Harry Potter and the Legend of the Temple

Chapter 517 Dumbledore’s Secret Tutoring

"You don't really want to go to that spider's funeral, do you?"

On the way back to the castle, Ron timidly said that no one present was more afraid of spiders than he was, especially a behemoth like Aragog.

"It's okay to go and see if it makes Hagrid happy." Hermione said, "Don't worry, Ron, there's nothing to be afraid of."

"I think it's a very interesting thing." Luna added on the side, "Rolph also wants to see it. His grandfather is very interested in this kind of spider."

Newt is curious about any magical animal, and he wonders if there is an eight-eyed spider in his collection.

"Forget it, it's up to you." Ron shook his head in distress, "Go back quickly, I'm starving to death."

Hagrid's rock biscuits were very tasteless, and no one could eat such a hard thing with gusto under those circumstances.

Harry nodded in agreement, and several people hurried towards the castle. When they reached the steps of the entrance hall, Harry suddenly stopped, as if he remembered something.

"What day is it today, everyone?"

"Saturday, what's wrong, Harry?"

Hermione was a little confused, and then she suddenly remembered something.

"You mean, Dumbledore's make-up lesson? How come you almost forgot about this?!"

Several other people were still a little confused, and Harry explained to them that Dumbledore had told him before that he would go to his office for individual tutoring every week. A few days ago, there was a Ravenclaw The first grader came to deliver a letter to Harry. The letter stated that he needed to come to the principal's office at eight o'clock this Saturday night and included a password.

"Eight o'clock? Isn't that only one hour?"

They quickly walked through the dark and deserted venue and arrived at the auditorium. At this time, most people had finished their meal. Harry hurriedly grabbed a few mouthfuls of food and then took Louis with him on the road. As for why he wanted to take Louis with him, it was because Dumbledore wrote in his letter that he needed to attend the make-up lessons at the same time.

Although Louis didn't know what medicine the old man was selling, he had no choice but to say goodbye to Astoria and others, and followed Harry to the principal's office on the eighth floor.

Harry seemed a little nervous about Dumbledore's tutoring. He didn't know what the principal would teach him, maybe some combat magic to deal with Death Eaters? But why do you want to rope in this new senior?

At the same time, Harry also had a strong curiosity about Ducatan from the United States. Ever since he appeared, Dumbledore had never paid attention to him, and everything seemed to involve him.

What is this guy's background?

They were speechless all the way. They met no one on the road. After walking for a long time, they came to the place where there was a single stone monster in the corridor on the eighth floor.

"Fruit Explosion Candy."

After saying the password, the stone monster jumped aside, revealing the stairs leading to the office.

Louis always wanted to complain about Dumbledore's taste. The password in the office was either various drinks or candies. The old man seemed to have a special liking for sour ice drinks and sweet candies. He didn't look like a 100-year-old guy at all.

They stepped onto the stairs, slowly ascending as the stairs rotated, and finally came to a door with a brass ring. They each looked at each other, and Harry stepped forward and knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

Dumbledore's voice came from inside the house, and the two strolled into the office.

Louis has been to this circular office countless times. It seems that every school year, the principal's office seems to be his must-visit place. It has not changed much from before. The portraits of the old principals are hanging in it. On the wall, people were dozing off. However, Louis noticed a portrait of a principal that had never appeared before. He had a hat on his head and a pure white beard. He looked like a Middle Eastern Arab.

Phoenix Fox was still standing proudly on the shelf nearby, looking at Harry and Louis very curiously.

"Ah, you are here. Good evening, Harry and Oliver." Dumbledore put down the pen in his hand and stood up with a smile. "You two look good. It seems that the first week of school is going well. joy?"

"We are all fine, Professor." Harry said. Although the Quidditch selection made him a little tired, his Potions studies with the help of the Half-Blood Prince allowed him to repeatedly receive various praises from Slughorn in class. .

"Oh? Really?" said Dumbledore kindly. "But I hear you've had a confinement, Harry."

Harry didn't know how to answer, so he shook his head helplessly. Louis had heard from Ernie about the confinement. It was Snape's first Defense Against the Dark Arts course. They happened to be training silent spells. Snape deliberately targeted Harry and used a curse to force him to Lee used spells to defend himself, and the powerful counterattack almost made Snape make a fool of himself in class.

Although Harry did not cause trouble subjectively, according to his status, Snape has always been a professor at the school, and Harry himself also has a great responsibility.

"I made an agreement with Severus to let you go to his confinement place next week." Dumbledore shook his head indifferently. He didn't care about these things. "Okay, it's time to start our business."

"I wrote it very clearly in my letter before, but I think you must still be wondering how I will counsel you?"

Harry nodded, and Louis on the side was also confused. He didn't understand the meaning of Lao Deng's pulling him.

Dumbledore's guidance to Harry must be to let him understand Voldemort's past. Only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you be victorious. But Louis already has some understanding in this regard, including his life experience as the former Riddle and Gaunt, and his understanding of the soul. The production of utensils.

"That's right, Harry, now that you understand what happened in the prophecy fifteen years ago, I think it's time to let you know more about the situation, including Voldemort's past. I think all of this is very necessary. Yes, and I intend to involve you all in my plan.”

Dumbledore pointed at Harry and Louis, "We cannot give up any living force. Voldemort is getting stronger and stronger every day. He is more uncontrollable than we thought. Maybe in the future, even I may not be able to suppress him."

This is not alarmist. Voldemort is now the perfect carrier of the evil god. He is constantly absorbing the energy of the dark dimension. After possessing part of the original power of the Pearl of Time and Space, his next plan is to break the barriers between the planes. Let the evil god return to this world.

"Sounds a bit scary, right? But don't worry, it will take a long time for him to reach that level."

Dumbledore seemed very confident, and the red lines on his hands were flashing, which seemed to show his strength.

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