Harry Potter and the Legend of the Temple

Chapter 263: Battle in the water

Early the next morning, Louis was awakened by a noise.

He didn't sleep well last night. He dreamed of swimming in the water, and then a huge water monster suddenly appeared. The monster with dozens of tentacles spit huge bubbles from its mouth, knocking Astoria away. He was kidnapped directly in front of him, but Louis himself was powerless, unable to move in the water as if he was drowning.

The cold lake water filled his entire lung cavity, and his body slowly sank to the bottom. He could only watch the girl he loved getting farther and farther away from him, and the darkness became silent.

Then he woke up, broke out in a cold sweat, and gasped for air. It took him a while to realize that the second game had not started yet.

That was what he feared most. Astoria was his weakness. Although he knew that Dumbledore would not let anything happen to those of them, he was still worried.

There were thunderous cheers in the Gryffindor common room, and Fred and George specially asked someone to make a huge banner and hang it on the wall.

It read: "Gryffindor must win, Hogwarts champion!" and other words.

"Come on, Louis, we're counting on you." George patted him on the shoulder, and all the Gryffindors applauded in unison.

"You and Harry are our hope for Hogwarts." Angelina Johnson whistled, "You will definitely win."

Louis nodded habitually, responded with a smile, and looked around without seeing Harry.

Following the crowd, they came to the restaurant to eat. Whatever, after they talked, officials from the Ministry of Magic took them to the Black Lake.

The weather in February is still slightly chilly, especially near the lake. The cold breath stings everyone's nerves, especially the four warriors who are preparing to enter the water.

"You should all know the rules by now." Ludo Bagman gathered a few people together, and Harry hurried over not long after Louis arrived.

"You need to get in the water and find something that belongs to you..."

"Wiggins! Wiggins, where are you?"

"Miss, you can't go in..."

Bagman's words were interrupted by a hurried female voice. He was a little unhappy. Several people looked towards the source of the sound and saw a white-haired girl rushing in with anxious eyes.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Bagman, it was our negligence, we..."

"No problem." Dumbledore waved his hand, "Listen to what Miss Greengrass has to say."

"Deng...Professor Dumbledore." The person who came was none other than Daphne. She didn't realize it for a moment. When she saw that the place was full of big guys, her tone suddenly stuttered.

"It's okay, please speak slowly." Dumbledore comforted Daphne, and several people stared at her.

"I...I want to talk to Wiggins..."

"Ah, no problem, but we have to hurry up." Dumbledore looked at his watch, "You have about five minutes."

. . . . . .

"What's wrong?" Louis didn't have a very good impression of Daphne. If she hadn't been Astoria's biological sister, he wouldn't have wanted to talk to her at all.

"It's Astoria, something happened to her!" Daphne's tone was very anxious, "They took her away! She didn't come back all night, and I couldn't find her anywhere! Something must have happened to her, I I heard that several students are imprisoned at the bottom of the lake, you must save her! "

He knew that Astoria was taken away by Moody. Since Louis was a warrior, according to common sense, Astoria was naturally the person he wanted to rescue.

"I will." Louis nodded, "I promise she will be fine."

"But don't worry too much. She is safe for now, and you know that I never let anything happen to people around me."

Speaking of Astoria, Daphne lost her previous arrogance and only had a worried expression.

Then why did she come to Louis? Because he is the person closest to Astoria besides her family members, and only he can ensure Astoria's safety.

As for why she didn't tell Dumbledore, she could probably guess that Astoria's disappearance was related to the second event of the Triwizard Tournament. If something happened, the wizards on the shore didn't face it directly. Louis in the game is reliable.

After Daphne was settled, Louis returned to the Warriors, and Bagman told the rules again.

"You only have one hour to rescue the most important person from the fish-men."

After saying that, he led the warriors to stand in a row, facing the tidal wave of people.

Mr. Bagman and Dumbledore returned to the referee's seat together. Louis looked up and saw that Mr. Crouch's place had been replaced by Ron's brother Percy.

After an unknown amount of time, when Louis felt that his limbs were freezing, the host Bagman stood up from the referee's seat, and then a whistle sounded, indicating the start of the game.

The warriors jumped into the water one after another. The cold lake water stung every nerve in the body. Louis saw Fleur cast a bubble head spell on herself. Her advantageous figure was matched with the extra bubbles at her mouth. But there is no particularly big sense of dissonance.

Krum cast a transformation spell, but to Louis' surprise, the transformation spell seemed to be successful. His entire body turned into a shark, with wands on both fins to facilitate his movement.

Harry, on the other hand, stuffed things into his mouth while entering the water. He looked a little funny, but it brought a lot of ridicule to the audience.

After the three warriors disappeared from the lake, Louis felt helpless. He had to close his eyes and took a breath from his mouth, hoping that old man Lius would be more reliable.

The water temperature of the Black Lake is horribly low. The lower you go down, the colder the temperature becomes. However, the oxygen consumption at this time is also huge.

The maximum holding time of a person is 5 minutes, but this must be discounted in the cold lake water where you can't see your fingers. Louis swam for about two minutes before he couldn't hold his breath anymore. However, there was water all around him. When he opened his mouth, a breath of salty water came out. The fishy-smelling lake water poured in.

He kept cursing in his mind, Lius, you damn old man, if I die here today, I will not let you go even if I am a ghost.

The scene that appeared in the dream appeared in reality. He kept sinking and the surroundings were dark. . . .

"Hey, little one, it's time to get to work."

Just when he was about to lose it, an emerald green light suddenly appeared on his chest, and then the light continued to expand, forming a huge green bubble around Lewis.

As soon as the bubble membrane appeared, Louis seemed to come alive instantly, his lungs taking in oxygen at a rapid rate, and the resistance of the surrounding water had disappeared.

"What is this?" When he calmed down, he looked at the green bubble wrap and poked it with his hand from time to time. It was quite elastic.

"This is what I prepared for you." Lius's voice rang in his mind, "You really have to thank that little guy from Farmiga. This is Druid's exclusive natural magic, water-melting bubble membrane, automatic filtration The oxygen in the water greatly improves the water quality, and it can also resist magic damage. You can now move faster than the mermaid in the water. "

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