Harry Potter and the Legend of the Temple

Restore updates and apologize to everyone

Previously, updates had been intermittent since June, and even a few chapters were not updated in July.

I originally planned to finish Order of the Phoenix in August according to the normal schedule, but I underestimated my ability to control time.

I have been interning since June. During this period, I was very busy with work. When I got home from work, I didn’t have the energy to code anymore. This also led to my crazy interruption in updating in mid-June, and also because of writing These few paragraphs about the Giants are completely uninspired, so basically in a few chapters, the Giants chapter will be over.

Then let’s talk about the next plot arrangement. After the Giants are over, they will return to Hogwarts to continue the plot of the Order of the Phoenix. They will give Umbridge an explanation, and then what Voldemort is looking for in the Ministry of Magic. .

It can be said that what Harry saw in his dream was not the prophecy ball in the original work, but a thing that did not exist in the original work. (This thing is related to the introduction of a later chapter) This part is an original plot, and then it will still go Going to the Ministry of Magic to fight the battle, the next chapter of the Order of the Phoenix will be a surprise. This chapter is also a part that other fanfics should not have touched upon.

In short, now that the internship is over and updates are back to normal, the plot of Order of the Phoenix will probably be completed by the end of September. (If you follow my speed)

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