Harry Potter Blood Hunter

Chapter 543 One more game!

The players of the national team have not been very happy in training these two days.

The first is the sudden confluence of Harry Potter. Although Harry Potter's reputation is indeed very, very large, he is still a student at school. Let such a kid be the most important Seeker in the national team... Is there any problem with the coach's head?

Many players are upset about the Seekers who were brushed off from their original team.

But the meaning of the coach is very simple... don't you think so? Then go try it!

Then, Harry used his strength to make these players at least verbally acknowledge his position.

The second point is that there is no opponent. You must know that they are really satisfied with training in this arena now... Even just one day after training, some players suggested to the coach to let him respond to the higher-ups. After the game, this place should not be dismantled. Competitions can also come here.

But the training effect here is too bad.

Because the various training tactics have to be kept secret, and a strong enough opponent cannot be invited to fight, so the running-in between the players has not been done well.

If things go on like this, when it's time for the game, they may still not change at all.

So on the second day after they complained, the coach said that he had invited the training opponent.

The team members were very happy after hearing this. But I didn't see the arrival of the opposing team after training all morning.

But a few young boys and girls came... Then the coach said that their opponent was this team - the Hogwarts Ravenclaw team.

School... school team?

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Hey, hey, coach, are you joking again!

The coach's reaction to this was exactly the same as it had been to Harry's situation.

Don't think so? Then go try it!

The coach's words really stimulated the players.

try? Just try it!

Except for a freak like Harry Potter, it's already disgusting, so can the whole team be freaks?



Hmm... emmmm...

Harry, who was flying high in the sky and pretending to be fighting with Qiu, couldn't help laughing when he saw the training and competition below.

Indeed, in terms of individual ability alone, the members of the national team are undoubtedly higher than the members of the Ravenclaw team.

In terms of size, technology, experience, etc., they are all superior.

But the cooperation of the Ravenclaw team is much tacit than that of the national team.

When a single player cannot confront head-on, the strength of the collective becomes one of the major factors that determine the outcome.

Well, even with all that said, the score in the competition is still one-sided.


Zero eggs belong to the national team players.

The players of the national team simply cannot accept this result, even if it is just training now.

But the training has been beaten like this, so there is nothing to say.

And the reason for this situation is that the only goalkeeper in the Ravenclaw team has a passable physique.

Only then did everyone know. It turned out that the school team wasn't just Harry Potter being a freak, but also this Lestrange... a guy who was even weirder than a freak.

This guy is clearly a bug.

At the beginning of the game, the national team members thought they were not serious, so they didn't use their right to throw the ball, but all the Quaffles were blocked by him... Then it was the school team players who scored two times in their goal. ball.

This makes them lose face. So they got serious.

Then, they found out that they were really serious...and it was useless.

No matter what dazzling blindfolds or tough attacks they used, Lestrange on the opposite side could easily block them.

Ignoring all the pretentious attacks, just staring at where the Quaffle is... The simplest way, combined with the powerful mobility of the Firebolt to achieve this goal, is to defend the three goals like an impregnable wall.

This... what to do?

During the timeout, the national team members had no idea when they got together.

Although they also saw that during the game, the best way to deal with this kind of goalkeeper is to let the seeker quickly catch the golden snitch to win, but now it is training.

And they couldn't be ashamed to ask Harry Potter to help... And the female Seeker on the school team is also very skilled. If she keeps pestering her, she can really prevent Harry Potter from catching the Snitch. .

So the more the training game was played, the more desperate the national team members were.

And as the game passed, they also felt that other members of the school team had also grown up rapidly. It was possible to get the ball from them with fake moves before, but it became more and more difficult afterward.

Well, they didn't get stronger, but the school team got stronger.

It's getting harder and harder to fight.

Among all the players, the goalkeeper is the one who suffers the most.

Although he also blocked most of the Ravenclaw team's attacks, there were always omissions.

In other cases, this kind of thing is justifiable, but compared to Lestrange who is blocking all attacks like a mountain, he just compares goods and throws them away!

The goalie is also a veteran. He has played in the major leagues for many years, but he has never doubted reality so much.

If the coach hadn't repeatedly confirmed that the Quaffle hadn't been tampered with, they would have wondered if Lestrange, who had recently become famous in the academic world, had added some magic spell to the Quaffle to show the direction, so they knew the position so clearly .

When the score of the Ravenclaw team reached 160 points, the coach finally stopped the training game.

Almost all the national team members who have suffered a strong psychological blow have doubted their lives.

In the Quidditch match, the most humiliating result of the match is that the team members opened up a gap of more than 160 points... You can't win even if you catch the golden snitch.

And the most humiliating result was that not only the goal score was stretched by 160 points, but even the Golden Snitch was caught by the opponent in the end.

Both of these situations are rare in the major leagues and the World Cup.

The former, unless it is really apart from the seekers, the basic abilities of the two teams are very different.

As for the latter, he couldn't even compare to a Seeker.

It's all like this, how can you have the nerve to continue to stay?

The self-esteem of the national team members who fell to the ground was knocked to the ground, and it was broken into countless pieces, and they couldn't get back together.

They thought about leaving.

What a shame!

Being beaten like this by a school team, how can they still have the nerve to continue calling themselves the national team?

But just before they were about to kick the coach, Browder flew in front of them with a Firebolt.

"My team members are not tired yet, are you all tired?" Browder asked in a calm tone, but no one could hear the irony in it.

"Of course not!" The goalkeeper responded the most, "I can continue!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's play again!" Browder controlled the Firebolt to rise up, "It's not long before the official match. If you don't want to lose at the time, then practice more now! The training just now In the game, my players can see that you are not cooperating well at all. You are all attacking and defending in your own way."

"But yes, even if you all join forces, it is impossible to break my goal."

One sentence made all the national team members angry.

Even though everyone knew that he said that on purpose, he couldn't stop his anger.

Needless to say anything earlier, all the team members mounted the Firebolt again and flew over the arena.

Don't you want to see our cooperation?

Then let you see our major league cooperation?

Then let you see! Don't cry after reading it!


"Oh~ Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho! You are not allowed to cry? I will answer this sentence to you as it is! No, I allow you to cry! You can cry and cry."

Browder let out a queen-like laugh, maximizing the attraction of hatred, and dealt a knowing blow to the national team members who had lost three games in a row.

All broken!

But the national team members can't speak harsh words anymore.

Their already shattered self-esteem has now been crushed to the ground.

After the team members of the national team really cooperated, their combat effectiveness really doubled, and the Ravenclaw players were all stunned.

But Browder, as the ultimate bastion, really blocked all attacks.

Block everyone without temper.

Even when the biggest players slam the Quaffle toward the goal, Browder can face him and drive him back.

Browder was fine, but the other side was dizzy. He didn't even know that the Quaffle was snatched by Browder.

Even Browder took this opportunity to show another performance from motionless to thunderous, shooting straight towards the opposite goal like a sharp arrow, winning the goalkeeper and throwing the Quaffle into the goal.

The national team members are all stupid.

"Let's do it again!"

Hearing this sentence again, the members of the national team nodded subconsciously, then shook their heads quickly.

The subconscious still wants to get back on the field, but the existing spirit shrinks back.

"Since everyone nodded, let's come!" Browder selectively ignored their shaking heads behind him, "But this time the configuration needs to be changed. I won't play, and your team's goalkeeper will come to our team to guard the goal."

Browder proposed to make most of the players shine.

This bug is not playing this time? That's great! This time they are sure to win.

Still, the proposal stunned one person. Of course it's the goalkeeper!

The goalkeeper's jaw is about to drop... Well, do you have any grudges against me? Why are you doing this to me?

This veteran can fully imagine what will be waiting for him in a while... So the resentment of the players for all the shots being blocked will be doubled to find a place for him.

He will become the biggest sandbag. So he could only ask the coach for help.

However, the coach agreed to Browder's proposal... It was originally what they had discussed before, so how could they not agree.

So all the players are happy.

Goals one after another lifted their suppressed spirits.

Sure enough, it's the best time to score a goal.

Quidditch, so fucking fun!

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