Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 344 Chapter 341 Two-Headed Snake

A folding hospital bed was prepared on the helicopter. It looked exactly like an ordinary hospital bed on the outside, but there was a lot of mystery inside. The added hollow pipe is equipped with anti-vibration and sound-absorbing sponge, which can accommodate many medicine bottles and carry them out safely. Parts of the equipment used for deception are also hidden in the space, which can also be used to smuggle equipment out.

It can be said that this bed is the most important prop besides Zhuang Xuteng and the helicopter.

"Move the patient slowly. Pay attention to the needle." Zhuang Xuteng pressed the patient's neck with two fingers, and then asked: "What's his condition?"

"Here are the medical records. Take a look at it yourself!" The bald doctor would not show obedience in front of his own people. He took the medical records from other doctors, handed them to Zhuang Xuteng, and then said with an excuse: "Helicopters are too noisy, but eyes are more accurate."

This statement is indeed correct. The helicopter's spiral rotation made the sound deafening. Zhuang Xuteng took the medical records and jumped on the plane lightly. Of course, the bald doctor is responsible for closing the hatch. He only needs to concentrate on reading the medical records.

"Romeo Ye, 29 years old, male, blood type..." Zhuang Xuteng struggled to identify the handwriting on the medical record while observing the patient's condition. Although this patient named Romeo is very young, he has a tired posture that is indulging in alcohol and sex, making him look much older than his actual age. Deep-set eyeballs, bloodless skin, and shriveled lips are all unhealthy signs. The main reason for his outbreak of Ranch syndrome this time was the accumulated side effects of the additional detoxifying kidney implant, which almost completely penetrated his good kidney. The reason why he can still look at Zhuang Xuteng with his mind clear now is entirely because he bought the platinum service of health insurance and used timely treatment to save his life.

Zhuang Xuteng read back the treatments used on the patient. Those drugs and services totaled at least 20,000 euros, and these were just to suppress his symptoms. The treatment method adopted by the bald doctor is quite conservative, which fully explains the true meaning of "Procrastinate if you can".

"To be honest, your situation is not good." After the cabin door was closed, the noise outside was much quieter, but several people still needed headset walkie-talkies to talk. Zhuang Xuteng put one of them on the patient and said to him: "Look at your blood index. What's flowing in it is not blood, but almost all alcohol. Your consciousness and life are all supported by the implanted kidney. As long as it fails, , you are on the verge of death.”

"I had the best kidney implant ever."

"No longer, it has been tortured by you." Zhuang Xuteng shook his head and said: "It was not the case before, because you have tortured the best two. If I can save you this time, I may not save you next time."

"I have the best insurance, and it will always save me." The man chuckled, and the alcohol made his mind not very clear.

"From the perspective of customer feedback, when you can't count the bad reviews of deceased patients, you did buy the insurance with the best reviews." Zhuang Xuteng sighed and said, "I know you don't care about death, but every person lying here Minutes mean you can’t do anything else.”

"It makes sense, but I have plenty of time. I am lying here because I bought insurance, and the reason why I bought insurance is precisely because I want to lie here. Hahahaha! You idiot, you actually asked such a question, Silly X."

Zhuang Xuteng smiled, the kind of smile that said "God doesn't care".

The bald doctor felt funny when he saw Zhuang Xuteng being scolded by the patient. He also spoke up and said, "You really shouldn't ask these questions, but look at the medical records to find out what you don't understand. The flight time is fifteen minutes, so you'd better hurry up and ask!"

"There is nothing to ask. The situation is very clear. The disease is very simple. It is Lanci syndrome caused by a single implant failure and side effects. Although the treatment methods that have been adopted are very conservative, the results have been seen. As long as..." Zhuang Xuteng suddenly frowned Frowning, he clearly felt that the patient's resentment was moving and re-accumulating, giving him the feeling that something was going to happen. "Did you check his other implants?"

"After checking, the implant is in good condition. There is an indicator light on his chest. You should..."

"I saw the indicator light hidden in the tattoo. It was flashing green and yellow, but apart from looking at this, you didn't conduct any other examinations?" Zhuang Xuteng placed his palm on the patient and felt the movement of resentment with the magic circle in his palm. This resentment was originally gathered and suppressed in the left kidney area, but now it is divided into two streams, one moving towards the chest, and the other gathering towards the crotch.

Zhuang Xuteng's hand gradually moved towards the patient's crotch, but he immediately stopped him: "What are you going to do? Take your hands away from me! You gangster, you wretched doctor! I want to file a complaint against you, I want to Let you be ruined!"

"If your implant model does not report an error, then I may regret to inform you that the organ status light of this implant is most likely wrong. Based on my previous experience, the next implant that may collapse is Your cattle enhancer. Hmm...Give me a Contes, seven units, and get ready..."

"Do it yourself! Don't order me around!" The bald doctor waved his hand and leaned back against the cabin wall.

Zhuang Xuteng shrugged and said: "You didn't hand him over to me, so he is still the patient you are responsible for. And with your attitude, hand it over to the doctor there when you get to the station! But you should start praying, because..."

The "grievance" that others can detect with instruments, Zhuang Xuteng can feel with magic. This resentment has found a suitable breeding ground, is accumulating rapidly, and is about to explode. The patient was injected with a considerable amount of painkillers and anesthetic drugs, and his blood vessels were already filled with alcohol, which seriously affected his perception. At least, he doesn't feel uncomfortable at all now.

"I want to urinate." Three minutes later, he said this first, and then he felt a warmth spreading between his crotch. He thought he had wet the bed and didn't care. Anyway, the feeling of being reckless was very comfortable. But then, he heard the bald doctor exclaim: "Why is it all covered in blood!"

"It's not bleeding, it's an explosion." Zhuang Xuteng held his chin with one hand and said, "Please treat it urgently, good doctor."

"There is nothing here, how can I..." The bald doctor looked at the expanding red circle and reached out to uncover his belt. Seeing this, Zhuang Xuteng handed him a pair of scissors and said, "Let's use this one, it's faster."

The bald man cut open his pants and looked inside with a horrified look. At this time, the anesthesia in Romeo Ye's body could no longer suppress the pain. He began to have feelings and began to twitch continuously. Even in this situation, he still supported his upper body, tried his best to look down, and asked with concern: "How is it! How is it? You are talking!"

"One...a hole..." the bald doctor's voice trembled.

Romeo's eyes widened, and he pulled away.

Zhuang Xuteng had never seen much of the world, so of course he was very curious and went over to take a look. He was stunned and felt that there was a huge abyss vortex staring at him. It was dark and terrifying.

"It was blown in upside down... It seems that women can be installed directly..."

His words were not complete and his voice was not loud, but somehow they still got into Romeo's ears. The guy who had just passed out just woke up again with a creak, sat up like a spring, and shouted: "You have to think of a way!"

"It's not us, it's just him." Zhuang Xuteng snorted coldly and put the responsibility on the bald doctor. He knew very well that there were only 4 minutes left before landing, and Romeo would not die within these 4 minutes. Even if he is dead, he can use necromancy to make Romeo seem alive, and at the same time put the pot more firmly on that bald Mediterranean head.

If you can use this to control him, it may also be helpful for future actions.

The bald doctor gritted his teeth and took out the hemostatic spray to try to stop the bleeding, but was interrupted by Zhuang Xuteng's sneer. He was very angry. While he continued to use the hemostatic spray, he lost his temper at Zhuang Xuteng: "What are you moaning about? What do you mean, you don't want to save people, but you are just here to cause trouble?"

Zhuang Xuteng looked at Romeo, adjusted the headset for him, and then said: "Judging from the spread of blood stains, the amount of bleeding at the moment when the problem occurred with the implant was very large, and it basically stopped soon. The important thing now is not to stop the bleeding, but Prevent Lanci syndrome from spreading to your organs. If the implant breaks down, you can install a new one, but if a more important organ breaks down, whether you can continue to transmit DNA is a big problem."

"Cure it! Cure it! Hurry, hurry!" cried Romeo.

"He has to prepare the medicine for me." If he had to do it himself, he could do it himself. He could completely control the movements using martial arts, and he would definitely not go wrong. But here, Zhuang Xuteng did not deliberately manipulate it, but his dispensing movements could only be correct, but he was not as smooth and sophisticated as a senior doctor, and could not fully fit the role he wanted to play.

"He deserves it! If you can cure it, then cure it. If you are not sure, just listen to him and do the work!"

The bald doctor was stunned for a moment, then became happy. Isn't this an opportunity to hand over the responsibility? On the surface, he pretended to be cowardly and resigned, and he was also very deft with his hands. He quickly prepared the injection medicine according to Zhuang Xuteng's requirements. Through injections, he discovered that "Dr. Sen" had chosen a radical route. The medicine was strong and effective, and could quickly suppress the main symptoms, but it was likely to complicate the patient's condition.

This is a treacherous road that only experienced doctors can navigate.

Zhuang Xuteng's experience is only rich enough at the level of recitation, but he has cheating methods. Zhuang Xuteng took the needle and touched Romeo's skin with his fingers. His super-calculated martial arts touch allowed him to immediately locate the depth and angle of the blood vessels. What followed was a quick and accurate injection. The "unique skill" of using martial arts to give injections stunned the bald doctor. On the one hand, he admitted that he did not have this ability, and the head nurse in the hospital who had been giving injections all his life would probably be far behind him. But on the other hand, he also murmured in his heart: Don't injections need alcohol to disinfect them?

Fortunately, he didn't murmur, and found the reason of "urgent handling". I saw Zhuang Xuteng injecting three different medicines into the blood vessels of Romeo's arms, hips and ankles, and then pouring the fourth medicine into the ongoing intravenous drip bottle.

Then, he controlled the speed of the drip with one hand, and placed the other hand on Romeo's lower abdomen to massage continuously - this time Romeo no longer had any objections. The radical drugs began to take effect, quickly suppressing the symptoms of Lanci syndrome, and the side effects they caused, together with the resentment, were drawn out by Zhuang Xuteng using necromancy and then transferred to the mice.

The plan originally hoped that the patient would be sent to the hospital alive, so Zhuang Xuteng also prepared a guinea pig. The difference from the past was that in order to quickly hide the mouse before entering the hospital, he did not carry the mouse on his back, but tied it to his leg and hid it under his trouser leg.

With the combination of drugs and necromancy, Romeo's Lanci syndrome was quickly suppressed, and the side effects accumulated in his body were greatly alleviated. This was like pulling fuel from the bottom of the cauldron, fundamentally improving his physical condition. Romeo himself can feel the obvious difference without even looking at the indicator light on his chest. A tingling feeling caused by the coolness gathered in his crotch, a kind of comfort that wanted to be scratched. As soon as he raised his hand, Zhuang Xuteng slapped him back.

"Don't move. If you don't want to spend the rest of your life, you can only watch but not do anything." Zhuang Xuteng's threat was simple but effective. He continued the massage while the helicopter slowly landed.

"Stabilize the situation first before going out." Zhuang Xuteng directly gave the order to the bald doctor without raising his eyes. This time, seeing the change in Romeo's gradually "comfortable" state, the bald doctor nodded, and for the first time he was obedient.

After another three minutes, the mouse sacrificed his life and Romeo's condition stabilized. In fact, it is better than stabilizing. His Lanci syndrome has been suppressed, and the implants throughout his body have returned to normal work due to the relief of side effects. The alcohol and other random stuff that had been poisoning him began to decompose, making Romeo more and more sober and more and more like a normal person.

"Thank you, I feel much better..." Romeo looked at Zhuang Xuteng with admiration in his heart, but there was still an important problem that needed to be solved: "Dr. Sen, my lower body..."

"It is inevitable to replace the implant, and everything else is fine. Well... after this outbreak of Lanci syndrome metastasis, the most likely thing to happen next time is not the attached kidney, but your lower body. According to this time Judging from the situation, if this happens again, you don’t have to wait for your insurance company to send someone to rescue you to the hospital, and you can change your gender.”

Romeo immediately looked at the bald doctor, hoping to hear a different answer. He heard, "I'm not sure about this theory, but I can't deny that it's possible." Bullshit! Useless things! I don’t understand anything, Dr. Bisson is far behind!

"It's best to use the implants according to their working specifications and don't try their limits. If you trade them for one, wouldn't you die?" Zhuang Xuteng wiped his hands, covered the sterilized sheet, and said, "You have stabilized , you can be admitted to the hospital. Come on!"

Zhuang Xuteng opened the cabin door, stepped out quickly, and got out first. Now at the critical moment, it depends on whether he can sneak in.

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