Harry Potter Blood Hunter

Chapter 178 Highly evaluated, embarrassed

A group of little wizards stood in front of the four long tables in panic, waiting nervously for the sorting ceremony to arrive.

Browder wanted to laugh looking at everyone's expressions.

Draco's face turned pale, and his hand unconsciously held the wand in the holster, as if it would bring him a sense of security.

If Browder remembers correctly, Draco hasn't learned combat magic until now, has he?

Harry's eyes were even more erratic, as if he was thinking about something. But this month he was in Diagon Alley, and he really hadn't read a book, so he couldn't remember a single curse.

Still, Harry was better than Ron next to him. Ron's legs started to tremble, and he couldn't stand anymore... Ron remembered what the twins had told him to duel with the trolls, and now that he can still stand, it can be said that he is more courageous.

Speaking of which, seeing Harry and Ron whispering from the gate, they got to know each other very quickly.

Is this true love?

As for the coolest among the freshmen, Hermione was the most calm. She closed her eyes and muttered something.

What Browder heard from a distance should be spells of various magic spells, but she should not be able to use more than half of them now.

This tradition is pretty good.

Browder loves it.

Just next, Professor McGonagall had no sense of humor, and directly showed the method of sorting to the freshmen - the sorting hat.

Then the Sorting Hat sang a song, which really calmed the freshmen all at once! !

After all, the lyrics sing that you can be sorted if you put him on.

No matter what the previous imagination was, wearing a hat now is definitely the safest way.

The ending of this prank is really not very good. I wonder if there will be a more humorous wizard to be the deputy head of Hogwarts in the future!

Wouldn't it be nice to turn the Sorting Hat into a pumpkin head?

Seeing that Professor McGonagall started the sorting ceremony directly, Browder was even more speechless.

Taking her long parchment, she began to pronounce the name on it.

"Hannah Abbott!"

Well, this unstoppable name should be expected by many people, right?

Browder felt normal as he watched the rash little girl enter Hufflepuff.

Browder has some impressions of this girl...because the surname of Aibo is also one of the 2 holy families, her father should be expelled from the family because he married a Muggle wizard!

Such news is well known in pureblood circles...in the ranks of those who are spurned by them.

If Browder married Qiu, he would be so scorned.

Only if Browder remembers correctly, this girl later married Neville and became the proprietress of the Leaky Cauldron.

It's not easy to survive the final battle.

Starting with this girl, the freshmen went up one by one and put on their sorting hats for sorting.

Ravenclaw soon welcomed a new student, but he didn't expect that the first one would be a boy, and Marcos shook his hand.

"Seamus Finnigan!"

The sorting continued, but the little prince of the explosion was different from the freshman in front of him. He let the Sorting Hat consider it for more than a minute before assigning him to Gryffindor.

"Ah, I thought I was embarrassed to have a hat?" Marcos suddenly remembered the title.

"How can it be so easy!" As a nearly embarrassed Browder, he actually didn't want others to persist longer than him.

Marcos and Eddie giggled.

They don't know why sometimes Browder insists on some or not, but it's fun to tease Browder with these things.

"Hermione Granger!"

As the name was read, Browder saw Hermione hurried over and quickly put on her hat.

"If I'm embarrassed, I think this little girl is more likely!" Browder's words made Marcus Eddie and Qiu both look at Hermione.

Qiu found out that it was the cute little girl he met on the train earlier, so he looked at Browder again.

Although Browder said he didn't like girls with freckles, Qiu could actually feel that Browder didn't ignore this little girl like he completely ignored other girls.

Are freckles and slightly larger front teeth easy to get rid of as a wizard?

"Is there anything special about her?" Eddie asked Browder after watching it for more than ten seconds. The Sorting Hat hadn't made a decision yet.

"I saw her on the train, and I am very confident. As a Muggle wizard, I have a thirst for knowledge about everything in the new world. Although I follow the rules, I have the courage to change everything about myself..." Browder thought for a while, "It should be a character similar to Minister Nobby Ritchie."

Nobby Ritchie, the first Muggle-born British Minister of Magic, served from 962 to 1996. There are many talented ministers. He is committed to better integrating the Muggle world with the wizarding world.

However, due to being too hasty, it caused a backlash from the pure-blood wizards who were already dissatisfied with his appointment, and then resigned because of some mysterious disease.

Later, after the rise of Voldemort, there were wizard rumors that Minister Nobby Ritchie was cursed by Voldemort who had not fully grown up.

Now think about it probably.

Hearing Browder's comments, Marcos and Eddie looked at each other.

"Why do you have such a comment if you only met once?" Marcos didn't understand. "Meeting for an afternoon?"

Eddie also had the same reaction, very incomprehensible.

Browder shrugged, "Just think I'm talking nonsense!"

It's just that as time passed, the Sorting Hat didn't announce Hermione's house for longer and longer, and Marcos and Eddie's expressions became more and more strange.

Does Browder still have the gift of a prophet? It doesn't matter if it's really a hat embarrassment, but it's a differentiator after all.

But unfortunately, before five minutes came, the Sorting Hat had assigned Hermione a house.


Well, it's the Little Lions Academy.

The hearts that Marcos and Eddie held were relieved.

In response, Browder shrugged again, "I'll just say when I'm talking nonsense!"

After all, being embarrassed is not so easy.

It's just that even Browder didn't expect that a hat embarrassment really appeared next.

Marcos nearly cheered when he calculated that the Sorting Hat had been on Neville Longbottom's head for more than five minutes.

Hey, someone surpassed Browder's record!

In this regard, Browder glared at Marcos several times.

It's just this incident that really surprised Browder.

Seeing that Neville, who was finally sorted into Gryffindor, forgot to take off the Sorting Hat and ran to the long table in Gryffindor, he had to run back to return the hat. Browder knew what he meant to the world. The changes made are ultimately effective.

Don't look at Neville, who is now cared for by his parents, and the Neville in Browder's impression is highly similar, but an embarrassed appearance means that there are actually many changes in his heart.

I don't know if it's braver or more mediocre?

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