Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 234 Chapter 231 Three-dimensional Map

Before making any money, Ge Gongdao and Zhuang Xuteng had to spend another sum of money to locate Bain's mobile phone. They learned that Bain's mobile phone was registered at the Riverbank Freight Terminal Base Station and had never left it. So the two of them immediately drove there, hoping it was not too late.

It was almost dusk, and the sky was gradually getting dark. The two of them brought low-light telescopes in advance for emergencies. This tracking is destined to be very difficult, because so far, the two of them still don’t know who Bain is or what he really looks like.

Baker and Becky were delirious and could not provide any useful information no matter how hard they tried. Not only could they not explain how they met Bane, but there were obvious differences in how they described Bane's appearance. And as the interrogation time prolonged, the information became increasingly confusing. The brother and sister even began to doubt whether Bain was a boy or a girl and whether he existed...

No longer able to count on the Bekebeqi brothers and sisters, Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao could only rely on themselves. They parked outside the dock, checked their gear in the car, and finally spoke to Lucy. Lucy tells them that Bane's cellphone registration base hasn't changed, which is the only good news so far.

A base station can provide mobile phone signals within a radius of four hundred meters, and each mobile phone registers with the base station with the strongest signal. Lucy's intelligence support includes not only the registration of mobile phones, but also the location of base stations. This kind of telecommunications facility will not be easily moved after it is built. Use the surrounding base stations as the center of the circle and draw a circle with a radius of 400 meters to find the area with the strongest and most stable signal of the target base station. This is also where Bain (mobile phone) is most likely to range of occurrence.

"It's time to get off work at the dock. With fewer and fewer workers, it will be easier for us to find Bain." Zhuang Xuteng turned on the battlefield radio and let it transfer Lucy's call. He and Brother Dao communicated directly using the headset communicator. "I go to the base station, which is always the commanding heights. Brother Dao, follow me and protect my back."

Nowadays, the cargo terminal is no longer as busy as it used to be, and there is almost no overtime work, so the place will soon return to silence, which is an advantage. The downside comes from the container yards at the terminals, which are like hills and often block the rays. Coupled with the changes caused by daily portage work, these hills are always changing.

If the transportation industry develops, more containers will appear in ship holds instead of piling up on docks. Many containers have lost their owners and they have been waiting here for who knows how many years. They tend to skew, rust, and fall over, and there are gaps and gaps in what should be a neat and tight arrangement, creating hidden paths that are difficult to detect in the hills of the yard. And the container already has doors. As long as you open both ends, it becomes a tunnel. Therefore, the terrain at the cargo terminal is quite complicated, and it looks like a maze to people who are not familiar with it.

The best observation position is definitely the tower crane, but it is also the best position to be observed. When the two sneaked into the dock, three of the four tower cranes were still working, and the searchlights were still tracking the crane arms, patrolling the storage yard like sentries.

There is no need to worry. The priority target is still the base station located on the office building of the dock. The tower crane can wait until all the workers get off work. When passing the gate, Zhuang Xuteng took advantage of others' unpreparedness and stole two helmets from the hangers, and put them on his and Brother Dao's heads. Not all dock workers wear reflective strip uniforms, but everyone has a helmet, and this detail cannot be missed.

One kind of sneaking is called sneaking, and the path of craftsmanship has nothing to do with it; the other kind of sneaking is called blending into the environment, so the two people walked through the open space arm in arm, talking and laughing all the way, looking open-minded. Although many people saw them, they were more concerned about Ge Gongdao's size than worrying about his identity.

The two came to the office building. Zhuang Xuteng looked at the surrounding terrain and decided to repeat his old trick and jump up from behind. The office building has six floors, and the neatly arranged window sill grids are the best climbing points. Zhuang Xuteng only needs to be careful about the edge of the roof. The top edges of many buildings are made of insulating or waterproof materials, and some are even filled with foam shapes for decoration. They have no supporting function and cannot bear a person's weight. Zhuang Xuteng tried his best to climb over the support column, which could slightly improve safety.

The office building is still in use and no one is setting mines here. Zhuang Xuteng came to the base station antenna and observed the entire harbor area from the wall where it was located. Based on his limited "scientific and technical knowledge" and "a considerable amount" of practical experience, he knew that mobile phone signals would be blocked by various obstacles, and that metal cages - especially containers - would have the greatest impact.

Taking the base station as the starting point, he drew virtual rays towards the entire port area. According to the occlusion...forget it, it's actually not that troublesome. Zhuang Xuteng imagined himself as a shining sun, and then remembered where it was easier to be illuminated and where there were shadows. He set up a low-light telescope, found two nearby base stations, and repeated the process in his mind. In this way, he knows the actual control range of the base station where he is located.

Exclude those areas in the edge areas that are completely blocked by containers. It can be said that there is no mobile phone signal there, so there is no need to search. The remaining area was the focus of the search. Zhuang Xuteng remembered this virtual map and met with Ge Gongdao. As soon as he came down, he saw Ge Gongdao making a silent gesture towards him.

"There are enemies, they are gangs." Ge Gongdao gestured in sign language and asked Zhuang Xuteng to observe by himself.

Twelve men and women in biker leathers trooped toward the stockyard, a white stretch limousine following behind them. The car turned on its headlights, illuminating the pioneers and creating a ferocious and exaggerated huge shadow for them. The workers nearby hurriedly avoided it, as if they were avoiding the plague, not daring to ask what they were going to do. Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao hid and observed secretly with telescopes.

"There are blood drop tattoos on the back of the ears, people from the Blood Bat Gang." Ge Gongdao frowned slightly and said: "The more blood drops, the higher their status in the gang. I haven't seen less than four drops. , indicating that these guys are at least middle-level.”

"Only the middle level and no minions?"

"The middle-level people are the minions, and the guy in the car is the real owner. Judging from the blood drops, there must be at least seven or eight drops, right?" Ge Gongdao lowered his voice and said, "Be especially careful with the guy with the black bat tattoo in the middle of his neck. , those are full-time thugs, and they must have implants. These people are very vicious, and their strength cannot be seen on the surface. The danger caused by their concealment is much greater than that of the strong men of the Wild Monkey Gang."

"Brother Dao, they just came here at this time. Could it be related to Bain?"

"It's hard to say. Of course I hope not, but looking at the current situation, the Blood Bat Gang will not leave for a while, which will definitely affect our actions. Nike, assuming they are here for Bain, what do you think they might be for? ?”

Zhuang Xuteng thought for a while and said: "Item Is that thing sold to the Blood Bat Gang?"

"Is he out of his mind? It's not good to sell to someone..." Ge Gongdao was stunned for a moment and said: "Wait a minute. He is not a real mercenary, not a middleman. The black market is also guarded by gangs, and has nothing to do with the Blood Bat Gang. The essential difference. If he thinks that the Blood Bat Gang will give him a higher price for the sake of the Scarlet Company, then he might really do such a stupid thing."

"It's also possible that he also inhaled a lot of blue savages and had something wrong with his brain." Zhuang Xuteng sighed and said, "We have also seen how badly Baker and Becky smoked. This Bain cannot avoid second-hand smoke... "

"Indeed, this possibility cannot be ruled out." Ge Gongdao frowned and said: "What should we do next? I heard that the people in the Blood Bat Gang have very good noses and can smell the smell of sweat from a distance. It’s not easy to sneak past.”

"Even if it's difficult, you still have to try." Zhuang Xuteng recalled the map in his mind, and based on the direction in which the Blood Bat Gang was heading, he calculated where they would eventually stay. Considering that they have twelve walkers and one car, they need a certain amount of space, and the twelve people must be separated to guard key positions...

This is a complex situation with many possibilities, and Zhuang Xuteng put himself into it, thinking, "If I were a middle-level cadre with four or five drops of blood, how would I choose a defensive position to flatter the big leader?" He roughly selected a few key locations, and then worked backwards to figure out how to infiltrate them. After about a minute, Zhuang Xuteng had an idea.

"Brother Dao, you go east. There is a three-story building 40 meters away. That is the equipment building. Find a hidden position on the roof to cover me. Our communication is silent and we only type passwords. If Lucy calls, you are responsible. catch."

"I understand, be careful." As soon as Ge Gongdao heard the arrangement, he knew that Zhuang Xuteng was going to sneak in alone. At this time, every second is precious, and he will not waste his partner's time. So Brother Dao said "be careful" and immediately moved eastward, while Zhuang Xuteng also set off quickly. He needed to seize the hidden spot before the Blood Bat Gang arrived.

The location he chose was a container stacking point. There was a gap in the center of the skewed container. It was only ten centimeters wide and was not wide enough for people to pass through, but it could not block the view. Moreover, this observation point is in the shadow formed by the other two containers. It is always dark, and it will be difficult to find it from the perspective of the Blood Bat Gang.

In a hurry, this is the best option. The key now is to be fast. Fortunately, Zhuang Xuteng had a good memory. He remembered the latest shape of the container pile while observing from the rooftop, and was able to plan the shortest route to avoid the sight of the Blood Bat Gang. Although such a quick action might be discovered by Bain - assuming he is hiding somewhere for reconnaissance - there is no such thing as perfect and foolproof. It would be nice to have a chance to take action.

Zhuang Xuteng passed through the center of the stack of containers like a cheetah, and a pair of eyes hidden in the shadows saw him.

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