Harry Potter and the Legend of the Temple

Chapter 339 The new semester begins

After seeing the photo, Harry became even more depressed. He didn't think the photo could bring him any good mood.

The efforts of the first Order of the Phoenix paid a heavy price, and in the end only one baby was saved, which severely damaged Voldemort.

And this time Voldemort returns, more powerful than before, and the Order of the Phoenix is ​​under attack from both sides. This situation will only be worse than the first generation fifteen years ago.

He didn't want to think too much about it. Louis had strength. Although they had gone through a lot of hardships together in the past three years and were able to avoid danger every time, he knew that it was all because of Louis' existence.

Without Louis, he might not have been able to face such a crisis.

After taking Moody's photo, Harry was no longer in the mood to continue listening to their chat. He returned to the room upstairs alone and closed the door heavily.

He fell on the bed, and the scenes of smiles in the old photos kept replaying in his mind. It was as if they didn't know that their lives were about to end, and they were smiling so happily and brightly.

Life is fragile, and you never know which one of the unexpected or tomorrow will come first.

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in the scar on his forehead, and his stomach began to churn.


He said firmly, rubbing Scar's forehead with his hand.

"The first sign of madness is talking to yourself." A mysterious voice came from the blank painting on the wall.

Harry ignored him. The voice always appeared out of nowhere. It seemed that it didn't always live in this painting.

The pain subsided a lot, and Harry felt like he had grown up for a moment. He had never felt this way before, but just a few dozen minutes ago, he was worried about the life and death of his friends around him, which made him feel incredible.

But he didn't sleep well that night. Just like every last night before school starts, Harry dreamed that his parents kept walking in front of him, but never spoke.

When the scene changed, he suddenly realized that he was in a long corridor. At the end of the corridor was a stairway leading to darkness. No one knew what was below. He was about to go downstairs when he woke up in an instant.

Sweat soaked through the clothes, and the scar ached faintly. Harry gasped loudly, but found that Ron beside him was already getting dressed.

"It's time to go, Harry, you better hurry up, Mum is urging you."

"Where to go?"

"King's Cross Station." Ron looked at him strangely, "Today is already September 1st. Hurry up, Mum said we're going to miss the train."

Harry quickly got up from the bed and put on his clothes, and asked while putting them on:

"Louis, I don't seem to see him."

"He slept with Sirius and the others yesterday." Ron muttered, "It's amazing, after all, they are all members of the Order of the Phoenix."

When Harry and Ron hurried downstairs, Louis had already finished breakfast and was waiting for them.

His face didn't look very good, maybe because he didn't sleep well last night. Of course, being dragged around by Sirius to train magic until midnight would not be easy on anyone.

I don’t know where he knew that Louis was an Animagus, so he insisted on pulling Louis to train in combat magic, but I have to say that although it was very tiring, the effect was immediate. Now Lewis' reaction is much faster than before.

However, in the end, Sirius actually asked Louis to sleep in his Animagus state, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

Hermione and Ginny followed Harry down the stairs, dragging their large and small luggage at the door.

Fred and George seemed to have cast magic on their luggage to fly down on their own in order to save effort, but because they did not control the force well, a bunch of luggage flew directly towards Ginny's head who was blocking their way.

Louis subconsciously pulled out his wand, and the luggage stopped just a hair away from Ginny, almost hitting her.

Then the inevitable scolding from Mrs. Weasley was mixed with the curses from Mrs. Black.

In short, in the chaos, the luggage of several children had been packed, and Alastor Moody stood at the door with Cyril, Messelis and Sirius waiting for a long time.

However, there was no sign of impatience on their faces, and Alastor Moody was even complaining about why Stoggy Bodmer hadn't come yet, because they couldn't set off without one guard.

"Guards? Why are there guards?"

Harry didn't quite understand.

"Because you need guards, Harry." Hermione explained. "You are the key target of protection on the way to the Crossing Station abroad."

"Why? Will Voldemort send Death Eaters to snipe me or assassinate me on the road?" Harry looked very impatient, because they would miss the train if they didn't start.

Finally, at the unanimous request of a group of people, Moody finally commanded the large army to set off.

"The plan is simple. Harry, Louis, Ron and you all follow me, Meselice, Molly and Sirius." Moody said, pointing to the large group of children.

"The others are always following the guard, if one of us falls..."

"Arastor!" Molly frowned. She didn't like what Moody said. "Don't scare the children. None of us will fall."

"I just gave an example. Now, everyone, let's go."

Everyone placed their luggage next to Moody. Mad-Eye waved his magic wand, and the large luggage suddenly disappeared.

"Where's Tonks?" Harry looked around, but didn't seem to find this Disguisemagus.

"She's over there." Sirius walked to Harry. This time he didn't have to turn into a black dog to take Harry to school.

Following Sirius' pointer, several children saw an old lady with curly hair greeting them. She was wearing Muggle clothes. If Sirius hadn't reminded them, they wouldn't have known that it was Tonks.

Metamorphomags are truly magical.

"Good morning, I think you need to hurry up," she said as she walked past them.

"Yes, yes." Mrs. Weasley said absently, "It would be great if Arthur could borrow the car, but now, Fudge is not willing to give him anything."

This is no wonder Mr. Weasley. Fudge's forces that suppressed Dumbledore in an all-round way, including a group of people close to Dumbledore, were ignored by him. Especially after the trial of Harry, Fudge, who knew he had suffered a loss, naturally swallowed Not taking this tone and forcing Arthur Weasley to resign would be disrespectful.

Messelis chatted a lot with Louis along the way. She was very happy. This was the first time she sent her child to school.

It took them nearly 20 minutes to get to King's Cross Station, and the journey was uneventful.

It wasn't until several people quickly passed through the pillars between platforms nine and ten that Moody, who was maintaining safety, relaxed his tense nerves.

The scarlet express train made a long-lost sound, and the platform was crowded with parents who came to see them off. The new semester of Hogwarts began for them.

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