Harry Potter and the Legend of the Temple

Chapter 207 Triwizard Tournament

Natasha's smile disappeared fleetingly, and after a while she returned to her ignorant look.

"That little girl looks special." Hermione said in a low voice, and Harry's eyes followed the girl who ran to the Slytherin table.

Little Natasha happily ran to the Slytherin camp, obediently shook hands with Astoria and the girls around her, and then winked in the direction of Louis.

Louis cast a friendly look at her, but it was caught by Ginny beside him.

"You know her, Louise?"

"I've seen her on the express train before." Louis said casually, "Do you remember the Russian girl I told you before? That's her."

"I see." Hermione nodded. The temperament of a Russian girl is indeed rare, even if she is just an eleven-year-old girl.

The sorting ceremony continued, and the remaining first-year students were gradually divided into the four colleges, but it did not cause any big waves.

"It's time." Ron excitedly picked up his fork after watching Professor McGonagall go down with her hat.

Dumbledore stood up and announced the start of the banquet. For a moment, the entire auditorium burst into cheers.

The students were hungry for almost a whole day, and the snacks on the express train could not be used as staple food to satisfy their hunger, not to mention that they, like Louis, didn't eat much.

While enjoying the food, the students were all discussing enthusiastically, and the most talked about thing was the Quidditch World Cup.

"Krum is so handsome, he would fool Lynch around. If it weren't for those Bulgarian chasers who are so stupid..."

"It can only be said that his time has not yet come." Ron's mouth was stuffed with chicken, "Just wait and see, Seamus."

On the other side, Hermione and Nearly Headless Nick were chatting, seemingly arguing about house elves.

"House elves raised by the school?" Hermione asked, "Do they get paid? They should at least enjoy retirement and pensions."

"Retirement and pension? Oh Hermione." Nick put his head back in his place.

"House elves don't need retirement or pensions."

Hermione looked at the food in front of her. She didn't move a bite. She didn't know why she suddenly lost her appetite.

"This is not unusual Hermione." Ron comforted, "You won't starve yourself because they don't enjoy the benefits."

"This is food cooked by hardworking slaves! I won't eat it." Hermione said angrily, "I didn't expect Hogwarts to be like this..."

Lewis looked at this scene and said nothing. He could not persuade Hermione. In turn, this stubborn girl would say to him:

"Do you think so too? You let me down so much Louis!"

So Louis remained silent, dealing with the food in front of him.

. . . .

Towards the end, when everyone had eaten and drank enough (except Hermione), Dumbledore announced a few things to note, including the inability to enter the Forbidden Forest and the travel restrictions in Hogsmeade.

Louis is already in third grade. Although he has not returned home this summer vacation, Dumbledore sent a letter to the Wiggins in advance so that they could agree to Louis' visit to this wizarding village.

Of course, Louis had been to this pure wizarding village before, but not through the formal route.

"One more thing." Dumbledore paused, "All Quidditch matches this year are cancelled."

"What? Why?" The students started to get restless, especially Harry and fellow Quidditch team members Fred and George, who all seemed particularly surprised.

"That's because in October we're going to have an unprecedented event, which will last until the end of the semester, and I promise you, you're going to love it, so..."

Before Dumbledore finished speaking, the door to the auditorium was opened again. The sound attracted the attention of the students at Hogwarts.

Alastor Moody was limping forward on crutches. His terrifying appearance made the students who were close to him look a little nervous and scared, and they all hid behind him.

Dumbledore greeted him warmly. Moody's face looked a little tired, and the heavy rain wet his slightly sparse hair.

"Who is he?" Harry asked, "I think I've seen him before at the Quidditch World Cup."

"Alastor Moody, this year's new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher." Louis answered word for word.

He can't confirm whether Moody is true or false now, but there is a way.

"Is he Moody? Oh, my God, Ron, you remember that your father is going to help Moody today, right?" Hermione whispered, she was surprised by Moody's terrifying face.

Dumbledore introduced Moody, but was greeted with sparse applause from the students. It was obvious that this new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher was even more unpopular than the last one.

"By the way, let's go back to the topic we just talked about." Dumbledore smiled and asked Moody to take a seat. He cleared his throat, although the students' eyes were all on Moody, "I am honored to announce that this year's three The Tournament of Power will be held at Hogwarts.”

"Oh my God, no, you're kidding me!"

The students gradually became excited, and Fred even shouted loudly.

"I'm not joking, Mr. Weasley." Dumbledore also explained to Fred.

The Triwizard Tournament is well-known in the wizarding world, but as a Muggle-born young wizard, he was really confused.

"No wonder, Mom, Bill and Charlie have refused to tell us before!" Ron shouted excitedly, "Also, the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons mentioned on the train... I knew it!"

"Some of you must not know what is going on." After the students celebrated for a while, Dumbledore waved his hand and said, "So forgive me for having to explain it to you. Of course, students who know about it can leave a message ”

"The Triwizard Tournament is jointly organized by the three most famous magic schools in Europe, Hogwarts, Durmstrang and Beauxbatons. It is a friendly competition. Each school selects a seed contestant. It became a tradition in the past, but unfortunately the project was stopped after the death rate was too high."

"Excessive mortality rate? Oh, my God." Hermione seemed to catch a certain point in the words.

"Of course, after the Ministry of Magic's assessment, we felt it was necessary to restart this activity. We have made a lot of preparations this summer to ensure the safety of students."

“So this October, some outstanding students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will come to Hogwarts, and the school will also select a representative to participate in the competition, and the winner will win a thousand gold galleons as a reward. I hope you remember this, you represent not just you personally, but Hogwarts as a whole."

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