Harry Potter and the Legend of the Temple

Chapter 488: The Value of Magic Potion

"How did you know?"

There was no emotion on Louis' face, and he was not happy that Brother Weiss recognized him.

"Don't worry, of course we can't do it alone." Fred spread his hands. He knew what Louis was worried about. "Dobby told us. He discovered it as soon as you came in. Your disguise magic is very powerful. , but not difficult for house elves."

He waved in the direction not far away, and after a while, a cleanly dressed house elf appeared in front of them.

"Sir." Dobby rubbed his little hands excitedly, "Dobby prays every day, so I know that sir will be fine.


Even Dumbledore couldn't see through the magic of house elves. Wizards have always been arrogant. They never face other races besides themselves, including goblins and even house elves.

Therefore, wizards know very little about their magic. Even if a genius like Grindelwald uses such sophisticated disguise magic, it can still be seen through by them in front of house elves.

"Okay, Dobby, don't get excited."

Louis stabilized the house elf who was about to cry. It could be seen that Dobby was also very worried during the time when Louis disappeared, but he spent more time planning the opening of this store.

"By the way, what did you just report to me?"

Louis said half-jokingly that he basically knew nothing about the operation of the store, and he was completely relieved to leave full responsibility to the Wesley brothers.

"Let me show you what we really make money from," George said. "That's a product we just developed. It's not yet fully sold to the outside world. It's just a point-to-point connection with the Ministry of Magic."

The two of them smiled at Louis mysteriously, and then led Louis into a room.

"You may not imagine that there are so many people who need this thing, even from the Ministry of Magic. They can't even recite a decent Iron Armor Curse. This was almost impossible a few decades ago."

Louis nodded. The basic quality of wizards is gradually declining. Not only is the living environment improving, but the wars between wizards are also gradually decreasing. This is of course a good thing for the wizard community, but without combat magic for a long time, forcing Their level is getting lower and lower.

People are used to peace. Today's wizards, such as Aurors, are few who have actually experienced a life-and-death duel. How can they be expected to react.

For example, a hundred years ago, wizards lived under attacks from goblins and poachers for a long time. Even fifth-year Hogwarts students could kill a team of goblins by themselves.

"You know, we originally thought we invented the curse-proof hat as a joke, but we didn't expect it to be so popular." Fred took out a wizard hat-like thing from the cabinet, "This kind of hat is for you When you wear it, you let people cast hexes on you, and they bounce back. George and I thought the hat was hilarious and a good prank material, but what we didn't expect was that the Ministry of Magic knew about us. After receiving the product, I first ordered 500 units, and the orders are still coming in continuously.”

"This should be very profitable, it belongs to the field of Defense Against the Dark Arts." Louis played with the hat in his hand. He could feel the magic fluctuations flowing in the item, which was more like the effect of an iron armor spell.

"One can make three galleons, which is a huge profit." George whistled, "Can you imagine that this thing that costs only seven galleons can be doubled in value by just adding a few simple defensive spells. "

"This is all thanks to the D.A. from last semester." Fred said with a smile. "After the success of the anti-curse hat, we successfully developed the anti-curse cloak, anti-curse gloves, and anti-curse shoes. They have no effect on the Unforgivable Curse. , but it is very effective against basic combat magic."

"We plan to fully enter the field of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Especially during this time, everyone needs a means of protection to protect themselves." George continued, "So we plan to sell these things on the second floor of the store. ”

"This is a good thing. I don't think there is any problem at all." Louis is also very interested in the product. The Weasley brothers can grasp business opportunities very well. This kind of product is called arms in the Muggle world, whether it is war or war. It was still a peaceful time, and arms were always a highly profitable product.

There is no such concept in the wizarding world. The Weasley brothers' ideas are very advanced. Under the premise that the Ministry of Magic has no way to ensure safety, everyone needs to be responsible for their own lives.

Even if this thing is very expensive, it is not as important as your own life.

"But I need to change my strategy. I've thought of a good idea." Louis picked up the decoy bomb in his hand, "We can adopt a membership system."


This was the first time the twin brothers had heard of this system, and they looked at Louis with interest.

"To put it simply, it's a screening system. Not everyone can enter the upper level to shop." He took out his wand, extracted the smoke from the decoy bomb and drew a circle in the air.

"Here are all our customers." Louis drew another circle among them, "And here are the customers who have been screened by us. Only customers with real value will enter. This kind of customer has a certain spending power. , and have long-term stickiness, customers who spend in the store for a long time.”

"As for the specific screening mechanism, you can decide it. In short." Louis pointed to the stairs, "Only those who have joined the membership can go upstairs to shop."

"It's a good idea, but I think this idea can be used on the third floor." Fred and George digested each other and immediately understood Louis' intention.

"Third floor? What are you planning to do?"

On the periphery, he had noticed that the entire building was composed of three floors. Since the second floor had been used for military products, then the third floor.


"This is also the second thing we want to report. On the third floor, we plan to sell some really valuable things, your potions." Fred snapped his fingers, and Dobby and Winky appeared in front of them. After working with Dobby, his mood recovered a lot.

The two house elves bowed respectfully to them, and then continued to tinker with their little hands. The ceiling above began to change, and slowly turned into a transparent scene. Looking up from the bottom, you can see the motives upstairs.

"The third floor is still being renovated, but we have invested a lot of money, and that's where the real high-end hard currency is." George introduced, "We have done research and found that the profit of potions is terrifyingly high. Nowadays, a bottle of Ordinary invigorating potions can be sold for five gold Galleons, let alone other high-end potions."

"And now that the market is priceless, everyone is rushing to buy potions like crazy. Masters who can mix potions are being snatched up by various pharmacies." George said, "If you take out a bottle of Fountain of Life now, don't Even ordinary people, even the wizard families of the twenty-eight sacred tribes will fight for it. "

When supply is less than demand, the price of products will be continuously raised. Businessmen are not fools. They know where to maximize the benefits of products. When everyone needs them, their value will be infinitely magnified.

Of course, the value of potions is extremely high in any period. At the top wizard auctions in the UK, almost half of the auction items are potions, because sometimes a bottle of potions can determine the life or death of a battle, and The configuration of most potions is extremely complicated, which makes potions scarce in the wizarding world. They are no longer comparable to anti-curse items.

Almost any pharmacy will display finished potions in the most conspicuous position at the door, except of course the most basic invigorating potions.

Of course, Louis would not refuse this proposal. He was also worried that some of the potions he had prepared before would not be sold through channels. Although several bottles of the Fountain of Life and Magic Wolf potions had been sold at the Cliona Auction before, they had not yet been sold. Really circulate in the market.

But from this point of view, he has to find someone to cooperate with him in production. If he is the only one to produce it, the efficiency is too low. If there is no inventory, the potion will be sold out quickly and the brand of Wiggins Magic Joke Shop may be damaged.

Of course, he needs to discuss this with the Weiss Lai brothers.

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