Harry Potter and the Legend of the Temple

Chapter 507: Help from the Half-Blood Prince (Part 1)

"On the bright side, Harry, sixth year has been fantastic."

Ron held up his class schedule and said to several classmates, "We have no classes after breakfast, no classes after recess, and no classes after lunch. We have never had such free time!"

Harry disagreed. More time meant that he could spend more energy on himself, such as Quidditch.

As the new captain of the Gryffindor team, Harry needs to shoulder the responsibility of the entire team this time. He cannot just be a seeker like before, carrying out the captain's orders to win the game.

There are many aspects to consider this year. Greater rights mean more responsibilities. He has seen Angelina and Wood's joy of success when they win, and he has also seen them become emotional due to excessive pressure.

While Harry and the others were still congratulating themselves on choosing a course, Louis was already on his way to his first Ancient Runes class.

The difficulty of the ultimate wizard examination will be much higher than that of ordinary wizards, and as ancient magic writing is a side subject, there are naturally very few people who take it.

Louis only saw one acquaintance in class, and it was obvious that Hermione, as a top student, would never miss such a class.

The course of the new semester begins with the obscure ancient Fairy Language, which is very different from the Fairy Language commonly used in modern times. The text on the lucky gold coin held in Louis' arms is one of them.

He had never come into contact with this kind of writing before. Fortunately, Lius in the Ten Thousand Life Stone was a knowledgeable old guy. He had done a lot of research on ancient culture, so that Louis could barely keep up with the professor's progress. Of course, he bet that almost no one in the entire classroom except Hermione could understand those advanced knowledge.

When the two of them returned to the Great Hall with a lot of ancient runes homework, they saw Harry and Ron still talking leisurely about the Quidditch selection.

"This class is really difficult."

Hermione grumbled and slapped a stack of books between her two useless men, which really startled both Harry and Ron.

"It's so rare that you actually find a class difficult."

"Don't gloat Ron, I can only tell you that S is exponentially more difficult than O.L.Ws. I didn't understand half of the ancient magic text class alone." Hermione rolled her eyes at him, "Be prepared, I remember Your first class is Potions class tomorrow, and although Snape isn't in it, this new professor isn't that easy to fool."

"I asked my mother, and she thinks Slughorn is a good teacher." Ginny appeared from the side, she had just returned from the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, "He can always teach difficult knowledge Very thin."

"But you have to be careful Harry." Hermione suddenly turned to Harry and said.

"Slughorn values ​​you very much and will definitely pay attention to you in class. If your performance is not very good, I'm afraid he will be very disappointed with your feelings."

Hermione grasped the key point. Harry's potion skills were not very good from beginning to end. A few years ago, under Snape's devil's urging, he accidentally got an E in the O.W.Ls exam, but he wanted Slughorn to stay. Good impression, obviously this level is far from enough.

Dumbledore told him during the summer vacation that he would ask him to make up lessons alone this semester, and the content would be about Voldemort, and Slughorn was a key part of the make-up lessons.

Harry had to gain his trust to get something private in his hands.

"Maybe I can help you with this."

Louis took out a book from his fourth-dimensional pocket, which was the same book he took out of Snape's office a few years ago and belonged to the Half-Blood Prince's Advanced Potion Making.

He had asked Lius to help him make a pair, and what he gave to Harry was the replica, which looked no different from the original.

"What's this?"

Harry took the tattered Advanced Potion Making book with some curiosity. It looked like it had been weathered for decades.

"Dumbledore gave it to me during the summer vacation. I chose one from the old textbooks used by previous students so that I could preview the textbook content." Louis said seriously, and it was always tried and true to bring Dumbledore out.

"It contains many steps for making potions. It's not very helpful to me now. Maybe you can try it in class."

Louis explained to Harry, completely ignoring Hermione's somewhat dissatisfied look.

This was obviously a "cheating" method used in front of her, a top student. She was more concerned about whether something of unknown origin would have any negative impact.

Apparently, she didn't believe Louis using Dumbledore as an excuse.

"That's great, thank you, senior."

Harry didn't think too much about it, this book was like a life-saving straw for him.

For the next time, Louis stayed with them, because there were no classes all afternoon, so they played with the Spike UFO that Hermione had put away in the morning by the black lake in the school.

Astoria still didn't show up. Louis even asked Ginny, and the answer was that she seemed to have taken leave from class in the morning.

Louis frowned. This was the first time this girl had disappeared. Could it be that the blood curse broke out in advance?

However, he quickly gave up this idea. With his current magic sensing ability, the outbreak of the blood curse would inevitably bring about strong magic fluctuations, and it was impossible for him not to be able to sense it.

He also wanted to break into Slytherin's common room to find out what was going on, but the snake-headed door at the door deterred him.

Without the password, no one other than the students of the Snake Academy can get in.

Early the next morning, Louis hurried to the underground classroom.

Unlike Snape in the past, Slughorn arranged the entire classroom in a very atmospheric way, and the space was much larger than before. There was a faint fragrance in the air, and there were several things on the podium at the front. A crucible, the liquid inside kept bubbling.

All the students were curious about the environment, but Lewis was more interested in the several potions placed on the podium.

The potion on the far left was gray-white, and it was constantly rising gas. He was very familiar with this kind of thing, polyjuice potion, a magic potion that allowed people to transform at will.

The one on the far right is a colorless and odorless drug. He has relatively little exposure to this kind of drug, but it was also used during the Triwizard Tournament when Dumbledore forced Barty Crouch Jr.

Veritaserum can force others to tell the truth.

As for the one in the middle, it had a pink smell. Louis got closer and smelled it, and a faint aroma came to his face. For a moment, joy appeared in his heart.

This seemed to be a huge sense of satisfaction. Along with the fragrance, the figure of a girl with white hair kept appearing in his mind. As he continued to deepen, the figure became clearer and clearer, and gradually the picture belonging to Ah emerged. Stolia's face.

And when he wanted to go further, he closed the lid of the crucible with a snap with one hand, causing him to wake up instantly.

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