Great Tang Broom Star

Chapter 210: Chang'an Canteen

The pleading document was sent, Li Zhi looked at it, and said with a smile: "Yang Wanbei said he didn't drink well, and he talked nonsense after drinking. In addition, he said that he had no control over him, so that his followers shouted and fought all the way. Extremely unbearable."

The prime ministers had already arrived. Hearing this, Changsun Wuji said: "If it's just about the brothel, it might be a cover. But before the envoys entered the Tang Dynasty and showed their power all the way, he even pleaded guilty for this. It can be seen that it is sincere. It's just...why?"

Chu Suiliang glanced at Li Ji, saw that he was silent, so he called his name, "The British Duke is a famous general, so let's talk about it."

Did the old man eat the rice from your house, or did he dig the walls of your house in the middle of the night?

Li Ji glanced at him, and said: "This matter depends on Yang Wanbei. I haven't seen this person before, so I dare not speak nonsense."

Chu Suiliang smiled and said: "The temple will be counted before the war, why didn't the British Duke say it?"

This is forcing the old man to express his opinion!

Li Ji frowned, "Once this matter is judged wrong, how serious the consequences will be, does Mr. Chu know?"

Chu Suiliang laughed dryly, but Li Zhi felt that this person could do whatever he could, disturbing the first place. I lost patience with him, "Liang Qing, tell me."

Liang Jianfang thought of Jia Ping'an's previous judgment, and compared it with the letter of guilt at this moment, it turned out to be seamless.

"Your Majesty, I called Jia Pingan to discuss matters earlier. He said that Yang Wanbei was stern, but the old minister didn't believe him. Now that I saw the letter of guilt, the old minister was ashamed."

Lao Liang said that he was ashamed, but the way he held his head high was clearly full of pride.

Good grandson-in-law of the old man!

Chu Suiliang was startled, thinking that Goryeo was fierce, and it was still unruly after the Sui Dynasty and Tang Dynasty, and continued to expand towards the territory of the Han people. After the first emperor's conquest, Goguryeo bowed their heads on the surface, but they also bowed their heads in the former Sui Dynasty. Therefore, Yang Guang wanted to convince people with virtue, and used all kinds of coquettish manipulations. In the end, the Goryeo people turned defeat into victory...

These experiences reminded the monarchs and ministers of the Tang Dynasty that Goryeo should not be underestimated.

Thinking of this, Chu Suiliang said: "Your Majesty, I am afraid that the Koreans are showing weakness to the enemy..."

Li Zhi nodded, thinking that this great calligrapher had put forward a constructive point of view, but...

"The following Tang officials who accompanied him reported that Yang Wanbei had whipped many of his followers.


"Showing the enemy to be weak is what Yuan Gai Suwen should do. Yang Wanbei is arrogant and respectful. This is because he is afraid of being killed. Seeing Datang's toughness, that's why he bowed his head."

"If you want to show the enemy's weakness, you shouldn't show off your strength all the way, let alone talk in brothels." Liang Jianfang felt that there was something wrong with Lao Chu's brain. "If Jia Pingan didn't kill people, would he plead guilty? Would he bow his head?"

Chu Suiliang thought about the fight between the Goryeo envoy and Liu Renyuan, and suddenly realized, "No. If you want to show weakness to the enemy, when Liu Renyuan makes a move, the Goryeo people will not resist. On the contrary, they will swallow their anger, so let us know They are afraid of Datang..."

Your mother is finally a little bit smarter... Liang Jianfang coughed dryly, "You...Have you ever seen someone who knows everything, Prime Minister Chu?"

Chu Suiliang shook his head, "The world is so complicated and there are countless things, who can know everything? No."

He felt that the topic of Liang Jianfang was a bit inexplicable.

"Chu Xiang is right." Liang Jianfang said flatly: "As a general, I often feel powerless when I think about fighting in battle. If I think about political affairs, I guess it will probably bring disaster to the country and the people."

You, Chu Suiliang, only have so much IQ, you can't do enough to think about political affairs, and you're a motherfucker to think about martial arts, this is probably the rhythm of bringing disaster to the country and the people!

The corners of Li Zhi's mouth curled up slightly, and he pinched his clothes with his right hand, trying very hard to hold back his smile.

Changsun Wuji looked at Chu Suiliang the same way, frowned and said, "Speak business."

Chu Suiliang blushed, and wanted to scold, but knew that he couldn't beat old hooligans like Liang Jianfang. Don't scold me, I feel panicked.

But thinking that Jia Pingan saw through Yang Wanbei at a glance, the officials were very curious.

"Let Jia Pingan come."

Jia Pingan came later.

Li Zhi looked at this young man, and inevitably thought of the rumors about Broom Star.

"How do you assert that Yang Wanbei is ruthless?"

Li Zhi felt that he should be observing the situation.

Jia Pingan said in amazement: "Your Majesty, it's easy!"

Of course it is simple, because it is clearly remembered in the history books that under the attack of the first emperor, although the Goryeo Kingdom was still awesome, it was actually holding on. They need to cultivate their health and rest, so in the next five years, Datang and Goryeo lived in peace until Goryeo and Baekje joined forces to attack Silla.

Silla can be regarded as the hard core of the Tang Dynasty, and the queen of the year even wrote ambiguous letters to the first emperor.

So New Rome asked Datang's father for help, and Datang began to attack Goryeo, and finally wiped out Goryeo completely. As for the subsequent regime that claimed to be the country of Korea, it was touching porcelain.

"Simple?" Yu Zhining said dissatisfied: "Finding people is a secret skill, don't you know it too?"

"No." Jia Ping'an felt that Old Yu was thinking too much, "Your Majesty, when I was in the countryside of Huazhou, the common people kept a lot of dogs. Those really fierce dogs never barked, and most of the dogs that barked when they saw people couldn't do it. ... There is a folk proverb that says a dog that bites does not bark."

Such a vulgar metaphor made everyone frown, but immediately the brows loosened.

Li Zhi was startled, stroked his palms and said, "Yes, Yang Wanbei has traveled all the way to show off his might..."

He is an emperor, but he is not easy to bark like a dog, but the meaning has arrived.

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

Liang Jianfang said: "That's right. At that time when the army went out to fight, when they saw those barking dogs, they ran away after a few shouts. But the dogs that waited to stop barking had to be careful, and rushed up from behind without paying attention."

Li Ji laughed and said: "Jia Pingan's words are rough and reasonable. If Gao Li had the confidence, he would pretend to be weak to paralyze Datang, and then look for opportunities to attack. Jia Pingan saw through Yang Wanbei's confidence at a glance. It can be seen that young people are talented."

Changsun Wuji looked at Jia Pingan, thinking that a broom star was gradually approaching the court, and he couldn't help feeling that it was ridiculous.

Could it be that Datang has no talents, and let such people appear here.

He glanced at Li Zhi, and all thoughts disappeared.

Unless he wants to completely turn against his nephew and become a deadly enemy, he can't kill Jia Ping'an.

But why kill him?

Changsun Wuji couldn't help laughing, thinking that this broom star is just tossing around on Baiqi, what can he do?

But Li Zhi was different, he thought more.

At first, he thought that he would leave the broom star on Baiqi and stare at him closely, but he didn't expect that as time went by, this broom star would make Baiqi so successful that his thoughts of breaking up Baiqi gradually dissipated...

He glanced at Jia Ping'an, and saw that the young man had an honest look on his face, and even his standing posture was very honest, it could be said that he was standing with his hands tied.

There was more relaxation in his eyes, and he smiled and said: "In this way, there will be fewer troops on the Liaodong side, and we still have to look at Turks and Tubo."

"Your Majesty is wise."

Jia Pingan chanted slogans with a serious face, and the boy was about to end his voice change period, and his voice was very clear.

Li Zhi pointed at him, and wanted to say that he should do a good job, but after thinking about it, he felt that young people should not be complacent, and he might become cocky if he praised him... Besides, this young man is still a bastard, I still have to be careful.

Afterwards they dispersed, the officials left the hall, and a faint voice came, "Xiao Jia, why are you not talking?"

"Your Majesty is sitting there, and the officials are afraid when they look at it."

"What are you afraid of?"

Old Liang is shameless!

Li Zhi's face was dark, and Wang Zhongliang's heart beat when he saw it.

"Your Majesty looks majestic, like a brother."

Wang Zhongliang felt that this young man might not be crazy.


His Majesty's elder brother is either dead or exiled, or confined in a fief...

Li Zhi's expression was a bit strange, Wang Zhongliang said with a flattering smile: "Your Majesty, this servant looks at Your Majesty as if seeing a god, and I'm terribly afraid."

Gods are always stronger than elder brothers, right?

Li Zhi looked at him and pointed to the side.

Needless to say, Wang Zhongliang knelt down in a daze.

But he couldn't figure it out at all, why?

If you want to kneel, you should kneel to the broom star!

Li Zhi's eyes were unclear, and he returned to the harem later, staring at a painting in a daze.

In the painting is a little girl, looking innocent and cute.

"Si son."

After an unknown amount of time, Li Zhi turned around and said, "Go to the Nursing Home."

Later, Baiqi received the order.

Cheng Da looked at Tang Xu anxiously, hoping that he would let him go.


Tang Xu said: "The Korean mission is about to leave, and I don't know if there are any assassins left."

Jia Pingan and Li Jingye killed four Koreans, what if the Koreans left behind the assassins?

Cheng Da coughed dryly, "I ate too much last night, so I went to the toilet."

Tang Xu and Shao Peng shook their heads together.

"Go somewhere." Jia Pingan volunteered.

Tang Xu confessed a few words, and after he went out, he sneered and said, "Cheng Da hides when things happen. With such a disposition, even if he is a prince, he can't entrust important things to him. Look at Xiao Jia, he will take the initiative without saying anything." Please Ying, hey! The girl looks so alive."

Shao Peng said contemptuously: "If you were as capable as Xiao Jia back then, you would be a general at least now."

Tang Xu glared, "If XX was so capable back then, would you still meet XX?"

Shao Peng said lightly: "Maybe it will be more worry-free if I don't meet you."

"The dog's housekeeper!"

Jia Ping'an gathered more than ten people outside, and then went out to meet up.

The arrival of the emperor made everyone in the nursing home extremely excited. An old man had to stand up and said that he would cross his hands to salute, and then he got up staggeringly, and his body staggered, and he was about to fall...

Just as Bao Dong was about to make a move, Jia Ping stepped on his feet.


Bao Dong rushed to the street.

Lei Hong was puzzled, and saw Jia Canjun's mouth slightly raised.

After all, the emperor was not a literati without the strength to restrain a chicken. He stepped forward to support the old man, and then helped him stand upright.

The old man said with tears in his eyes: "If there is no His Majesty, I will fall to my death."

Li Zhi said with a smile: "Sit down and talk."

He just stood there, listening to the sitting old man talk about how good the nursing home is.

"You don't have to worry about food and clothing. When you close the door at night, the old man feels very comfortable."

Li Zhi nodded frequently, and the little official in charge of the nursing home stepped forward, Li Zhi said: "I am very happy to see this, but what is the difficulty?"

The little official looked troubled, hesitant to speak.

Li Zhi frowned, maybe it was Long Wei's attack, the little official hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, there are expenses in the nursing home every month, but the number of people is slowly increasing, and it is very troublesome to ask for money and food every time."

"This is lazy!"

Li Zhi frowned, "Go back."

Later, he went straight to the household department.

Baiqi surrounded him and went in, but the officials of the household department didn't pay attention, until they went outside a duty room, they heard someone arguing inside.

"You also think about these two money, why don't you think about other things?"

"How much rice can you buy with two pennies? Why don't you think about it? Why do you buy so much paint? Two rooms need so much paint, so the house of the Ministry of Rites is sky-high? A certain person painted for someone when he was in Huazhou. Someone knows how much it costs, and someone knows how much paint a room costs, so there must be something wrong with the purchase of this paint, if you don't find out, someone will have trouble sleeping and eating."

Li Zhi stopped, "Call out."

The household department handles a lot of money and food every year, and the two pennies are just a drop in the ocean, and it's still in the purchase, and no one has ever cared about it like this.

He was a little curious, wanting to see this official who fought for every penny.

"Who is inside, come out!"

The accompanying servant shouted loudly.

The door of the duty room opened, and two officials came out, one of them was Yang Deli.

After seeing the emperor, the two quickly saluted.

"Chen Yang Deli has seen His Majesty."

Li Zhi asked: "Is the matter of paint true?"

The official bowed his head, "I...don't know the price of the paint, and I don't know how much paint is needed for the two rooms. I...incompetent."

This person was at least honest, Li Zhi nodded slightly, and asked: "Yang Deli, I ask you, have you done paint before?"

This is Yang Deli's first time facing the saint, and he tremblingly said: "Yes."

Seeing that his body was trembling, Li Zhi couldn't help smiling, "Why are you holding on to the two pieces of money?"

Two strings of money is a drop of water in the household department. Why did Yang Deli pursue it at the risk of offending his colleagues?

Yang Deli sniffed, "Your Majesty, two pennies can buy a lot of rice! You can live for a long time."

Li Zhi was startled suddenly, "Aren't you... Jia Pingan, this is your cousin?"

Jia Pingan nodded, "Exactly."

Li Zhi glanced at Yang Deli and said, "I know."

Yang Deli didn't know whether it was good or bad, so he hurriedly looked at his cousin.

Jia Pingan gave him a reassuring look, surrounded the emperor and left.

Later, Jia Ping'an came to the household department.

Yang Deli asked impatiently: "Ping An, what does that mean, Your Majesty? Are you annoyed?"

"Calm down." Jia Pingan felt that the cousin needed to see more big scenes in order to continue to grow. "At this time, His Majesty can't praise you for this trivial matter. If so, the household department will be embarrassed. Then the cousin You are the public enemy, understand?"

Li Zhi's EQ is undoubtedly revealed in this trivial matter.

Combined with the previous scene in the nursing home, Jia Ping'an was sure that Changsun Wuji's death was not wronged.

For such an emperor, you can either empty him or kill him, but don't manipulate him and suppress him for a long time. Otherwise you either kill yourself or wait to be killed by him.

"Ping'an, I saw you leading people to guard His Majesty earlier, it was so majestic!" Yang Deli said enviously, "It would be great if someone could follow behind like this."

"There will be such a day." Jia Pingan casually fooled his cousin.

Later he was taken away by Gao Yang.

In Pingkangfang, the newly decorated restaurant looks very popular.

Qian Er introduced it earlier, and said proudly: "Those people are veterans, and their work is impeccable. Take a look here..."

He kicked the wooden post.


The wooden pillars are connected to the beams, and someone put a piece of discarded wood on it, which is crumbling. It was shaken by this foot and fell down.

Qian Er took a step back, turned around and said with a dry smile, "It's just an accident."

Gao Yang said with a serious face: "If there is such an accident again, you can go outside the territory."

Then it was fine, nothing happened again.

The foreman came to pay the bill, Qian Er took the piece of wood and scolded him for a long time, but Gao Yang and Jia Pingan came upstairs.

Pushing open the window, the street is full of people.

Gao Yang poked his head out to take a look, then smiled sideways and said, "Come and see, it's so lively."

It was really lively outside, and Jia Pingan felt that this place was a treasure of geomantic omen.

The two then went downstairs, and the foreman had already left. Qian Er said, "Princess, this restaurant is going to open, so I have to ask the princess to name it."

"Name?" Gao Yang thought for a while, and then said habitually: "Xiao Jia, you come to name it."

"Isn't that good?" Jia Ping'an was habitually modest.

"It's up to you." Gao Yang held the small leather whip and saw that there was something...

It's fine without candles!

It's a bit reluctant to harden at this time, Jia Pingan thought for a while, "Maybe it's called...Chang'an Canteen."

Qian Er frowned, "This not good, Chang'an is easy to say, the canteen...sounds vulgar..."

As soon as he raised his head, he saw Gao Yang's cold face and the small leather whip he was holding tightly.


As the saying goes, those who know current affairs are heroes.

Qian Erdui laughed and said, "This name is very good. You can tell it's a place to eat when you hear it. Those names are either Ju, Lou, or Xuan. They are all the same. This Chang'an cafeteria is catchy. It really is Jia Canjun, a great talent. "

Gao Yang raised his head and said: "That's why it's called Chang'an Canteen, you quickly made a plaque."


After Qian Er left, Gao Yang turned around and looked at Master Jia, "You contribute the most in this Chang'an cafeteria, and you get 60% of it."

what rice?

Jia Pingan was stunned.

He hadn't thought about it at all.

He has contributed a lot, but this is Gao Yang's business!

So he said without hesitation: "This is your business. You paid for it. Why did you give it to someone? Not good."

"Without you, I wouldn't be able to win so much money; without you, Wang Song wouldn't have given me this shop for nothing; there are also stir-fried vegetables, without your stir-fried vegetables, how would this restaurant make money? Xiao Jia."

Gao Yang changed his face and said: "You look down on me?"

"Nothing!" Jia Pingan was very helpless.

"Then take it."

With a serious face, Gao Yang raised the small leather whip, "Otherwise..."


its not right!

Xiao Jia can't smoke!

Gao Yang put down the small leather whip, "Come here."

The accompanying guards came over, Gao Yang pointed to the restaurant and said: "It's on fire."

Guard: "Princess, this is Pingkangfang."

All buildings around the fire cannot escape.

Only then did Gao Yang realize that he hadn't thought about it, "Then tear it down."

The guard wanted to die, "Princess..."

The small leather whip was raised.


This bitch is crazy.

"At most ten percent."

Gao Yang's anger turned into joy, "If it's less than 50%, I'll smash this place."

"Twenty percent."

Gao Yang forced him over, "I'll go to your house for food and lodging if it's less than 50%."

These girls...

Jia Pingan forgot to harden, "Thirty percent, no more."

"Fifty percent!" Gao Yang said firmly, "If you don't want it, you'll just wait for this place to be turned into ruins tomorrow!"

She raised her head, "I, Gao Yang, will do what I say!"


Double monthly ticket, ask for a ticket.

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