Great Tang Broom Star

Chapter 414 Start, you are too peaceful

Ming Jing can be regarded as a 'dominant' in Baiqi, but Baiqi still has some personnel affairs that she doesn't know.

For example, the torture part.

In order to strengthen the ability of torture, Jia Pingan recruited once from Yuan Cong's Forbidden Army. Three people came that time, and one person was left behind.

who is it?

"Oh! Who called me?"

Oops, this call was made in a soft voice, and the word "Yah" turned out to be the third sound, and it was protracted.

Ming Jing only felt a chill down her spine.

A Baiqi came from the right.

She has a dark face and rough hands and feet, but she can see some charm.

Am I crazy? Can you see the charm?

Ming Jing shivered.

She found that Baodong's neck was covered with goose bumps.

What about Jia Pingan?

What is that lsp like?

"Go, that person is handed over to you, all I need is a confession."

Jia Pingan looked very calm.

"Scholars die for their confidants." Peng Weiwei gave Ming Jing a contemptuous look, then cupped his hands, "I'll serve him now."

"Thanks for your hard work."

Jia Pingan is smiling.

Peng Weiwei entered the room, and when he saw someone coming, he frowned, "Oh! I can't have outsiders in my execution, get out!"

When someone came out, the door was closed with a bang.

Ming Jing approached Jia Pingan with her arms folded, "Well... how do you think he will torture you?"

how could I know? But I can imagine... Jia Pingan fantasized about the top ten tortures in the Qing Dynasty. No, it is a punishment that is more hopeless than that. "It must be an exciting method."


There was a scream from inside, the sound sounded wrong, it didn't sound like severe pain, but like...

Ming Jing's arms were covered with goose bumps, "Someone in the Taoist temple used to say that they encountered a ghost, and that's how they screamed. Uncle Wu Yang, this person is evil."

Peng Weiwei moved his hands twice, and no one was allowed to watch. Someone reported afterwards that the screams were like seeing a ghost.

Jia Ping'an also felt chills down his spine, but at least this person was his subordinate.

Seeing that he didn't reply, Ming Jing said displeasedly: "Why didn't you reply to my words?"

Those who care about you are all in seconds, and those who don't care about you are all in one month... Jia Ping'an said: "It's a bit evil, but talents are such mavericks."


The screams permeate people.

"Why don't you go and have a look?"

A woman's curiosity can sometimes kill a cat. They are usually scared to death when they see a mouse or a cockroach. At certain times, when faced with some weird things, they dare to tremble. adventure.

Jia Pingan said lightly: "Go and see, I have a license."

"What did you say?" Ming Jing was really curious about what method Peng Weiwei used, so after hesitating for a while, he slowly walked towards the door.

"Don't come here!"

Lu Shi suddenly screamed, as if he was about to encounter the barbaric one.

"Oh! Will you say so?"

Ming Jing just felt creepy.


"Ah... ah... ah..."

The screams were so frightening that Ming Jing turned around and ran back in fright, hiding behind Jia Pingan trembling.

"Help! I said, help! Uncle Wuyang, please let him go, I said..."

"There are always people who want to test the bottom line, why bother!" Jia Pingan sighed slightly.

The door opened, and Peng Weiwei came out, his dark face was full of desire and dissatisfaction, "Uncle Wuyang, is there such a real tough guy?"


Jia Pingan then entered the room,

Lu Shi's upper body was naked, and his lower body was wearing a pair of calf-nosed trousers. He was bruised, but he didn't know what method Peng Weiwei used.


Lu Shi was panting, and Ming Jing couldn't help turning around to look at Peng Weiwei with an emotion called undecided shock.

Peng Weiwei was going out, his back looked particularly desolate and lonely.

How does it look like the back of the one who talked about Taoism in the Taoist temple and then left after seeking defeat? Ming Jing was a little disappointed.

"I made Chang Dai dizzy. They said they couldn't kill him, otherwise it wouldn't be easy for him to do it."

"Who instigated and who participated?"

"Chang Dai wants to strike first!" Lu Shi's face paled, "After the Zuo Tunwei incident broke out, Chang Dai was in a panic, and then called Wu Huan and me to discuss the matter, saying that His Majesty must kill chickens to make an example to others, so he needs to confess to the other party, but he was in full swing that day. With murderous intent, Wu Huan ran away, and then I felt that something was wrong, so I found a few confidantes to attack together..."

"Who ordered it?"

Knowing the murderer, Jia Pingan doesn't care about the rest.

Lu Shi shook his head, "No one instructed."

"Peng Weiwei..." Jia Pingan sacrificed the torturer again.

Lu Shi trembled all over: "Uncle Wuyang, no one ordered me!"

"Then why did you cooperate with you?"

"Wu Zuo is my cousin."

Jia Ping turned around and went out.

Ming Jing said disappointedly: "What should we do next?"

"Then look for Wu Huan!" Jia Pingan thought about it carefully, "Who is the person who delivered the letter twice?"

Immediately, Baiqi began to investigate in Luoyang City.

Xu Jingzong is also putting pressure on local officials.

He harassed him so much that an official came to the station to warn, "Xu Shangshu, we have tried our best, and this matter depends on God's will. If it is not right, we will go to Chang'an and ask Your Majesty to make the decision."

This is to sue imperial court.

Xu Jingzong laughed suddenly, "Just go."

Li Zhi had a lot of trust in Lao Xu, and Jia Ping'an reckoned that this kind of complaint would probably end up as "Who is under the court, why did you sue this official?" '

This is a rogue.

The officials walked away.

"The old man is loyal to His Majesty and has no second thoughts!"

Xu Jingzong's voice was not small.

Turning around, he said seriously: "Xiao Jia, you are now His Majesty's confidant, so I will teach you some methods so that you can remain invincible..."

Most of Lao Xu's so-called methods are unsightly.

Li Zhi didn't regard me as a confidant... Well, it's a bit heartless to say that, but Li Zhi protected me from the suppression of Changsun Wuji and Lao Guanlong, otherwise I would probably be in a certain tower right now. At the end of the song, wait for a thousand years...

"Uncle Wuyang!"

Just as Jia Pingan was about to refuse, Bao Dong came.

"Monk Chen is here."

"Bring it here."

Monk Chen was brought in, "Uncle Wu Yang, a brother found out. Wu Huan finally appeared in Shanglinfang, and then disappeared."

Jia Pingan was shocked, "That brother also disappeared in Shanglinfang."

Hundreds of riders are dispatched.

"Let Fangzheng and Fangzu take our people to investigate every family."

Jia Pingan stood there, shouting like a bandit leader: "Bring the carriage!"

Two carriages were brought over.


The covering cloth was lifted, and there were strings of copper coins, and the silk and satin in the box were dazzling.

"Anyone who provides information to capture Wu Huan will be rewarded with 20,000 renminbi. Anyone who provides information to find that brother Baiqi will be rewarded... 30,000 renminbi!"

There were onlookers around, and they immediately exclaimed.

"The money is all here, no one can deceive you!" Jia Ping'an continued: "Also, this matter is kept secret! Whoever found it, just tell the people in Baiqi how to collect money without attracting attention. This matter is up to you.”

Fangzheng immediately took everyone to question him.

"What if Fangzheng and the others found it?" Ming Jing felt that the money was too much.

"Absolutely not." Jia Ping'an knew the power of the common people, as long as they could be mobilized, it would be nothing serious. The government often underestimates and ignores this power, so it often rushes to the street.

"Are you that sure?" Ming Jing looked uncomfortable, taking deep breaths from time to time.

This woman used cloth strips to strangle Jill too tightly, and it must be uncomfortable at this moment... "Your... you should take a breath once in a while!"

"What is breathable?"

Ming Jing was taken aback, Jia Pingan got up and walked over.

She looked down at Yimapingchuan, and said angrily: "Bitch!"

The news continued to spread in Shanglinfang, but Jia Pingan felt that it was slow.

"Bao Dong!"

It was the first time for Bao Dong to do such a thing, he was a little inexperienced, and came running profusely in sweat.

"Call the brother with the loudest voice all the way, everywhere."

Bao Dong was taken aback for a moment, "Alright."


That is, you have never seen how terrifying the mobilized people are, and how much power they can burst out.

Later, shouts echoed everywhere in Shanglinfang.

"Anyone who helps Baiqi find Wu Huan will be rewarded with 20,000 coins! Anyone who helps Baiqi find the missing Baiqi will be rewarded with 30,000 coins!"

"The money is outside, and you can get the money after verification."



All the people in Shanglinfang, who could move, came out.

Even the old man came out with a club, and said tremblingly: "The old man played in the ditch in front of him when he was a child. There is a big hole there. Da Lang, bring a hoe to dig!"

One kid yelled, "Aye, I know there's a dog hole!"


Some dead branches were piled up on the side of the wing of an abandoned yard, and there was a faint sound coming from the ground.

"Has Baiqi actually come?"

In the dark underground cave, Wu Huan said, "Tell me, if I go out, what will happen to Uncle Wu Yang?"


On the side, the missing Baiqi was tied up, and Wu Huan pulled out the gag, "Don't force me, or I will kill someone and then commit suicide."

Baiqi gasped for a few moments, "Uncle Wuyang has a bandit name in Chang'an called repaying grievances with virtue. You are like this... You plot against me but don't kill me. This is meritorious service. Also, this matter depends on you. Responsibility in the Tunwei incident."

"I just shared some money!" Wu Huan scolded, "Chang Dai wanted to silence me, so I had no choice but to run away. Then I heard the news that Chang Dai committed suicide. I felt something was wrong. If I go out, I will definitely be silenced." .”

"You know...Wu Yangbo is not even afraid of his eldest grandson, Xianggong."

"Really?" Wu Huan was delighted.

"of course it's true."

I lied, but only for the sake of the big picture! Baiqi said: "Uncle Wuyang offers so many rewards, how long can we hide? Those children like to toss around these places the most. Once the dead branches on it are removed, how can the broken mat be hidden from people!"


Wu Huan's heart moved slightly, but he was worried that it was a lie, so he drew his saber and put it on Baiqi's neck, "If you are lying, I will stab..."

"Anyone who helps Baiqi catch Wu Huan will be rewarded with 20,000 coins! Anyone who helps find the missing Baiqi will be rewarded with 30,000 coins!"

Baiqi laughed and said: "Uncle Wuyang only paid 20,000 guan for finding you, but paid 30,000 guan for finding me. If you have the ability, you chopped me off with one knife. With such a superior officer, I will die without regret."

yes! For the fact that his subordinates offered such a high reward, ten thousand more than me, it can be seen that Uncle Wu Yang is unparalleled, so... Wu Huan asked: "You said, if I take the initiative to go out, all the rewards will be mine?"

This brain circuit is too strange... Baiqi: "..."

The more Wu Huan thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong, so he lifted the broken mat above his head, tried his best to move the dead branches away, then lifted Baiqi up, and helped him out.

Bao Dong was shouting, "...Anyone who helps find the missing Baiqi will be rewarded with 30,000 yuan!"

Ming Jing muttered in the back, "No one has found it for so long, maybe it's not here. If there is, I'll take a breath." She looked down at Taiping...

The door of a small courtyard next to it was opened, and a man came out and asked with a smile, "Is it really fifty thousand?"

Bao Dong nodded.

The man stretched out his hands, "I am Wu Huan, and I sent those two letters through the wall."

Jia Pingan came after hearing the news, and after seeing the missing Baiqi, he ordered: "Untie him."

Wu Huan's hands were free, and he praised: "You offered me a reward of 20,000 yuan, but you were willing to pay 30,000 yuan for the brothers under your command. If Chang Dai had the thought of caring for his subordinates like you, he wouldn't die unexpectedly."

The hundred riders on the periphery dispersed the onlookers, Jia Pingan got a horse and rode side by side with Wu Huan.

After leaving Shanglinfang, Wu Huan asked curiously, "Aren't you afraid that I'll run away?"

Of course I'm afraid... Jia Ping'an said flatly: "Since you took the initiative to come out, this is a cooperative attitude. For friends, Jia is always more tolerant."

Uncle Wu Yang can really fool around... Ming Jing looked at the two archers holding the crossbow, and felt that he often failed to beat Jia Pingan because he was not shameless enough.

Back at the station, Jia Pingan immediately asked Wu Huan.

"After the Zuo Tunwei incident broke out, I found that Chang Dai looked at Lu Shi's back with gloomy eyes, as if he was about to kill someone. When I went out, I always felt that someone was watching me from behind. Standing outside the guard door..."

"So you ran away?"

"Yes." Wu Huan admitted honestly.

This man's luck is really good... Jia Pingan asked about the situation again, and Wu Huan reported more than ten names.

"I took them all."

Bao Dong took the order to get up, and before going out, he took a look at Wu Huan, thinking that this guy was lucky.

Wu Huan was relieved, and Jia Pingan didn't even tie him up, "You sent a letter twice to remind me that the brother who took Baiqi didn't do anything wrong, and he didn't get involved deeply in this matter. Mentioning these points, I believe that family members will not be involved. However, it is inevitable for you to be exiled."

This is the truth.

Wu Huan's body relaxed immediately, "Uncle Wu Yang, dare to ask about those bounties..."

"20,000 guan will be given to your family, and 30,000 guan will only be given half because you did it."

"I didn't think about the 30,000 yuan." Wu Huan felt that he was lucky to get 10,000 yuan, but he didn't expect to get 35,000 yuan. , even if I'm not here, I can still live well."

Jia Pingan nodded and got up, ready to go out.

Wu Huan asked: "Uncle Wuyang, what will happen if I stay in Zhechong Mansion?"

"Lu Shi will kill you."

Jia Pingan suddenly turned around, "By the way, who in Luozhou colluded with you?"

Ming Jing stood by the door, startled by his sudden turning around.

Wu Huan subconsciously said, "Don't drive Li Yingte."

Jia Pingan nodded and went out, Wu Huan behind him looked pale.

"You almost forgot to ask this?" Ming Jing was a little mad, "What an important matter, I've been trying to remind you, but you didn't even look at me..."

You are at peace... Jia Pingan said lightly: "Although Wu Huan has been answering questions, his body is tense and he is obviously on guard. At this time, if I ask about the civil servants, he will definitely be afraid that his family will be locked up in the future." State officials retaliated."

Although I still don't understand something, I can't ask any more. Asking any more makes me look stupid. But don't ask clearly, I feel itchy! Ming Jing was confused.

It's up to you whether you ask or not!

Jia Pingan deliberately kept his mouth shut to make Ming Jing, the king of gossip, suffer.

Boiled and boiled, and finally became an old woman.

"Uncle Wuyang!"

Ming Jing suddenly became dizzy, scaring Jia Ping'an's body with goosebumps.

"I say! I say!"

snort! Sure enough, what the old lady in the palace said was right, these men like women to pretend to be pitiful! It turns out that you, Jia Pingan, are not exempt!

Jia Pingan rubbed his arms, "People are the most relaxed when their wishes are fulfilled. I told Wu Huan's family that he would not be implicated, and he was more than half relaxed. When I promised to give his family 35,000 yuan, he would My heart was completely relaxed, and when I asked at this moment, I was caught off guard, and ninety-nine percent of him would give the real answer."

Ming Jing thought of Wu Huan's ugly expression at that time, and couldn't help secretly praising him.

He really counted to the bone.

But why?

Jia Pingan looked relaxed, do you want to try his method?

"Uncle Wuyang, what's the point?"

Jia Pingan looked at her sideways, and seeing her disappointed, he smiled and said, "This trick is useless to me."


Because from the day I crossed, I was worried that I would say something shocking unintentionally, so I would filter everything before answering.

"Because I have practiced and my spirit is strong."


This bitch has actually practiced?

Ming Jing thought of her status as a female crown, and couldn't help feeling a little guilty.

"Call the brothers!"

Jia Pingan said murderously: "I called Mr. Xu."

"Xu Shangshu is arguing with Luozhou officials."

Luozhou officials did not cooperate, so Lao Xu put on the airs of the Ministry of Rites and tossed endlessly every day. Therefore, in order not to be criticized by Chang'an, Luozhou officials sent people to entangle Lao Xu every day.

"Go and see."

Jia Pingan took a few brothers to Xu Jingzong's side.

"...Xu Shangshu, this is Luoyang, not Chang'an. I've done my best. What's the use of you pestering me like this? I advise you to take care of yourself..."

Few officials in Luoyang respect the treacherous minister Xu, they just maintain the dignity of the hierarchy, but now they are impatient, and they also dare to say that they can do it for themselves.

Old Xu De's voice was still full of anger, "There are officials in Luozhou colluding with the rebels in Zhechong Mansion!"

"That's just Xu Shangshu's speculation. Luozhou officials are as clean as water and work hard."

Jia Ping opened the door and went in.

In the room, an official was standing, still sneering.

"Mr. Xu, the suspect confesses, don't drive Li Yingte in Luozhou to collude with them!"

The officials were dumbfounded.


Ask for a ticket. Good night.

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