Happy Little Mayor

Chapter 778: . Spring is harvest day (4/5)

This was the end of the first demonstration in Sunset Town. Pharaoh waved his hand gently, and the situation was lightly resolved.

However, he was right. Many people really took this stuff as a party. In the evening, some people gathered to drink and eat barbecue, saying that it was to commemorate their first demonstration in the town.

Aturu was invited, and some apologized to him, saying that his dignity was hurt today.

Domestic tourists cannot understand this situation, but it does not affect them to eat and drink.

Since the town has been promised to open bus routes, Pharaoh must do it. This has affected his credibility as the mayor.

The next morning, Wang Bo disconnected the network and went to the conference room. The town's management began to discuss how to set up this transportation network.

Hani suggested: "Boss, you might as well symbolically follow a route. Why bother to expend this effort? The traffic management bureau is right, the public transportation business is really a losing trade!"

Wang Bo snorted and said, "That's not my principle of doing things. I promise the voters, I will definitely do it."

"Don't say that, boss, there are no voters here, so take off the mask and talk in the snack." Kidd said.

Wang Bo really wanted to hit him with a notebook.

He did want to open a public transport network, linking Austria, Cromwell, Lindis Valley, Cardrona.

The tourism industry of Sunset Town is thriving. Foreign tourists account for half of the consumption. Of course, these foreign tourists are not only Chinese tourists, but also many customers in Europe, America and Asia.

He thought about it and said, "I have read statistics that New Zealand's public transport business has been losing money for years because its people travel by car and every family has a car."

"So, the route network we opened this time is not for the townspeople, but for tourists, so that the transportation network can be established without losing money, killing two birds with one stone."

Hani shook his head and said, "This is not very reliable. Boss, the townspeople are smarter than you think."

Wang Bo looked at him and said, "They have nothing to say, because I use luxury buses on these public transportation routes, which can provide coffee, juice, beer, and make the journey a sightseeing experience."

"Using a luxury bus? That's a big investment."

Wang Bo smiled and said, "Do you know what I am best at?"

Charlie responded with a stun: "Oh my God, you have to empty the gloves again?"

Wang Bodao: "It's not that simple this time, but the same reason, I heard that Holden Motor Company wants to transform into a large car industry. They enter the market and urgently need the opportunity for publicity. Sunset town is a good partner, isn't it ? "

Holden is a car manufacturer, a subsidiary of General Motors of the United States, and a favorite car brand for New Zealanders because it is an Australian-developed car.

This car brand has almost no fame in Asia, but it is very different in Australia and New Zealand.

Holden is a century-old company that originally operated harness equipment.

Holden began customizing cars for customers in 1914, which was its first step into the automotive industry. In the ensuing decade, Holden continued to develop, and in 1931 he co-founded "Horton-General Motors" with General Motors of the United States.

Holden began producing its own models in 1948 and successfully rolled off the line in 1948. Since then, Holden has become synonymous with the automotive industry in Australia.

Holden maintains more than 20 models throughout the year, from cars, suvs, pickups, utility vehicles, sports cars, etc., as well as a small number of OEM models commonly used in the United States.

For example, there is a stealth chariot in the police car in Sunset Town, which is produced by Holden.

However, due to the globalization of automobile manufacturing, the Holden automotive plant in Australia is also suffering. At the end of 2013, Holden officially announced that it began to reduce the production of complete vehicles and engines in Australian automotive plants, and eventually ceased production in 2017. !!

Of course, the Holden brand will not disappear, they will transform into large auto brand sales companies, such as RVs, buses, trucks.

Wang Bo saw this when he collected the information yesterday, and felt that it was God to help himself. If the means are flexible, he can build a comfortable transportation network for the sunset town without spending money.

However, it is not easy to achieve this. Holden Motor Company is not a charity company. It is not easy to let them provide luxury buses for free.

Setting up a transportation network requires at least 20 luxury buses. Even if only the cost price is mentioned, it will cost millions of dollars.

He explained his plan, and Charlie patted the table and groaned, "It's a bit ridiculous, but it's not an impossible task. Let's see how we can do it."

Wang Bo looked at Bowen, and the deputy mayor nodded and said, "This proposal is reliable and capable!"

"Ok, put the development plan into the town and start working immediately!"

Pharaoh asked Elizabeth to take a record of the meeting, and then he began to send troops: "I will be the chief commander of this operation, Charlie, Bowen, Hani, you are deputy commanders, the others are members, ok?"

"Yes, private r!" Atulu growled loudly, anxious to stand up and salute.

Yesterday, Pharaoh helped him to make a big move for the Maori Han. He vowed that in this life, besides his wife, Wang Bo is the most respected person.

Creating a public transportation network is not an overnight effort, nor is it an action to go directly to Holden Motors to draw sponsorship and not be beaten!

Ironworking also requires its own hardships, and in order to get Holden's favor, it must have the strength to conquer it.

A new round of development begins in the town of Sunset, and the development needs funds. Wang Bo has little money on hand. He invests in villas and orchards, and most of the money is invested.

Fortunately, spring is also the harvest season. The ranch can produce cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks, and the town's tourism industry is booming. As the biggest capitalist, Pharaoh has made a lot of money.

He contacted Sharp and Grant. A group of cattle and sheep were out of the pen. In addition, there were deer herds. One and a half years of breeding development, the size of the deer herds rose sharply.

Five hundred beef cattle, fifteen hundred sheep, 150 reindeer, and elk, all of which gave him $ 14 million.

Hades also transported a batch of chickens. This time, he sold 100,000 meat-eating chickens, which earned him a total of $ 5 million, which was close to 20 million.

All of a sudden, Pharaoh had another $ 40 million in hand.

And that's not his biggest income yet, he still has a big head who hasn't shot. (To be continued.)


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