Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 381 Chapter 378 Double Forehand and Backhand

Zhuang Xuteng made progress, and Ge Gongdao felt happy from the bottom of his heart. This spirit also moved Zhuang Xuteng. However, what Ge Gongdao said next was quite unexpected by Zhuang Xuteng, and even made him stay in a daze for ten seconds:

"It seems that acting on the front line can better train people. Next time I go to the front, you will be waiting in the car to respond!"

Attributing all the improvement in martial arts skills to being on the front line of combat completely ignores the accumulation of daily training. Zhuang Xuteng criticized Ge Gongdao's wrong thinking, and then pointed out the fundamental reason why he could not go to the front line - he was too recognisable.

"Whoever reaches the Seventh Flash first can't change anything, especially the division of labor in the operation. I will lurk, and you will support me. No matter how much my martial arts training is, it can't affect this." Zhuang Xuteng said: "I am now the Seventh Flash. , you have to speed up your progress and get over this hurdle quickly. Come on, I am going to be your sparring partner today, so that you can experience what real pressure is."

Zhuang Xuteng removed his weapons and picked up the long sword Qingquan, handed it to Ge Gongdao, and took out his armor-breaking hammer. "The model knife used for training cannot give you the tension of life and death on the street, so I will fight you with all my strength. Put on the armored combat uniform and helmet used during the mission, and don't forget to prepare enough mice. If something happens I will find a way to save you, but I can only promise this."

Ge Gongdao took the Qingquan, smiled slightly, and said, "Okay, I understand. If you want to take the opportunity to kill me, you can take the Qingquan and become a senior brother."

Zhuang Xuteng shook his head and said: "No, I will not be the senior brother. I will only add a bracket after the three words senior brother with 'deceased' written inside. No matter what, I still want to save face and can't go too far." Despicable."

"Smelly boy!" Ge Gongdao hadn't used these three words to address Zhuang Xuteng for a long time. He picked up the long sword and turned around to put on his equipment, and Zhuang Xuteng did the same.

Both of them attach great importance to this battle, and their common goal is to double-seven dodge. After preparing silently, the two people checked each other - they would check each other when performing entrusted tasks, and it was the same at this time. Then the two of them opened a distance of fifteen meters, nodded to indicate that they were ready, and suddenly began to attack each other.

With their reaction speed, the countdown is meaningless. As long as one person makes a move, the other person will react immediately. Ge Gongdao held the sheathed Qingquan horizontally in front of him - the master's two-handed sword, he could play with it with just one hand - and took out the shadow gun with his other hand and aimed it at Zhuang Xuteng.

Although they can avoid the ghost energy bombs by suddenly changing direction at the beginning of the second flash, there is a prerequisite: they must touch the ground with both feet to have enough speed to change direction. Although Zhuang Xuteng has the levitating technique, his ability to change directions in the air is not as good as on the ground, and he is not yet able to dodge ghost energy bombs. Ge Gongdao discovered this problem through previous battles, so he used the combat posture of raising the gun to take aim to limit the levitating technique.

Zhuang Xuteng was not an honest person either. What an armor-breaking hammer. He raised his hands and fired two ghost energy bombs one after another. Just when Gongdao wanted to laugh and dodge the energy bomb, he discovered that the two shots were not aimed at him, but at his shadow gun. Zhuang Xuteng didn't expect the shadow gun to hit Ge Gongdao at all. He only needed to influence Ge Gongdao to shoot, thus covering his use of levitation. At the same time, Zhuang Xuteng had already begun to accumulate strength and was preparing to jump forward.

"What a ghost!" Ge Gongdao had already understood the intention of the "stinky boy" in Liufang's thinking speed. Although it is still a bit unexpected, it is not the first time that Zhuang Xuteng can predict his tactics and prepare countermeasures in advance. Facing Zhuang Xuteng's advance, Ge Gongdao knew that he had to show some real skills.

Sword dance martial arts can only display its true power with the cooperation of Qingquan's level of shadow weapons. Ge Gongdao decided to let Zhuang Xuteng experience it. As he stepped back, he drew out his long sword and turned into a dual-wielding posture with one sword in one hand and the other in the scabbard. Normally, a two-handed sword like Qingquan, which is more than one meter long, would be difficult for ordinary people to pick up and dance with both hands, but Ge Gongdao held it in his hand with one hand, but it seemed very easy. In order to be able to hold Qingquan tightly, his hand was wrapped with a thick non-slip cloth on the hilt of the sword. This changed the overall visual effect of Qingquan, making it look like a naturally large one-handed sword.

Hey, maybe it was originally designed like this.

Ge Gongdao drew out the clear spring, and his whole temperament suddenly changed. Faced with the flying ghost energy bombs, he faced them head-on without dodging or dodging. He waved Qingquan to twist a ring in the air and collect the ghost energy bombs in it.

The clear spring was activated, and this special shadow slave found the ghost energy bomb and immediately began to exert influence. I saw two gray ghost energy bombs being "seduced" by the long sword, disintegrating instantly and turning into two gray shadows in the sword shadow. It feels like putting a piece of colored mud on the paper and then touching it with your fingers. The shadow is carried away from the energy by the clear spring and immediately becomes part of the sword dance.

The blessing of this energy changes the threat range of long sword martial arts. Originally, the long sword was just a slender rod with two edges, but now it seemed to be a waving flag, and the cloth of the flag also had lethality. This high-destructive martial art from point to point finally revealed its ferocious true form. Its true form cannot be simulated by training magic weapons at all, and this is just the first move after Jian Wu and Qing Quan cooperate.

Zhuang Xuteng immediately saw the threat ahead, but he was confident of dealing with the trouble, so he rushed forward anyway. The two people immediately fought together, and there were countless collisions in an instant. It has to be said that the combination of sword dance and Qingquan is both a sharp weapon and a threatening shield. Zhuang Xuteng's several attacks were not blocked by the long sword at all, but were blocked by the gray shadow energy.

Obviously, the ghost energy bullets shot by Ying from the gun may be able to withstand one or two collisions, but it is absolutely impossible to block more times. The person who will provide energy supplement for them in the future must be Ge Gongdao. Zhuang Xuteng paid part of his attention to observe that Ge Gongdao's physical exertion was indeed more than usual. It seemed that he used the clear spring. Hehe, this is easy to handle. As long as the fight lasts longer and consumes more energy, and the quality of Ge Gong Dao is high, the original fighting endurance is not as good as Zhuang Xuteng's, and now there is no chance.

Suddenly, Zhuang Xuteng noticed a strong threat coming from the side of his head. His body immediately reflexively avoided it, and then he saw clearly what was coming: the scabbard. Ge Gongdao has been holding the scabbard, using swinging movements to assist his body balance and block in combat. Before, the main source of threat was Qingquan. Unexpectedly, he used the scabbard as a weapon and suddenly shot a cold arrow. If it weren't for Qi Flash's extremely high reaction speed, Zhuang Xuteng would definitely suffer from the sneak attack just now.

"So insidious." Zhuang Xuteng only suffered a short loss. With his faster reaction speed and mobility, he immediately regained control of the situation. "It turns out that not only Qingquan can be both good and strange, but also the scabbard!"

"The combination of good and evil is the foundation of sword dance. Qingquan has raised the upper limit." Ge Gongdao noticed Zhuang Xuteng's plot to prolong the battle and delay himself to death, so he began to increase his offensive, using his dual-wielding weapons continuously, either positive or negative. A strange trick, trying to break the deadlock and seize the initiative.

For a time, Zhuang Xuteng had to face various combinations of moves, which was really dazzling and dizzying. If he relied solely on his eyesight and hearing, he would not be able to gather enough information. Only after entering the seventh flash and using the power of his skin to reach through the air - in Zhuang Xuteng's case it was the resentful spirit jelly - was he able to keep up with the speed of martial arts.

One move after another, two moves after two moves... The extremely high reaction speed brings extremely fast frequency of change of moves. In one move, he can't wait to threaten six or seven points, three or four lines, or one or two different targets at the same time. noodle. Coupled with dual-wielding weapons, mutual cover and cooperation, the threat area is constantly changing, and the skills alone are close to the extreme. If you want to win the battle, you either have to be thick-skinned and ignore the changes, and just use your body to carry them all; or you can break away immediately with high speed and high burst, and be in an invincible position first; or you have to be like Zhuang Xuteng, no matter how much you become Frequently, I can react and deal with it.

With precise control of the injured part, Zhuang Xuteng broke through Ge Gongdao's defense at the cost of minor injuries and knocked him unconscious with a hammer. Although he used his true skills, he still had to restrain himself at the last moment, otherwise if the armor-breaking hammer hit it with all its strength, Ge Gongdao's head would explode.

Quickly check on Ge Gongdao's injuries, use first aid, dormant martial arts, and necromancy. After a while, Ge Gongdao faintly woke up. He looked around with misty eyes, then slowly sat up, and the first thing he said was: "I seem to have experienced it..."

"It seems there is? So is it yes or not?"

"Yes! From the first few rounds when you stopped fooling around to dodge, I obviously felt a huge pressure, especially in the last period. Even if I saw your attack, I couldn't react. That kind of anxiety... so Tell me, I am stimulated, and I also feel that this stimulation helps improve my nerve reaction speed. Nike, come again!"

"What's next? You have a big bump on your head, and you may have a concussion. Let's go over there and cause trouble for the little guinea pig first!" Zhuang Xuteng pulled Ge Gongdao up, and only felt relieved after he was indeed seated.

"Huh, Seventh Flash is really powerful. Just like what Master said, Sixth Flash is completely helpless. I used Sword Dance now, and it's not the ordinary Sixth Flash. I still don't have the power to fight back. Hey, are your injuries okay? ?”

"The skin injury has been treated." Zhuang Xuteng moved a chair and sat across from Brother Dao, taking an energy drink and drinking it together. He took a few breaths and said, "Brother Dao, I need to criticize you."

"What? What did I do wrong again?" Ge Gongdao was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately figured it out. "Haha, are you talking about the sword dance thing? Why don't you blame me for not using the sword dance to bully you? This is really not me hiding it, let alone taking care of your self-esteem, but I have just coordinated my hands recently and let it They don’t fight.”

"Huh? Did it get done recently?"

"It's really troublesome. If you don't practice sword dance, I won't give you the details. To give you a brief summary: Master's sword dance uses two-handed swords. I'm a big man, so it would be awkward to use Qingquan with both hands or only Qingquan in my right hand. It It was still too thin and could not cover my whole body, so I thought of a way to use it with both hands." Ge Gongdao said: "Master first mentioned it, and he also taught the basic usage of dual-wielding weapons. . But how to dance with swords with both hands is something I slowly figured out."

Zhuang Xuteng nodded and said: "When you reach the seventh dodge, and then use the double sword dance, I will definitely not be able to withstand it at my current level. Master's martial arts skills have been developed in your hands..."

"What do you mean 'can be considered'? I will definitely surpass Master!" Ge Gongdao laughed and patted his legs. Just as he was about to shake his head, he felt dizzy. "Ouch, you have to be still, you have to be still now."

"Yes, you have to stay still now, take it slow, and wait until the condition is fully restored, then we can train again. I think if you think about the feeling just now, you will save me from hitting you harder. It will feel better if you use real weapons, but The risks are too great.”

Ge Gongdao closed his eyes and meditated, and then said: "Yes! At that moment just now, I really felt dead. The fact that you were able to hold back your strength at the end shows that you actually still have the energy to react, right?"

"According to what master taught, every attack must have room for maneuver, so that we can continue to change our moves. If we really risk our lives and adopt a completely reckless style of play, I can still gain a few points faster." Zhuang Xuteng waved his hand and said : "It's pointless to discuss that. I can't show it during practice. I can only attack the enemy."

"Yeah...this is just practice, not actual time you go on a mission, you have to find a way for me to find someone to fight with."

"Let's see what the specific mission is! It doesn't count even if I say it now." Zhuang Xuteng said while changing the white rats for the two of them: "Brother Dao, there is one more thing. When you use the sword dance, you have to provide Qingquan with shadow energy. Bar?"

"Yes, that's wrong. I didn't provide it with it, but it absorbed it on its own. The sword became heavier with use, and it had a certain burden."

"Has Master taught you how to increase the energy reserves of Shadow Clan?"

"Ah? Haha! What are you talking about? We are not Master Yingcong. We have failed the physical fitness test and have not received higher education. How can we have such skills? Master only told me to maintain physical condition, eat more and practice more , you need to have both muscles and fat, so you can bear it more." Ge Gongdao then thought of something, his eyes lit up, and asked: "From what you say, it seems that you can, and then you want to teach me?"

"Now I can only use it myself. I don't know how to teach others. Let me think about it again."

"Isn't this method universal?" Ge Gongdao asked.

"There should be a general method, but I haven't learned it. Lucy sent me to the gang to learn how to be a cook, but I was also blind and deceived the shadow energy. Brother Dao, I think that physical fitness test may not be 100% Yes, even if I am a fish that slipped through the net, you might be too."

"Really? It would be great if I was also a fish that slipped through the net! Although the clear spring is good, the consumption is too much. Master warned us to fight quickly and not to be reluctant to fight. That's why. If I can also accumulate shadow energy, it will be equivalent to I have more endurance to fight...but such a beautiful thing probably won’t happen to me.”

"It's not necessarily true!" Zhuang Xuteng said: "The fact that the two of us know each other may be the favor of fate. It favors us so much, and it is only natural to favor us more."

Regardless of whether you can find a way to accumulate shadow energy, confidence is indispensable. If you firmly believe that you are insulated from the shadow follower spell, then no matter how easy it is, it will not be effective.

First give Ge Gongdao a small flame of hope, and then you can see your luck later.

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