Harry Potter and the Legend of the Temple

Chapter 231 Hagrid has changed

"what happened?"

Qiu Zhang looked at Louis and Furong with strange eyes. Their postures could be said to be quite strange.

Fleur's school uniform was deformed by the confinement curse, and several buttons were broken to one side. Her face looked a little pale. When Louis lifted the curse, she was breathing heavily and her clothes were disheveled, as if she had been fighting with someone. It looks like three hundred rounds.

"I was having a friendly exchange with Senior Delacour." Louis scratched his head, "You know, but the Beauxbatons students want to test my strength at Hogwarts, so..."

"Really?" Qiu Zhang glanced at him suspiciously. She naturally didn't believe this kind of lie. She didn't know much about Furong's character, but after the exchange last night, she didn't think that this French woman would compare. Start with someone who is younger than you.

Women's intuition is very keen, and last night the Beauxbatons students were chattering about gossip that made them extremely excited. The sound was so loud that even the Ravenclaw students heard some of it.

"Fu Rong, you should know that Louis has nothing to do with this matter..." Qiu Zhang frowned, and she helped Fu Rong up from the ground.

"But he was in Ravenclaw Tower last night, that's a fact."

"What could it be about?" Qiu Zhang defended, "You weren't there at the time, were you?"

Lewis watched their conversation with a confused expression, and from their few words, he heard a general logic.

It turned out that the reason why Fleur was so angry was because Louis followed Gabrielle to Ravenclaw Tower last night and was discovered by some thoughtful people. As the little princess of Beauxbatons, Gabrielle suddenly brought a man back one night, which naturally aroused widespread concern among the Beauxbatons people. Therefore, the rumor exploded like a bomb, reaching Fleur's ears and turned into Louis' seduction. Gabrielle was doing some shady things in Ravenclaw Tower.

It's really three people who make a tiger. Although there were many rumors against Louis at Hogwarts in the past two years, this time was the most ferocious for him.

Of course, Gabrielle, one of the protagonists in the rumor, knew nothing about this and stayed with Madame Maxime after coming out of Flamel's residence at night.

"I have a clear conscience about this kind of thing." Louis said standing in front of Fleur, "Gabriel did have something to do with me yesterday, but I went to Nico Flamel's room last night, and I was the first person with Gabri to meet me yesterday. If you don't believe me after a meeting, you can go and confront Mr. Flamel."

Fu Rong glanced at Louis with some resentment. It was obvious that she couldn't do anything to Louis anymore with Qiu Zhang nearby, and judging from his tone, he didn't mean to tell lies again.

"Humph." She shook off the hand that was strangled by Louis and left the tower.

"Oh, that's what the French are like, don't mind it." Qiu Zhang was a little helpless. The Ravenclaw students had already seen a lot of the bad temper raised in aristocratic schools yesterday.

"Thank you, Qiu." Louis said sincerely. To be honest, if it weren't for Qiu Zhang's sudden appearance, he wouldn't be sure he would have done anything to Furong.

"It's okay. In fact, even if I'm not there, I don't think she is your opponent." Qiu Zhang smiled sweetly.

"Okay, let's go. I just saw Harry Potter and the others going to Hagrid's hut. Do you want me to take you there?"

"What I wish for..."

The two of them left the bell tower one after another, and when they passed through the hall, they found that there were still several lower-grade students from Hogwarts looking nervously and curiously at the Goblet of Fire.

It is now noon, and there are fewer people throwing names into the Goblet of Fire, but everyone who takes action will receive unanimous cheers from those around them.

"I really envy them. If I were a few years older, I would also like to participate in the Triwizard Tournament." Qiu Zhang looked lonely in the direction of the Goblet of Fire.

"Didn't Cedric submit his name? I think he should be able to represent Hogwarts."

"I hope so, eh?" Qiu Zhang looked at him curiously, "You are very strange. There are many people in Gryffindor who voted. You actually want a Hufflepuff student to participate."

"What difference does it make if we are all students of Hogwarts?" Louis spread his hands, "Don't forget, our opponents are Beauxbatons and Durmstrang."

"It would be great if other people thought like you." Qiu Zhang shook her head. This Asian girl has seen many things.

A few minutes later, the two arrived at the door of Hagrid's hut and knocked on the door. Hagrid's rough voice came from inside the house:

"Just wait and see, you will see things you have never seen before. The first project is...ah, I shouldn't say it."

The door opened, and the giant Hagrid warmly welcomed Louis and Qiu Zhang with a freshly boiled kettle.

The two of them greeted the three Harrys in the room. Hermione nodded to them and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Louis was okay. Ron's attention was still on Hagrid's words, while Harry's He looked a little embarrassed because he saw Qiu Zhang.

"Go on, Hagrid," Ron urged.

But Hagrid always shook his head and smiled. He was not at all like the Hagrid who would casually reveal secrets in the past few years, but more like a young boy with a crush.

"I can't break the rules because of you," Hagrid said, "but I can assure you that the scene will be very spectacular. Oh God, I never thought I would live to see the Triwizard Tournament."

Several people ended up having lunch with Hagrid, but they didn't eat much, especially Qiu Zhang, who only took a small bite.

Louis didn't understand whether she had a lack of appetite or whether she was dieting to stay in shape.

At three or four o'clock in the afternoon, there was light rain in the sky, and they reluctantly came out of Hagrid's hut. Ron was still asking about the content of the first event. Judging from his momentum, there was a lot of hope. I also want to participate.

Cho Chang said goodbye to the four of them, and she had to accompany Cedric before the banquet began in the evening.

"Why didn't he say it?" Ron was still aggrieved. "Maybe the students at Durmstrang and Beauxbatons already know about it, and maybe they will laugh at our ignorance."

"I think Hagrid did the right thing. The content of the competition is confidential." Hermione retorted, "If it is exposed in advance, there will be no need for the competition."

"Hagrid has changed." Ron was a little annoyed, "He was not like this before. What do you say, Harry? Harry?"

Harry Potter looked at the direction where Qiu Zhang was leaving in a daze, and only after Ron and Hermione glanced at him twice did he come back to his senses.

"Ah, Hagrid has his own reasons for not saying anything." Harry hesitated, "Ron, I think the other two schools didn't get the news so quickly."

Louis looked at Harry's unfocused eyes, fearing that he was already attracted to the goddess of Hogwarts.

Qiu Zhang has her personal charm, but falling in love with her at this time will not have good results.

"I forgot, God." Hermione took out a badge from her pocket with some hindrance, with the words S.P.E.W on it and a house elf underneath. "I should ask Hagrid if he wants to join. this association.”

"Hermione, stop thinking about it, that's impossible." Louis stopped him. Fortunately, Hermione didn't take it out. "Although Hagrid is a good person, his thoughts are the same as those of most wizards in the wizarding world. They believe that freeing house elves is a sin against them."

"But you freed Dobby, didn't you?" Hermione retorted, "You also found him a job, isn't that a successful step forward?"

"Yes, but Dobby is an alternative." Louis said, "A unique alternative. Just look at Winky and you will know Hermione. I admit that your idea is very good, very good, but it is almost impossible to realize it. matter."

After hearing what Louis said, Hermione looked a little annoyed and stuffed the badge back into her pocket angrily.

She didn't understand why she was obviously doing the right thing but her friends around her couldn't understand it.

After they walked around the castle, the time came to five o'clock in the afternoon, and the announcement of the champions of the Triwizard Tournament was about to begin.

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