Great Tang Broom Star

Chapter 1147? Be tough

Outside the city, Li Jingye said boringly: "Brother, why did you let the prince enter the city? Shouldn't you be waiting to enter together?"

Jia Ping'an was also very bored, and wished he could fly into the city with his wings and go home to see his wife and children.

"He is the son first, and then the prince. If you can't figure out this relationship, you will be unlucky sooner or later."


In the hall, the prince wept bitterly, telling how he missed his parents after a long absence.

The emperor's eyes were also red, and Empress Wu was even more tearful.

Wang Zhongliang choked up and said, "It's so pitiful."


The delicate little girl's voice came, "I want to go up by myself, if you let go, if you don't let go, Xun Xun will bite you!"

Xun Xun stood outside the hall, his tail wagging more and more cheerfully, it looked like a spinning circle from behind.

"Meet the princess."

Taiping came, and the four-year-old girl went up the steps with her head held high, and when she saw the excitement inside, she yelled, "Mother, who's here?"

No one paid her any attention.

Taiping was furious, and ran over with short legs, walked up to the prince, and put his hands on his hips.

"Who are you?"

The crying prince was stunned, "Taiping, you don't know me anymore?"

Taiping burst into tears, "Aye, mother, you don't love me anymore."

"Who said that?"

The emperor immediately left the prince and coaxed the daughter together.

Li Hong wiped away his tears and felt that he had been away for a while, as if this big family had changed a lot.

For example, why is this younger sister staring at herself while pretending to be wronged?

Is this still the well-behaved Taiping?

The prince returned, and the empress was in a good mood.

Immediately there was a prisoner offering.

The emperor was very excited, and Jia Pingan always felt that he was having a schizophrenia, while thinking about how great a feat it is that I have conquered such a huge country now? At the same time, I thought that it was all the fault of the prime ministers that I couldn't go to the conquest.

Then comes reward and punishment.

There are rewards for meritorious deeds and punishments for demerits.

Jia Ping got a lot of treasures and gave his two sons an official position.

Ashina Helu appeared.

The dance is very touching. Jia Pingan thinks that if it is a short video for later generations to broadcast live, let alone gain millions of fans.

Jia Ping'an couldn't help but feel more comfortable watching the alien dancing and drinking.

Now Li Ji just tasted it, took a sip of wine to make a show, and found Jia Ping'an later.

"Why did someone say that Jingye was injured?"


Jia Pingan said seriously: "He wanted to shake his ass, but I beat him severely. He felt ashamed to see people, so he hid for a while."

Li Ji was getting old, and Jia Pingan was worried that the news of Li Jingye's serious injury would make him uneasy, so he discussed with that stick and decided to keep it a secret.


Li Jingye got up from the side, grabbed an official and poured alcohol.

"If you lose, you have to drink!"

Li Jingye put down the official who rolled his eyes, and smiled obsequiously at Li Zhi.

Li Zhi trembled, "I have seen many flattering courtiers, he... I can't bear it."

Li Yifu smiled lightly.

Flattery is also a skill, Li Jingye's flattering smile looks silly, it doesn't match at all.

"That's it!"

Li Ji just smiled.

How could such things be hidden from him?

But if the junior chooses to hide it, then he will just pretend to be confused.

The most taboo thing for people when they are old is to fight for everything, to fight for everything, to fight for the truth.

The word old and confused is not a derogatory term. In many cases, pretending to be confused can make everyone happy.

Jia Pingan stood up, "Your Majesty, please see the queen."

This is a program.

The emperor nodded.

Li Yifu sneered, thinking that this is for flattery, it would be better to be beaten up by the queen.

"Li Xiang, why are you smiling so eeriely?"

Some people couldn't see him staring at Jia Pingan and sneering, so they exposed it.

Li Yifu was furious, and just about to get mad, but it turned out to be Li Jingye.

Be patient!

Li Yifu took a deep breath.

Li Ji was right next to him, if the old man scolded him, this old fox would definitely rant.

Li Yifu is not afraid of others, but he is a little more afraid of Li Ji.

He didn't care about it, but Li Jingye was relentless, "Li Xiang had better stop laughing."

Li Yifu's dissatisfaction reached the extreme, he smiled and said, "Why?"

Even the emperor was interested in waiting for his answer.

Of course he knew the news that Li Jingye was seriously injured and almost died during the Western Expedition, so he was a little more tolerant.

Li Jingye said: "I have learned a truth in this Western Expedition..."

Li Jing couldn't help stroking his beard and nodding in satisfaction.

The grandson has matured!

Everyone was curious, put down their wine glasses and chopsticks and waited.

Li Jingye is quite proud of being noticed by everyone, "You smile kindly when you see people, the more friendly you are, the more sinister you are. If you want to do something, then do it right away, smiling like that dog in the palace... I really think others don't know What do you think?"

Looking for lying guns!

Li Yifu: "..."


The queen is talking to the prince.

"Those Tubo people are really vicious, and they rushed forward without fear of death. I saw someone who was stabbed three times and still surviving, still charging..."

The prince said with joy, but he didn't see that his mother who was holding his younger sister was a little unswerving.

What are you talking about in such detail?

"Taiping is terrible?"

If the empress is 100% gentle to her children, then 50% will be given to the prince and brothers, and 50% will be given to Taiping.

Taiping shook his head, "I love to listen."

The prince couldn't help being happy, "Taiping is really bold."

He went on to say something about Xi Zheng.

"Queen, Duke Zhao please see me."

Wu Mei smiled and said, "Isn't it a celebration banquet? Why did you come here?"

Jia Pingan came and saluted. Seeing Taiping staring at him in a daze, he smiled and said, "Did Taiping forget me?"

Taiping shook his head, "Who are you?"

Not to mention Jia Ping'an, if Taiping really wants to leave his parents for half a year, he will guarantee that he will not know anyone when he comes back.

Jia Ping'an has several children, so he naturally knows this well, so he immediately gave a gift.

In a blink of an eye, Taiping was sweetly called uncle.

"How is this battle?"

The prince said something, but Jia Ping'an had to talk about the overall situation.

"Most of the Tubo elites were lost in Anxi. Lu Dongzan's methods are amazing, but some rely too much on small methods."

"You're talking about the fact that he bought the Gongyue Department?"

"Yes." Jia Pingan said: "You can buy it, but you can't rely on Gong Yuebu as a way to suppress the bottom of your box, otherwise you will be inherently wrong."

Datang suffered such losses in the Battle of Talas, so Jia Ping'an would be more careful whenever there were servants following him.

"How about Anxi?"

"After this battle, Anxi was terrified."

Empress Wu understood.

Who would be freaked out? Naturally, those who have evil intentions.

"Some people in Anxi have been unwilling to settle down. They rely on the Turks and the Tubo people. After the Turks were destroyed and the Tubo returned home, who else could they rely on?"

"Sister is wise."

The emperor who had just arrived outside the palace frowned, feeling that this flattery was really shameless.

"His Majesty."

Li Zhi came in, "I drank a few cups and felt dizzy."


Jia Pingan glanced at the tea, and his eyelids jumped a few times.

Three small pieces!

It's better not to drink!

Be tough!

But Li Zhi drank with gusto.

"After the loss of Goryeo in Liaodong, some tribes gradually rose up, and then the Khitan and Xi tribes migrated, and some tribes followed into their pastures..."

"Going in while taking advantage of the situation, such things cannot be avoided." Jia Ping'an had thought about this situation a long time ago, "I thought it was still necessary to immigrate and assimilate those tribes step by step."

Li Zhi nodded, "Those tribes continued to rise up, and then killed each other, and finally a giant came out, roaring towards the Central Plains. The suppression is endless! Only immigrants."

"Your Majesty is wise."

This is not flattery. Li Zhi's decisiveness and enterprising spirit made Jia Ping'an very happy.

"As long as you immigrate out in this way, after a hundred years, everything in Anxi and Mobei will be the territory of the Tang Dynasty, which is unbreakable."

Li Hong said: "Mobei is bitterly cold."

Jia Pingan said: "The population of the Tang Dynasty is increasing. This is an irreversible change. What is the foundation of the Tang Dynasty's strong army? It is the military system and farming warfare."

The empress watched them communicating, smiled slightly, and teased Taiping.

"You can go to the Household Department Haosheng to see the population growth rate of the Tang Dynasty in recent decades. It is frightening. Now many places are in short supply of land and it is difficult to grant land. If it is impossible to grant land, how will the people live? How will the court go? Choose the soldiers?"

The land grant system is the core of the Fubing system. If the land is lost, where will the source of soldiers come from?

"So immigration is a good thing that kills two birds with one stone."

Jia Pingan said: "Hurry up and do it while the people are willing to emigrate, lest everyone loves their home after a long time, and would rather eat chaff and swallow vegetables at home than travel far away."

Nowadays, the folk customs of the Tang Dynasty are tough, and the surrounding area has just been cleaned up, so what are you waiting for if you don’t immigrate now?

"When the immigrants arrived, the officials followed and the Zhechong Mansion was established. The larger the population, the easier it is to recruit troops."

Every settlement is a source of soldiers, who dares to ask for wildfire... Ha ha!

This is the best blueprint for the future of Datang.

Go step by step.

You can't follow Xuanzong's old path.

During the Xuanzong period, there were many domestic contradictions, the military system of the government had collapsed, and the interior of the Tang Dynasty became a ball of cotton. An Lushan smashed the so-called Kaiyuan prosperity with one punch.

Land is the most valued resource of the Huaxia lineage, and if there is land, there will be no chaos.

But to suppress those greedy and inexorable superiors.

Jia Ping'an and the prince continued to mutter, and the topic had already turned to powerful capital.

"Capital has a characteristic, that is, monopoly. Capital is profit-seeking. When they discover the interests in a field, they will rack their brains to squeeze in, for example, annexing land. Now there are signs of this. Those powerful and powerful are looking at the future. In the middle, if they don’t care about it, or if the thunder is heavy and the rain is small, then they will show their fangs and frantically devour all the fields they can plunder.”

It is against this background that the so-called prosperous age of Kaiyuan emerged.

"They will never die!"

Jia Ping left this sentence and got up to leave.

It's time for him to go home.

The crown prince waited for him to leave and said: "What does uncle mean by saying that you can't die forever? Could it be that those people killed the people?"

Li Zhi shook his head, "He wants to say... Once this opening is made, unless those people are killed, they will go on and take over the fields."

The prince was puzzled, "Aye, don't kill a few chickens to make an example to monkeys, aren't those people afraid?"

Empress Wu smiled, "You have to know that when you deal with a few people who embezzled the land, more people seems that I should be more careful in the future. They don't think...will I be executed?" ? So I dare not do it again.”

The prince was silent.

The past few years have been the years when he has received the most information, and his three views have gradually formed under the influence of these information.

"So what the emperor has to do is to deal with these people in a timely and decisive manner."

"Once it spreads, it will be difficult to rectify it." Li Zhi thought for a while, "At that time, the clan, the emperor's relatives, and high-ranking officials will all be among them. Who can you move?"

"At that time, if you want to make a move again, it will be an enemy of the people in the world they say, and they will try their best to force you to submit."

"If you refuse..." Li Zhi's eyes became more cold, "The country is turbulent, and there is smoke everywhere."

Li Hong nodded, "So the emperor must not stand on their side, otherwise the dynasty will be overthrown just waiting for nothing."


Jia Pingan taught the prince a lesson and hurried back home.


This time, among the children in the family, only Jia Hong looked strangely at him, while the other three children were fine and very enthusiastic.

Ah Fu was also quite enthusiastic and gave Papa a piece of pastry.

Su Ho was stunned, "Didn't I just do this? I said why a few dollars were missing."

Jia Pingan immediately defended his shortcomings, "Ah Fu just ate a few pieces."

Doudou immediately made up the knife: "Yes, yes! Aniang, Ah Fu eat more, you eat less."

Soho rolled his eyes.

The family was reunited, and after taking a bath, Jia Pingan went to the front yard.

"Meet sir."

Wang Bo is taller again.

The two mentioned some studies, and then they talked about the Western Expedition.

Wang Bo sighed, "I'm afraid I won't have the chance to go to war in the future."

"It's fine not to go."


Jia Pingan said: "I went to harm others and myself."

Whenever Wang Bo wanted to join the army, Jia Pingan felt that his legs should be discounted first.

This kind of temperament that likes to pretend to be compared, if it enters the army, it will be a disaster sooner or later.

Jia Ping'an went to Gao Yang the next day.

Reunited after a long absence, and Jia Pingan held back for a long time, so he turned over and became the master heartily.

"Do you dare to shout again next time?"

Gaoyang hangs the flag of exemption from war.

Li Shuo's archery skills are quite good, the father and son had a competition, although Li Shuo was defeated, but his talent was clearly revealed.

"Don't think about going to war, just think about liking it. It would be nice to be able to hunt in the future."

Li Shuo had the status of a clan and the title of Duke of the county, but Jia Ping'an knew it all.

This baby will be a rich and idle person in the future.

"Do you like painting?"

Jia Pingan wants to test his hobbies and make arrangements for his future.

Li Shuo shook his head, "I don't like it."

"Do you like horses?"

Datang's horse-roaring movement has become more and more popular in recent years, and there are more than a hundred horse-riding teams in Chang'an City that often fight.


Li Shuo's eyes lit up.

Gao Yang watched their father and son talking from the side, heard the words and said with a smile: "When I go hunting horses, I often take Da Lang with me, Da Lang is watching from the side, and even asked me to get him a small stick."

"Not bad." Jia Ping'an thought this hobby was good, "You are good at studying. When you are over ten years old, my father will get you a horse team and let you take care of it."

The cost of the horse team is not small, and the annual cost of horses and players can bankrupt a small rich man.


Li Shuo was a little skeptical.

Jia Pingan raised his hand, "A word from a gentleman."

Li Shuo raised his hand, "It's hard to catch a four-horse horse!"

Father and son high-five and swear.

Jia Pingan, who was not short of money, was ready to throw a team to his son.

He was just about to 'visit' Xincheng when Wang Yuanyuan came to Jia's house to ask for a visit.

"Duke help!"

Wang Yuanyuan screamed fiercely.

Jia Pingan was puzzled, "Why?"

Wang Yuanyuan choked with sobs and said, "The Tubo side already knew about my relationship with Datang, but now I dare not go back."

"Then don't go back."

This is nothing!

Wang Yuanyuan said: "But I can't be naturalized."

Datang's naturalization criteria are getting stricter and stricter. Last time Wang Yuanyuan went to inquire, she got a bad nose.

"Improving the conditions for naturalization is my suggestion."

Jia Pingan didn't want to say anything crooked and cracked dates, and he would come out and shout: Yeah, you are from Datang!

People are Datang household registration, but they are cursing Datang MMP in their hearts, how can such people be naturalized?

Wang Yuanyuan was dumbfounded, and then rejoiced, "Duke, I have fought my life for Datang, I have shed blood for Datang! Look..."

This guy is about to undress, and let Jia Pingan see the scars of being assassinated by Tubo secret agents last time.

"I see."

Jia Pingan said: "Whoever is loyal to Datang, the court knows it clearly, don't worry!"

"Thank you, Duke!"

Wang Yuanyuan went back happily.

More than ten smugglers are waiting for him at the moment.

A group of people panicked.

"It was said to be a big defeat. The 300,000 army was wiped out. The prime minister snatched a donkey and fled all the way back."

"Hey! I thought it was a fake at first, but they all offered up prisoners. I also saw several generals who used to show off their might to me... When I smuggled them back then, I did them a lot of favors."

"What shall we do in the future?"

"Go ahead."

"But Tubo may be in turmoil."

These businessmen have the most sensitive sense of smell, knowing that Tubo's troubles are about to begin.

"Wang Yuanyuan has made so many meritorious deeds, if he can't even be naturalized, then what is the use of all my money?"

"If Datang allows me to be naturalized, I am willing to donate 50% of my property."

"Sixty percent... Seventy percent will do."

Datang household registration is the most powerful thing in this era. With Datang household registration, if you are bullied outside, you just need to find the local officials and ask them to make decisions for you.

Officials can't solve it, and there is an army. The Tang Dynasty is invincible, who dares to be domineering?

Wang Yuanyuan is back.


Wang Yuanyuan said: "Mr. Zhao put me at ease."


"This is prevarication!"

"Forget it, it still seems useless."


"Let them know that in this unsafe era, the Datang household registration is the safest thing."

Jia Pingan went to the Ministry of Households in person, left the words that made Dou Dexuan thoughtful, and then went to Chang'an County.

"It's a matter of foreign merchants, why do you need the father-in-law to come?"

The officials in Chang'an County were flattered.

Jia Pingan felt that their attitude was too humble, and only later remembered that he was now wearing the hat of a famous Tang Dynasty marshal.

Wang Yuanyuan was fidgeting in her residence.

He was on the must-kill list of Tubo secret agents, so Tubo definitely couldn't go back. But if he doesn't have a household registration in the Tang Dynasty, he can't do business in the Tang Dynasty, and what about his descendants?

He sat withered from night to dawn, feeling more and more flustered.

Many people will go to find friends to tell them when they are flustered, and Wang Yuanyuan is no exception.

He went to find those businessmen to drink, and after some anxious complaints, he was drunk.

"Wang Yuanyuan!"

Someone was shouting outside, very impatient smell.

Wang Yuanyuan drank too much and scolded, "Why am I here?"


The door was pushed open from the outside, and a small official stood there.

Everyone got up quickly, and Wang Yuanyuan regretted it even more.

The little official asked, "Who is Wang Yuanyuan?"

Wang Yuanyuan hesitated for a moment, her legs trembled, "I... that's it."

The little official said dissatisfied: "I didn't do anything early in the morning, but I came to drink at the restaurant, so Yeye can find it. Hurry to Chang'an County."

Wang Yuanyuan was startled, and tremblingly said: "I didn't do anything wrong!"

The little official said impatiently: "Hurry up and do the naturalization!"

Everyone: "..."

In an instant, countless envious and jealous eyes stared at Wang Yuanyuan. If the eyes could ignite a fire, Wang Yuanyuan would definitely become a human torch at this moment.

"So... I'm from Tang Dynasty? Long live Your Majesty! Long live Your Majesty!" Wang Yuanyuan burst into tears, "Thank you, Duke!"


Good night!

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