Harry Potter and the Legend of the Temple

Chapter 424: Voldemort Appears

Behind the door is another world.

When Louis and others entered the space, he felt a heat spread throughout his body. When he looked back, he found that his companions had disappeared.

"Astoria, Hermione?"

No one responded, it was as if those people had never been there.

what happened?

Louis did not panic. His friends all disappeared suddenly, and since everyone had crossed the threshold together, there was no reason to say that they were in danger.

It's possible that someone tampered with the door. This kind of advanced space magic is specially used in the Muggle world as a blind method to connect to the magical world.

When everyone stepped into this space, everyone was transported to different places by magic.

"It's pretty safe for now."

He muttered to himself, lighting the path around him with his wand.

He found that the surrounding scene was like a sphere. Although it was dark and opaque, he could still vaguely feel the arc coming from the top of his head.

Louis walked forward cautiously, and the power of the fluorescent light became darker and darker as it went forward. In the end, the light kept flickering, like an incandescent lamp that was about to come to an end.

"The ultimate fluorescence..."

"Don't waste your efforts."

Suddenly there was a hoarse voice in the darkness. Louis looked towards the place where the sound came from, and there seemed to be a person standing there.

His thin figure was reflected in the dark night, but his aura revealed a chilling feeling.

"Louis Wiggins, we finally meet again."


Yes, standing in front of him was the terrifying second-generation Dark Lord.

Voldemort was approaching him step by step, and this was the first time he faced the devil alone.

"Where's Harry?"

Louis did not relax his nerves, he knew that this ruthless guy would never show mercy when fighting. You never know if he's going to make a sudden move.

"Oh, that kid." Voldemort said in a somewhat arrogant tone, "He's fine. At least he's still alive."

The noseless bald man smiled, and that smile revealed a full sense of evil.

"What I'm looking for this time is you, because only you can crack the secret here."

With a wave of his magic wand, the layer of black fog shrouding the surroundings instantly spread, and the surrounding light came in, stinging Louis a little bit and unable to open his eyes.

He finally saw his surroundings clearly. A huge glass ball was emitting light blue light, and he and Voldemort were in the center of the big ball.

"So, you're all trying so hard to seduce me?"

"Wiggins, Wiggins, you are much more important than Porter in my eyes now."

"The evil god wants you by name, because only with your power can the seal here be released."

"Even though you're just an insignificant mudblood."

Voldemort's look of contempt made people feel uncomfortable, but Louis frowned after hearing his words.

Why did the evil god come to him? His contact with the evil god was only a casual one.

"I thought about torturing you in front of them, but it's a pity." Voldemort was a little disappointed, as if he was disappointed that he didn't show his power to everyone.

"But that's enough, cut out the bones!"

The yew wand pointed forward. He was very confident in his magic, but this result made him feel a little incredible.

Louis was still standing there intact, the only change was that he was also holding up his wand and mumbling something.

"Don't forget, you are not the only one who knows soul magic."

When Lewis was studying the Resurrection Stone, he had a sense of the soul magic inside. Thanks to the ghost senior under Durmstrang, he learned simple soul defense magic in a short time.

Although it cannot deal with those powerful soul magics, it is still effective against the Cruciatus Curse and the Soul-stealing Curse that are just marginal soul magics.

However, even so, with the huge gap in magic power, it was still difficult for Lewis to resist.

Voldemort had a temper. This was the first time he failed to use the Unforgivable Curse, and it was broken by an underage wizard.

Louis operated the wand, and sparks appeared from the top of the vine wand, which then condensed into a bolt of lightning-like light and struck Voldemort not far away.

The bald head made an emergency defensive move, but the photoelectric thunderbolt formed by Louis cut through Voldemort's defensive means, leaving a trail of blood on his face for an instant.

He was injured. The arrogant devil was injured on the hand of a minor.

The Dark Lord was angry. He raised his wand high, and the dark mist emerged from the top of the wand, forming a huge black snake.

It was a power composed of dark latitudes. The strong sense of oppression made Louis a little breathless. After dealing with the Cruciatus and the curse that injured Voldemort, the magic power in his body was also consumed. .

"Fire Dragon!"

The power of the Fire Dragon Curse swept away with the roar of the heat wave, but even if Louis used the triple Fire Dragon Curse, it was still somewhat insignificant against Voldemort's black snake.

"not enough."

Lewis shook his head and held the Eternal Stone in his hand. He also summoned the basilisk Lili, and the huge snake head revealed the snake letter.

"It's still not enough."

He still held the Eternal Stone in his hand, and a pure energy came out. It was the natural magic of the Druid family. A sapling broke out of the ground and grew into a tree demon to block everyone. .

"There is such a method."

Voldemort had already taken action at this moment, and the huge black snake rushed out and fought with the thing summoned by Louis.

The three-headed fire dragon was swallowed up by the dark energy almost in an instant, and Lili did not play a big blocking role. After the dark power was sucked in by it, the entire snake body suddenly fell down as if it was sluggish.

On the other hand, the tree demon was tightly entangled with the black snake, but it could only block it.

Voldemort walked straight over, the green light in his hand gradually taking shape, Avada Kedavra, and he planned to kill Louis here.

"Annoying Mudblood, I only need your body anyway, I don't care if you live or not."

"Avada Kedavra!"

The Killing Curse glowed green and rushed towards Louis at extremely fast speeds. It was Voldemort's most proud curse. Except for Harry Potter, almost no one could survive under his Killing Curse.


Just when the green light was about to hit Louis, the boy raised his wand, with a hint of madness in his eyes.

The vine wand let out the biggest roar in its history, and yellow light came out from the tip of the wand, colliding with the green light of the killing curse.


The two beams of light collided and instantly produced a huge explosive energy. The air waves generated by the energy exploded directly. The black snake and tree demon were also directly annihilated in the explosion.

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