Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 329 Chapter 326 Disguising each other

After all, it’s worth over a billion dollars! Even if a billionaire comes, greed will arise.

The PCPD knows this, and Director Pace will not be confused about this matter. They all know that the sooner this hot potato is dealt with, the better. All forces have gathered their attention, not only middlemen and mercenaries, but also some gangs who dare to take risks. Of course, the greedy people within the constitutional government and PCPD will not miss this feast.

Many people have tried, and many hands have been chopped off. Zhuang Xuteng relied on his good concealment and sneaking skills, as well as the information protection and early warning of the two sisters Nightingale and Yanque, to avoid dangerous situations many times, which was considered lucky. Of course, the most important thing is not the technology, but that he is not greedy for the things in the evidence storage center. He just wants to hang them at the back, stay outside, and look at the front and inside.

"The PCPD is so cruel. Even if King Kong comes, they can't withstand that kind of saturation shooting." Zhuang Xuteng returned to his friends and told them what he saw. "Ghost energy bombs are coming like raindrops. No matter how good the armor is, there will always be a time when you can't stand it. Even if you surrender, it won't work. The PCPD pretends to accept the surrender and will still execute them after it is under control. To the outside world, report the scene directly. Just engage in gunfire and kill.”

"Phew...the more ruthless the PCPD is, the shorter the time they can sustain." Ge Gongdao sighed and said: "This is the same as when you dealt with the Wild Monkey Gang: the side effects of the shadow slave have accumulated to a certain extent. At this level, the line of defense is broken. Nike, I feel that the PCPD should deal with those blue crystals as soon as possible, maybe within the next few days, right?"

Zhuang Xuteng and the two sisters also agreed with Ge Gongdao's judgment, but the PCPD could keep its composure and there was no movement for a whole week. There are more and more sneak attacks on the evidence warehouse. Those people all take actions based on their judgment of the fatigue level and collapse limit of PCPD personnel. Everyone thinks that their timing is just right. The results were unexpected. The PCPD not only withstood all the attacks without allowing anyone to succeed, but also appeared to be more and more capable, which in turn reduced the apparent defensive strength of the evidence warehouse.

It looked like he was inviting all kinds of experts to die.

There is clearly a ghost here, but the price of finding the ghost may be your life. Zhuang Xuteng expressed his admiration for the perseverance of the PCPD and Chief Pace. Fortunately, they had prepared other plans in advance, otherwise they might have been helpless.

During this week, Lucy's plan came into effect, and rumors began to spread that the Gardeners' organization might have a hand in it. For this reason, the mercenaries and gangs have become quieter. Everyone has a passive attitude, waiting for the Gardener organization to "make a big deal" against the PCPD. It was only then that the PCPD became nervous. The security measures around the evidence warehouse were improved. They also drove the surrounding reporters further away and set up new blockades and checkpoints two blocks away.

Passing vehicles were either detoured or inspected one by one. Suddenly, the workload of PCPD officers on duty increased sharply. Zhuang Xuteng finally saw the fatigue and dissatisfaction on the faces of the officers on duty, and he also received a call from Morgana.

"Whether it's true or not, don't go to the evidence storage center to cause trouble." Morgana didn't let Zhuang Xuteng explain, but just asked him to listen carefully. "It's very dangerous there, very dangerous. Not only the Gardeners organization may go there, but also the mysterious gang that committed the speeding train robbery before. Mark my words, you must not go!"

Morgana quickly hung up the phone and did not answer Zhuang Xuteng's call. It seemed that her current state was not very free. Zhuang Xuteng was very grateful for Morgana's concern, and felt warm in his heart, but he also felt strange: the Gardener Organization was coming, this was the fake news he had released after discussing with Lucy, and the gang from the Speeding Train Robbery was coming, who was this? Released?

It definitely couldn't be Lucy. There was no need for her to release such news that might get her into trouble... Well, it seemed that they were not the only ones who wanted to muddy the waters, there were others who had come up with the same trick as them. Zhuang Xuteng introduced the Gardeners Organization to scare people, and others used the "Speed ​​Train Theft Team" as a shield. Hehe, that's right. It would be unreasonable for the train theft team not to be interested in something worth more than a billion euros.

This also shows from the side that their action of stealing the treasure train of the casino group is so famous that it can be used to scare the PCPD. So far, the speculations in the market about how the treasure train was stolen are not reliable, or they are too outrageous. They are no longer capable of what Zhuang Xuteng and others are capable of. The whole thing became more and more popular, and there was even a nonsense saying that everyone on the train was hypnotized at the same time, making them lose the concept of time and space. That's fine. The more outrageous it is, the less likely it is Zhuang Xuteng who did it. After all, his characteristic is "reliability."

As for who released the news about the "train theft team", Zhuang Xuteng didn't care, and he wouldn't investigate it, so he didn't know that it was Palovich's handiwork. In fact, the news that Lucy released about the arrival of the "Gardeners Organization" shocked Palovich. He went back to inquire and confirmed that the Gardeners Organization had no action plan in this regard, which made him feel relieved.

No matter from which angle you look at it, the Gardeners seem to be coming to create trouble for the PCPD, and their blasting methods happen to be what Director Pace is most afraid of.

"No matter what Pace plans to do with these billions of things, they cannot be allowed to be destroyed."

Affected by the news media, Peicheng residents may not be aware of the destructiveness of the Gardeners' organization or the elusiveness of the train theft squad. They feel that they have been severely weakened by previous crackdowns and cannot make any waves. But Director Pace knows the inside story. Whether the PCPD has caught the gardeners organization and whether the casino group has found the people who stole their things, these things can be hidden from others but not from themselves.

The bombing of the TV station had already let him know that the Gardener Organization is a group of lunatics who only care about the results and use any means. They will not compromise at all and will explode when they encounter obstacles... Some information has not been disclosed to the public, including the fact that the Gardener Organization is After infiltrating the TV station, he secretly made demands to the city government, PCPD, and riot squad. The strategy adopted against the gardeners at that time was to delay, and there was no intention of agreeing to their requests. Generally speaking, organizations pay more attention to completing goals and will accept a certain degree of delay. However, the Gardener Organization does not show any mercy and just blows up whenever it wants. There is no ambiguity at all.

As for the mysterious theft gang, Pace has never dealt with it directly, but only heard about it from people in the casino group. He himself also put himself in another perspective and tried to solve the treasure train from the perspective of a theft gang, and came up with several plans for this purpose. Except for those that are particularly unreliable, the plans he listed all require very strict cooperation and extremely high technical means, and if these are used in the evidence storage center, there is no guarantee that they will not...

The more he thought about it, the more powerful he was, the less capable he was. After thinking about it, he finally couldn't help it anymore and decided to make more calls and beg others to come early and get the things out of here.

The Evidence Management Center finally takes action. That night, a convoy of sixty armored vehicles seemed to fall from the sky and drove directly into Peicheng without anyone receiving the news in advance. They ignored the traffic lights along the way and took the shortest route straight to the evidence storage center, murderous all the way.

These armored vehicles are the latest combat vehicles. They are not obsolete models used by riot squads from the last corporate war, nor are they active equipment of the Constitutional Government Army. They are the latest items for the next corporate war. It can be seen that the vehicle uses the latest rune armor protection device, which is a technology used in small quantities on high-end models to evenly distribute ghost energy bombs to reduce damage. I did not expect that it would be used on armored vehicles on a large scale. And on the roof, they are equipped with a weapon that everyone has never seen before. It was a shot in which two long tubes as thick as a wrist were connected side by side and placed on a rotatable disk.

Zhuang Xuteng had seen a similar design, which was his shotgun, a new type of weapon that used ammunition to fire without relying on shadow energy. He knew that Dingxin Magic was conducting experiments and explorations in this area, so he guessed that this team came from Dingxin Magic.

Without thinking, the convoy drove straight into the evidence storage center, took over the defense there, and began loading blue crystals. At the same time, Director Pace also spoke on television, thanking the four major companies for their assistance, especially the Today Group, for being able to give up its chemical plant so that the blue crystals could be detoxified.

All four major group companies provide assistance? Everyone smelled a strange smell. Indeed, there is nothing iconic about the team's equipment. Their uniforms, weapons, and command and movement habits all seem to be new. Not only Zhuang Xuteng looked in a daze, but Ge Gongdao, Lucy and Doyle were also in a daze after seeing this group of people. It’s as if they fell from the sky, or returned from the future, with the feeling that the next corporate war has been won.

"Stay away, I feel bad."

Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao led the team to retreat, following the rule of only watching from a distance and not playing with it, but some people were willing to give it a try. They may have thought it would be easier to attack the convoy than to attack the fresh-keeping warehouse protected by strong walls, so they set up ambushes in several directions where the convoy might leave the city. They don't expect to wipe out the entire convoy. As long as they can catch some minced meat, it will be enough for them to eat.

"They are dead." Zhuang Xuteng only looked at the firearms on the roof of the car and knew that the combined firepower of this convoy was stronger than the entire PCPD. Sure enough, things went as he expected. The explosives set by the ambushers only made the armored vehicle jump on the ground, and everyone was nervous. The attack launched on the convoy was also torn to pieces after a series of "bang bang bang" sounds.

The firepower erupted from the twin-mounted machine gun platform on the roof of the vehicle is very terrifying. They all crush the Shadow Pistol in terms of rate of fire, intensity of firepower, destructive power, and sustained firing capabilities. The gap between the two firepower systems is huge. Especially when the convoy gathered, those machine gun platforms formed a crossfire, and bullets intertwined into a network. Anyone without high-speed and high-explosive implants was covered by the strike range. No matter it was a wall or a vehicle, they could not provide cover.

Most of the attackers were killed in the car without even a chance to get out. They were smashed into pieces and then burned together with the vehicle. PCPD and the fire brigade followed the company's armored convoy to deal with the mess and ensure that no one was left alive. At the same time, the riot control unit was also assigned tasks. Their helicopters hovered above the convoy, and surveillance searchlights swept over the heights of the surrounding buildings, forcing away anyone who wanted to observe there.

No one was allowed to look at it, and the confidentiality work was done very well. Zhuang Xuteng also wanted to make an observation. He thought that his hidden skills should be able to deal with the riot control squadron, and it would probably be no problem to avoid being found by helicopters. But he was very cautious and after careful consideration, he decided to retreat with his companions. On the one hand, he had seen gunpowder kinetic weapons and guessed the fate of the attackers, so his curiosity was reduced. On the other hand, he thinks it's unlikely that companies will hand over all responsibility for confidentiality to riot squads.

The company indeed dispatched capable personnel to support this transportation operation from the information network and on-site. On that day, many intelligence officers were attacked to varying degrees because they were following the company's armored convoy in the information network... In this regard, Meteor was lucky, and Nightingale and Rockbird were lucky. The two sisters were called away by Zhuang Xuteng and the surveillance was temporarily disconnected, so they escaped unscathed. Meteor, on the other hand, knew that Nightingale and Yanque were providing intelligence support on the front line and did not require her attention, so she did not invest energy there. Lucy also has many mercenary missions that require intelligence support. Meteor is busy with these operations and avoids the minefields.

As for those who stayed at the scene, the situation they encountered was more complicated. Many people disappeared that day and were never seen again. There are many rumors about them on the street, but just like the speeding train theft case, the rumors are mysterious and probably very unreliable.

Peicheng is too dangerous to be followed, but the mission requires them to find evidence that Pace secretly handles blue crystals. Huh, this mission has actually lost its meaning. The blue crystal has gone into the pockets of the four major companies. With their characters, they will definitely not really destroy it. Especially the Sanliu Charity Foundation, which produces safety blue, and everyone suspects that blue crystals are one of the raw materials of safety blue. It is estimated that this batch of blue crystals and blue savages will be recycled and processed into safe blue, and returned to the Peicheng market another day.

"Let's try our luck outside the city." Zhuang Xuteng pinched his nose and said helplessly: "The target has a big background. We can't provoke them, so as long as we can fool the mission. The risk of following closely is too great, so we will gamble Bet your luck and guess which direction the armored vehicles will leave the city."

Nightingale and Yanque searched for public information on the Internet and found that Today Group has a large chemical factory in the south, which is most likely to undertake the blue crystal. Zhuang Xuteng thought about it and felt that he could not take Pace's words as a direction. The Sanliu Charity Foundation was the most likely to do this work. So, they decided to take Highway 3 to the east, drove directly out of the city, and headed towards the Sanliu Charity Foundation's pharmaceutical factory in advance.

Meanwhile, Lucy gets a call from Palovic and goes into a rage. "You are so shameless! You actually withdrew the mission and pretended that they had done nothing? No way! I tell you, there is no such rule! Naike and Brother Dao have already accepted this mission. They have done a good job and have never quit. , you are the one who wants to quit now! You obviously want to refuse to pay the dues, let alone the problem of task setting, that is your problem, not ours! "

"I'm telling you, Palovich, once they complete the mission and repay your favor, this matter will be over! Don't think about taking advantage of everything, it's absolutely impossible! You'd better act like a person who still has credibility and treat this time as End the mission well. If you can't even do this, don't look for middlemen in the future, and no serious middlemen or mercenaries will take on your missions again. If you have any trouble, just go and do it yourself!"

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