Great Tang Broom Star

Chapter 262 Geji Geji

Jia Ping walked out of Baiqi, but Jiang Wei was waiting outside. He changed into plain clothes and carried a burden on his back, as if he was about to go on a long journey.

After seeing Jia Ping'an, he smiled and said, "Can we talk alone?"

Bao Dong said in a deep voice: "Joining the army, the school lieutenant and Shao Zhongguan Ling have been following you..."

Jia Pingan nodded, "Okay."

Then he shook his head at Bao Dong, "Just wait and follow."

The two went out first.

"I'm afraid I won't have the chance to walk this way again in the future." Looking at the spacious road and the various yamen along the road, Jiang Wei couldn't help but sigh in his heart, "Actually, a certain person doesn't have any ambitions."

Jia Pingan just smiled.

Ambition depends on how you explain it. At this time, it can be understood as an urgent self-motivation, and you will do whatever it takes to make progress.

Does Jiang Wei have ambitions... Absolutely!

"Li Jingye committed a crime, and someone beat him up. This is to show the good to the UK."

This is the same as what Jia Ping'an guessed, but...

"You lie on the wall and look at the wind direction, and keep your expressions." Jia Ping'an pierced Jiang Wei's mask with a single sentence.

"Yes!" Jiang Wei said helplessly: "A certain person's courage is not as good as yours. But at first, a certain person thought that you would come to find a certain person, as long as you come to find a certain person..."

"Bringing the meaning of the British Duke, right?" Jia Ping'an's eyes were full of sarcasm, "You have always wanted to sell favors to the British Duke, but you have looked down on him and a certain one!"

Jiang Wei said in a low voice: "But this one has no bad intentions. But you took a blatant blow. For this reason, you did not hesitate to seek favors from Gao Kan and Liang Jianfang. Is it worth it?"

"It's worth it." Jia Pingan looked at him and said very seriously: "In your eyes, in the eyes of many people, friendship needs to be measured by interests, but I want to tell you that interests are just interests. What's the difference between that and the walking dead?"

"So you..." Jiang Wei took a deep breath, "You went to mess with the Yang family, just to save the British Duke from the siege."


Jia Pingan smiled slightly,

Now that he had left the imperial city, he bowed his hand and went to Ah Bao immediately.

Seeing this smile, Jiang Wei's heart trembled, and then he grabbed his rein, raised his head and said, "If you had come to find X earlier, why did you wait... No, you want to get X away!"

Jia Pingan was stunned, "It's rare for you to be smart."

"Why?" Jiang Wei hissed, "I have no enmity with you, why did you attack me?"

Jia Ping'an didn't look for him, which cut him off from this matter. After the matter is over, and the emperor settles accounts after autumn, he will naturally think of Jiang's various words and deeds.

Someone died unjustly!

But Jiang Wei couldn't figure out why Jia Pingan deliberately attacked him.

"You..." Jia Pingan thought that this person was about to go to Liaodong, so he said, "Jingye just entered Qianniuwei, so you let those two people accompany him..."

There was a cold look in his eyes, "From the very beginning, you have been looking for an opportunity to sell favors to the British public. You know the origin of those two people. They are marginal people in the small circle, and they are naturally dedicated opponents. You arrange it like this , is it true that someone doesn’t know?”

Jiang Wei's face turned pale, "Someone just wanted them to have a conflict, who knew that Li Jingye would be so ruthless."

If it was just a conflict, Jiang Wei came forward to mediate, and then showed his favor to Li Ji, this is a favor. From now on, if Li Jingye stays in Qianniuwei for a day, Li Ji will appreciate him for a day.

But with Li Jingye's generous body, who can stop him from punching and kicking?

"It's too clever to do all the tricks!" Jia Pingan dropped a sentence, and then caught the horse's belly.

Thank you, Concubine Xiao Shu!

Concubine Xiao Shu cooperated very well this time, especially when she played with the Wang family in the later stage, Concubine Xiao Shu could be called a god assist.

Ah Bao let out a long hiss, and happily walked to the right.

Jiang Wei stood still.

"A certain person thinks he's smart, but he never thought that all this is in the eyes of others."


The Forbidden Garden is still chilly at the moment.

Jia Pingan went to Ganye Temple and said that the abbot had gone out.

Where did Babyface go?

Jia Pingan went to inspect it first.


Wu Mei is now in the room most of the time.

"It's safe!" Wu Mei straightened her hat and came out.

"How's it going?" Wu Mei glanced at him, thinking that the boy was in good spirits.

"Fortunately, there was a dispute with someone."

Jia Pingan told the recent events.

Wu Mei thought for a while, "You have gone too far in this matter."

"Why?" Jia Ping'an was a little curious.

"Those who impeached Li Ji mostly said that Li Ji was incapable of disciplining his descendants. This is not too aggressive. But you made the Yang family look like a human being inside and out. It is too harsh and will arouse people's vigilance."

Wu Mei stretched out her hand to touch the top of his head, "It's grown a bit taller, but it's also true that the young man is hot-blooded. If the young man is scheming, those people will be more vigilant."


This is Jia Ping'an's idea.

You are a teenager who plays tricks, that is talent. But you have the forbearance of a young man and an old man, and you use your methods in silence, so that people don't know what's going on if you get tricked.

This is evildoer.

The evildoer will be killed!

That's why Jia Pingan used the most violent methods to directly destroy Yang Shenghe's official career, and then beat Ma Qinghu violently in the most prosperous Pingkangfang.

He was a little curious, "Sister, what would you do if it were you?"

Wu Mei thought for a while, and said lightly: "If I were to do it, I would do it thoroughly. You have to remember to be safe. Once you do it, don't show mercy."

Jia Ping'an only felt a chill down his spine.

This means uprooting the Yang family, Wang family and Ma family.

It really is sister!

In history, once she makes a move, the opponent is almost uprooted.

Jia Pingan said with a flattering smile: "Sister is mighty and domineering."

Wu Mei was amused by him, and said with a smile: "You have also reached the age to find a marriage, but I am still here, but I can't look after you. If someone wants to find a wife for you, remember, don't go to the family A powerful woman! Remember, remember!"

Li Zhi must have revealed his predicament to her, in the palace, in the court.

The troubles in the palace come from aristocratic families: Wang and Xiao are both women of aristocratic families, and each has a force behind them.

Needless to say, in the court, the aristocratic family overshadows the sky with one hand.

Wu Mei's suggestion hides a meaning: the emperor and the aristocratic family will be like fire and water in the future.


Jia Pingan nodded, "I know."

He then went out, all the way to the small base.

As soon as I got closer, I smelled a smell of fireworks and a smell of barbecue.

He stepped harder, and there was an exclamation from within, and then Su Ho with a few streaks of black and gray on his face appeared.

"Ah! I was shocked." Su Ho patted his chest, Jia Ping'an missed Nuannai more and more, and felt that it was helpful to her.

"What are you doing?" Jia Pingan asked with a smile.

Suho pulled him in, "Look."

The small base is surrounded by trees. After entering, there is a bunch of mushrooms on the smokeless stove.

Grilled mushrooms.

This girl really has a talent for eating.

"Grease." Jia Pingan started.

"Why?" Su Ho squatted beside him, resting his chin on his hands, happily watching Master Jia's barbecue.

"It doesn't taste good without oil."

After Jia Ping's operation, Su Ho tasted it, "It's delicious."


This girl is really easy to feed.

Su Ho said regretfully while eating: "It's a pity that there is no mutton."

"Pork meat is fine too." Jia Pingan said casually.

Su Ho frowned, "Pork meat stinks."


That's right, the pigs at this moment have not been castrated. Once they reach the age of estrus, the boar's meat smells very strong and it is difficult to eat.


Later, I left the Forbidden Garden and returned to Baiqi.

"Qianniuwei has a newcomer." Tang Xu sighed, "I haven't moved, but Qianniuwei has replaced three people, hey!"

Jia Pingan didn't have time to worry about this, "Captain, have you ever eaten pig meat?"

"I've eaten it." Tang Xu looked melancholy, "It was considered good to be able to eat meat at that time, but it stinks and is not tasty."

Shao Peng said: "If it weren't for being so poor, who would eat pig meat?"

Jia Pingan thinks this is an opportunity!

"What if the pig meat is delicious?" Jia Pingan recalled the pork in the later generations of Huaxia. You can fry it, fry it, or fry it as you like, and the taste is nothing to say.

"If pig meat can be eaten..." Tang Xu thought a lot, "mutton is expensive, and the people can't afford it, so many people can't eat meat all year round. If pig meat can be eaten, more families will be raised, so the poor will have If you eat meat, then it will be a prosperous age."

What is a prosperous age?

In Tang Xu's eyes, when the poor can eat meat, it will be a prosperous age.

He glanced at Jia Pingan, "You know how to cook, don't you have a means?"

Jia Pingan shook his head. He had seen pig meat cooked before, and the smell was so fishy that he couldn't eat it.

But what about after castration?

The boars before castration will go into estrus when the time comes, and the body smells strong. The key is to grow slowly.

After castration, the boars concentrate on growing meat, no longer go into heat, and the meat tastes better.

It can be seen that... a bad heat not only affects the taste, but also consumes a lot of calories. After castration, those calories are turned into fat.

Isn't sandwich pork belly delicious?

Get braised pork or Dongpo pork, the taste...

Jia Pingan did what he said.

When he got home, he invited Jiang Rong to come.

"Someone wants to build something to raise pigs in Daodefang." There is vacant space in Daodefang, but you have to approve anything you want to build.

Jiang Rong smiled and said: "Jia Canjun said this to slap someone in the face? The building of the house needs to be approved, and the building of the hog ring... Do whatever you want. Whoever dares to make irresponsible remarks will have his legs discounted."

Look, this is the work style of the subordinate staff at the grassroots level.

Jia Pingan smiled and said, "Thank you so much."

Jiang Rong wondered: "Why does Jia Canjun raise pigs? That food is unpalatable, and anyone who eats pigs will be looked down upon!"

Raise hog...

Raising corpses...

Jia Ping'an felt terrified.

"No problem! I want to try, maybe I can make edible pigs."

Hog, shit... eat hog.

How good it is to be called a pig!

But now the pigs are all put together with the latrines. It can be said that they grew up in the dung pile since they were young, so it is not wrong to call them hogs.

Jiang Rong felt strange, and when he went back and told others, everyone felt that Jia Canjun might have smoked.

When Yang Deli got the news, the first thing he did was to touch Jia Ping'an's forehead.

"Didn't you see it when you were in Yangjiawu before?" Yang Deli said puzzled: "Only the poorest people raise pigs, and no one eats them!"

"Someone has a way." Jia Ping'an stopped Yang Deli with just one sentence.

Then it was to repair the pigsty.

This job is simple and does not require any decoration. Just build a shed, repair a circle, and then sterilize it once with quicklime.

After the pigsty was repaired, Jia Pingan personally took people to find the piglet.

"It turned out to be black-skinned?"

All the pigs Jia Ping saw were black, which overturned his impression of white pigs.

What he didn't know was that the traditional Huaxia pigs were black-skinned, and white-skinned pigs were introduced later.

"Why do you want a little pig?" Du He retched and asked, "Mr., this half-big pig is not bad."

This pigsty is built on the latrine, pulling in the front, and raising pigs in the back to eat and pull.

A row of piglets are suckling.

"It's only nine days!" The host was very polite, but looked at Jia Pingan curiously from time to time.

This young man is clearly a nobleman, and the nobleman sells piglets, why is he buying them?

Jia Pingan nodded, "It's going to be this big, get ten of them back!"

"Really?" the host asked in disbelief.

"Give money."

Jia Ping'an felt that this place was unbearable, it was too smelly.

"The mother also bought it back."

The piglet still has to eat milk!

Piglets are easy to talk about, but sows are hard to deal with.

It took a lot of effort to get this family into the pigsty of Daodefang.

"Hey! Look, Jia Canjun is going to raise pigs."

The villagers were very excited, and someone said: "Does this Jia Canjun still eat pig meat?"

So there was more approval in his gaze.

"Wash it up!" Jia Pingan was directing the servants to serve the pigs.

After washing and scrubbing, these pigs entered the pen safely.

But the immediate castration is very troublesome.

Who are you looking for?

Jia Pingan went to find the doctor, and when he heard that it was a castrated pig, the doctor almost threw the medicine box on Jia Ping's head.

"This is humiliating the old man!"

Jia Pingan wanted to argue, but everyone around him looked at him with contempt.


The second senior brother's status is not high these days, and no one wants to see him.

Jia Pingan returned home despondently, thinking hard.

There are such high-level people in the palace who can cut eggs easily, but Jia Ping'an can't or can't invite such people.


Jia Pingan suddenly thought of someone.

He went to the British government with the gift.

"Xiao Jia is here."

When Li Ji returned to Shangshu Province, he had a lot of affairs all day long, so he wanted to rest when he got home.

"British lord, I brought some good wine here..." He had to prepare sterilized things for the operation, so he made some high-strength wine in a simple way, which is better than nothing, and life and death depended on the luck of those little pigs.

"Fine wine?"

Li Ji's eyes lit up, "Come here, I've brought you some good food."

The two sat down immediately, and Li Jingye rubbed his skin on the side, "Ah Weng..."

Li Ji looked at the small wine jar, "There's not much wine, you're young, so drink something else yourself."

This is my real grandfather?

Li Jingye's expression of "I'm buying vegetables as a gift" made Li Ji really want to slap him away.

After opening the jar later, Li Ji took a deep breath, "Good wine!"

After pouring the high-grade wine, Li Ji drank a mouthful, and then his eyes were straightened by the hotness.

"Good... good wine!"

Jia Pingan still didn't drink much, poured a glass and drank slowly.

He poured it on Li Ji, and when he was half drunk, he said, "Mr. Yingying, there is something difficult here..."

Li Ji was already confused, he waved his hand, "Say."

"There is a group of hogs raised there."

"Keeping corpses?" Li Ji had no idea about hogs at all, and Jia Ping'an was particularly shocked when he opened his mouth.

"It's a pig!" Jia Pingan wanted to die.

Li Ji took a sip of his wine, "What's the matter?"

"Someone wants..." Jia Pingan pointed like a knife, and said viciously: "Someone wants to castrate them. The doctor has a way, but the knife skill is poor. The knife skill is good but he doesn't know medical skills. After thinking about it, only the British public Knife and medical skills are blossoming..."

Li Ji was already a little dizzy, "It's a small matter, the old man will take leave tomorrow morning."

"Thank you, Mr. England."

Li Jingye sent him out, shaking his wits all the way, "Brother, you coax Ah Weng to castrate the pig. Later, Ah Weng will be annoyed when he wakes up, but it's not easy to go back on can ask for blessings."

Jia Pingan is not afraid of this.

"It doesn't matter..." He went home humming.

Li Ji woke up the next day with a headache.

"Good wine!" He couldn't help but praise, and then the memories of yesterday were played back like a movie.

fine wine.

what else……

"Castrate the pig?" Li Ji wanted to kill someone.

Why are sword skills and medical skills blooming, the old man's medical skills are for curing people, and the old man's knife skills are for killing...

Seeing his grandfather annoyed by the side, Li Jingye tried to persuade him, "Ah Weng, my elder brother said last night that Ah Weng is a doctor who saves lives and heals the wounded, and a saber skill for the country and the people. It can be called... what is it? It seems to be The old handsome pot...walking the rivers and lakes, surrounded by countless beauties, and said that Ah Weng will definitely make a big one in the future..."

He covered his mouth, feeling something was wrong.


"Aon, please spare me!"

This old man was arranged by you two juniors...

Although Lao Li is not comfortable, but as a believer, he still asks for leave.

"It's easy to say." Changsun Wuji and others said they received it, and the emperor nodded, but everyone asked him what he was going to do.

Why do you ask this?

Li Ji was very tangled and said that something happened to Jia Ping'an's family, and he was good at medicine, so he went to see it.

Lao Li is such a good person!

No one saw Li Ji's clenched fists when he left.

My intestines are green!

Li Ji felt that drinking should be done in moderation, otherwise what happened last night would happen.

When we arrived at Daodefang, Jia Pingan greeted him with a smile, "Young British, I offended you yesterday, but I didn't mean to desecrate the British. The castration of piglets is for an important test. If it succeeds, it can be called a benefit the country and the people."

Li Ji glanced at him, "If it's a lie, turn around old man..."

After all, he is a Confucian general, and he still can't say things like castrated you.


Jia Pingan said lightly: "If this matter is accomplished, it will not be worse than increasing grain income!"

People raise pigs to increase their income, and after eating pork, they naturally eat less rice grains. This is the reason why the more oil and water, the less staple food they eat.

But also to create a whole new livestock system, and a promising meat category.

It can be called infinite merit!

Later, the little pigs were brought out one by one.

"British lord, this is wine. The knife should be soaked in this wine. Before doing it, wipe the part where the knife will be cut first."

"What's the use of this?" Li Ji's coming here is a manifestation of his invisibility. Otherwise, he could turn his back on Jia Pingan just because of things like castrating pigs, and Jia Ping'an wouldn't be able to be a man if word spread.

"Disinfection." Jia Pingan said: "There are brothers on the battlefield who just have a small wound, but in the end the wound will fester and swell, and finally die. I think that this is because toxins and small things are at work."

"This statement is interesting." Li Ji smiled. As a medical expert, he naturally did not believe this.

Then do it.

Li Ji's sword skills...

"Good knife skills!"

I saw that he took a knife and cut it, and the place was opened, and then squeezed, the light came out, and cut...

"Don't throw it!"

Jia Ping'an thinks this thing should be good, so try baking it.

Li Ji glanced at him, his cheeks twitched, thinking that this young man really wanted to be beaten.

With the beginning, the rest is easy.

Du He looked at it for a while, then suddenly said: "Mr. Yingying, Mr. Wang, I think I can give it a try."


Jia Pingan looked at him and nodded.

If you learn it, you can also enter the palace to be a castration master in the future.

Li Ji felt just relieved, so he gave some guidance from the side.

Du He actually had some talent, even Li Ji nodded slightly.

After the castration was over, Li Ji said: "This old man has been in the army for many years, it would be great if he can survive six little hogs."

Jia Pingan smiled. In his previous life, he had seen pig cutters traveling from village to village. As long as they paid attention to disinfection, the death rate of piglets was so low that it was touching.

So Lao Li will definitely be surprised.

Li Ji returned to Shangshu Province, and when he saw the value of the house, there was a bang.

Value room... collapsed!

Everyone was dumbfounded.


Where is the monthly pass and where is the recommended ticket.

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