His upper body seemed to be able to extend indefinitely, turning into the body of a green dragon of hundreds of meters.
As his feet took off, Kaido’s lower body became a dragon’s tail.
As if to welcome the arrival of the green dragon Kaido, the wind and clouds above the ghost island changed, and it was instantly shrouded in dark clouds.
The Green Dragon Kaido rushed into the clouds and quickly disappeared.
The embers of the fire and many pirates looked at the vanished green dragon Kaido and were silent.
Some of the pirates were fine, but the embers had an ominous premonition.
He is the number two of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment, and kaido is usually absent, and everything in the kingdom of Peace is dominated by embers.
But today, the country is destroyed.
A pirate ship is leaving the island, and the pirate flag hanging from the mast is waving in the wind, hunting and hunting.
Above is the logo of the Four Emperors BIGOM.
“It’s a shame that from now on, you won’t be able to taste Milliken’s cream cake again.”
On the pirate ship, the Egg Baron looked at the burning Kingdom of Milliken in the distance and said regretfully.
“There’s no way to do it, who let them not hand over enough Milliken cream?”
“Mother’s anger is terrible!”
Pokemus was also looking at the burning kingdom, his face expressionless, only the picture of the flames printed on his glasses.
Bigom, the Four Emperors, is famous for overeating and especially likes desserts.
For dessert, she can do anything that is counterintuitive.
The reason why the Milliken Kingdom was destroyed this time was because they could not hand over enough Milliken cream.
“All right, Pokemus, go back, go to your mother.”
“Fortunately, the milliken cream collected can also make some desserts, which should calm my mother’s anger a little.”
“That’s right!”
In this way, the BIGMOM pirate ship disappeared to sea level, leaving only a flaming island.
The island’s buildings were shattered by the fire until they were reduced to ashes.
Another country was destroyed by bigamom’s appetite.
Because BIGOM hosts a tea party every year.
The Kingdom of Milliken was not the first, nor was it the last.
The news that bigamom was going to hold a tea party soon spread throughout the new world.
Some of the kings of the underground world, powerful pirates, and nobles of the kingdom set sail for the seas of nations.
They all received invitations, and no one dared to refuse the invitation of the Four Emperors.
Whether it is a pirate ship or a merchant ship, it carries famous figures from the New World.
And Lucifer’s Nether has also entered the sea of nations.
“Captain, is this bigam’s turf?”
“Sure enough, there is food everywhere!”
On the deck of the Nether, the crowd was eating watermelon.
What they are now in is the juice sea in the territory of all countries.
The sea here is all made up of juice.
The watermelon they eat is not a fruit, but a watermelon healthy fish unique to the juice sea.
Although he had never been to the Sea of Nations, Lucifer knew exactly what was going on here.
“The people who live here are not bad, at least they don’t have to worry about starving to death.”
Jack knows this.
Life improved only after joining the Navy.
“There’s a price to pay for staying here too.”
“Bigmom that old lady is not a philanthropist, how can she be so kind?”
Lucifer shook his head and laughed sarcastically.
BIGMOM is a superhuman soul fruit ability, and as long as he fears her, he will be taken away by her.
BIGMOM is under the law of the State of Ten Thousand, and all citizens living in Totland must pay one month’s life every six months as a fee for BIGOM protection, otherwise they must leave.
In other words, all the people in this kingdom are containers of life nurtured by BIGOM.
The choice between chronic death and immediate death is only a matter of time.
There are special surveillance manatees in the oceans of the seas of nations, and Lucifer’s arrival is soon discovered.
“Yes, Mom.”
Charlotte Snag immediately set out after receiving the order from BIGOM, and with his leadership, Lucifer and his party arrived unimpeded on cake island, the core of the world.
On Cake Island in the sea of all countries, the tea party will start soon.
The harbor was full of pirates from the BIGOM pirate regiment, and countless chess soldiers were lining up.
Many members of the Charlotte family also came to the port, where they were responsible for welcoming guests.
Katakuri’s mission is to solve these people and add a little bloody embellishment to the tea party.
One by one, the kings of the underground world, the nobles of the country, and the famous sea thieves of the new world landed on the shore and entered cake island.
The welcome ceremony of the BIGMOM Pirates is very well done, and when each guest arrives, the people next to them will shout, which can make people feel the enthusiasm of the BIGOM Pirates.
At this moment, the crowd suddenly let out an exclamation, “The Nether Pirates are coming!” ”
As soon as the words fell, all eyes were on the sea.
“Demon Lucifer, I didn’t expect him to really come!”
“The world says that Lucifer already has the same combat strength as the Four Emperors, I don’t know if it is true or not?”
“This is the first time I’ve seen Lucifer in reality, and I wonder if he’s as scary as the legend goes?”
“Terrible what? Lucifer is the most beautiful man in the world, and his handsomeness is world-famous. ”
“Finally I can see him, if I can spend a good night with him, it will be worth dying!”
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