Great Tang Broom Star

Chapter 438: Lao Tzu is back

From the moment he decided to migrate, Muba said that it was an adventure. If the people of Tang refused to admit it, all the tribes who lost all their belongings would die in this winter if the Tang people refused to admit it. The cold wind and hunger would kill them all. .

So when Tang Jun's ranger attitude was wrong, he was alert and began to distribute dry food.

The long-haired man returned to his side, "Mr. Tang is wrong! That Jia Baoyu is a liar!"

"I knew it, I knew it..."

A man muttered at the side, and Muba slapped his backhand and shouted: "Facing tigers and wolves, we can only survive if we calm down. Stop your nagging!"

Ahead, a road suddenly opened in Tang Jun's formation, and a horse came slowly.

The long-haired man squinted, and the corners of his mouth gradually turned up, "It's him! It's that Jia Baoyu, he really didn't lie to us!"

Happiness came too fast, and Muba felt that the rhythm of his heartbeat was a bit chaotic. He took a deep breath while clutching his chest, "Go and see."

The long-haired man rode his horse and rushed out. Muba stared at him and murmured, "I hope it's good news, I hope it's good news..."

Jia Pingan had already seen the long-haired man, he got off his horse and walked away, and the long-haired man did the same.

The two approached, hugging each other like lovers who had been reunited for a long time.

Bah bah bah!

The long-haired man patted Jia Ping'an's shoulder vigorously, "Baoyu, you are so kind!"

Baoyu... Jia Ping'an's head was full of black lines, "My brother, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

After exchanging pleasantries, Jia Ping'an waved, "Follow me!"

When he got on his horse, he led the way first, followed by thousands of Turkic people, followed by countless cattle, sheep and carts.

Standing on the top of the city, Qiu Lin said joyfully, "A tribe has come to surrender, go and ask."

Someone has come.

"Qiu Changshi, the Commander-in-Chief will prepare a place for them to camp on the edge of the city, and then prepare some food to send."

Qiu Lin happily followed and asked, "Which tribe is it? Why did you come to vote?"

The visitor said, "It's Turkic."


Qiu Lin patted his forehead, "It's dangerous!"

"No, Uncle Wuyang persuaded them with a dozen or so people. Today they came to defect to Datang, and the guard said they would send them to Monan when they turned back."

"Who?" Qiu Lin asked out of control.

Now that he has arrived outside the city gate, a visitor said, "Uncle Wuyang."

Qiu Lin raised his head, and saw Jia Pingan coming on horseback in front of him, with a black cloud behind him...

Jia Pingan smiled at him with indescribable contempt.


Spring is warm and flowers are blooming, and there are many more pedestrians in Chang'an City.

Most of the dignitaries live around the East Market, so the business should be better than the West Market, but it is not.

The first emperor issued an order in those days that those above the fifth grade were not allowed to enter the market, and those above the fifth grade were not allowed to pass through the market.

With these rules, the East Market is worse than the West Market.

The West Market is not only the most prosperous, but also a gathering place for foreign merchants.

The situation here is complicated, and security is also a headache.

It's spring, and business is gradually returning to normal. Merchants are resorting to various means, just to overwhelm their opponents. Conflicts often arise for this reason.

A few days ago, an incident happened in the West Market. Someone with a knife chased down foreign merchants, causing chaos in the market.

Chang'an County asked Baiqi for help in time.

"Bao Dong takes some brothers."

Cheng Da's assignment was impeccable, but Ming Jing rolled her eyes.

"After Uncle Wuyang left, Qianniuwei came up and rushed to protect His Majesty. The Ministry of Punishment is also rushing to do things with us. We suffered a few conflicts and gave in. Old Cheng, your temporary commander is too soft! "

Cheng Da said indifferently: "What can we do? Wang Qi and the others from the Ministry of Punishment relied on the support of their eldest grandson and the others. Several conflicts were created out of nothing, which made us suffer. If we insist, the loss will be even greater. Do you think I don't want to ?Can……"

"But what?" Ming Jing said with a straight face, "Uncle Wu Yang also started from scratch, step by step, in a word, he is reckless!"


Bao Dong took people to Xishi to meet with people from Chang'an County.

Cao Yingxiong sighed when he saw him, "Poor brother was driven to Mobei, and I don't know when he will come back."

Bao Dong and the others also looked sad.

"After Uncle Wuyang left, Baiqi gradually sank."

People from both sides reconciled, and then began to inspect.

"Recently, a Silla merchant was fighting with a Hu merchant, and that Silla merchant was going to fight." Cao Yingxiong said proudly, "A merchant came to Chang'an County to report that the Silla merchant was going to set fire to the Hu merchant's shop tonight."

Bao Dong took a deep breath, "Once it catches fire, there will be...more than one neighbors, and I'm afraid it will be related, and it will be out of control."

Cao Yingxiong nodded, "So I'm going to ambush, but I'm afraid that there will be disharmony, and those throwing things will make a fuss. I also ask Baiqi to send some people."

Bao Dong nodded, "That's fine."

At night, Bao Dong and others and people from Chang'an County squatted outside the shop.

"They're just standing there."

Zhou Xing didn't need to worry about anything, he just followed Baiqi's work.

This is Wang Qi's strategy recently: we can't suppress Baiqi blatantly, we need to be smart, follow them secretly, and directly destroy whatever they do.

The West Market is closed at night, but some people stay behind in the shops, while others live in the West Market.

When the Xinluo businessman poured oil on the outside of the Hu merchant's shop, Bao Dong and Cao Yingxiong rushed over and held down the Xinluo businessman.


Just when Cao Yingxiong was full of joy, a joyful voice came, "The Ministry of Criminal Affairs has noticed this matter for a long time, and I plan to arrest someone tonight. I didn't expect you to follow us to take advantage of it."

Zhou Xing felt a little regretful, because this matter could not be destroyed, it could only be disgusted.

"You bitch, shameless!"

The Baiqi people couldn't help shouting and cursing.

Zhou Xing shook his chin, and naturally someone came out to scold him.

The anger on both sides gradually rose, and Baiqi slapped him away.


Immediately there was a scuffle, and the Ministry of Justice seriously injured two people, which was the result of Baiqi's holding back.

But the situation changed suddenly the next day.

A servant is here.

"Who injured someone from the Ministry of Criminal Justice last night?"

Yang Dashu raised his hand.

The servant nodded, "The ministers in the court are very angry, saying that Baiqi has become more and more depraved now, not to mention taking credit, and even seriously injured the officials of the Ministry of Punishment."

Bao Dong's eyes were tearing apart, "That's the person we got. They provoked first!"

The servant took a deep breath, "Someone said that they should be severely punished, but His Majesty stopped him, but he had to go anyway."

Yang Dashu followed, but there was no further news.

"It's in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice."

Ming Jing was enraged by this news, "Cheng Da, you have to be ashamed. Since you are an official, you have to make decisions for your brothers. If you can't do it, then someone else will take over."

Cheng Da went out with a livid face, and when he came back, he looked as if he had been hit by a violent storm, his face pale. The new 81 Chinese website is updated the fastest Mobile terminal: https:/


Ming Jing couldn't bear it, but thinking of Baiqi's current situation, she felt that she should go back to the Taoist temple.

Cheng Da lowered his head, "Since Mr. Gao left at the end of last year, those people in the court have gained more and more power. Your Majesty seems to be concentrating on doing something."

"Then..." Ming Jing shut up.

The emperor is doing big things, and the hundred cavalry who make trouble at this time will die.

She said disheartenedly: "Then I might as well go back to the palace."


in the palace.


Li Hong, who was being held by Zhou Shanxiang, was shouting.

Wu Mei stood outside, bathed in the sun, turned around slowly, and said with a smile, "What does Wu Lang want?"

Li Hong only knew to call A Niang at the top of his voice.

Zhou Shanxiang smiled and said, "I'm afraid I'm hungry."

Shaopeng said: "I just ate."

Wu Mei raised her head, "Poor lady."

Wu Meicai was about to give birth to a daughter, but she died young.

A servant came in a hurry and approached and told, "Your Majesty is coming."

Wu Mei said lightly: "Prepare some food."

Later, Li Zhi came surrounded by crowds, first he hugged Li Hong and teased him for a while, then sat down and said with emotion: "I've been very busy recently, and you've just recovered from your grief, I'm thinking, should I go Out of town for a walk?"

Wu Mei naturally doesn't care.

When concubine Xiao Shu got the news, she sent people to inquire, but got bad news.

"Your Majesty only brought Wu Zhaoyi."


Concubine Xiao Shu was furious.

But she immediately smiled, "Where's the queen?"

Sitting in the bedroom, Queen Wang said dumbly, "Who is going?"

Cai Yan whispered: "Wu Mei."

"Your Majesty...does this detest me?"

Queen Wang frowned, "Uncle is invited."

Liu Shi was then called into the palace.

Along the way, the servant's attitude towards him was quite indifferent, which surprised Liu Shi secretly.

Isn't the queen dead?

When he saw the queen, although Queen Wang cheered up, Liu Shi still found something wrong. For example, the queen's hairline was getting higher, and she used more makeup on her face, as if she was cover up something.

"Uncle, is there any talk of the former dynasty about the latter?"

Liu Xun just felt that the five thunders were on the top, and he was stunned for a moment, and then he cheered up, "There is no such discussion. The queen's mother respects the world, and she has not lost her morality. Why do you ask?"

Don't say you are out of favor!

Queen Wang glanced at him, and said with a wry smile, "Now... the emperor is getting colder and colder."


The scenery outside Chang'an comforted the pain of the death of Wu Mei's eldest daughter, and Li Zhi was also brewing something.

After returning to Chang'an again, the weather was a bit hot.

Li Zhi came back from court once, with a gloomy expression, and went straight to look for Wu Mei.

"Chu Suiliang refuted my point."

Wu Mei smiled and said, "But out of a public heart?"

Li Zhi shook his head, "It's just subconsciously wanting to suppress me. Uncle doesn't speak..."

He narrowed his eyes, "At the moment, I only have a few people who can be used in the court. Gao Jifu has left, and there is only one Li Ji left, and Yu Zhining is useless. But Li Ji..."

He glanced at Wu Mei.

Wu Mei said indifferently: "Li Ji Mingzhe learned 80% or 90% of his ability to protect himself from Wei Guogong, but he still has the heart to make contributions, otherwise his grandson Li Jingye will definitely leave Qianniuwei with an excuse."

"Li Jingye..."

What Li Zhi thought of was Li Jingye's bravery.

"Li Yifu can be used." Wu Mei remembered that person, "This is a villain, but he has talent. The villain has talent and can be used."

A villain has talents to use, but he can also abandon them at any time... This woman is indeed my good helper!

Li Zhi handed the child to Zhou Shanxiang, and said after she had left, "Cui Dunli can also borrow it."

Wu Mei was stunned for a moment, but immediately understood, she lowered her head slightly, but a strange light flashed in her eyes.

Cui Dunli was born in Boling Cui, although he has joined forces with Changsun Wuji and others, but he is the Cui family after all.

However, the backing of Queen Wang is Changsun Wuji and others. If this pattern is not broken, and the prince Li Zhong ascends the throne in the future, the small circle will become the master of the Tang Dynasty. This is something that the Shandong clan cannot tolerate.

So Cui Dunli can win over.

Wu Mei raised her head, "Your Majesty is wise."

Li Zhi grabbed her hand and said with a light smile, "Why do you and I say these things?"

Li Zhi rested here later.

On the second day, Queen Wang asked to see the emperor, but was rejected.

This is a signal.


"Since the foot ban, His Majesty has paid more and more attention to Wu Zhaoyi, and often goes there."

Wei Wushuang felt that this situation was a bit strange, "Gong Zheng, you won't abolish the empress?"

"Who knows!" Jiang Han also felt something was wrong, but she thought more, "That time Wu Zhaoyi turned cold, and it is said that she just forced a smile after her Majesty went down..."

This is a woman's method! Peerless!

Wei Wushuang wondered, "Since you are dissatisfied, then just ignore it."

"Be tactful!" Jiang Han felt that Wei Wushuang's temperament would suffer greatly sooner or later, "That's the emperor, not an ordinary person."

I don't care who he is!

Wei Wushuang couldn't help but think of the little thief.

When on earth can you come back?

Jiang Han also thought of Jia Pingan, "It's a pity for Uncle Wuyang."

Su Ho in the Ganye Temple also lost his smiling face, he was not active in cultivation, and he didn't like to hang around in the forbidden garden anymore. All day long...

A jade hand touched a card, touched the card surface with the middle finger a few times, then reversed and slapped it on the table with a bang.

"Touch yourself with eight barrels!"

Su Ho pushed down the mahjong, and everyone couldn't help sighing when they saw it.

"It turned out to be a mixed color!"

"It's still stuck in the eight tubes, it's fatal."

"Come, come, post them all."

The three card players covered their faces with notes, and the wind blew by, making it a spectacular scene.

"Come again!"

Su Ho's face is full of loneliness and defeat.

After the mahjong ended later, she returned to her room, just staring blankly at the empty desk.

"Nobody brings me meat anymore."

Two lines of tears flowed down his face slowly.


Yang Dashu felt very unlucky.

When he was young, he followed his father to rob tombs, and later joined Baiqi. His tomb-robbing skills had no room for display, but he was good at killing people anyway.

On the night when Tuyuhun King City strangled Xizuo and rebelled, he led several brothers to intercept Tubo Xizuo, and that battle was regarded as a classic by Baiqi.

But this person was very lucky, and then began to have bad luck.

If he didn't follow Bao Dong to investigate the matter, when he encountered a hooligan from the Ministry of Criminal Justice, he would be more ruthless and wounded one person. But when asked by the servant, he boldly took the responsibility for another serious injury.

At this moment, he was lying in the cell with bruises all over his body, with a bowl of rough barley beside him.

A mouse rustled towards Maifan.

It walked to the bowl, swung its head from side to side, and then began to steal food.

A broken shoe was thrown over, and Yang Dashu cursed weakly: "Get lost!"

The mouse was not afraid at all, and was still stealing food.

A voice came from outside, "Look at its eyes. The rats in the prison don't just eat wheat and rice, the meat of those dying prisoners... is also a delicacy in their mouths. If they have eaten human flesh, their eyes will look like hair." Red."

Yang Dashu glanced at it and said with a sneer: "Yeah, when I went down to the cemetery, I saw rats eating human flesh. The meat was rotten and maggots. Rats..."


There was a retching sound from outside.

"You want to scare me with this? Dreaming!"

A small official walked up to the prison cell, glanced at the mouse, and said indifferently: "During the period when Jia Pingan was in charge of Baiqi, he could be said to have overshadowed the sky with one hand. He did a lot of things that were out of bounds in Baiqi. As long as you say it, you will let it go later." I have given you... Xiang Xiang guarantees your future, what are you waiting for?"

Yang Dashu said with a wry smile: "Uncle Wuyang is loyal, if you want to frame him, it's just a dream!"

"Then you are looking for your own death!"

In a cold voice, someone shouted, "Bring it out."

This is to be punished.

As a culprit who seriously injured two small officials of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Yang Dashu was beaten up as soon as he came in, and then he was brought up to be tortured every now and then. But there's something shameful about it'.

Yang Dashu lay down, panting, "Yeah can't move anymore, I'll kill Yeye if I can. And..."

The few officials who came to mention him were all laughing, and one of them said: "So what can I do if I kill you? At most, I can report one death."

Died of illness instead of being tortured to death, this is a good way to escape responsibility.

Yang Dashu suddenly laughed, "Hahahaha... Uncle Wuyang will return to Chang'an sooner or later, you wait, sooner or later someone will come to clean you up, hahahaha!"



In the harem, Li Zhi is about to go to court.

After he was dressed, Wu Mei suddenly showed a look of longing, "The concubine is now favored by His Majesty, if Aye sees it, I don't know how to be happy."

Wu Mei's father, the samurai Xun, was the hero of Emperor Gaozu's successful rebellion, and later died of grief after Emperor Gaozu's death, which can be said to be loyal to Li Tang.

Li Zhi was startled, and immediately nodded, "Don't worry."

After Li Zhi left, Shao Peng approached and said in a low voice: "Zhaoyi, is it too sudden to suddenly respond to Duke Guo's request for a gift? If Your Majesty thinks it's greed..."

Wu Mei smiled and said: "If I wholeheartedly assist His Majesty without making any demands, what would you think His Majesty would think? Human nature seeks profit, and it is only natural for me to ask for a gift for my late father."

She turned around, "I only know how to do things, but I don't know how to ask for rewards. The emperor will suspect your intentions."

Shao Peng was startled, "Yes, the servant is shallow."

How can there be absolute loyalty in this world? The courtiers do things for the emperor, and after making meritorious service, the emperor has to reward the meritorious service with rich women and honor.

Remember, rewards!

There is a pay word here.

If the emperor pursues some loyal subjects, you deserve meritorious deeds, what kind of reward do you want...

It won't be long before he will be unavailable.

This is human nature, and the emperor knows it well.

But Wu Mei actually understood it quite well.

Shaopeng couldn't help thinking of Jia Ping'an.

"If Uncle Wuyang is here..."

Wu Mei's eyebrows became more gloomy, "Xu Jingzong has already submitted the memorial, and complained for peace several times, but the court chief Sun Wuji and others directly suppressed the matter. I also asked His Majesty in private, and I want credit! "

At this moment, a group of people came outside the city.

This group of people was travel-stained and looked exhausted.

The leading young man looked at Chang'an City and couldn't help laughing.

"I'm back!"

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