Harry Potter and the Legend of the Temple

Chapter 409 Umbridge’s actions

Elise's eyes narrowed, and from her burning eyes, Louis saw the appearance of Gaunt's ring when she saw it.

"I feel extremely pure ghost magic energy from it. Where did you get this thing?"

Louis spread his hands, he did not intend to tell her the truth, otherwise, with Elise's character, she might do something murderous and plundered.

Even if this is Hogwarts, under Dumbledore's care, her weird ghost magic is enough to ensure that she leaves here, but of course, it is impossible to be safe and sound.

"I have some negotiating capital." Elise sat back on the table again, crossing her legs.

"Tell me what to do..."

. . . . .

Elise was indeed an expert in studying souls, and it took almost only a stick of incense to complete the work in Harry's mind. However, this action took a lot of energy from her.

By the way, she seemed to have discovered a big secret hidden in Harry's body. . .

"Are you really helping him by doing this?"

When Harry and Astoria walked out first, Elise asked slowly behind Louis.

"It would do no one any good to completely cut off the connection between the two of them."

Louis finally said what was in his heart, "And you can't do it either."

"Indeed." Elise jumped down and walked slowly towards the door, "Because I didn't expect that a wizard living creature could actually be used as a Horcrux."

"But if you use him like this, what if he knows the truth."

Yes, Louis asked Elise for help not to help Harry close his mind and temporarily cut off the connection with Voldemort, but to deepen this connection.

"This is the only way..."

In the battle with Voldemort, the Order of the Phoenix was always in a passive state because it was impossible to know what the Death Eaters' next plan was.

"That has nothing to do with me." Elise stretched, "I'm going back. You can call me again when you fully control this stone. Don't worry, you can't run away."

The last sentence, like the devil's whisper, made Louis feel a little shuddering.

When control of the body returned to Natasha's hands, the innocent little girl had no idea what had just happened, and was quite surprised by the way Louis looked at her.

"It's nothing, Natasha. Oh, by the way, you and Daniel can come to Hogsmeade with Raven next weekend. I will tell you about D.A.'s future study tasks."

. . . . . .

Umbridge has become more and more strict about the school, especially after the previous bill was announced. Students will be cautious when talking. Even the usually naughty Weasley brothers gritted their teeth but couldn't do anything. What.

"Li Qiaodan was punished by that old woman for us."

One day at noon, George explained to Harry and the others. In order to prevent Umbridge from banning them from playing with exploding fireworks at the back of the classroom, Li Jordan stepped in and accused her of banning this stuff and having nothing to do with the content of the class.

"When we saw him again, the back of his hands was bloody. Who knows what cruel method this old woman used."

Louis gave George a few bottles of the Fountain of Life, which was much more useful than white essence.

Of course, the toad's tricks don't stop there. She also controls the Care of Magical Creatures class and the Divination class.

After the Christmas vacation, Hagrid returned to teach in the school. The original substitute teacher Meseles left, but she also assisted Moody in managing school security. This caused dissatisfaction among some students, who did not like Hagrid's class.

This is especially true for Umbridge, but her excitement is that the woman who can dominate her has left, and she has been replaced by an honest and humble mixed-race giant who is easier to bully. She had interrupted Hagrid's class more than once, even though the class was already looking very bad.

Hagrid's nervousness and his still-unrecovered physical strength after returning from the giant tribe made his class evaluation even worse. Louis and the others originally planned to go see Hagrid after class, but the hybrid giant flatly rejected them.

"Don't come see me. If she catches us, we'll all be doomed."

Louis himself was not afraid of trouble, but considering the critical period now, Umbridge was deciding which teacher to expel from Hogwarts. In order not to implicate Hagrid, they never went to find each other in private again. he.

The one who had the same sentiment as Hagrid was Professor Trelawney.

No, the Prophecy professor was even more hysterical than usual. He seemed to be cornered by Umbridge, as if he was about to explode at any moment.

In this atmosphere, they did not conduct D.A. training throughout January. Louis only organized a short collective meeting on a weekend at the end of January to announce the next training schedule. His arrangement was unexpected. No one in the room objected, even Zarais Smith, who usually liked to show off, seemed particularly well-behaved.

However, even without D.A.'s activities, Quidditch training left Louis a little breathless.

Due to the absence of Harry and the Weasley brothers, the overall strength of the Gryffindor team has declined. Several members of the new substitutes, except for Ginny Weasley, the other two third-year freshmen seriously lack competition experience. Ron's state also had its ups and downs. Although Louis helped him consolidate his foundation more than once, the effect was not very satisfactory.

"You just lack confidence, Ron."

Louis threw the Quaffle back to him. Although he was suspended, Umbridge did not have the power to confiscate his broom. Now, he serves as an advisor to the Gryffindor team to help run this new team.

"I can't, really, I..."

Before Ron could finish speaking, Angelina walked over from a short distance away.

"Everyone, be quiet. The latest news is that Slytherin lost to Ravenclaw, so..."

"So as long as we defeat Hufflepuff in the next game, we have a great chance of winning the championship!" Katie Bell whistled and cheered.

"That's right, the three Slytherins have been suspended. They can't beat Hufflepuff again!" Angelina encouraged everyone, "So, next week, on Valentine's Day, we will have a joint training. Louis, how's it going with Weasley?"

Louis looked at the dejected Ron and gave Angelina a thumbs up.

"Use my Starfinger, Ron." He walked up to Ron and handed him the broomstick used for the World Cup. "I can't go on the field anyway. It's okay. Trust yourself, Hufflepuff." Well, it’s no big deal.”

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