Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 447 Chapter 444 Everyone wants people to die

"Miss Ban, I've been waiting for a long time. The boss will ask you to come in."

The owner of a series of industries such as Fengchi Arena, Fengchi Casino, and Fengchi Hotel is called Yespi Antonovich. He is fifty-six years old and is an old white man who pays great attention to his own image and grooming. He works out every day to maintain physical function to cope with various tasks. At the same time, he also purchased high-quality implants to protect his health in all aspects.

Armored skin, poison detection, enhanced hearing, emergency treatment...Yespi grew up from a young gangster, escaping attacks one after another, relying on caution and sufficient investment in safety. Because these implants have been running for a long time, it is normal to show signs of aging, resulting in obvious "color patches" on his skin, as if they were patched. Especially on the face, there is a slightly purple triangular area under his right eye, between the cheek, the corner of the mouth and the base of the ear.

His enemies gave him the nickname "Broken Swill Bucket", which he sneered at, and changed the Fengchi Arena logo into a large bucket filled with boxing championship trophies and platinum coins, and painted a purple triangle on it. , exactly like the triangle on his face. He believes that his success comes from facing difficulties along the way and is achieved through hard work and luck. In fact, his real power lies in thinking, in envisioning and preparing for bad situations in advance.

Just like this time, don't be afraid when you encounter the threat of the Blood Bat Gang. Just spend the money you should spend and then show your skills. Although the Blood Bat Gang is powerful, it cannot squeeze all its huge power into the Fengchi Arena's home field. Yespi has thought up three plans and seven steps to at least achieve the bottom line of safety for himself and his main property.

"Boss Anton?" Mano Ban walked into the office, pulled down the collar on his chest, and squeezed the "career" with his arms toward the middle to make them look more solid and bulky. She clearly knew that Yespi was staring directly behind the desk, so she could make this move, which fully demonstrated her position and attitude. "Boss, you look really good. What are your orders for calling me here this time?"

"Come, let's talk on the sofa." Yespi stood up and went to meet her, first pretending to kiss the back of Miss Ben's hand, like a gentleman from the mythical age. Then, he threw away the lady's hand, took the lead to sit on the guest sofa that was three people wide, and looked at the lady with a half-smiling expression.

The sofas in the office are arranged horizontally and vertically. The horizontal one is a three-seater sofa for guests; next to it is a single-seater sofa at a right angle, which is used by the host of the conversation. Under normal circumstances, Yespi should lead the lady to the guest sofa by holding hands, wait for her to sit down, and then go to her own single sofa. Now he is sitting directly in the middle of the guest sofa, and it is impossible for Mano Ban to sit on the master sofa, so there is only...

She sat down next to Yespi, only half of her buttocks were sitting, and she put her body into his arms.

"I heard just now that you encountered a little trouble? Clothing problem? Can you solve it?"

The voice didn't sound very friendly, and it seemed that the boss was not satisfied with this matter. "Oh, don't be angry. That little thing is not worth the boss's worries. I can handle it as a little tailor."

"Little tailor? Don't talk nonsense, she is also useful." Yespi held Mano Ban's business in his hand, exerted a slight force, and said with a ferocious expression: "You must wear the right clothes and serve well that day. The right person. The colonel asked you to perform by name, and also set out expectations for the content of the performance. He specifically named you to wear that dress and the same makeup as the album cover. You have to fulfill his expectations so that everyone can have a good time. Live your life.”

Colonel? Which colonel? Zhuang Xuteng first thought of Colonel Taft, but he felt that this was quite impossible. Colonel Taft is busy solving a case that has been delayed for a month. Can he come out to watch a striptease show at this time?

Perhaps another colonel, such as an important figure in the Constitutional Army, or someone nicknamed "Colonel." For the time being, Zhuang Xuteng could only confirm that this colonel was very important to his boss, and all the content of Mano Ban's performance was specified by this person. The man was obviously a bit starstruck and wanted a specific image to serve him. Among them, Zhuang Feifei was obviously the one who was affected.

There is clearly a better way to handle this matter, which can satisfy the colonel's "hobby" without harming Zhuang Feifei's brand and interests. However, the woman Mano Ban just didn't want to do this, and others didn't care about Zhuang Feifei's rights. Fortunately, she still has a brother, Zhuang Xuteng still cares, and Zhuang Xuteng will solve this matter.

"Don't worry." Mano squirmed to let the boss have a more comfortable position. "No matter how much trouble she makes, it will definitely not affect the performance."

"Yeah, I think so too." Yespi nodded, took out his hand, and nodded his fingers downward. Then, he looked up to the sky and smoked a cigarette, and said while smoking: "I asked you to come here this time to arrange the performance. There is only one week left, you can move in directly, and I have reserved a room for you in the hotel. You Just stay there, no one will disturb you, and you don’t have to disturb others.”

"Hmm! Yeah!"

"I will arrange for you to have an implant doctor and do a full body examination. Except for going to rehearsals, you will stay in the room the rest of the time. I guarantee that no one can disturb you."

"Hmm! Okay...huhu." The woman raised her head, frowned slightly, and asked, "Why do you want to move in early? Is it because of the Blood Bat Gang?"

"Yes. Recently, several spies of the Blood Bat Gang were uncovered. After being tortured, it was confirmed that the Blood Bat Gang indeed had a plan to sneak in and sabotage, possibly four days before the start of the game. According to the original plan, that was what the entertainers concentrated on reporting. Time, so I suspect they may attack you. If you can ruin the performance, it can be regarded as causing me a lot of trouble."

"That's it... I don't have a problem if I come in early and it's safe. Besides, it's convenient after you move in, whether I'm looking for you or you are looking for me."

"No, after you move in, I won't look for you, and no one else will look for you, and you are not allowed to look for anyone else...I said, the implant doctor will ensure that your body is in the best condition. This includes your The muscles, the voice, the face, the whole mental outlook..."

There is a lot more to say, and the two of them were doing a lot of work. Zhuang Xuteng "heard" it, but there is no need to repeat it here. The most critical information here is the woman's room number: 1908, which is on the nineteenth floor of the hotel.

Zhuang Xuteng calculated based on the hotel's floor plan and the actual environment. As long as he was still in the area he was responsible for, he could not cover that room with resentful spirit jelly due to the restrictions of angle and distance. Not only that, but he had almost no way of discovering performance and rehearsal venues. The conclusion is: as long as you want to take action, you must leave your post.

But once you do this, it will easily arouse suspicion, and you must think of a reasonable way.

What a quick brain he had when it came to making trouble, solutions appearing almost immediately. Although he can't reach the upper floors of the hotel, he can extend his tentacles to the lower floors. Whether it was a fire alarm or another alarm, as long as Zhuang Xuteng made some noise, he would have a reason to go investigate, and then he could attack the woman.

He no longer expected to persuade Mano Ban to give up wearing Zhuang Feifei brand clothes through negotiation, because it was named by an important guest. Although destroying clothing seems to be a more "humane" method, such behavior is too obvious, and everyone will immediately think of Zhuang Feifei, who has conflicts in the clothing field. This is obviously not the result Zhuang Xuteng wants.

The most effective method is to deal with Mano Ban, at least so that she cannot perform that day. Just considering that the hotel has a complete implant medical team on standby, even if there is a missing arm or leg, it can be replaced immediately. If the lowest intensity action is taken, it may affect her performance that day, but as long as she can still stand on the stripping stage wearing Zhuang Feifei's clothes, Zhuang Feifei's loss will be certain.

After thinking about it, considering the problem from the perspective of a mercenary completing the task, the best solution is to find an opportunity to kill her...

"I'm not a professional killer..." Zhuang Xuteng scratched his head, planning how to kill Mano Ban safely, effectively and "innocently", while thinking about the reasons for this situation. He quickly came up with the first part of the plan, and it wasn't just one plan, but nine ways. For the latter part of the question, he also found an explanation, but he was not sure whether it was the whole answer.

"If negotiations are effective, if lawyers' warnings and simple justice in maintaining contracts can work efficiently, the method of resolving conflicts will not become so extreme." Zhuang Xuteng believes that the crux lies here. When ordinary people's communication with ordinary people is ineffective, and the supervision system represented by the PCPD and the courts is ineffective, then the only channels to solve the problem are corporate power, gang crackdowns, and mercenary operations-none of which are good things.

Social problems will only arouse Zhuang Xuteng's thinking, but will not affect his actions. Not to mention social issues, even morality - including the simple morality of "I am not a professional killer" - will not interfere with his mercenary professionalism. To put it bluntly, Zhuang Xuteng is not a good man or woman, and his dislike is just a relatively mild negative emotion that can be easily overcome. After all, this is not "disgust" or "hate", and Zhuang Xuteng has no mental mysophobia at all - he can use the patients in the hospital to practice necromancy. Compared to this, is there any problem in getting rid of his sister's stumbling block?

"It's too easy to kill this woman, but the key point is that the time and place must be chosen well." Zhuang Xuteng sat on the bench, staring at the square, thinking about the murder in his mind. Mano Ban only has some medical-grade implants to help her manage her figure and improve her body control during dancing. This function has nothing to do with fighting. As long as he is in Zhuang Xuteng's sight, he can use his resentful tentacles to knock her down and make her hit dangerous corners, and then expand her wounds or secretly cause fatal injuries, such as cutting into key nerves. Can achieve the effect of killing.

But if he kills her now, there is still a chance for Yespi to make amends, such as finding someone with a similar figure, wearing those clothes after putting on makeup, and taking good care of the "colonel" first. Even if you can't find ten, you can definitely make the colonel happy by dressing up every song on that album. If so, the impact of clothing would indeed be smaller, but not none.

The best time to start is one or two days before the start of the game, and it depends on how the Blood Bat Gang acts. Regarding the news that the Blood Bat Gang might attack the cast and crew, the boss did not tell the mercenaries, nor did he tell Jolt. Considering that there is still plenty of preparation time, there is really no rush to announce it now and see what he will do. It would be best if he were greedy enough to tell only his own staff, keep it a secret from the mercenaries, and let the Bloodbats save him money on mercenaries. But according to Zhuang Xuteng's impression of his boss, he would choose to make as many preparations as possible and would not deliberately conceal such important information.

Well... the Blood Bat Gang, hotel security, mercenaries, and the cast and crew's own bodyguards all get involved, and the scene will definitely be chaotic. If it's chaotic, it's easy to start.

Perhaps the action plan was decided, and Zhuang Xuteng calmed down and continued to play the role of an excellent monitor. No one knew that he was planning to watch and steal. But if a famous mercenary stays on a mission for a long time, news will definitely spread. On this day, Zhuang Xuteng received an uninvited guest.

Fengchi Stadium dares to offend the gangs, but it definitely does not dare to offend the riot squad. Fortunately, the riot squad never does anything to bully the market, and there is no interest entanglement or past grudges with Fengchi Stadium.

Three vehicles from the riot control unit drove into the parking lot. After the seven people got out of the car, led by Jolt, they walked directly to the office building. Zhuang Xuteng could see Palovic's light blond hair from a distance, as well as the symmetrical, unified and elegant posture of his left and right hands. He immediately had a feeling: Palovic was here to find him, not his boss.

He thought wrongly. Palovic went directly to the boss and took another staircase. He also thought correctly. After talking to the boss for fifteen minutes, Palovic came out and then came to him. .

"We've already talked with your client. I'll take up your time for a while." Palovich pointed out the window and said, "Let's talk in my car. The confidentiality is better there."

"It seems I have no room for rejection." Zhuang Xuteng smiled and waved to his left and right hands, then pointed at Palović and asked them both: "Why does his face look so ugly? There have been a lot of things lately?"

"Yes, there are quite a lot of things going on, and I'm exhausted, so I really need your help." Palovich patted the electric baton on the side of his thigh and said, "Hurry up and move your legs, unless you particularly want to stay with me for a while."

"Although it is an honor for me, I'm really afraid that I won't be able to serve him well." Zhuang Xuteng didn't waste any more words and hurriedly followed Palovich's instructions.

The official vehicle of the Riot Suppression Strike Team is quite excellent in terms of bulletproof resistance and confidentiality. Zhuang Xuteng has always wanted to improve the armored ferret based on the design of this vehicle, but parts are hard to find and he is short of money. After getting in the car, the anti-eavesdropping device was activated, several windows dimmed, and the light yellow "ambience light" lit up at the edge of the door.

"Nike, I have a task for you. Colonel Taft is coming here to watch a show. You can plant a bomb and send it flying into the sky. The Gardeners Organization will claim responsibility for this. We will provide all the equipment, including the eight pieces for you. Remuneration of one hundred thousand euros.”

Zhuang Xuteng blinked, shook his head, and said: "You really dare to speak. Blast Colonel Taft into the sky? Do you think you can threaten him with a preset bomb? His eyes can see the energy reaction of the shadow, all the controllers He will find them out in advance."

"Not all. Completely mechanical devices have no shadow energy response, nor do simple explosives."

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