Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 247 Chapter 244 Speed ​​leads to war

Zhuang Xuteng jumped on the roof of the car, stood firmly, swinging a stick in one hand and a small square-pointed shield in the other, and faced off with the short-haired female killer. It wasn't until this moment that he could see the other person's appearance carefully.

She was a beauty, but she looked full of technology and hard work. The ice-cold face is probably really ice-cold. The egg-yellow straight lines extending from the eyes in all directions are definitely not tattoos, but must be attachments to the implant. Her face is expressionless, like an iceberg beauty, but she may not be able to express any expression.

Those egg-yellow lines starting from the eyes are very long, passing over the cheeks and pointed chin, down the neck, temporarily hidden in the chest, and then emerge from the exposed belly, and finally disappear under the belt. These slender lines are not an aesthetic design that highlights the figure, but are the seams of whole-body skin grafts and skin implants. They also serve as channels for heat dissipation of certain organ implants.

A trip to Peicheng Second Hospital allowed Zhuang Xuteng to fully understand the performance of medical implants on the market, and also learned a lot about implant installation surgery. See, it's useful now.

"Which family of killers are you from?" Zhuang Xuteng asked: "I am performing a protection mission and will not let you succeed. Your best choice is to leave now, that way you can still keep yourself safe."

"You're a scumbag down there." The woman said - her lips were pink, and although they were unnaturally pink, they did look good. "I only want his life, there is no need for you to risk your own life for him."

"What you said is neither right nor wrong and you also ignored an important fact." As Zhuang Xuteng spoke, he kept the structural form of the steel frame of the truck in mind while observing the road conditions in front of the truck, especially the information on roads and bridges. "I don't need to sacrifice my life for the people below. You are right about that. But the people below are not scum, but something being transported. To me, sending him to his destination is just a sum of money. "

"Scumbags are still human beings at least, and those below are not even human beings." The blonde woman nodded and said, "What you said makes sense. So what are the facts that I ignored?"

"You have your back to the front of the car, and my partner is in the front cab, so you are attacked from two sides. The person you want to kill is below, and he must have closed the armored car, and you don't seem to have the ability to dismantle the armored car with your bare hands - besides, I can't I'm threatening you from the side." Zhuang Xuteng said: "The fact you ignore is that it is beneficial to me to delay."

"You must have the key to unlocking the armored vehicle. As long as I kill you, my problem will be solved."

Zhuang Xuteng shook his head and said: "I don't have the key. The car only requires a key to start. The key to opening the door is the skill. All the doors have been specially modified. If you don't know how, you won't be able to open it."

"Then there's nothing to say." The woman slowly lowered her body and made a pounce motion.

Zhuang Xuteng smiled slightly, his eyeballs made a small and rapid movement, and his pupils changed slightly. This small change forged quite a bit of information, and it made the female killer think that Zhuang Xuteng had moved his eyes away and focused on observing something other than her.

In a one-on-one battle, it is common sense to keep your eyes locked on the enemy. This slight change in Zhuang Xuteng's eyes made the female killer suspect that the situation behind her had changed. Since there was no sound, it couldn't be the big guy climbing up. Could it be something with a height limit, such as a speed measuring bar or a bridge?

Zhuang Xuteng suddenly squatted down. The female killer was shocked and immediately squatted down faster, even thinking of lying down directly. Her conditioned reflex thought that there might be obstacles behind her, but this was all an illusion created by Zhuang Xuteng. Even holding an electrified bat and a shield for hand-to-hand combat were part of the illusion. Zhuang Xuteng's preferred method of attack is still shooting.

His right hand released the swing stick, but the Wraith Servant was still holding it, so it would not fall. Zhuang Xuteng combined his hands while squatting down, and fired another enhanced version of the bone spear. The female killer's eyes widened suddenly, and she immediately understood that she had been deceived. Since her body was still in the process of squatting, she could not move, so she could only hold the spear in front of her with her hands crossed.

This time Zhuang Xuteng saw it clearly: the bone spear's energy bomb made a slight change in direction in the air, flew delicately and accurately hit the spear. Obviously, the weapon used by the female killer has the effect of attracting ghost energy bullets. In addition, it can decompose and absorb most of the shadow energy, so it becomes a weapon with bulletproof and protective effects.

Fortunately, the power of the double bone spear technique was strong enough, and the weapon could not fully absorb it. The remaining energy escaped and turned into six or seven tiny fragments of the bone spear technique, which still hit the female killer. At this time, the long pale yellow lines on the surface of her skin began to emit faint fluorescent light. The shadow energy of the bone spear technique flowed on the surface of her skin. It was attracted by the fluorescent light, absorbed by the egg-yellow lines, and finally turned into curls of steam, flowing from the female body. The killer's eyes flashed out.

"Cool! What a powerful implant." Zhuang Xuteng squatted and laughed, and then said something irritating: "...but people are stupid."

"I am going to kill you."

"I don't need it." Zhuang Xuteng said with a smile.

The female killer narrowed her eyes and prepared her legs to take off, but she changed her mind at the last moment. The two men were on top of the truck, and the steel shelves were trampled under their feet. This shelf is essentially six door frames standing side by side in the front and back, and the top is connected with three longitudinal steel bars, thus forming a six-horizontal and three-vertical grid shape from a bird's eye view. The distance between the six horizontal lines is about two meters, and the distance between the three vertical lines is also about two meters. This distance only requires a small jump for their physical fitness, but once the body is in the air, the room for maneuvering will continue to shrink.

Zhuang Xuteng had just performed the amazing technique of flying out, stopping out of thin air, and then coming back. The female killer didn't have any confidence in aerial combat. She controlled her desire to jump and pounce, stepped on the steel frame honestly, and went around from the side.

Zhuang Xuteng walked in the other direction, and the two people exchanged places counterclockwise. The female killer stretched out her spear to attack, but Zhuang Xuteng didn't block at all - unless she grabbed the tail end, the spear couldn't reach Zhuang Xuteng, so there was no need to block.

"I'm not in a hurry." Zhuang Xuteng said.

Although her expression was stiff and hard to tell, the female killer was so angry in her heart! She made a feint to the left, immediately accelerated to the right, and at the same time thrust out the spear in her hand. Zhuang Xuteng did not resort to false moves at all, calmly responded correctly, and was not distracted by the spear.

If she wants to compare her on-the-spot reaction speed with super-calculated martial arts, the female killer may be overthinking it.

The two people circled three complete circles on the roof of the car without any collision, which made Zhuang Xuteng smile and the female killer cursed in her heart. She has never seen such a naughty boy! His response actions show a high level of combat experience. If you have experience, why don't you fight? Just keep dragging it on and wait for the big guy in front to come to support?

The female killer slowly moved her fingers and put her left hand into the ring on the side of the spear shaft - did she want to shoot? Seeing this, Zhuang Xuteng also raised his gun to aim with his right hand, but did not fire it. "It won't be of much use if I shoot you, but when you shoot, can that weapon still block the ghost energy bullet? I want to bet."

It was indeed unstoppable, the female killer knew very well, so she could only grit her teeth secretly. If she shoots forcefully, she will immediately lose her protection and can only use her body to block the opponent's shot. If it was just an ordinary shadow gun, she would be fine if she took a few shots. But the gun of the young man in front of him was extremely powerful. It was probably some kind of modified model, and its damage potential was already more powerful than the "counterattack weapon" of the Animal Gang. She couldn't take this kind of damage, and she wasn't sure she could hit the opponent.

The gun in her hand was also specially modified: the range was enhanced and the firing frequency was reduced. The interval between the order to fire and the actual launch was longer than that of other shadow slave guns. During that time, she could not do strenuous activities, so she was too fragile overall. Since she failed to scare the opponent and was frightened by the continuous pressure caused by Zhuang Xuteng, the female killer changed her grip again and used it as a spear.

"If I had brought more weapons..." The female killer glanced at the convertible bumping up and down at the back of the car, feeling a little regretful.

"I should have said this." Zhuang Xuteng snorted and continued to use words to hold back the enemy. "I just passed the high-speed level. In order not to scare the PCPD, I put all my weapons in the armored vehicle. I only had arm shields, shadow guns and swing sticks that were easy to hide. I even took off my armored suit... If those things are still on you, you are finished at this time.”

Zhuang Xuteng didn't lie. His method of breaking the game was simple: holding a shock bomb. It just happened to be such an unfortunate thing: he took off his equipment and pretended to be Gao Kenji's apprentice. After passing the level, he was busy dismantling the armor plate, and then he pulled over and waited for the Gorge Road. Originally, when Ge Gongdao pushed the motorcycle in and put the truck on the road, he could go to the armored vehicle and put on the equipment again. As a result, before the equipment came back, the female killer arrived.

If the weapons around him are not good enough, Zhuang Xuteng will naturally adopt a dragging method. At this time, Ge Gongdao also opened the passenger door and leaned out his upper body to observe the situation. He first made sure that the driver was not under direct threat, and that the female killer had been entangled by Zhuang Xuteng and was currently in a deadlock. She would definitely not be able to get out and come back to the front of the car. So he left the cab with confidence, leaned over and grabbed the shelf, preparing to climb up.

The truck jolted, and it turned out that it had finally shed the convertible behind it. The beautiful silver-white car slid on the road for a while, and finally hit the guardrail on the side of the road and stopped. That's good, at least it didn't cause more safety incidents.

"Your choice is better." Zhuang Xuteng said: "Think carefully, are you going to be attacked by us here? My brother is very strong. As long as I entangle your weapon, I can kill you with one shot. Your only chance …”

Zhuang Xuteng said to Ge Gongdao: "This girl can create strong winds and blow people away. Hold on to the shelves and never jump."

"Okay!" Ge Gongdao nodded and said, "I still have shock grenades. Do you want to bear with me while I shock her?"

"What a bad idea you have! I mean don't do that! This woman has an armored skin-type implant that is known to be able to block small-power firearms. What if she can still resist shock bombs? The two of us are safe There is no need to take her down...Eh? Why are you running?"

The female killer ignored Zhuang Xuteng. She took a running step and jumped out of the truck. I saw her standing on top of the vehicle in the adjacent lane as a buffer, rolling and accelerating to get up quickly, and then jumped into the next car. This time, she stuck the spear into the hood and used it as support to steady herself.

"Stop chasing me!" Zhuang Xuteng guessed that there would be such a result, so he waved his hand and made a "good to go" gesture. It's just that Ge Gongdao was a little angry. He climbed up, but found nothing in the fight.

"She will still catch up." Zhuang Xuteng said very definitely: "This is not a problem of checkpoints, it can only be that she is being tracked."

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