Harry Potter Blood Hunter

Chapter 143 The result of the confrontation, not the deity

The shadow inside was a young man in his twenties, also wearing a black cloak, with a hairless mouth.

He flew over because behind him was an eagle with a wingspan of more than four meters.

flapping its wings and flying fast.

The other red and silver figures are all a fire dragon.

It looks like a Peruvian venomous dragon, but it is different from the general Peruvian venomous dragon. It is very huge.

These three figures are quite different, but there is one obvious similarity...

That is, when these three figures flew over, they all carried a person.

One has no head, one is cooked all over, and the last one is charred.

The three people add up to the three dark wizards who just escaped from here.

They didn't run, they were all slaughtered.

It seems that the most comfortable death is the headless corpse that the young man brought up... There should be no pain when trying.

As for the other two, one was electrocuted, the other was burned alive, and they didn't know how painful it would be before they died.

Seeing these three corpses, Voldemort knew that his arrangement had been broken and that there was no way out. And besieged by two fire dragons and an unknown wizard who are enemies and not friends, even he has to be in a hurry.

But Regulus saw the same thing. Although he also had a moment of doubt when he saw the person coming, but when he saw the secret gesture made by the person coming to him, he was pleasantly surprised.

Is it Browder?

Regulus knew that Browder wanted to raise dragons a few years ago, so he bought a lot of dragon eggs through various channels.

But raising a dragon is a skill that requires patience but Regulus doesn’t think Browder can persevere.

The biggest possibility is that these eggs could not hatch, and they were turned into scrambled dragon eggs by Browder's anger.

Or hatched but disobedient, and then made into grilled dragon steak.

But Regulus is now looking at the two giant Peruvian Venomosaurus approaching, and doesn't know what to say.

It turns out that Browder has been raised!

I don't know how Browder raised the dragon so big?

but no matter,

This is all a good thing, and now there are more chances to escape against Voldemort.

Even, it is possible... to defeat him.

Thinking of this, Regulus was excited, and the feeling of "hope" suddenly stirred up the magic power in Regulus, which added a bit of strength to the magic spell that had gradually weakened.

"Ah! Damn Black!" The black robe encouraged, and Voldemort's "anger" also shook more magic.

The attack that was supposed to be pushed back by Regulus was pushed back by Voldemort with a faster speed.

The quick Regulus didn't maintain his previous balance, and saw Avadas attacking him.

No way, I can't go back.

There was a very huge explosion, representing the Arvada confrontation this time. Unsurprisingly, Voldemort won.

All of the green light hit Regulus at once.

Regulus' wand exploded on the spot, sending out a large amount of white smoke.

Because of the white smoke, no one could see what was going on.

However, the body of Regulus, who Voldemort was waiting for to fall, did not fall.

On the contrary, a black smoke suddenly flew in the direction of the red fire dragon.

"Where to run!" Voldemort's next curse was about to be cast directly, but another attack was faster.

A bolt of lightning struck Voldemort.

This was the lightning bolt from the silver dragon's horns.

Crackling, the attack came in an instant,

This bolt of lightning is so powerful that if it hits Voldemort, although he won't die, he shouldn't be able to maintain his ability to float in the air.

This made Voldemort have to turn into smoke to escape as well.

During the time he was dodging, the black smoke came to the back of the red dragon and turned into Regulus again.

Regulus was panting, and his clothes were in tatters. There was also a snake wrapped around him, which should have blocked Avada's life again just now.

No, it should be two, because there is another snake head wrapped around Regulus's back.

Ah, wrong again, it should still be one. Because these two snakes grow on the same body.

"That's it, it turns out the double-headed snake..." Voldemort didn't expect it before, but now he thinks of it naturally, "two heads live and die together, no wonder a single head can block Avada's life."

"Regulus, when you sent out the third petrochemical light just now, did you take the opportunity to change the head of a snake?" Voldemort's voice was still firm.

That's right.

The first two shots of petrified light were fired from the same snake head, but for the third shot, Regulus took advantage of the apparition to move to the sky and changed the snake head that was sticking out.

So the power of the third petrochemical light that has been prepared for a while is even stronger than the first.

I just didn't expect Voldemort to come up against the light, so that the subsequent calculations can only become head-to-head confrontation.

Originally, Regulus still didn't want to reveal the true body of the citrus snake, but who told his cloak to be tattered by the explosion?

The citrus snake can't even think of it.

The man who was still being held by the eagle also flew to the back of the red fire dragon, the eagle disappeared instantly, and the man took out a wand and threw it to Regulus, "Do as you originally did, although It's definitely not as good as that one, but at least it suits you!"

"Thank you so much..." Regulus struggled to his feet - just sitting there - and said to the young man while looking at Voldemort, "I found the so-called things I wanted to stop you from doing. The time-wasting thing, I found out in the end that it should be done. It was my fault.”

Whether it's raising dragons or learning to make a wand, it's all in handy now.

Still a great use.

"So your eyes should be more open, don't just stare at the one-third of your own land. Although some of the land is owned by others, as long as you can get it, as long as you don't lose money, why not get it? Get it, it will be It's absolutely necessary to grow yourself."

The young man speaking now was of course Browder.

It's another face he's transformed into with the ability to disguise Magus.

He knew about the matter of disguising Magus, and Browder also kept it from Regulus, but since Regulus knew that this person's true identity was Browder, he also knew that he didn't want to reveal it. identity.

There are always many ways to change faces in the magic world, and there is no need to shout.

Voldemort is still there! It is better to say less key words.

"I just didn't expect that my act of being so maddened by anger actually led to Voldemort himself." Regulus stared at Voldemort, "There is no information that he has recovered his body. ?"

"If I heard about this before I came, I would have had the same doubts as you," Browder said, "but I found out after I came."

"He's not Voldemort himself at all!"


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