! Listen to the order! In the end, I still listen to the order. You can raise any doubts at this moment, and I will analyze them one by one. If anyone dares to question my military order during the war ..."

Jia Ping'an's eyes were serious, "No matter who it is, kill without mercy!"

Everyone responded awe-inspiringly.

"Even if I tell you to jump into the abyss, you have to jump down for me! Even if I tell you to jump up the mountain of swords, who dares to take a slow step, kill without mercy, and be decisive!"

These words were so murderous that even Li Hong was shocked.

"Good news!"

Someone outside shouted happily, "Your Highness, Duke, our army has won a great victory."

"Come in and talk."

Jia Pingan sat down.

A sergeant came in, saluted and said, "Director Liu led the attack, and encountered 20,000 enemy troops on the way..."

Everyone looked at Jia Pingan.

Two old foxes!

"Seeing that our army has won a great victory, the enemy's ambushes are surrounded by 10,000 soldiers..."

Gao Kan's eyelids were jumping wildly.

"Li Changshi led the attack, defeated the enemy army, and then chased them all the way to the outside of the enemy camp. Li Changshi refused to listen to Manager Liu's advice, rushed in, killed more than a hundred enemies and retreated."

Li Hong turned around, thinking that his uncle and Lu Dongzan had gone together?

Lu Dong praised people as an old fox, could it be that uncle...

Gao Kan shook his head, "Lu Dongzan's methods are superb, otherwise he would not have been able to control Tubo for many years as a powerful minister. Before leaving, the old commanders were worried about this person's methods. I didn't expect..."

Pei Xingjian's eyes were all wrong.

"A well-matched plan!"

But this gave everyone a strong confidence.

The generals will leave immediately.

Li Hong didn't leave.

"Uncle, does Lu Dongzan think like you do?"

He has never seen such a collision of thoughts, and he is still shocked.

"Silence is the most taboo in a large army's fight."

Jia Pingan said: "The morale of the army will drop when it is silent, so I am attacked and harassed... That's what you mean by stretching before Cuju."

"warm up?"


Jia Pingan was lost in thought.

Li Hong looked from the side and saw him staring blankly at the void, as if there were countless gold and silver there.

It turned out that my uncle was not as relaxed as he had shown to the outside, and he was also thinking hard.



Jia Ping'an went to bed early last night and was refreshed after waking up.

"Duke, there is a letter from home."

The army is thousands of miles away from Chang'an, and family letters are as precious as gold.

The letter from home was delivered through supplies, and it was mixed with many supplies. It seemed that it took a long time to sort it out last night.

Jia Pingan finished washing, lit the candles, and sat on the steps to read the letter.

The first letter came from home.

Looking at the familiar handwriting as before, Jia Pingan couldn't help but smile slightly.

—Aye, everything is fine at home.

I don't know when, the first priority of correspondence is to report safety.

——The eldest brother got praise from the school before the summer vacation. The teacher in the school said that he was visiting home, but the eldest brother declined...


Jia Pingan couldn't help laughing.

——Erlang is still very happy, and Saburo is still bored.

——Auntie was so busy that she even quarreled with Auntie.

In the absence of the man in charge, the two women were worried, but had nowhere to vent, so quarreling became a beneficial activity for the body and mind.

——I'm very good, Aye, when will you come back?

Jia Ping'an was soft-hearted, and carefully put away the letter.

The second letter came from Gao Yang.

In the letter, Gao Yang talked about his recent situation, very carefree.

In summer, Gao Yang mostly went out to play horses. Thinking about a group of noble ladies riding horses and swinging under the scorching sun, Jia Pingan thought of his own experience of playing wild ball in the scorching heat in later generations.

——Da Lang is becoming more and more calm now, and he has also made friends, and he goes out to play with friends every once in a while.

The children gradually grow up and have their own world.

Jia Pingan felt Gao Yang's melancholy.

As a parent, seeing children gradually lose their dependence on themselves is both gratifying and sad.

third letter...

It turned out to be a new city.

Jia Ping opened the letter with a smile.

——Xiao Jia, the weather in Chang'an is good...

Xiaobaihua doesn't have Gao Yang's temperament of daring to love and hate. When she gets angry, she whips hard with a small leather whip. She even chased and killed Li Yifu;

——Some people say that Lu Dongzan is cunning, but the emperor says you are even more cunning.

The evaluation of Lu Dongzan is very pertinent, but there will not be more than ten people in Chang'an who are qualified to evaluate Lu Dongzan. The fact that Xincheng got this evaluation must be the result of her taking the initiative to ask for advice.

The emperor said that Master Jia was more cunning, which was a compliment, but he would not say it out of nowhere, only the possibility that Xincheng took the initiative to ask.

Xiaobaihua expressed her lovesickness in such cryptic language.

——Xiao Jia, I miss you.

Jia Ping looked up at the sky.

The dawn was looming in the sky, and there was already some vitality in the air, which was extremely fresh.

Jia Pingan sat on the steps with his arms around his knees, watching the dawn slowly spread in such a calm manner.


On the first day after the repair, the two sides began to use scouts to test.

Ashnapol was brought over early in the morning.

"Your department is in charge of the scouts and rangers this time. Maybe they can suppress the Tibetans?"

Jia Pingan asked seemingly casually.

Then he glanced up at him.

Ashina Helu trembled slightly in his heart, "It will definitely be possible."

"Then I am waiting for your good news."

Jia Pingan nodded.

Immediately, a scout war broke out between the two sides.

"It's just a warm-up."

Jia Pingan was cooking hot pot calmly.

The Turks were desperate.

"I just want to win!"

Ashnapol sat in the rear and personally directed the scout battle.

The corpses of five generals fell in front of him.

When those Turkic people saw his ashen complexion, they couldn't help but shudder.

Jia Pingan is the only one who can force Ashnapol into such a situation.

But if you don't force the Turks, you won't work hard.

"It's too early to catch fish."

Jia Pingan is eating hot pot.

"Brother, don't you eat beef kidney?"

"This guy has good things to do, and the bully guy has a lot of things to do."

The fighting outside is in full swing, and the heat is lingering here.


"Prime Minister, the Turkic people are ruthless."

Lu Dongzan didn't find it strange at all, "Jia Ping stared at them. Whoever dares to preserve their strength in the face of the war will be chopped up by him for nothing, and they will get a bad reputation."

He raised his head and said: "Restraining people is also one of the necessary abilities of a famous general. If you can't control people, how can you make the army as good as your arms?"

Everyone is awe-inspiring.

Lu Dongzan drank a cup of tea slowly.

"Is it time for our people to leave?"

An official said: "Our people have already sneaked in, and we are just waiting for the opportunity to meet with the leader of the Gongyue Department."

Lu Dong admired: "The Turkic people don't give up, they still want to reproduce the glory of the past. Ashnapol has a good impression of us, which is fake. He just weighs the pros and cons, and feels that following us is more likely to realize his dream. dream, but following Datang, he will never see the day when the Turks will rise again in this life.”

It can be seen that in the eyes of the Turkic people, Datang is still stronger than Tubo.

Lu Dongzan said: "This is the key to this battle. We have won the Gongyue Department... Once they can fight back during the war, why do we need to talk about the victory?"

Bujin asked, "What if Ashnapole refuses to agree?"

Lu Dongzan said calmly, "That's a dead man!"


Ashnapole returned to his room exhausted physically and mentally.

He had no intention of being loyal to Datang, and wanted to fish from the very beginning.

But Jia Pingan saw through his plan at a glance, and twenty lashes was a reminder. Being whipped in public made him ashamed and angry, but what could he do?

Knock knock!

"Come in."

Ashnapol's personal soldiers came in, "Someone asked to see him, but someone he didn't know said it was something important."

Someone came in.

He kept his head down.

Ashnapol frowned, "Who are you?"

This person was wearing the military uniform of the Turkic Ministry, but he dared not look up, which made Ashnapol's heart move, and he grabbed the handle of the knife.

"I came here to ask Khan, do you want to regain the glory of the year?"

Shocked, Ashnapol drew his sword and stood up, "Who are you?"

The person who came looked up, with an ordinary face, and said with a smile: "I came here by order."

"Whose order?"

"Great Prime Minister!"

Ashnapol looked outside the door subconsciously, and said with a sinister smile, "What does Lu Dongzan want to say?"

"You didn't make people take me down immediately, which shows that you are dissatisfied with Datang in your heart."

The person who came said: "The prime minister said that Tubo must win this battle. Once it wins, Tubo will sweep Anxi, including Gongyue City and other places. Do you want to be a member of the defeated army, or do you want to take your subordinates all the way to recruit troops?" People, raise the Turkic flag again?"

Ashnapol was startled, "If I kill you..."

"I still have a companion outside." The visitor said calmly, "If you kill me, my companion will shout that you are in collusion with Tubo... You must know that Jia Ping'an is a vicious person. If he finds out about this, What do you think he would think when faced with the corpse of a Tubo man appearing in your room?"


On the second day, the scout battle became more intense.

"Turks work hard."

Li Hong also gradually learned a lot, obtained information from the battle report, and then asked Jia Pingan for advice.

Jia Pingan said: "This is a battle of momentum."

Still the same on the third day.

Scout battles continued, and from time to time, scouts from the other side would raid outside the camp to show off their might, even if they were shot and killed by random arrows, they would not be afraid.

This is momentum!

fourth day.

Scout War suddenly disappeared.

The scouts of both sides stared at each other near the midpoint, not allowing the other to break through outside their own camp.

"It's veiling."

Jia Pingan is teaching the prince.

"The most important thing in the battle on the battlefield is to obtain information. If you can obtain the enemy's situation and cover the battlefield, then the battlefield will be unilaterally transparent to you. You can know the enemy's movements, but the enemy cannot figure out your means. , so you get the upper hand."

Li Hong nodded, silently remembering these.

"And then?" he asked.

Jia Pingan smiled and said, "Then...the battle begins!"


fifth day.

In the morning, Li Hong got up.

After arriving in Shule City, he refused the service of Zeng Xianglin and others, and took care of everything by himself.

Zeng Xianglin felt sour in his heart, feeling that he was becoming more and more useless.

Exercise after waking up.

This has become a habit.

Run, then practice knife skills.

After breakfast, Li Hong went to look for his uncle.

A group of generals stood outside Jia Ping'an's house at the moment.

"I have seen His Highness!"

Everyone salutes.

"The Duke will wake up."


Is uncle that lazy?

Li Hong noticed that the generals looked relaxed.


Doing this will make his subordinates feel his confidence.

I can still sleep late before the war, what are you worried about?

Li Hong pushed the door open and went in.

Jia Pingan is washing up.

He even had a cup of tea made for him after breakfast.

It was still dark at the moment.

Jia Pingan sat in the room, drinking tea quietly.

Li Hong sat beside him.

Jia Pingan put down his teacup and said, "From the very beginning, I knew that Tubo would be the biggest threat to the Tang Dynasty."

"Since when?"

"From the first time I went to Diezhou."

"If the Tang Dynasty wants to continue to be strong, it is inevitable to go west. The trade route needs to be maintained, the Anxi Protectorate needs to be kept stable, and the Dashi in the direction of Persia needs to be kept in mind. All these are the lifeline of the Tang Dynasty, but this lifeline is not Under the noses of the Tubo people, if they are not defeated, how can the Tang Dynasty develop?"

Li Hong thought of the food that his uncle mentioned many times.

And Tubo, which has been mentioned many times.

"One generation has the responsibility of one generation. The responsibility of Emperor Gaozu is to overthrow the former Sui Dynasty and establish the Great Tang. The responsibility of the first emperor is to defeat the Turks and stabilize the power of the Great Tang. The responsibility of His Majesty today is to expand the power of the Great Tang based on these foundations. The national power, clean up the surrounding threats, and create a better development space for the children and grandchildren.”

Jia Pingan looked at Li Hong and said, "You have to watch all this. I think you should think about what your responsibilities will be in the future."

Li Hong nodded vigorously.

Jia Ping got up.

Xu Xiaoyu and others came with armor.

Jia Ping stretched out his hands and looked calmly at the generals outside.

Put on armor and wear a horizontal knife at the waist.

Jia Pingan strode out.

"Meet the Duke!"

All the generals saluted.

Jia Pingan nodded.

"Follow me."

His blood boiled like never before.

The biggest foreign trouble in the Tang Dynasty was Tubo.

Since the founding of the country, Tubo has been staring at Datang, looking for opportunities to bite.

In history, they fought with Datang in Longyou and Anxi for a hundred years, Tuyuhun fell into their hands, and Longyou became the front line.

Then Tubo stared at Anxi, continued to invade, and finally captured Anxi.

At this moment, the strategic situation of Tubo has never been better.

Afterwards, there was constant see-saw, Tubo captured Anxi today, Datang regained Anxi tomorrow, and so on repeatedly until the foundation of Datang in Anxi gradually became stable.

But after the Anshi Rebellion, the panic-stricken monarchs and ministers thought of the Anxi Protectorate, which could suppress the Western Regions, Tubo, Dashi and other huge forces by themselves, so they mobilized Anxi, Longyou, Beiting, Hexi, etc. The most elite frontier troops joined in.

These reinforcements gradually dissipated in the endless civil wars, and Tubo took advantage of the situation to cut off the Hexi Corridor, and thus the Anxi Protectorate became a lone army.

Fifty years!

Fifty years away from the Tang Dynasty, but Anxi people have been guarding Anxi in the Tang Dynasty, until fifty years later, the last glory faded along with the white hair...

Jia Pingan walked steadily. He looked up at the glimmer of light in the east.

This is Anxi from Datang!

What am I here for?

He thought of his experiences over the years.

He led the crowd down the long street.

Many people opened the door silently, and the whole family stood outside the door and watched them.

This is an unprecedented collision between Tubo and Datang.

A woman muttered: "It is said that there are 300,000! Is it possible for us to win?"

The old man next to him shouted, "Shut up!"

The woman refused to accept, "Aye, we have few people."

The old man scolded: "What's the matter with few people? Didn't the men of Tang Dynasty win the battle with less? Look at these people, which one is afraid? Even if the front is full of enemy troops, they still rush out like this, afraid of being a bird! "

The old man took his grandson's hand and rubbed the top of his head, "Is Wulang afraid of Tibetans?"

The child shook his head, "Not afraid!"

Countless people stood silently at the gate of their house, watching their group walk slowly towards the city gate.

Jia Pingan has been thinking about a question...what is Han and Tang!

Looking at these silent but firm-eyed common people, he thought about the future.

When this place became an isolated island, these people were still producing continuously, building weapons, and sending their children and grandchildren to the army.

No one bowed their heads.

Fifty years!

No one has ever bowed their heads!

This is Han Tang!

Jia Pingan walked outside the city gate and looked back.

"For those fifty years, there will be no more."


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