On the way to Hagrid's hut, Nydia met Draco, accompanied by Crabbe and Goyle.

"Does it still hurt?" Draco looked at Nydia's neck.

"There's still a little bit left, but it should be fine in two days." Nidia replied.

"You smell a little different today."

Draco came closer to Nydia, and Nydia immediately distanced herself from him. Although a long time had passed, Nydia was not sure whether the smell of the ointment on her body had completely dissipated. , she didn't want Draco to smell this on her.

"What's wrong"

Draco was a little surprised by Nydia's sudden alienation. He approached Nydia again, but Nydia immediately distanced herself again, as if she didn't want to get too close to him.

"What happened?" Draco's voice was filled with annoyance.

"Nothing happened. It's just that." Nitya was a little flustered and looked around and said, "Class is about to start. Let's go to class quickly."

Draco didn't understand what was wrong with Nydia, but he didn't say anything more and walked beside Nydia towards Hagrid's hut.

Hagrid was standing at the door of the hut waiting for his classmates. He was wearing a moleskin coat, and Fang was standing at his feet, as if he couldn't wait to start.

"Come on, hurry up. I have something good to show you today. This class is wonderful. Everyone is here. Okay, come with me." Hagrid happily led everyone towards the direction of the Forbidden Forest. go.

"Oh my god, Hagrid is not going to take us to see something in the Forbidden Forest, is he?" Hagrid's excited expression made Nydia worried. Things that Hagrid can call good are usually not gentle. biology.

"Maybe he wants to introduce his precious spider to everyone." Draco sighed. He was already disappointed with this course after learning that the professor of this course was Hagrid.

Fortunately, Hagrid didn't really want to take them to the Forbidden Forest. They just walked along the edge of the Forbidden Forest for a distance, and they came to the outside of a small paddock.

"Okay, first you need to open the textbook." Hagrid gathered everyone around him.

"How to open it?" Draco lazily raised his book tied with a rope into the air.

Other students also took out their textbooks, and all the books were tied up in various ways.

"None of you have been able to open the textbook." Hagrid looked a little disappointed.

Everyone shook their heads.

"I want to pet them." Hagrid took Hermione's textbook and pulled off the tape binding it. The textbook immediately opened its mouth to bite Hagrid. Hagrid ran his index finger down the spine of the book, and the textbook trembled. Spread it out and lie quietly on his palm.

"Wow, why didn't we think of it? It needs to be stroked to open." Draco said with a hint of sarcasm.

"Hey, don't say that." Nydia reminded Draco in a low voice. This was Hagrid's first lesson.

"I think they're quite fun," Hagrid said with a hint of uneasiness.

"I think it's really fun." Michelle said happily, she had quickly silenced her biting book.

"Thank you," Hagrid nodded to Michelle.

"Well, you open the textbook first. What we need next are magical animals. Yes, I will bring them right away. Wait a minute." Hagrid left everyone behind and walked into the Forbidden Forest and disappeared.

Nidia was about to untie her textbook. She was not as excited as Michelle. The scene where the manager of Flourish and Blotts Bookstore was bitten was still vivid in her mind. She didn't want to be bitten like that. She carefully untied the rope, but as soon as she loosened the rope, the textbook began to struggle desperately, and Nidia almost dropped the textbook to the ground.

"Worried" Draco took the textbook from Nydia's hand, untied the rope and quickly rubbed the back of the book, making the book quiet.

"Thank you." Nydia took her textbook from Draco.

"Idiot" Draco looked at the somewhat clumsy Nydia and shook his head helplessly, while Nydia stuck out her tongue at him.

"Ohhhhhh" Lavender suddenly screamed, pointing across the paddock.

A dozen animals ran toward them. They had the bodies, hind legs, and tails of horses, but their front legs, wings, and heads were like those of eagles. Their cold and sharp beaks are the color of steel, their big bright eyes are orange, and the talons on their front legs are half a foot long, making them look intimidating. Each monster had a leather collar around its neck, tied by a long chain. All the chains were held in Hagrid's hands, and he slowly led the monsters into the paddock.

"Hippogriff," Hagrid said happily, waving to them, "How beautiful, isn't it?"

Michelle next to Nidia already had an expression of amazement, but Nidia felt differently from her. Although the hippogriff did look very imposing, and the feathers on its body were very shiny and beautiful. But Nydia is more concerned about their sharp beaks and sharp talons, which are too dangerous.

"Okay, do you want to take a closer look at them?" Hagrid asked everyone with a smile.

However, only Harry, Ron and Hermione approached the fence cautiously. Michelle originally wanted to step forward, but was stopped by Nydia.

"Remember, hippogriffs are very proud and lose their temper easily. Don't humiliate it, otherwise it may kill you." Hagrid continued, "Be sure to wait for the hippogriff. Act first, it's polite, you know? Bow to it, and if it bows to you, you can touch it. If it doesn't bow, get away from it, those claws will hurt."

"Okay, who wants to come first?" Hagrid looked at the crowd expectantly.

After hearing this, most of the students stepped back. Even Michelle, who was eager to try just now, hesitated to move. Hagrid's expression became a little disappointed.

"I'll do it." Finally, Harry stood up. His move made many people worried, especially Lavender and Parvati. She kept reminding Harry to think about his divination results, but Harry ignored them.

"Well done Harry," Hagrid said happily, "let's see how you deal with Buckbeak."

Hagrid pulled out one of the hippogriffs. Buckbeak should be the name Hagrid gave to this hippogriff.

Harry followed Hagrid's instructions and bowed to Buckbeak. After waiting a moment, Buckbeak bent his scaly front knees in an unmistakable bow. Harry got Buckbeak's approval, and all the other students cheered.

Then Hagrid suggested that Harry ride Buckbeak. Harry refused at first, but in the end he chose to cooperate with Hagrid and rode on Buckbeak's back. Buckbeak spread his wings and soared into the air. He got up and took Harry in a circle in the air. The scene seemed more exciting than riding a broomstick.

"Wow, that's cool." Nydia looked at Harry flying in the air and couldn't help but sigh.

Draco snorted slightly displeasedly after hearing this.

When Harry returned to the ground, everyone cheered him.

"Well done, Harry." Hagrid helped Harry off Buckbeak's back, "Okay, who else wants to try it next?"

Encouraged by Harry's success, other students in the class began to carefully walk into the fence. Hagrid untied the hippogriffs one by one. Soon everyone began to choose the ones they wanted to get close to. Hippogriff.

Nydia walked up to Buckbeak. She felt that Harry's success with Buckbeak should mean that Buckbeak was relatively gentle. Draco followed suit.

Nidia bowed to Buckbeak cautiously, then nervously raised her head to look at Buckbeak. Buckbeak stared at Nidia with his big orange eyes, and then bent his head. kneeled in front of him and returned a salute to Nitya. Nidia was so happy that she slowly walked towards Buckbeak and nervously stretched out her hand to touch Buckbeak. Buckbeak did not reject it and just stood there obediently waiting for Nidia to approach.

Nidia lightly touched Buckbeak's metallic-glossy beak. Buckbeak did not dodge. Now Nidia was relieved and walked closer to Buckbeak. Just as Nidia thought When he was about to stroke Buckbeak's lustrous feathers, Buckbeak suddenly raised its front legs and struck at Nidia with its sharp talons.

"Be careful." Just when Nydia thought she couldn't avoid Buckbeak's attack, Draco rushed over. He held Nydia tightly in his arms, and the two fell to the ground.

Nydia felt a wave of heat pass through her cheeks. She turned around and saw that Draco's arms were already red, and his robes were stained with blood. Buckbeak stretched his neck and wanted to continue attacking them. Fortunately, Hagrid arrived in time and put the collar around Buckbeak's neck again.

"Draco, are you okay?" Nydia got up from the ground and looked at Draco nervously. The wound was deep and bleeding was still oozing.

Draco lay on the ground groaning in pain.

"Come and help him Hagrid," Nydia cried in a tearful tone.

Hagrid walked forward and picked up Draco who was lying on the ground. Blood was still dripping from Draco's arm onto the grass.

Nydia felt that there were a lot of noisy sounds around her, including the worried voices of Michelle and Hermione asking her worried questions, and the complaining voices of Pansy and other Slytherin students, but Nydia couldn't care about these. All attention was now on Draco.

Hagrid hugged Draco and rushed up the hillside towards the castle, with Nydia following closely behind him. Along the way, she kept seeing Draco's blood dripping on the ground, and she kept praying in her heart that Draco would be okay. She was so nervous that she even felt a little dizzy.

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