Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 371 Chapter 368 By analogy

Recently, to be more precise, he had a sense of crisis since he broke into the fourth-level protection zone of the university hospital. The main manifestation of this sense of crisis is the fear that the company will find out what happened and then start to retaliate against those who participated in the operation.

Although every mission of a mercenary may make enemies and attract revenge, this time is different. Zhuang Xuteng has never felt so clearly. Although he knows that these things have not happened yet, he always feels that it is happening secretly or has already been revealed. It was difficult for him to explain the source of this worry with his rational part. He only knew that it was definitely not based on the facts he knew. The operation was successful, the whole process was clean and tidy, and Lucy used her best strength to finish.

Zhuang Xuteng also felt that his worries were groundless and unfounded, but he was always cautious and a bit superstitious, so he still had to deal with it. His response is to improve his abilities, learn more things that may be useful, and increase his means. That's why he wanted to learn the technique of floating combat, so he didn't miss the opportunity to learn the art of disguise.

Each class is two hours, 5,000 euros per class, a total of 20 classes, teaching is guaranteed but not learning. This condition seems quite harsh, but Zhuang Xuteng still happily paid the money. Although it was his first time to meet Tony, Zhuang Xuteng had a good impression of him and felt that he must have some ability to dare to speak loudly. Which person Lucy recommends in the industry is not an elite? Besides, Zhuang Xuteng is not afraid of Tony cheating money. The beauty shop is right here, where can he go?

"Remember the time and place, I will come to class on time." Learning new things and improving his abilities can alleviate Zhuang Xuteng's inner worries and make him feel more comfortable. Another way is to get along with Morgana and fill him with happiness. own spirit and soul. "Teacher Tony, see you then."

His worries are not without reason. The Sanliu Charity Foundation is indeed investigating the theft of the Level 4 laboratory. The company has always been quite reassured about the level 4 security area, and Zhuang Xuteng sounded the alarm for them. On the one hand, dereliction of duty in the campus hospital and research laboratories is indeed the main reason for the security breach, and strict rectification is essential. On the other hand, who dared to break into the fourth-level security area after eating Bear Heart Leopard? This is also the truth that the investigation team wants to find.

Lucy's methods alone cannot completely block the efforts of the investigation team, but with a little bit of "luck" from Zhuang Xuteng, the situation is different. Before Boss Qian of Baiqi Grocery Store left, he gave Zhuang Xuteng and his family limited protection from disaster, and this protection is taking effect. Zhuang Xuteng's inner worry was caused by the effectiveness of this protection. He told him, "There is danger outside, but I will help you block it."

The problem was that time was short and Zhuang Xuteng did not get the instruction manual for this product. But he responded correctly after the crisis arose. As long as there is no dependence on this protection that is constantly being depleted, this is a positive outcome.

When the inner fear increases, it means that the investigation team of the Sanliu Charity Foundation is gradually approaching. This feeling was the strongest two weeks ago. After the Cemetery Gang training base was attacked and the Nine Heads Elder disappeared and then died, the investigation team combined the two incidents and believed that the possibility of a small group of mercenaries "committing the crime" was very small, and the mastermind should be " certain forces".

They identified the Gardeners organization as the main suspect. In addition, there were other "opposition forces" that were dissatisfied with the company. These people were extremely suspicious. Mercenaries are, at most, auxiliary forces in these operations, not the backbone nor the masterminds.

The investigation team started working along new lines and soon discovered some new evidence that supported these conjectures. According to the facts, Zhuang Xuteng and the others are not the only ones who have been concerned about the level 4 security area of ​​the university hospital. The lax working conditions and self-exploited attitude of doing things there are unlikely to attract just a wave of flies. Before Zhuang Xuteng and the others took action, several groups of people did step in. However, they did not have infiltrators like Zhuang Xuteng to complete the work. They all felt that the implementation was still too difficult, so they gave up.

In the end, someone took the blame for Zhuang Xuteng. Zhuang Xuteng would definitely not know who it was. He only felt that after he booked Teacher Tony's course, his inner fear disappeared and his future became brighter. This was indeed a coincidence, but it also made Zhuang Xuteng pay special attention to Teacher Tony's disguise class, thinking that somehow he had done the right thing.

There was the first class the next night. Zhuang Xuteng came to the beauty salon early. Under the guidance of a beautiful secretary, he entered the VIP waiting area, where he got a headgear made of linen. This hood is very similar to the kind used by executioners in the past. It is extremely thick and rough. There are two holes dug in the top to expose the eyes, and the bottom covers the entire neck. He was also required to wear a linen robe of the same material that covered his feet.

"This is a request from another classmate. She wants her identity to be kept secret, and she also doesn't want to know your identity. Both of you will be wearing this, and if you need a voice changer, the store can provide it."

Zhuang Xuteng thought for a moment, then shook his head. He also has a set of fake ID hoods provided by White Flag Grocery Store. When he puts that on, his voice and other characteristics will be changed, so he doesn't need the voice changer in the store. Anyway, it would be more convenient to change the face under the hood and no one would know.

So the two men wrapped in sacks met in the classroom. This room is the training room and conference room of the beauty shop. It can accommodate twenty people without any problem, and these two students are in the first row, located on the far left and far right respectively. Zhuang Xuteng waved and greeted the guy, but as expected there was no response. Okay, it looks like that person is very cautious, which is understandable. The course is about disguise, and everyone is here to learn to hide their identity. And compared to a person like Zhuang Xuteng, who was improvising and learning some sideline skills, the other one was probably here to learn skills for his main business, so it made perfect sense to pay more attention to it.

Tony started the class on time and quickly demonstrated a high level of professionalism. His course does not start with the basics of makeup such as shading the face. Instead, it assumes that students already have a fake face and how to avoid being discovered. In other words, counter-reconnaissance was his first lesson.

"There are many problems with facial recognition systems, such as its inability to handle the classic mosaic hat (a shadow device that prevents surveillance devices from recording correctly), or sufficiently sophisticated makeup. Nowadays, in all walks of life, as long as the identity needs to be secretly identified Yes, facial sampling accounts for only 50% at most in the credibility system.”

"Now we rely more on posture analysis, which means looking at your movement posture. If your posture is recorded and there is enough data, and then after a lot of analysis, you may be found out next time. Mosaic hats and makeup are both You cannot change your body shape, only special training can.”

"More difficult to deal with is gait analysis, which is used in many institutions, such as high-security areas of companies, vaults and vaults of banks, core areas of constitutional government, and vital parts of the military. It doesn't identify who you are, Just discern whether you are consistent with the person you want to impersonate, so you also have to learn to imitate other people's gaits and deceive this... What's your problem?"

Zhuang Xuteng raised his hand and asked, "Can we use information spying technology to change records to deceive the system?"

"Of course you can, but that's very risky. It's not easy to spy and enter, which is the first difficulty. Then you have to modify the record, and then change it back after you complete the work. Finally, you have to clear the traces. There are four difficulties in total. If you can imitate the target's gait, there are only two levels of observational learning and actual imitation. And observing a person is much less difficult than spying on a security system."

Zhuang Xuteng nodded to show that he understood. Teacher Tony is right, there are always many solutions to problems, some simple and some complex. He only teaches one of them here and does not exclude other solutions. The final method chosen depends on the actual situation, especially what you are best at.

Tony opened the cabinet next to the conference room and took out a character model from it. The model is lifelike, the joints can be moved, and the head can be replaced with a wig. It is really suitable for daily use as a clothes rack. However, Tony took off the model's clothes, and then pressed down on the back of its neck several times along the spine to remove the entire model's skin.

"Whether it is a posture analysis database or gait simulation, in the final analysis it is the control of bones and muscles. The human brain is an organ that always wants to be lazy. It does not want to spend extra energy on every movement of crawling, walking and running, so it always Habits will be formed to replace control. What I want to talk about next is how this set of habits is developed. As an outsider, how can you observe, find its key points, and then imitate it."

Zhuang Xuteng discovered that what Teacher Tony taught was very much like a set of martial arts, and had some similarities with super-computing martial arts in some places. For example, it also believes that body control is not only a matter of bones and muscles, but the nervous system plays a greater role in it. Therefore, users must consciously control the nerves and use the nerves of the spine, especially the part responsible for conditioned reflexes. .

"The body's posture control does not require the use of all muscles, which is neither efficient nor consumes too much of the brain's concentration. It is okay to do it for a short period of time to enhance the effect, but if it takes a long time, you will get tired quickly and then lose control. "Teacher Tony said: "A person is a whole, and each part is naturally interconnected, so the key points you need to grasp are these..."

Body posture control is also involved in super-calculated martial arts, especially how to exert force after touching the force, how to mobilize and control the opponent with one's own movements, and how to buffer, transfer and resolve the force of the attack. However, super computing martial arts pay more attention to the transmission of power from the feet and the transmission of impact force from the soles of the feet to the ground. Teacher Tony's focus is on rebuilding the body's balance and changing the behavior of the center of gravity when moving.

Center of gravity shifting? Zhuang Xuteng keenly caught this point and immediately thought of the floating technique he was studying.

Walking in the air is also a step, so flying in the air can also be regarded as a "gait", right? Zhuang Xuteng is a person who is very good at association. He has been struggling with how to design a set of aerial posture control conditioned reflexes more efficiently. Now, wouldn't it be possible to develop Teacher Tony's skills, especially by using the "point-based approach and then body-based approach" approach to solve the problem?

Zhuang Xuteng listened especially attentively, immersed in a state of concentration of learning and thinking. Controlling gait requires mobilizing the center of gravity, involving the movement of muscle groups, and changes in support of the skeleton, all of which are useful in adjusting posture in the air. Moreover, how to observe the regularity of other people's body shapes and find the relationship between the changes in other people's center of gravity and the distribution of body strength. This part of the knowledge can also be used to analyze Xilin Pasha's floating skills, and it can also play a powerful role.

This lesson is right! It’s worth the trip! Zhuang Xuteng couldn't help but sigh.

After returning home from the beauty shop, Zhuang Xuteng began to apply what he had learned to the practice of levitation. Since his battle memory is very profound, if you take it out and read it again with new eyes, you will definitely gain something new. These gains were combined with the classroom knowledge of posture control and backfilled into the levitation technique, which immediately produced great results.

He can roll in the air, and he can change his trajectory in the air!

So far, he can only change his trajectory to the left, right or downwards, but cannot extend his flight time upwards or forwards. This is not a matter of skill, but rather that the spirit servant's endurance is not strong enough to be used as a stepping stone. There are ready-made ways to increase the air stagnation: continue to increase the mana, or improve the skills, turning one upward force into multiple cross-cutting forces, creating the same effect as water. In other words, exchanging kinetic energy for potential energy is the energy flight technique.

Brother Dao said the word energy flight. Zhuang Xuteng praised him for being particularly powerful and domineering when landing the helicopter. He mentioned that he used "energy flight" and also explained the principle of converting kinetic energy and potential energy and the application scenarios of this control behavior.

The human body is also an aircraft during the process of staying in the air. The "jelly" formed by the spirit servants is regarded as the source of power. The key to changing the posture in the air is to rationally use the rather limited power and redistribute the kinetic and potential energy that has been formed. Thinking of this, Zhuang Xuteng immediately knocked on Ge Gongdao's door, but the two people inside were startled. They were armed when they opened the door, and Prince even sneaked and hid - but was still discovered by Zhuang Xuteng.

"Can you make a call in advance?" Ge Gongdao confirmed that it was Naike in front of him, and then put down the shadow gun. "What's wrong? Is there something that requires a special trip?"

"I'm sorry, Prince, I'm sorry... By the way, your nightgown is exposed. I'll treat you another day to apologize for disturbing you." Zhuang Xuteng said: "I just thought of a very powerful trick, but I need to understand the energy flight control. Can you tell me about it?"

"Stretching the arc, finding the extreme point, and matching the power output, that's all." Ge Gongdao yawned and said, "You want to learn to fly an airplane too?"

"That's not true. I want to float in the air." Zhuang Xuteng gestured with his hand, and then asked: "How do you control the energy when you dive and then pull up with a helicopter? What do you do first and what do you do next?"

"Oh, it will be easier to answer if you ask more specifically." Ge Gongdao glanced behind him and said, "If the house is in chaos, you won't be allowed in. If you make such a fuss, I probably won't be able to sleep well either. I'll fuck you." There, you wait for me to put on my clothes."

Thanks to Ge Gongdao. After he finished explaining energy flight that day, Zhuang Xuteng was able to float around in the air.

Although it can't be called flying, it can be called gliding, just like having wings.

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