Harry Potter Blood Hunter

Chapter 530: Snape's Choice (continued)

When Snape came out of the tree hole, what he saw was exactly what he thought.

Lupine had already started to transform into a werewolf trembling all over.

This state is irreversible under the full moon, even if you drink the chamaejasme potion.

In a short time, Lupine had turned into a werewolf, his clothes were completely torn, and the handcuffs on his arms were all scratched by him. And he had already waved his paw to slap Ron.

Harry, who was walking behind, also ran forward quickly at this time.

If it was Peter Pettigrew, it would be fine, but he was right Ron, so Harry had to deal with it!

There may also be wolf's poison on the paws of werewolves, which cannot be resisted by ordinary wizards.

Ron may have some combat effectiveness at ordinary times, but now he has a broken leg and his arm is still connected to Pettigrew Peter, so he is powerless to fight back.

So of course Harry wanted to help.

The flame-like red in the eyes lit up, and the two wings fluttered from the depths of the back and shook again and again, leading Harry, who had completed the half-dragon transformation, into the werewolf Lupine.

Lupine the werewolf was directly knocked into the air! Sirius, who had also turned into a big black dog, took the opportunity to press down on him, and even jumped up and down so that he couldn't stand up.

According to the plan made in the passage, Snape should rush out to help at this time. But Snape was already shocked by Harry Potter's transformation, and stopped his movements.

What's happening here? Animagus?

No, no, although I don't know Animagus, this change of Harry Potter is definitely not Animagus. Black and Peter next to him are the representatives.

Although Harry Potter is like a dragon in this state, it is definitely not something that can be achieved by the Transfiguration Spell.

The nature of magic in Harry Potter's body has changed!


Suddenly there was a scream, Harry looked back, and found that Peter Pettigrew had knocked Ron down in a fighting way, and found his wand from his pocket... After so long Time Ron's pet mouse, of course he knew where Ron would put his wand.

Boom! Hermione casts a spell on Peter Pettigrew. But he dodged it easily, and after quickly unlocking the handcuffs, he used Ron's body as a shield, when Hermione didn't know what to do for a while.

Meow! With a ferocious meow, Crookshanks, the big cat, rushed directly towards Peter Pettigrew.

Seeing Crookshanks rushing towards Peter Pettigrew, he was still a little scared... After all, he has been a mouse for so long, and his animal nature has affected him in all aspects.

No, I've turned back into a human being, so there's no need to be afraid of cats!

Peter Pettigrew came back to his senses in a second, and the wand was about to give Crookshanks a slap in the face.

But in the next second, he flew by himself.

By the way, there is an anti-theft device set by Browder on Ron's wand!

Harry and Hermione thought at the same time.

Thinking back to how Ron had been so precious to his wand for so long, it was worth it just now.

Really life-saving at critical moments!

And Peter Pettigrew can't use this wand to turn into a mouse, too.

Crookshanks was the quickest to respond to Pettigrew Peter being bounced off. With another fierce "meow", she rushed over and bit Peter's hand holding the wand.

Peter screamed and kicked Crookshanks flying.

Crookshanks' teeth were still not sharp enough to bite off Pettigrew's finger, but he was already bleeding.

More importantly, Crookshanks, who was kicked away, was holding Ron's wand in his mouth.

"Good girl, great work!" Hermione exclaimed excitedly, and then began to attack Pettigrew with her wand.

Now that he had distanced himself from Ron because of the rebound of the spell just now, Hermione was no longer afraid of accidentally hurting him.

but! Peter really deserves to be a wizard who fought against Voldemort before and later became a spy. Don't look at his sloppy appearance now,

But combat experience is better than many Aurors.

He was... He escaped many of Hermione's spells by rolling and crawling, and escaped faster than many people.

Harry turned to help, but by this time the werewolf Lupine had thrown Sirius off his back, stood up and slapped Sirius.

After flying, the werewolf Lupine bit it with his big mouth.

In the choice between saving Sirius and capturing Peter Pettigrew, Harry chose the former without even thinking about it.

Phew... The flames were generated on the surface of Harry's body, and then quickly gathered behind Harry, forming a thick flame tail.

Dragon tail technique!

The flame seemed to take shape, and with Harry's movement, it was drawn to Lupine the werewolf's chest in an instant, knocking him flying again.

Breath of the dragon!

A flame shot out of Harry's mouth, hitting Lupine the werewolf again in the chest.


In the nearby woods, Harry and Hermione, who arrived three hours later, were talking.

Hermione was also praising Harry, "Harry, your tricks are really cool!"

Harry was also a little embarrassed, "I also know these tricks!"

Dragon's breath, dragon's tail, and dragon's wings slap, they can be called the three axes of dragon attack, and it is already very good to be able to use them skillfully.

After thinking about it, Harry suddenly became discouraged again.

Because these tricks are pretty cool, so what, didn't they make Peter Pettigrew run away?

"Harry," murmured Hermione, as if she knew exactly what he was thinking, "we just have to stay where we are. We must not be seen. There's nothing we can do now..."

"Then we're going to let Pettigrew escape again..." Harry said quietly.

"How can we find a mouse in the dark?" snapped Hermione. "We can't do anything! We came back to help Sirius, and we shouldn't be doing anything else!"

"Okay!" Harry sighed.

Hermione was also right. But no one else can come to help them?


Harry finally restrained Lupine the werewolf and made him lie on the ground temporarily unable to get up.

But at this moment, Hermione screamed again.

Harry quickly turned his head and saw Pettigrew Peter holding another wand and pointing at himself.

wand? Where did it come from?

Looking at the torn pieces of clothes on the ground, Harry suddenly realized that this was Lupine's clothes, and the wand was Lupine's wand in the clothes.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry yelled, pointing his own wand at Peter Pettigrew.

Harry's spell was activated very quickly, and Lupine's wand flew high into the air, and it didn't know where it fell.

"Stay there!" Harry yelled, running forward.

However, it was too late.

Peter Pettigrew has begun to transform.

When Harry rushed over, Peter Pettigrew had already run into the grass, and Harry could only hear the sound of sprinting in the grass, which made Harry sweat profusely.

At this time, a werewolf howl came from behind again, Harry turned around and saw the werewolf escaped, and it was running towards the Forbidden Forest.

The recovery power of the werewolf is really scary. He was able to run now after suffering such severe burns just now.

"Sirius, Lupine's gone. Peter Pettigrew has been transformed!" Harry yelled.

Sirius in the form of a big black dog was bleeding, and there were wounds on his muzzle and back, but he got up again when he heard Harry's words, and he ran away in an instant, and the sound of paws landing soon became inaudible .

Looks like he's chasing Lupine.

Harry and Hermione rushed towards Ron.

Ron has passed out, but fortunately, his life is not in danger for the time being.

Crookshanks still has Ron's in his mouth?

Wand, standing proudly by.

But at this moment, they heard a bark and a whimper in the darkness, a dog barked in pain...

"Sirius..." Harry murmured.

Harry sprinted, Hermione right behind him.

The barking seemed to come from the other side of the lake.

They ran desperately there. Harry ran as hard as he could, feeling cold without thinking about what it meant to be cold. It wasn't until the howling stopped suddenly and they ran to the lake that they realized why—Sirius had become a man again.

Sirius was squatting with his hands raised above his head.

"Don't, don't, don't," Sirius moaned incoherently, "Don't, don't, please..."

I think that's all he can say now.

Then Harry saw them.

Dementors, at least a hundred of them, were gliding toward them in a black mass around the lake.

Harry turned quickly, the familiar cold feeling permeating his insides, the mist began to blur his vision, and more and more of these guys came from the darkness on all sides; they were enveloping...

"Call God's Guardian!" Hermione was still trustworthy at this moment, as soon as her Ugly Duckling Patronus came out, it drove away the cold atmosphere and kept the dementors away a lot.

Normally, the dementors would have already left because they hated the breath of the patron saint.

But this time the dementors didn't.

Because the dementors have discovered the breath of Sirius.

The dementors have already obtained permission to kiss Sirius, so now they are going to carry it out!

The temptation of the wizard's soul has made the dementors tolerate the existence of the Patronus.

The continuous attack of more than a hundred dementors made Hermione's Patronus gradually unable to do what it wanted, and began to slowly dissipate.

A cold feeling came to my heart again.

"Hermione, I'm here to help you! Think more about the happy things!" Harry cried, raising his wand, blinking furiously to get a better view, shaking his head to get rid of what had started in his mind. A faint scream—I'm going to live with the godfather, I'm leaving the Dursleys.

He forced himself to think of Sirius, and only of Sirius, and began to chant, "Call for protection!"

Yearning for a new life, Harry's unformed Patronus was finally completed at this moment.

A one-meter-tall fire dragon appeared from the white light, rushed out of the defense circle of Hermione's patron saint, and bit the approaching dementors.

Very effective. Many dementors were severely injured.

However, the dementors still did not give up, and they even attacked Harry's Patronus in turn.

Although the Patronus was powerful, Harry's Patronus was almost dissipated due to the repeated attacks of hundreds of dementors.

The mighty patron saint of fire dragons is still too young.

Hermione's Patronus had been broken earlier, and she herself had passed out.

Only Harry remained on the defensive.

"No—no—" Harry gasped, "he's innocent, huh, huh, oh God..."

Harry could feel them watching him and hear the rattling of their breathing, which blew around him like a sharp wind.

The one closest to him seemed to be examining him, then it raised two rotting hands and lowered its hood.

Where there should be eyes there is only a thin crust of gray skin. Monotonously covering the empty eye sockets.

But it had a mouth...a shapeless hole that sucked in air with a death-throat sound.

Harry was so terrified that he seemed to be paralyzed, unable to move or speak.

His Patronus flickered off.

Then a pair of strong, cold, wet hands suddenly strangled Harry's neck. It forced Harry to look up, Harry could even feel the rancid smell in its breath - it had to finish Harry first.

Harry's mother was screaming in Harry's ears, and she would be the last he heard.

Harry thought so.

But at this moment, a gust of fog was engulfing him, and the dementor who wanted to kiss Harry was sent flying again.

Harry saw a silvery light, growing brighter.

Harry lay on his back, too weak to move, trembling, and opened his eyes.

Blinding lights lit up the lawn around him... the screaming in his ears had stopped, the cold was fading away.

But the voice didn't disappear completely, another warm female voice sounded in Harry's ear.

At the same time, it is the voice of Harry's mother, but this time it is no longer her scream before death, but the words spoken to Harry in normal life.

Cozy and warm.

Harry's mind warmed up again at the sound.

But Harry was so weak now that he could hardly keep his eyes open.

Something drove those guys back... something surrounded him and Sirius and Hermione... and the crackling sucking sounds of the dementors faded away.

They're leaving, the air is warming up again...

With all his strength, Harry opened his eyes and saw it in the air...

It was a doe, beautiful and warm!

But the next moment, the doe flew towards the other side of the lake.

Don't go... Harry's gradually blurred eyes made it difficult to see clearly.

Then, finally, Harry passed out.


The time was set back two minutes, and three hours later, Harry and Hermione were here near the other side of the lake, a place where they could see the doe patron saint that Harry said appeared, but the other party could not see themselves.

Of course Hermione didn't believe Harry's account of his mother's presence, but if not, how was that beautiful doe Patronus to be explained?

Strong curiosity drove Hermione and Harry to hide here.

Then they saw Harry on the other side of the lake, about to be kissed by a dementor.

"Harry, you're going to die!" Hermione said worriedly.

Harry was shaking too.

Is it just an illusion? But if so, how could the dementors let them go?

The answer to all this appeared in the next second.

Rifts of silver-white mist really appeared on the shore, and Harry and Hermione's mouths opened wide!

It really appeared out of thin air!

Could it really be Harry's mother?

But when the Doe Patronus was fully formed, Harry and Hermione saw the truth, and half a wand seemed to appear suddenly from mid-air, directing the Doe Patronus to save Harry and the others.

It's a weird situation, but both Harry and Hermione see it a lot.

That's what the invisibility cloak does.

Although they didn't see the face, a name came to Harry's and Hermione's minds.

Professor Snape!

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