
Chapter 260: The hacker league wants to fish in troubled waters?

Shi Lei was on the official website of NHK TV station, and the high-profile Mr. M vest, declared war on Rafael.

The five major private TV stations in Wozang State reported on the official website of NHK TV, and immediately reported on the book. In particular, Mr. M, the hacker of the earthquake, and the five major private TV stations, reported the details of Mr. M in detail!

In addition, the vast five private TV stations of Shentong have also reported Raphael's information in detail.

Rafael, the flame sword that was originally only known in the top hacker circle, is now famous among many ordinary netizens in the Wozang country. Even a lot of Wozang people, I hope Rafael will defeat Mr. M!

The International Intelligence Agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately acted after the hacking of the official website of NHK TV. Because Mr. M left a message, the third generation of the moon virus has been laid.

According to the International Intelligence Agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, according to the analysis of the third-generation moon virus that Mr. M said, the moon virus must become more dangerous. They must find the third-generation moon virus and quickly analyze the third-generation moon virus to prevent it from being given to Vossan. Bring damage!

At the same time, Mr. M's message, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs International Intelligence Bureau, is still worried about another thing. They didn't even think about it. The black hacker of the NHK TV station provoked Mr. M's hacker, actually the famous flame sword Raphael!

From the dialogue between Rafael and Mr. M, the International Intelligence Agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs finally knew that their Robot plan should be taken by Rafael and then intercepted by Mr. M. from Raphael. This analysis makes them more worried. Mr. M is so powerful, this is really for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs International Intelligence Bureau, can not help but worry and worry!

There is another thing that makes the International Intelligence Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs worry, that is, Mr. M intends to fight Rafael with the sword of fire, in the Internet world of Wozang, a peak matchup!

Two super hackers, if in the network of the Wonsan State, launched a big decisive battle, for the Won Sang country, it is definitely a bad thing.

No one knows what two hackers will release a horrible virus!

Even if there is no terrorist virus, the damage caused by them will make the Wosang country unlucky!

Therefore, the International Intelligence Agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, now an urgent task, is not only to prevent the third-generation moon virus from causing great damage, but also to prevent Rafael and Mr. M from fighting in the Wozang country.

It is best to grab Mr. M and Rafael together and let them hand over the Robot plan.

However, when the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ International Intelligence Agency’s Cyber ​​Security Department, twelve official security expert teams, and twenty-seven preparatory groups invested in the search for the third-generation moon virus, the third-generation moon virus has begun to erupt on a large scale!

The three major search engines in Wassang, Yahoo Worthing, livedoor and goo, are used by a large number of computer users every moment. The third generation of the moon virus, in the Web.Cache server of the three major search engines, infected a large number of page images, suddenly a large number of computer users in the move!

The third generation of the moon virus directly controls the BIOS system of the computer motherboard to perform the restart operation, and when the computer executes the low-level formatting command, the third-generation moon virus residing in the hard disk is controlled before being lowered. With the computer's BIOS system, execute the restart command again!

Restarting again in the low-level format, will undoubtedly make the computer hard disk, there is a great possibility of physical damage.

More than 9 o'clock in the evening of the Vasang country, more than 8 o'clock in the evening of Xiaguo time, the third generation of the moon virus broke out in the Wozang country. According to the intelligence department of the International Intelligence Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, there are at least more than 30 Ten thousand users have been attacked by the third generation of the moon virus!

So many computer users have suffered huge losses, but the International Intelligence Agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not found the source of the moon virus.

This made the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ International Intelligence Agency’s face ruined.

Rafael waited for one day and one night, and did not wait until Mr. M appeared. He is now screaming and sleeping. Naturally, he does not know that Shi Lei has issued a message of invitation.

On the side of Xia Guo, the Internet world of Wozang State, such a big thing happened, the hacker world of Xia Guo has already made a lot of noise. Whether it is the hacker alliance of the second generation hacker organization, there are many third-generation hacker organizations.

In the hacker alliance, Black Heart is speaking in the voice communication channel, saying loudly: "The second brother, the Wosang country is completely chaotic. The Mr. M released the third generation of the moon virus, and the second low-level state restarts, it is too sinister. !"

The black tiger responded with dignity: "The strength of Mr. M is terrible. Although the principle of the moon virus is very simple, he can actually do this!"

"Second brother, you said that the sword of fire Raphael is awesome, or is that mysterious Mr. M? The two of them, I am afraid they are all world-class hackers!" The heart of the black heart reveals an envy, but is electronically changed. After the software changed, it lost this taste.

The black tiger replied affirmatively: "They are both world-class hackers! But whoever is more powerful, I don't know. Rafael has done three earth-shattering events, he has entered the Li Jianguo The CIA also entered the Pentagon of Lijianguo and intercepted a piece of information at the Pentagon. The most terrifying thing is that Raphael once controlled the North American Air Defense and Anti-sky Command. He is a super-disabled face of Li Jianguo. hacker!"

"Mr. M is not bad? Mr. M made the city of Wonsan, the wrong news of the ninth-level earthquake, and released such a powerful thing as the moon virus. Under the siege of the International Intelligence Agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Safe escape. Is he worse than Raphael?" Black Heart is obviously a supporter of Mr. M.

The black tiger is uncertain: "Black heart, I said, I don't know. But if only from their deeds, Rafael caused a bigger sensation. Anyway, this time there was a good show, two world peaks. The hacker wants to make a big battle in Wassan. The International Intelligence Agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is afraid to get mad? And the CIA of Lijianguo can't sit still. After all, Rafael has brought them a big loss!"

Blackheart’s thoughts are dark and open: “CIA and the International Intelligence Agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are also coming in? Well, if Rafael and Mr. M are caught, it’s fun!”

"You think too much!" Black Tiger sneered bluntly. "The guys of the International Intelligence Agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who want to deal with the world's peak hackers, are basically impossible. The only hope is that only look at the CIA. Guy, can you trace the IP address of Raphael. As for Mr. M, the CIA may not take the initiative to provoke him!"

"Second brother, since Rafael and Mr. M, to fight in the Wozang country, it is better for us to hack the alliance, but also take the opportunity to fight in the Wosang country?" Black heart is afraid that the black tiger does not agree, continue to say: "Second brother, The last time Wassang attacked our summer country, the cherry virus was mostly made by the cherry group. Do we not revenge?"

The black tiger said: "This hatred must be reported! However, the two world-class hackers have a big battle, we must first wait and see, after they really fight, we sneak into the Wosang country!"

Blackheart laughed, "This is good! Second brother, when we can, we can follow behind the two masters, where are they playing, where are we going to destroy!"

"No! This kind of tricky way to fish, if it is taboo by two masters, it is too bad for our hacking alliance. We only need to come up with the style of our hacker alliance, and play our own level!" The black tiger really does not It was the militant of the hacker league. He agreed to the proposal to attack the Wozang State.

"Second brother, since I have decided to attack Woosan, I will inform our internal members first! Without any temporary notice, many internal members are basically not online!" The internal members of the hacker alliance are only 461, including Shi Lei's black stone vest.

These internal members, if placed in the third generation of hacker organizations, are absolute backbone elites. Even some of the most powerful internal members can become core members of the third-generation hacker organization, or create their own third-generation hacker organization!

"Go!" The black tiger agreed to the opening, and he was thinking about the specific plan to attack the Wozang country.

In the internal forum of the hacker alliance, Blackheart sent a message as a core member to prepare internal members, and the hacker alliance’s third war against Wozang is about to begin!

As for the time and goals, I have not said it for the time being. I only say that the core layer is still under negotiation.

Shuangqing City, Jingyayuan, Ten Buildings, 2003.

Shi Lei is watching the feedback from the moon virus on the first server. The third generation of the moon virus has a small statistical information. Every time a computer device is successfully infected, the moon virus will encode the machine MAC address of the computer device to facilitate statistical information.

From the statistics of the moon virus, more than 400,000 computer devices have been infected!

Depending on the number of infections and the extent of the damage, the Moon virus may already be called a super virus, and will even be rated as a classic virus case in the future.

Shi Lei took the water cup and took a sip of water to check the situation of the Wonsan network world and the official website of NHK TV.

If Raphael accepts the declaration of war, the proud Raphael will definitely respond to Mr. M on the official website of NHK TV.

Thinking of this, Shi Lei Yin Yin smile, NHK TV's official website, it seems calm now, but Shi Lei knows that once the NHK TV official website, there is any accident, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs International Intelligence Bureau will kill the first time.

Shi Lei would like to see Rafael, being besieged by the International Intelligence Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs again!

To this end, Shi Lei decided to do something more.

(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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