Harry Potter Blood Hunter

Chapter five hundred and sixtieth three strong competition

Although it was the first day of school, the weather today was very bad, it was pouring rain, and everyone had to rush to the castle in the rain again.

It seems that last year's first day of school had similar weather... They can still think of the dementor who suddenly got on the train in the heavy rain at this time last year!

Pray that there will be no moths today!

However, compared to the distress of other little wizards, Braud and his group are very relaxed.

Because Browder has added a waterproof and moisture-proof to everyone, the effect includes the whole person. The raindrops fell, whether it was on the clothes or the hair, they couldn't survive at all and flowed down the body surface.

"I don't know who the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor will be this school year? Broud, do you have any news?" Eddie asked Braud casually as soon as he got off the Thestral carriage.

Now who is the professor of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class every year has attracted the attention of many young wizards.

After all, they haven't been in the job for less than a year, so everyone wants to know which other warrior dares to take up this cursed position.

"You'll know in a while! Don't be so anxious!" Browder replied, but suddenly turned his head at an angle, and said to a dark place, "Peeves, I found you! Come out!"

Everyone had already walked to the side of the auditorium. After hearing these words, following Browder's gaze, everyone looked at the shadow... Then a soul body the size of a child flew out. He is a small ghost in a hat with bells and an orange bow tie.

"Damn it!" Peeves was very unwilling, holding a water polo in his hand, he wanted to hit people passing by.

But now that Browder had spotted him, it wouldn't be a prank to throw a water polo now.

So Peeves flew away. At least leave in front of the current group of people first, the next group of people... double the mischief!

Although everyone is not afraid of being hit by the water polo now, it is of course a good thing not to be hit.

Walking into the auditorium happily, everyone couldn't help shivering with a warm breath.

Very comfortable!

The auditorium is still as magnificent as it used to be. Now decorated for opening celebrations, gold plates and goblets glisten in the light of hundreds of candles floating in mid-air, and four long tables host chattering students. At the front of the auditorium, professors and staff sit at a fifth table, facing their students.

There are plenty of empty seats at this table, though. In the middle of the table sat the Headmaster, Professor Dumbledore. His silver hair and long collar shone in the candlelight, and his gorgeous dark green chest was embroidered with stars and moons.

He noticed Dumbledore the first time he looked at Dumbledore. Dumbledore looked back at the ceiling and signaled to Braud with his eyes.

Browder sat down after nodding.

It didn't take long for the other young wizards who were not in the first grade to gather in the auditorium.

When Harry came in,

There really was a lot of twists and turns.

Even if they were all classmates, many people were turned into fans by Harry's exquisite performance in the World Cup.

A large group of people gathered around Harry asking him for an autograph...all a bunch of irrational fans.

Especially Colin, who was originally a fan of Harry, now wanted to get Ginny out of the way so that he could take a picture next to Harry.

Not to mention protecting Harry, Ron and Ginny were squeezed to the point of fainting.

In the absence of Professor McGonagall, it was Professor Snape who yelled loudly, which made the group of irrational little wizards return to their seats, allowing Harry to get out of trouble.

They were still more afraid of Professor Snape than they liked Harry.

Thank you very much! Harry thanked Professor Snape with his eyes, but Professor Snape obviously didn't look at him.

Although Harry could get rid of the group of fans who suddenly surrounded him by himself, it was definitely not as easy as it is now.

Harry hastily ran to the seat Hermione had reserved for them and sat down.

Just after Hermione helped Harry and the others dry their wet clothes, the door of the auditorium suddenly opened, and Professor McGonagall walked in with a group of freshmen who looked very small.

If Harry, Ron and Ginny had only been wet before, it was nothing compared to the freshmen, who looked like they had swum across the lake rather than boated them, all shivering with cold and nervousness.

However, a warm breeze blew past, and the freshmen didn't feel cold anymore, and their clothes dried quickly.

Browder had picked up his knife and fork and was waiting to finish sorting quickly and enter dinner time. Feeling the magic power belonging to Dumbledore in this breeze, he shrugged boredly.

Instead of listening to the noisy sound of the Sorting Hat, which couldn't be called singing at all, Browder carefully studied the texture on the table knife, thinking about what angle such a table knife should be used to cut food better.

But Browder's lazy behavior couldn't continue at all.

The first freshman was assigned to Ravenclaw. And the prefects of the fifth grades of each college who are responsible for welcoming new students.

Although reluctantly, this year's Ravenclaw fifth year male prefect is Braud.

The female prefect is Qiu.

The prefect badge was sent along with this year's notice.

Even after receiving the prefect badge, the surprised Browder personally wrote several letters to Professor McGonagall, explaining why he was not suitable to be a prefect, but how could Professor McGonagall's character be rejected by Browder in a few words? persuade? Still keep replying to Browder, saying that he is the most suitable candidate.

No way, there are only three boys in Ravenclaw in the fifth grade, Eddie and Marcus are headed by Browder. Although they are all excellent, none of them are suitable for administrative work like a prefect.

Browder really wanted to say that he himself was not suitable for management, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that he was not convincing at all in this regard... He has a magic toy joke shop all over Europe. And the dueling club he is the president of is already the largest club in Hogwarts...

If you don't choose him, who will you choose?

Browder was depressed.

In this regard, it was Qiu who finally convinced Browder.

Of course, the male prefect must cooperate with the female prefect. If Browder doesn't want to be a prefect, is he unwilling to cooperate with her?

How could Browder dare to accept such cruel words?

Therefore, Browder still took the position of the prefect.

Browder: Oh, I really don't want to be that!

(Percy: ...)

For this reason, every freshman who enters Ravenclaw, Browder shakes their hands and welcomes them.

But the ratio of men and women entering Ravenclaw is as impressive as ever.

The sorting ceremony was over, and there were a total of 12 freshmen who joined Ravenclaw this year, of which there were only four boys... one more than Browder's class.

Although Browder said that he didn't want to do such troublesome things, when he finally started to eat, he didn't just work hard like before, but introduced to the freshmen how to eat various foods. It was delicious, which aroused the enthusiasm and appetite of the freshmen.

Even the girls ate a lot because of this, and all of them felt a little bloated and uncomfortable.

While eating dessert, Browder also told them some anecdotes about Hogwarts, which made them full of curiosity about this thousand-year-old castle.

After the last desserts were finished, all the tables and cutlery were removed, Dumbledore stood up again, and the buzzing conversation in the auditorium stopped immediately, only the low howling wind outside and the pounding of heavy rain could be heard. hit sound.

"Attention." Dumbledore smiled at them, "We are all fed and drunk now. However, I remind you to pay attention, I have a few things to inform."

Dumbledore first said the various taboos that Filch asked him to say, and then continued, "I still want to remind you that students are not allowed to enter the Forbidden Forest, and those under the third grade cannot go to Hogsmeade."

"Also, I regret to inform you that the Intramural Quidditch Cup will not be held this year."

"What?" Harry gasped. Although he already knew the news, he was still very unhappy to be confirmed by Dumbledore himself.

But Harry didn't see it, except for the few of them who had been living in the Burrow, the other little wizards were not too surprised.

Dumbledore's face evidently brightened at Harry's voice, before he continued, "This is because there is an event that starts in October and will last the entire school year. A lot of your time and energy - but I promise, you'll enjoy the event, and I'm delighted to announce that this year Hogwarts -"

Just then, there was a deafening thunder from the ceiling and the doors of the auditorium slammed open.

A man stood in the corridor, leaning on a long cane and wearing a black traveling cloak, and everyone in the hall turned to look at the stranger.

Suddenly a thunderclap flashed across the roof, illuminating him, and he took off his hood, letting down a long gray mane and dark gray hair. He started walking towards the staff desk.

With every step he took, the hall echoed with a deep rattling, and he reached the end of the table, turned to the right, and walked towards Dumbledore. Another thunderbolt flashed across the roof, and many people were startled.

The light from the lightning clearly showed the man's face, a face that many people had never seen, and to a man who had only a vague idea of ​​a human face, it seemed to be carved out of rotten wood , the sculptor seems to have no experience in how to use a chisel, every inch of skin on the face seems to be scarred, the mouth is like a deep oblique cut, and a large part of the bridge of the nose is missing, but what is scary is the man's Eye.

One of the eyes was like a bead, small and black, while the other was like a coin, big and round, and still blue. This blue eye kept turning without blinking, turned up and down, looked left and right, it was not like a normal eye, the blue eye turned to the right, toward the back of his head, so they could only look to the whites of his eyes.

The stranger approached Dumbledore, who held out a hand as scarred as his face. Dumbledore shook his hand and said something. He seemed to be asking the stranger, and the stranger answered with a suppressed voice and shaking his head without a smile on his face.

Dumbledore nodded, motioning for the man to take the vacant seat to his right

"Let me introduce our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher." Dumbledore said happily, breaking the silence. "He's Professor Moody."

"Moody?" Harry said to Ron. "Evil Eye Moody? The guy your dad went to help this morning?"

"Probably," Ron whispered in awe.

"What's the matter with him?" Hermione whispered. "What's the matter with his face?"

"I don't know." Ron also said quietly, and looked at Moody with interest, "But if it's him, it seems normal not to be afraid of the curse of this position!"

Because Moody has long been out of order.

Dumbledore cleared his throat again, "As I said just now, we are honored to host an extremely exciting event next month, which has not been held for more than a century. I am very pleased to inform you that the Triwizard Tournament , it will be held again at Hogwarts this year!"

harry potter blood hunter

harry potter blood hunter

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