Happy Little Mayor

Chapter 759: . Chinese representative Pharaoh (5/5)

When Wang Bo was about to leave the Bottling Star Ranch, the insurance company's car drove up.

A middle-aged white man in a suit and leather jacket found Ralph and said, "Hello sir, I am the manager of the anti-fraud department of the mufs insurance company Dunedin branch. I would like to ask you to cooperate in the investigation."

"Before investigating, there are certain things I need to make clear to you: New Zealand insurance companies can sue any natural person who engages in or attempts to commit insurance fraud. At the same time, if an insurance company finds someone's insurance fraud, serious Consequences will include and are not limited to: "

"Insurers that detect insurance fraud will cancel all contracts of the insured."

"The insurance company will report the information of the insured to icr."

"Once other insurance companies find that the person's information appears in icr, they will no longer serve the person; if the person already has insurance in their company, they will notify 'Insurance Cancelled' ..."

Wang Bo didn't stay and watched. There was nothing to see. The insurance company did it quickly. The police hadn't come to the door yet. They had already started business.

Ralph is miserable. If the reasoning is correct, he will cooperate with Andyson to deceive him. Unless Andyson comes out to carry the pot, it means that he stole his ranch cows.

But he didn't think that Andyson would carry the pot. Obviously, it was Andyson who paid the cows to buy it back. It was Ralph who tried to cheat himself.

The yak club will be a little bit turbulent, at least three pastures such as Blob Star may go bankrupt.

The operation of these ranches requires loans from banks, but if there is a record of fraud, then if you want to lend, insurance companies will not provide various insurances, and banks will refuse to lend.

Without bank loans to revolve funds, the ranch will be difficult to operate.

After finding the evidence, the case was solved like a piece of bamboo, and a new investigation and trial began.

There is nothing wrong with Wang Bo. He sat in the car to check the time. It was exactly twenty-four hours from the day he arrived in Dunedin until the case came out.

But he didn't feel good. He didn't regard himself as an ace detective, but more of himself as a rancher.

In this way, the crisis of the four ranches will be related to him, making him feel a bit sad.

Now the police station in Dunedin is in a state of persecution. The police who dealt with the case did not believe it. Only one day after the ad hoc team arrived, the case was solved?

Wang Bo returned to the police station without receiving applause and cheers, but he had some hostile eyes. He understood these. The advent of the task force put the local police station into a predicament of public opinion, and they seemed too incompetent.

However, some people still admire him very much, such as Conley, when he walked into the task force office, Conley rushed up, opened his arms and gave him a fiery hug:

"Oh my god, king, you did a great job! You are simply Holmes in New Zealand! You can easily get two scams! I just look at you as an idol! You are the real police! I decided Now, I ’m going to apply for transfer to Sunset Town. Is there a shortage in your police station? I ’m going to learn from you! ”

He murmured a lot, saying too fast, Pharaoh didn't hear it clearly, but the last sentence was still clear, that is, the kid was going to join the police station in Sunset Town.

He welcomed this very much. Conley was an upright and motivated police officer. The family was very powerful. It was good for him to have such a subordinate.

It's a bit tragic to say. There isn't a serious policeman in the town of sunset. He, Atulu, Uncle Bing, and son, all four of them are monks.

After finding the right direction, the case was solved the same day.

They only wanted to be cheap, and they were not veterans. When the evidence of the smuggling ship was listed, Anderson pleaded guilty.

Once Anderson pleaded guilty here, the other three ranchers were implicated.

The four ranchers also had no choice. In the past two years, the livestock market has been bad, and the ranchers have lost money. As a result, a pandemic came in early spring.

Insurance companies are not a panacea. Not all losses are 100% responsible. In this way, the ranchers are continuously hit, and they can't bear it.

So, Andyson came up with the idea. They slaughtered the sick cattle and sent them to a smuggling boat bound for Africa. Then they called the police and said that the cattle on the ranch had been stolen.

The three ranches slaughtered some sick cows and sold some healthy cows to Andyson at a discount to scam insurance companies.

As a result, they eventually lost themselves in.

This is the truth of the matter. Wang Bo was a little puzzled. This case is not complicated or difficult. How can Dunedin's colleagues not break it?

It can only be said that the police of New Zealand can handle traffic violations and involve criminal business. Their ability is really worrying.

The Dunedin police were ashamed of this, and the ad hoc group also complained:

"Damn, I just got here. How long is this? Twenty hours? Thirty hours? Then we'll go back?"

"It's already good John, the aos guys are only funny, they seem to have assembled today, and now they can be announced to disband."

"I thought it was a big multinational case, and it turned out to be this thing? It was a fraud against an insurance company? What did the local police do?"

After the case was detected, the press conference followed.

Sheriff Smith wanted to bring Wang Bo. After all, he was the key to solving the case, but Pharaoh did not want to participate. The press conference he liked to attend was the kind that could bring publicity to the sunset town.

This conference will make him a target for ranchers. Even though he is doing to defend the dignity of the law, the ranchers don't care. They only know Wang Bo himself and give their colleagues to him. Now ...

Mo Yuning's South Island Voice is based in Dunedin, and she has an interview with Wang Bo.

The Pharaoh couldn't push it, so he could only take Uncle Bing to be interviewed.

After arriving at the TV station, he learned that this time it was not an ordinary interview, but a show. The TV station temporarily intervened with their interview activities.

Pharaoh hasn't been on TV yet. He hesitantly asked Mo Yuning, "Is this a bit too high-profile?"

Mo Yuning smiled flatteringly: "Of course not, you don't know how well you did. This case is full of mystery in several surrounding cities, including Queenstown, but many people even claim that these cows have been ridden by aliens Go, define the case as a mystery that cannot be solved. "

"Pharaoh, you have to be a dim sum for this show. It's best to take a little credit for yourself. This is very important to improve our Chinese status in New Zealand. In short, you are now a representative of the Chinese." (Unfinished to be continued.)


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