Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 313 Chapter 310 Planner

There are often mercenaries coming in and out of the music restaurant, and there are usually "former" mercenaries and Lucy's permanent staff to maintain the operation. The small gangs on the street dare not disturb them at all - if a big gang comes, Lucy will too Choose to spend money to avoid disasters first - so this has always been a popular haven for nearby residents.

Everyone will choose to come here to relax after get off work. If there are banquets, family gatherings or celebrating some important days, they also like to come here. Here, you won't be disturbed by vicious gangsters, and you will be taken care of if you encounter arrogant and arrogant people. A place where everyone can enjoy peace and joy is always very popular in Peicheng.

The restaurant is always busy during opening hours. Not only can the room be full, but sometimes additional seats are added outside to provide temporary rest for guests queuing up. Today is different. Although the restaurant is full of people, including people inside and outside the office on the second floor and in the corridor, there is not a single customer. Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao sat on chairs at the door, guarding the signboard that read "Closed today."

After careful observation, Zhuang Xuteng finally confirmed that Ge Gongdao's mood had indeed improved. The big guy got rid of his depressed mood and returned to his silly and cheerful state. He ordered a full glass of cold beer for himself and Zhuang Xuteng, sat leisurely under the umbrella, drank some salty soda bread sticks, and commemorated the past history together.

"The viper still died in my hands - although it didn't happen according to the scene I imagined, the result is actually the same." Ge Gongdao fumbled with the glass wine glass, staring at the small bubbles floating in clusters of orange-yellow wine. scene. "I was not very happy at first, until I thought about it clearly: it is impossible for everything to go as planned. If I had followed my ideas, Viper should have died according to my wishes when I learned that he was a traitor. How can I still live to this day!"

Zhuang Xuteng nodded, raised his glass and touched it with Brother Dao, and said, "I feel relieved if you think like this. I'm afraid that you will suddenly lose your life goals and become decadent."

"My goal as a mercenary has never been to kill traitors, not in the past, present and future. Viper is just a stage in life, and I have always been a greedy person, there will always be another target!" Ge Gongdao took a sip of beer and burped vigorously: "It's great! This thing is still enjoyable. The guy in the kitchen always asks me to buy cocktails, but it's also very expensive."

Speaking of the kitchen, Zhuang Xuteng shook his head and said, "This is the first time I know that the kitchen guy can also handle corpses."

"I just found out." Ge Gongdao put down his wine glass and said, "I walked around the restaurant holding the body. That look... Anyway, it has a bad impact and will be off-putting. They probably don't want to bother cleaning up afterwards, so they said They can provide this type of service. When I asked, I found out that they had done similar work before, such as cleaning battle scenes, restoring damaged things, and applying make-up to corpses so that they could pass inspection at the crematorium.”

"It feels like an enhanced version of funeral services." Zhuang Xuteng concluded with a smile: "But how did they get hired by Lucy?"

"I didn't ask about this. It's probably because of the previous intermediary war and the recent series of enrollment expansions! This is also good. The service items are more comprehensive. We can also save some worry and focus on what we are best at."

What we are best at—that is fighting. Zhuang Xuteng frowned slightly and said: "Brother Dao, I think we should also expand our recruitment and increase the manpower of the team. The two of us have gained a bit of fame, but this fame is for fighting, which to put it bluntly means killing. If we can only Being a killer would make this mercenary uncomfortable, what do you think?"

Ge Gongdao stopped, thought about it, and then nodded: "What you said makes sense. Our master has strong fighting ability, and now this view has gradually transferred to the two of us. If we don't have other abilities to supplement it, we will become killers." Combination, this is not good.”

"Comparatively speaking, you are worse off. I can still lurk and act stealthily, but you can't. Therefore, I still have a future as a killer, but your road will become narrower and narrower." Zhuang Xuteng placed a hand on his hand. He frowned and said, "We need to recruit people and increase the areas we are good at. This requires careful planning."

Ge Gongdao raised his eyebrows, chuckled, and said, "You'd better tell me your thoughts first! Judging from your appearance, you must have some ideas."

"Our last mission was very successful, relying on the cooperation of many parties. Brother Dao, we lack professional skills such as intelligence. Since the intelligence industry requires special implants, there is obviously no hope for the two of us, so we have to rely on recruitment in this regard. Let others handle it. I hope you will examine the two sisters Nightingale and Yanque, mainly to see their character. In terms of ability and on-the-spot performance, we have actually seen it, at least they are qualified, right?"

Ge Gongdao touched the wolf fur that had just grown back and nodded slowly. "I think their abilities are not outstanding among intelligence officers, but they are enough. But there is one thing you have to consider: after forming a team, you have to find a way to cope with the expenses of the entire team. Two frontline intelligence officers have to It costs a lot of money!”

The intelligence officer's higher cost than other mercenaries is mainly in the maintenance of implants, and the implants of Nightingale and Rockbird are more expensive due to their poor quality. However, by absorbing the resentment, Zhuang Xuteng can reduce the side effects suffered by the two sisters, which is equivalent to saving them money. When comparing equal remuneration, Zhuang Xuteng's ability will bring them high bonus points and even have the final say.

"I have a good relationship with them, and they will be more willing to form a team with us." It is impossible for Zhuang Xuteng to say in public that he can reduce the side effects of implants. He can only say this: "And team formation can take many forms. We must be tied together and not separated at all. We are both good at it, and they are good at it, and we can cooperate with each other in action. Don’t forget that we want to increase the types of entrusted tasks, don’t they?”

Ge Gongdao thought for a while and nodded slowly. To be a bit arrogant, their combat effectiveness is relatively high in the mercenary industry, but their ranking in the intelligence field is not that high. If we want to enrich our means, Nightingale and Rockbird have relatively higher demands on them. If the four of them cooperate, Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao will have a more advantageous negotiating position, and they will be able to dominate the situation.

But you can only think about this in your heart and never say it out loud. On the surface, Ge Gongdao still sighed: "Oh, it's easy to find thugs, but there are few intelligence officers. We have to perform well to seduce the sisters."

"Tempted? Is that what you said?" Zhuang Xuteng shook his head with a smile and said, "But one thing is right, thugs are easy to find. Brother Dao, we still need a good driver, the kind who can drive anything."

"You want me to go?" Ge Gongdao scratched his head and said: "I can drive now, and I also understand how ships sail, and then there are dump trucks and forklifts... I don't know anything else, especially not Aircraft. I’m so big, it’s not easy for you to let me pilot it!”

"You won't show your burly figure in the cab." Zhuang Xuteng said: "I think you are the best candidate for the reserve team and the final line of defense. With you in the middle, the operational personnel in the front can rest assured. Especially when When you control the transportation, everyone doesn't have to worry about the escape route and escape by themselves. Brother Dao, think about it, is this position very important?"

Ge Gongdao frowned and said, "I still think you don't want me to charge forward..."

"You are big and have obvious features, so you are easily recognized. If you are asked to charge, you will definitely not be prepared to leave the enemy alive. Do you think this is true?" Zhuang Xuteng said with a smile.

"Well... Mainly because my name has become public, some mercenary operations are really difficult to handle. I used to be a freelance mercenary. I would work for this today and that tomorrow, and I couldn't get any important jobs. Now I can't It’s the same. I follow Lucy permanently and have a mentor. This is also a restriction for me.” Ge Gongdao thought about it carefully and said: “Indeed, ensuring the safety of the retreat is very important, I don’t worry about it. Leave it to someone other than you. When Viper betrayed me, it cut off my retreat route and severely delayed me. Only then..."

Zhuang Xuteng nodded, added more firewood to the fire, and said: "I came up with this idea after listening to your past lessons. No matter how we form a team, temporary or long-term, everyone knows that in our mercenary industry, Brother Dao is a moral and reasonable person. With you behind us, even if someone has a slight sway and changes his mind, there will be an extra layer of scruples, reducing the possibility of him betraying us."

"Indeed, I understand, but learning to drive makes me a little scared. This aircraft..."

"Whether you sit in the front row or the back row, the flight cockpit may need to be modified. Besides, if the mission relies heavily on the aircraft, we can also find someone else. Brother Dao, you don't have to be very proficient, but you must be able to do it."

Ge Gongdao gritted his teeth and said: "Well, it's just a wolf going to the sky! But if I can't learn it, you have to learn it too! Even if it's just to accompany me."

"Hehe, okay! If you don't ask Prince to accompany you but you invite me, aren't you afraid that people will feel left out by you?" Zhuang Xuteng used this topic to say: "Brother Dao, you can ask Prince, she A good choice too.”

I thought I was sure of it, but Brother Dao shook his head and his attitude was very firm. "No, I won't look for her. This has nothing to do with trust, it's just a concern of mercenaries. Every time you go on a mission, there is always a possibility that you won't be able to come back. If two people go together, they may end up together. If something really happens, whether it's collecting corpses or When it comes to revenge, there is always another one. The closer you are, the less likely you are to be a partner."

Zhuang Xuteng scratched his head and said, "Isn't it right? I think the left and right hands are always together, and the rock bird and the nightingale are also together, aren't they?"

"Are Palovic's men still considered mercenaries now? I think they have become the white gloves of the riot squad." Gogongdao curled his lips and said: "As for Nightingale and Yanque, they operate together. Only when the time comes can they show their due strength, just like 1+1 is greater than 2. If they are separated, one person will appear a bit weak. So as a mercenary, it is safe to keep a little distance between close people."

Prince is not a good candidate, and her abilities already overlap with those of Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao, especially after the same implant is installed, this situation becomes even more obvious.

"Brother Dao, how did your team allocate work back then? What other talents do we need?"

Ge Gongdao picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp, then wiped his mouth with the short hair on his arm. His face was a little rosy, I don't know if it was because of alcohol or other psychological reasons. "My team was just put together, and there was no planner like you to do talent planning. At that time, we just thought that with more people, we would be more powerful, so we could save a lot of money and replace it with a good quality implant. Think about it, We don’t even have a complete set of implants, how can we take care of gathering various specialties?”

“Is there a model to follow in the industry?”

"Haha, you asked the right person. If there is a successful model to follow, I won't be sold." Ge Gongdao shook his head and said: "We can only walk the road ourselves, and other people's footprints may not be suitable. Our feet. Naike, there is something I am curious about: you asked me to learn driving, so what are you going to learn? Your character will not relax your demands on yourself, I know this very well. "

"I want to learn to walk lightly, and then use our existing strengths - you should understand what I mean, right?" Zhuang Xuteng opened his palms, slowly closed them, and said, "After the implant is put in, it needs to be re-installed. I have gained some experience in adapting to strength. I want to try practicing and see if I can develop in this direction."

Is this how assassins operate? Is this what Nike plans for his future? Wasn't the previous goal of increasing the team's manpower to avoid becoming a killer assassin action team? Why did it go back again?

Zhuang Xuteng patted Ge Gongdao's arm and said: "Brother Dao, don't frown! We enrich our abilities, specialties and means, just like we improve our martial arts, we will never suffer losses. But when outsiders look over, their first impression of us will always be It can be fought. If there is no progress in this area, it is actually not good. I will study the silent operations, and you will be responsible for the vigorous operations. This is also a means of enrichment!"

"It's not because of this that I frown, but..." Ge Gongdao hesitated and said: "When it comes to moving lightly, Prince is a good player. You won't become her style, will you? It's a bit weird when you think about it. Goosebumps.”

"Brother Dao, even if I learn from her, I won't become her. Why are you so awkward?" Zhuang Xuteng covered his forehead and said helplessly: "Wait a minute, you want to block the possibility of me learning from her, right? I'm worried. Who should I ask for advice, why are you blocking my way?"

"Uh... I don't mean that. If you want to find someone to learn from, I can tell her that it's okay to be an intermediary guarantor. It's just that in the mercenary industry, skills must be exchanged for skills. You two What kind of agreement is reached is none of my business.”

"No problem, as long as you can build a bridge." Zhuang Xuteng rubbed his hands and said, "It's best as soon as possible. I want to improve myself as much as possible before the next mission."

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