Harry Potter and the Legend of the Temple

Chapter 282 The truth comes out

As the screams of pain came from the principal's office, Krum, who was tied to the chair, twitched as if he had been drugged, and the muscles on his face trembled rapidly. After a while, a rather ruffian-looking man appeared with disheveled hair and even an evil smile on his face.

He licked his lips with his tongue, subconsciously trying to get out.

"Veritaserum, Severus."

Dumbledore said to Snape behind him. Under the supervision of a former Auror, the strongest white wizard, and a Hogwarts professor, he had completely lost the possibility of escaping.

Snape handed Dumbledore a clear bottle, containing a liquid that looked just like water. Another scary thing about Veritaserum is its camouflage. This colorless and odorless liquid is basically undetectable if it is secretly added to the water.

Moody knocked out Dumbledore before he could get close to Crouch. Then Dumbledore knelt down, unscrewed the cap of the bottle, and slowly poured the Veritaserum into Crouch's mouth.

He still has mercy on kind people, but when facing opponents from Voldemort's side, he Ye never shows mercy.

After about a minute, Dumbledore untied Crouch from his trance. The guy opened his eyes, his eyes became blurred, and his mind seemed to be a little unclear.

"Can you hear me?"

Dumbledore tried to attract his attention, and Crouch nodded confusedly.

The result of the initial inquiry was that Louis knew everything about how he escaped from Azkaban, how Old Crouch damaged Pasha Jorkins' memory, and how Voldemort helped him escape from home.

"Why did you choose Krum? And how did you come to Hogwarts?"

Dumbledore frowned, the matter might be more complicated than he thought.

"Because of him." Barty Crouch Jr. pointed at Karkaroff standing aside. This guy has been wearing a scared expression since he saw Crouch's true form.

"I met him on the road in London after leaving the old Auror's house," Crouch continued, blinking in an attempt to resist the Veritaserum.

"I followed him secretly that day, wanting to give this guy who betrayed his master a killing curse. Unexpectedly, I heard about the Triwizard Tournament and Durmstrang in his mouth. This guy who sells out his glory, He's actually a principal at Durmstrang."

After saying this, Barty looked at Karkaroff fiercely. Although his mind was controlled by Veritaserum, he was still very independent of other people's emotions.

"Go on."

Moody pointed his wand at his head. Barty Crouch Jr. withdrew his eyes and continued:

"So, I used the Imperius Curse to control him, and asked him to help me sneak onto the ship, and then come to Hogwarts together."

"Everything went well, but unexpectedly, my identity on the ship was discovered by a student named Victor Klum. I could only trick him into the bottom of the ship, knock him out, and pretend to be him. Enter the school with the Durmstrang students."

"So it's been you Krum since last October?"


"Where is he now?"

"At the bottom of Durmstrang's cabin, in the box where he was imprisoned." Under the influence of Veritaserum, he could not help but answer.

Dumbledore greeted Moody, nodded, and left the principal's office. Karkaroff also went out with him.

"I still have a question, why does it take so much trouble to resurrect Voldemort?"

"The master knows a spell, a magic that can open the dark dimension and connect with the Lord of Darkness." Little Barty said, "He sold his soul to the Lord of Darkness, and the Lord of Darkness chose him in the world. The four knights gave him the powerful power of the dark dimension to help him resurrect."

Louis suddenly remembered Trelawney's prophecy a year ago. With the help of the power of the dark dimension, he could transcend life and death and be more powerful than his old magic. . . .


Suddenly a rash student appeared at the door of the office. Louis looked back and saw that it was Cedric Diggory.

"What's wrong with you, Digory?" Dumbledore asked.

"No...I'm just worried...Harry..." Cedric shook his head in panic.

"He's fine, kid." Dumbledore said, "Ah, by the way, please go and notify Professor McGonagall and ask her to bring everyone into the auditorium. Our closing ceremony will take place in half an hour."

"Okay, okay..."

Cedric left the office, and Louis said goodbye to Dumbledore when he saw that there was nothing left for him here.

He didn't want to know what happened to Barty Crouch Jr., but a kiss from a dementor was inevitable.

Passing the entrance of the stone statue, Louis caught up with Cedric who was walking forward.

He seemed to be very nervous, and he was even more frightened when he saw Lewis.

"Hey Louis, you're down too."

"You've been helping him, haven't you, Cedric?"

"what are you saying?"

"Stop pretending, Diggory." Louis' tone was a little rude, "You just went to the principal's office just to confirm Krum's identity. You should know that he is a Death Eater."

Cedric gritted his teeth, then took a deep breath and calmed down for a while.

"Then, what do you want to say, and what evidence do you have to prove that I am helping him."

"Of course I have no evidence. Even if I have evidence, the things you have done can only prove that you are beneficial to Hogwarts." Louis said, "But I want to know why you helped him."

"Because of you." Cedric glanced at him, "You two took away the glory I deserved. If you hadn't stepped in illegally, then the warriors of Hogwarts, this Triwizard Tournament, The champion will only be me.”

"But do you know that this entire Triwizard Tournament is Voldemort's conspiracy. If you are selected, you may die."

"So what!" Cedric replied angrily, "It is better to die heroically than to live a life that has been taken away from you."

"Wiggins, you will never know what my family and my life are like, because you never consider problems from my perspective, and you are not qualified to comment on me."

Cedric left, leaving Louis speechless. He has been deeply brainwashed by Barty Crouch Jr., but he may never have imagined that the person who really prevented him from participating in the Triwizard Tournament was actually Crouch who had been working with him for a whole school year.

Cedric himself is a person with strong self-esteem. In the later parallel world, he lost two games in a row under the "assassination" of Albus Potter, prompting him to join the Death Eater camp and kill Neville.

If this series of events this year had secretly planted the seeds of the idea of ​​joining the Death Eaters in his heart, even though he was still alive, Louis didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing.

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