Harry Potter and the Legend of the Temple

Chapter 497 The new male student union president

The next day's trip went extremely smoothly, thanks to Mr. Weasley's application for two new cars from the Ministry of Magic.

They moved all the extra luggage to the next car, so that the space in the passenger car was much empty.

Hedwig, Fulla and other owls were chirping non-stop in the car behind, as if they were showing off their contentment by separating from their masters in advance.

The motorcade moved forward and stopped in front of King's Cross Station. Through the window, you could see several Aurors in suits and sunglasses walking up to greet them. With such a posture, Muggles who didn't know why saw it and thought it was... It was a big star traveling with a personal bodyguard.

Without saying a word, they escorted several children into the station.

Louis felt uncomfortable with this arrangement, and he didn't know what the people at the Ministry of Magic were thinking. With this posture, they were afraid that others wouldn't see that they were protecting an extremely important person.

"Quick, you guys, go through the wall."

Mrs. Whistle urged them, "It's best for Harry to go first, then Hermione, Ginny, Astoria, and Oliver."

She arranged this, looking at an Auror on the side with a look of inquiry.

The man nodded, grabbed Harry's arm, and started to walk to the platform between the 9th and 10th platforms.

"I can leave on my own, thank you." Harry shook him off angrily and rushed forward without paying attention to the silent guy beside him, who disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Several children then rushed in, and Louis followed Astoria and quickly reached platform nine and three-quarters.

The red steam train was puffing out smoke, which seemed to be a signal that it was about to depart. A few of them gathered together, flanked by Mr. and Mrs. Wesley and several Aurors who didn't look very good-looking.

Harry motioned for a few of them to go together and look for an empty carriage that no one was sitting in, but Hermione quickly rejected him.

"I'm sorry, Harry, we can't go together." Hermione's eyes were full of apology, "Ron and I are going to the prefects' carriage first, and then we have to go on patrol. And, Astoria, you also have to come with us. Together?"

The white-haired girl nodded shyly, and then Louis saw a prefect badge on her chest.

Although he was surprised, he didn't expect this girl to be so low-key. They had been together day and night at Grimmauld Place for at least half a month, but he had no idea that Astoria was a Slytherin prefect.

However, judging from the expressions of other people, they seemed not to be surprised by this.

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot." Harry said. He was so used to chatting with them in the carriage in the past few years that he forgot about this.

"Okay, kids, you have to get in the car quickly." Mrs. Wesley urged. She looked down at her watch from time to time. "There are only a few minutes left. I wish you a happy semester."

Louis was pushed onto the train by her, but at this moment Harry pulled Mr. Weasley aside, seemingly saying something.

Maybe it was his guess about Draco Malfoy, and I hope Arthur will investigate more.

Although nothing might be discovered at Malfoy's house, Mr. Weasley would still agree to Harry's request with hesitation. However, Harry's persistence makes no sense. So what if Malfoy is a Death Eater? Would keeping him in Azkaban have any impact on Voldemort's plans?

Louis didn't think so. Malfoy's status in Voldemort's heart was not even as good as that of an unknown ordinary Death Eater. Giving Malfoy an almost impossible task was just a punishment for his father's incompetence. If he succeeded, It would be an unexpected surprise, but even if it failed, it would not have any impact on Voldemort himself.

It was like a pebble dropped into the vast ocean, without any ripples.

Harry didn't squeeze into the train until it was about to start. The expression on his face seemed to be that he had accomplished something important.

"Let's go."

The three of them were pushing their heavy luggage down the aisle of the carriage, but after walking a few steps, they met an acquaintance.

"Finally found you, oh, hello, Harry and Ginny, how was your summer vacation?"

It's Qiu Zhang, a seventh-year student from Ravenclaw. We haven't seen each other for a few months. This elegant senior looks even taller and more attractive, and her slightly mature temperament has been revealed from her school uniform that can hardly be concealed.

Harry's face suddenly turned red. Although the two of them had clearly established their relationship and were getting along as friends, as a former crush, he would still blush at her appearance.

However, it was obvious that Qiu Zhang was not here to find him this time.

"I was entrusted by the professor to find this year's new President of the Student Union." Qiu Zhang spread his hands and expressed his intention. "It's true that Dumbledore had to wait until the beginning of school to announce the candidate for the President of the Student Union."

"The new male student council president? Are you also this year's student council president, senior?"

Ginny asked. Qiu Zhang's popularity is one of the best in the school. Not only her appearance, but also her role as D.A.'s assistant last year, made her gain great favor and admiration among the students. Affection.

Of course, this year's D.A., with Dumbledore's special approval, has become an upright student club, specializing in teaching and training combat magic. Due to the special nature of the times, the professors unanimously believe that students should have stronger self-protection Ability, and as a veteran member of D.A., Qiu Zhang's influence can be imagined.


Qiu Zhang nodded, revealing the student union president logo pinned to her chest.

There are different candidates for the student union president of Hogwarts every year, usually the outstanding seventh-year students of that year are appointed by the principal personally. There are two student union presidents, one male and one female.

Each of them is responsible for different prefects, which can be said to be the heads of the entire Hogwarts students.

"But this Head Boy, Dumbledore actually gave such a big position to a transfer student from outside the school. I heard he was from the United States. It's really rare. Hogwarts has had many students from outside the school come to study in the past few years. ”

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to ask you. Professor Flitwick only told me a name, but I don't know what the person looks like? Harry, Ginny, you should know more people. Do you know a person named Where is that Oliver Ducatan guy now, that's the Head Boy I'm looking for."

Harry and Ginny looked at each other with a look of shock in their eyes. Before they could reply to Qiu Zhang, a hand behind them was slowly raised.

"Sorry, I think the person you are looking for is me."

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