Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 294 Chapter 291 Luxurious Lineup

"Why do you let those two guys follow you but don't let me out? I think it's very unfair! Naike, continue to massage my head... Why does it feel so comfortable?"

Meteor, like other migrant workers, complained about the sudden increase in workload. But unlike other migrant workers, she doesn't have a few friends to complain to, maybe even Zhuang Xuteng alone, which makes her seem even more lonely.

Originally, she only needed to guard the secrets and avoid being discovered by the casino group with clues about the train theft. Now she suddenly has a big job: luring the viper into a trap. This operation is very complex, requiring information from the Blood Bat Gang and the casino group to be processed at the same time, as well as taking into account Viper's character and condition.

"Naike, you know, Lucy also asked me to coordinate...I am also responsible for assigning intelligence officers and creating safe and usable information channels for the two sisters upstairs. I want to protect my own safety and also It's never easy to do something like this, which requires reference to their strength and character." Meteor continued to complain and said: "This has already given me a lot of headaches, but Lucy is not grateful at all. Without saying anything, he asked me to arrange another information channel for another intelligence officer... It was like my head was being split open, I had to pay attention to so many things at once."

Zhuang Xuteng was stunned for a moment, but he continued to hold his hands, and said in a gentle voice, half consoling and half encouraging: "Being assigned so many tasks shows that our meteors are powerful and have that kind of strength! But in this way, we can be regarded as four intelligence officers Do you want to act together?"

"The two people upstairs add up to one intelligence officer. This cannot be counted as four."

"Why not count four?" Zhuang Xuteng kneaded Meteor's scalp with his hands, constantly sucking away the side effects of the Shadow Slave in the form of resentment. At the same time, he said with a smile: "If you are asked to arrange the work of four people, then it is more important than To arrange three people, you need to pay more, and you need to pay more. After all, the workload is greater! If Lucy doesn’t give me more money, I’ll get it for you!”

Zhuang Xuteng was just talking, he would not ask Lucy for the money. Considering that this operation is to avenge Ge Gongdao, he will pay for it himself, and it won't be too much anyway. At the same time, Meteor was very grateful for Nike's concern, but she would not mention it to Lucy. She was a "child laborer" with no salary at all, or her salary was all the inheritance left to her by her mother in the future, so she never experienced the feeling of working too much and getting more money. Having said that, Meteor usually doesn't have to worry about spending money, Lucy will always pay everything.

What Meteor was concerned about at the moment was not the workload and salary at all, but Naike's attitude towards the two newcomers. Since they are both intelligence officers, Nightingale and Rockbird put a lot of psychological pressure on Meteor. This is different from Morgana - Meteor knows that Morgana's family has an unusual background, and she is a PCPD, and she is not the same person as the mercenaries at all. She firmly believed that Morgana and Naike could only be familiar with each other, and they would definitely not be together in the end. But the same cannot be said for the two sisters.

"Nike, you have worked with the two people above. What do you think their personalities are? Do they have any weaknesses?" Meteor asked insinuatingly.

"Uh... I can't tell. I feel that their professional abilities are pretty good - I don't know anything about what the intelligence officers are going to do specifically and what kind of symptomatic measures they use to measure their level. I can only say that they have completed the entrusted work very well. tasks. Personally speaking...I think they are a little nervous, which is related to their history of being bullied by Steyer. I think they should be given a certain space to perform, and then clearly explain what is taboo and cannot be done, so that they can clearly understand their work. boundary, they should be able to perform well.”

"Do you think they are easy to get along with?"

"There should be no problem. Wait, are you going to see them?" Zhuang Xuteng thought there was something wrong with this, so he stopped what he was doing.

"Keep rubbing, keep rubbing." Liuxing felt guilty and reluctantly found an excuse to say: "I can't see them, I can only contact them by sending messages, so it's harder to understand their thoughts and status. This is different from face to face. Same, what do you think?"

"Oh, it turns out that this is a concern, I understand." Zhuang Xuteng regained his smile and said, "Give me some personal advice: You don't have to think about building a good relationship, just focus on completing the task. They have to do it first If you do well, then there will be a need for further contact. If you don't do well, you will be fired, so what are you going to worry about in the future?"

"That's right! I just don't interact with many people, so I'm a little worried. When you say this, I understand." Meteor raised his hand, put it on the back of Zhuang Xuteng's hand, and pulled it downwards. "The back of your head feels uncomfortable, please press this side again..."

The intensity of use of the implant can be measured by the amount of resentment. Meteor has a room full of maintenance equipment, and she spends a lot of time recuperating every day, but this still cannot prevent the accumulation of side effects. "It's very hard to find you. This kind of hard work is behind the scenes. It is behind every successful action we take. It is never obvious, but it is equally important. Meteor, thank you."

"Hehe, hard work is deserved. As long as the mission is successful and everyone is safe, it is all worth it." Meteor leaned back and let herself lie in Zhuang Xuteng's palm, which made her feel particularly good. "Actually, collecting intelligence is not tiring. What is tiring is confronting other intelligence officers, which is very taxing on the brain. In fact, I have a very immature idea: when two intelligence officers meet, don't waste your brain. Scissors and burden hammer decide Regardless of victory or defeat, the winner will not be tired, and the loser will not suffer. How wonderful."

"If the world could be like that, it would actually be quite good." Zhuang Xuteng rubbed it for a while, and felt that he could no longer breathe in the resentment, so he took out his hand and said: "That's all the massage can do, you'd better do some physical exercises at ordinary times. Exercise. Drink more water, sweat more, and clear your mind. This should relieve your headache."

"Can you come and exercise with me?"

Zhuang Xuteng scratched his head - am I here to be a bodyguard or a nanny? "For the sake of your health, you have to insist on exercising on your own. Just for fun, or to find someone to supervise, as long as I am fine upstairs, I can accompany you."

"That's it for the time being!" Meteor knew that Zhuang Xuteng would not make promises easily, and he was flawless when speaking, so he was satisfied with the current results.

As Meteor begins to act, a luxurious intelligence lineup is formed against Viper. At first, Zhuang Xuteng thought it was four intelligence officers, but later he learned that Henry Henderson's intelligence officer had also joined in, forming a lineup of five intelligence officers. It was also through this incident that Zhuang Xuteng learned that Lucy actually had two long-term intelligence officers, and Meteor was just one of them. However, in the last intermediary war, it seemed that only Meteor was targeted, and there was no information about another intelligence officer. Either the intelligence officer hid it too well, or Lucy only increased the number of intelligence officers after that incident.

Zhuang Xuteng could feel that Lucy was expanding very quickly recently. One was after the middleman war, in which the winner swallowed most of the loser's inheritance, and the other was after Style was eliminated. Now when they go to the music restaurant, Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao always meet some new faces. After asking the restaurant waiters, they find out that they are new mercenaries, and some are ownerless mercenaries who want to come to Lucy to find work. At the same time, some simple tasks, such as running errands, delivering goods, and standing guard, no longer come to Zhuang Xuteng. It's not because Zhuang Teng is worth a lot, but because he has enough manpower.

In fact, Zhuang Xuteng does not value net worth, or he believes that net worth is just a ticket to participate in big actions, not a reason to be picky about jobs. He had always been grateful to Lucy for giving him this job, so he didn't pick any jobs. He ran errands, delivered letters, and worked as a doorman. These jobs that "famous" mercenaries basically didn't do, he had no complaints.

If you don't work, you have to stay at home. After completing the physical and martial arts training, all that's left is to read the spell book and practice necromancy. If you perform tasks outside, your physical fitness must be reserved for the task, so you can only learn book knowledge.

The learning ability of the human brain is limited. Whether at home or outside, Zhuang Xuteng only fills so much knowledge into his brain every day. If he continues to force it in, he will squeeze out the previous ones. Those simple tasks can usually be completed in a day or two, and it does not delay him from maintaining physical fitness and improving his martial arts skills. So overall, whether he is doing simple tasks at home or doing simple tasks, it will not affect his improvement. In this case, why not make more money?

The only things that can really affect training improvement are complex tasks, such as stealing train cars or setting traps to deal with vipers. The number of intelligence officers used this time was already equivalent to that of the Treasure House Carriage, which also reflected its difficulty and importance. Zhuang Xuteng could understand where the emphasis came from: Lucy's focus was not on whether the Viper would die, but on whether the casino group could be weakened, and it would be best to make it unable to stay in Peicheng.

There have been some rumors in the mercenary industry recently, mainly targeting various middlemen. The mercenaries are not satisfied with the industry situation in the past two or three years. Either the PCPD is causing trouble, or they are beaten by the gardener organization, or they are fighting among themselves to destroy stability and unity, or outsiders are interfering with the market. Although this time it was not out-of-town middlemen and mercenaries who came to steal business, the casino group also caused a lot of inconvenience. Everyone just wants to make money, to form a balance between the inactive PCPD and the gangs that run wild, and to earn a simple hard-earned money.

The mercenaries hope that middlemen can create a stable business environment, but most of their grievances are directed at casino groups. That group of people looked everywhere, searched everywhere, and asked everywhere, sabotaging the mercenaries' actions intentionally or unintentionally, thus driving up everyone's work costs. Casino groups are defined as "nuisances" by everyone, and those who punish the nuisances become heroes.

Due to the investigation into the theft of the Treasure Train, the casino group's misfortune became known to everyone. In fact, in the mercenary industry, everyone is guessing who did it and how. When there are no casino syndicate informants, they will also drink to the anonymous heroes among their peers. According to Brother Dao, the nightclub frequented by mercenaries seemed to have a special drink for this matter, called Ten Bet Nine Losers. It seemed to be a special cocktail of nine kinds of alcoholic drinks and one kind of fruit juice. Zhuang Xuteng was quite interested, but he was afraid that it was some kind of fishing bait, so he discussed with Brother Dao to try it after the limelight subsided.

The attitude of the mercenaries must not be hidden from everyone's middlemen. If we want to say who loses the most when the market is not calm, it is this group of middlemen. It's just that the power of a single middleman cannot be compared with that of a casino group. Everyone can beat the dog in the water, but no one wants to be the one who stands out, or the chicken that is killed to scare the monkeys. The middlemen in Peicheng now have their eyes wide open, waiting and hoping that the situation will change, and then they will take action. The wallet in the casino group's pocket has been lost, and the stab wound in the belly that was stabbed secretly has not healed, but it can still show its teeth. If it can be given a blow to the heart, then the dismemberment casino group's income will definitely be greater than touching the wallet.

But one thing cannot be forgotten: whoever sees the current situation most clearly is the casino group itself. If you can find the thief and recover the stolen goods, you can make up for it; if you can't, you have to hold on to it, rebuild everyone's confidence in it, and survive the difficult times. Under the guidance of this idea, they divided their actions in Peicheng into three parts:

First of all, we must rely on the investigative power of PCPD. In any case, this is also a theft case, and PCPD has to investigate it. If you don't give a good greeting to the PCPD, the people from the casino group will have no reason to act in Peicheng. Of course, the PCPD's investigative capabilities are not much different from those of a blind cat, especially the incredible incident of a helicopter taking away a carriage. Their lack of imagination is still thousands of miles away from flying. This line of thinking is in the wrong direction, and no matter how hard they try, it will be in vain, so they don't have to worry about it.

The second aspect is mercenaries. This is the group that is truly capable of conducting investigations. If the casino group could afford the money, maybe the mercenaries and middlemen could actually come up with something useful for him, but it was a pity that it didn't happen. The casino group has lost so much, its wallets are tight, and it's short of cash. It's hard to find a middleman who can't catch the rabbit but doesn't let the eagle fly. In addition, these people were worried that the work in the treasure house carriage was done by local people, and they really didn’t want to offend their colleagues or even trigger a middleman war, so they all dealt with it perfunctorily.

It's the gangs that really do the work. They have the enthusiasm and the manpower, but they just don't have enough professional capabilities. Among them, the Blood Bat Gang danced the most happily. Who said that the people of the casino group lived within their control? Moreover, gangs are not like mercenaries and middlemen who only value cash. As long as future income from the casino is used as a condition, the gang members will be enthusiastic and full of motivation. Cash is not as good as protection fees, and gangs think they know the choice between "a full meal or a full meal".

Speaking of gangs, their level of investigating crimes is indeed insufficient, but their ability to seize territory while investigating crimes is no problem and is very abundant. Recently, the fights between the lower-level gangs have begun to increase, especially around the area that may become a casino in the future, which has become very uneven. There were smashing, burning, looting, gang fights and assassinations, and the PCPD sirens kept ringing. The mercenaries nearby have also been very busy recently, busy serving as PCPD investigators and human shields. That is to say, Lucy stayed away from this kind of work, otherwise Zhuang Xuteng would have something to do every day.

Well, he can't just say that he has nothing to do. Just preparing for the meeting with the casino group is very complicated. Meteor led the intelligence officer to analyze the situation of the casino group, Viper, and Blood Bat Gang, analyzing their respective demands, preferences, and what each person's temperament is like. The most important thing is of course how to mobilize them, what can and cannot be said, and how to control the information "just right". This is quite troublesome.

Zhuang Xuteng couldn't imagine how heavy the workload was backstage. He could only see what was in front of him. In order to prepare for the meeting with the head of operations of the casino group, Lucy specially found a teacher for him to train. This man was not a mercenary, he just happened to live in Peicheng after he was released from prison, and he had a good relationship with Lucy and other middlemen. He was a psychiatrist and an external employee of the riot squad, specializing in psychological analysis and behavioral profiling of criminals. Later, he felt that it was not exciting enough and started to engage in fraud using his expertise. He was especially good at analyzing people face-to-face and deceiving others.

He had a problem with the casino group, and it was the casino group that caused him to be caught. He relies on observation and skills to make a living, but when he encounters a casino group that uses technology to make a living, he is framed in a poker game. From this point of view, his credibility is guaranteed, and Lucy relies on this to convince him to come out and teach Zhuang Xuteng some skills, so that this kid can reach the passing level.


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